Golden hairpin

Chapter 236 Storm Come

Zhou Xinran was about to subconsciously cover his body. By the way, when he scolded Qin Manxiu again, he found that Manxiu had already turned around, and the handsome face with closed eyes on the side was already like a red apple at this time. It was really a little... beautiful and delicious. Somehow, for a while, she was not angry but a little happy.

But at this time, I have the desire to die.

"Miss!" Back in Xinyuan, after hearing that the young lady summoned Qin Manxiu alone, Shen Yuncheng stayed outside the door for fear of an accident. At this time, I heard a strange sound in the room and immediately broke in. But what he saw, he also turned around and stood awkwardly. At this time, Zhou Xinran just quietly took off the torn clothes and said, "It's so cold. Why don't you change my clothes?"

When Man Xiu wanted to call Shen Yuncheng as a rescuer, he retreated knowingly and took the door tightly.

"Why, are you going to let me stand here like this all the time?"

"Yes, miss, wait a minute."

It's easy to calm down your nervous mood. At this point, let's take one step at a time. One of her clothes has been torn. If this new dress is damaged again, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable. Thinking of this, Man Xiu felt that Zhou Xinran was intentional today. However, he is a male prostitute and should be very good at these things. Who told him to know nothing and take today's embarrassment?

It's ridiculous. In the end, no one is surprised. If it's really strange, you can only blame yourself.

Man Xiu raised his spirits and gently picked up Zhou Xinran's new dress, which was neatly arranged. He unfolded it. It was indeed luxurious and unusual, but it also gave him a headache. How to tie up this dress after putting it on?

It doesn't matter! Man Xiu turned around and hurriedly put clothes on Zhou Xinran, but his eyes always looked at the flame in the stove.

"Are you not afraid of wearing it back?"

"Please forgive me for being clumsy!"

Yes, why didn't you think of such a good reason before? I'm stupid enough to undress Zhou Xinran.

"This dress is easy, just tie it here."

Zhou Xinran has covered his belly pocket and took a ribbon in his hand, signaling him to fix it.

It should not be difficult to tie the ribbon. Man Xiu once again took over the ribbon in Zhou Xinran's hand and tied it. But with just a pull, the ribbon broke into two pieces. Man Xiu's hands trembled, and he was sure that he didn't have any strength.

"Humph, are you deliberately looking for me bad luck today? Do you know that this is the dress that will be worn until the ten thousand years old tomorrow?

"I, I'll sew it for you." As soon as he said this, he regretted it. Which string in my mind must have burned out? How could I say something to help Zhou Xinran sew his clothes? There is a tailor. Do you use him?

"Oh? Can you sew things? OK! If you can make these two clothes seamless, I will spare your life. Otherwise, hum, you know.

"I will do my best."

Zhou Xinran took off his dress, pulled out a dress from the wardrobe and put it on his body.

In this process, Manxiu has always turned around and stood up, not daring to cross the thunder pool. If Zhou Xinran hadn't allowed him to step out of the door, he would have wished to grow wings and disappear immediately!

"Miss has changed her clothes?"

"Well, all right."

After a while, when he heard that there was indeed no movement, Man Xiu dared to turn around slowly and did not look up. He just went to take two pieces of clothes torn by him and wanted to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Miss Hui, I'm going to the sewing room. When the clothes are mend, send them to the lady.

"I'll ask someone to go to the sewing room to get the needle and thread, and you can mend it here."

"Miss, but..."

But what is it? Do you know how important this dress is? Don't you want to take revenge on me and take it out and trample it on me again?

"Miss's words are heavy."

Zhou Xinran's tone was unquestionable, and Man Xiu reluctantly stayed. After a while, the needle and thread were sent to the lady's room. The aunt who made needle and thread couldn't help but be a little surprised when she saw that it was Man Xiu who took over the needle and thread. But Miss didn't like outsiders asking more questions, so she didn't dare to talk too much, so she had to send down the needle and thread and retreated.

Man Xiu chose the color of the needle and thread, turned his back to Zhou Xinran, and began to concentrate on stitching.

Zhou Xinran has been looking at it carefully. It can be said that if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that Man Xiu's hand was so clever. In less than a quarter of an hour, both of her clothes were intact and no defects were found.

The ribbon of the new clothes was deliberately torn by Zhou Xinran himself. She just wanted to see Man Xiu's adaptability. Unexpectedly, he did not argue that it was not the clothes he had damaged, nor did he beg for mercy and compensation, but chose to deal with it in time. This is quite in line with Zhou Xinran's taste. Don't panic. It's a material to do great things. No wonder Dad will like him. Unfortunately, people will have shortcomings, and there are too many shortcomings.

"Miss, it's sewn. Try it on."

Zhou Xinran took the clothes and looked at them carefully, but only threw them aside, as if he had no intention to try them on again.

Man Xiu, who stood aside, didn't know what to say at this time. He felt that the air was embarrassing and suffocating. He only hoped that Zhou Xinran would show mercy and quickly let him go. However, Zhou Xinran was stunned and didn't say a word. He only sat by the bedside, shaking his two calves back and forth.

"Miss, if there is no other order, Man Xiu will leave first."

"Retired? Where are you going?

Man Xiu was stunned, and then said, "The housekeeper asked me to register for the guqin, but it was delayed because I came to report the news first."

"Isn't it a guqin? Shen Yuncheng!"

Shen Yuncheng outside the door appeared in the house again and was ordered to send someone to retrieve the guqin for Man Xiu.

"Is it okay this time? I asked someone to pick up the piano for you. What else?

Man Xiu secretly cried bitterly in his heart. Zhou Xinran obviously did not mean to let himself go, but he did not punish him as fiercely as before. What on earth was his idea? I really shouldn't have come to report today. Isn't it the same to ask others? I have to touch this tigress by myself. Oh, it's also fate!

After that, Zhou Xinran sent the tailor and lay on the bench to read. It was not until noon that Yinger appeared that Zhou Xinran closed the book and ordered him to eat. For the first time, Zhou Xinran actually asked Man Xiu to sit down and eat together, which made Man Xiu more confused. Zhou Xinran will never be found by his conscience. He will only be punished more cruelly. Man Xiu doesn't even know whether this will be his last meal...


"You have to change your problem. Do it when you understand everything. Don't ask again, or let me say it again."

Man Xiu lowered his head, and his upper teeth bit his lower lip tightly. I don't know when this seemed to have become a habit for him. Man Xiu really hopes that it is still the stormy beating of the past, at least he can survive it by gritting his teeth. But now, I'm thinking about it, I'm scared, and I don't know what my fate will be like at the next moment.

He didn't believe that he had caused Zhou Xinran to be scolded and torn her clothes. Zhou Xinran would still treat him so well. It should be said that she has never treated him well. The reason for treating him well now can only be explained by the tranquility before the storm. What will happen to the storm this time?

Tomorrow is the dust-washing banquet, and the emperor will come to Zhoufu tomorrow night, and I'm afraid that playing the piano can only be exchanged for a moment of safety. After playing, I don't know if the soul will return to my hometown, and there is still nearly a day and a half before playing. Instantly change, not to mention a day and a half! Staying beside Zhou Xinran always has to be vigilant, but sometimes, it's impossible to guard against it!

For example, the glass of wine he just drank.

Manxiu has always believed in his drinking capacity, but after this cup, he only felt a little blurred in front of him, and then faded. It doesn't matter how many ecze drugs are put in the wine. The important thing is, what should Zhou Xinran do?

When Manxiu woke up again, he was in a fragrant room. However, when he saw the room clearly, he frowned. This is obviously the residence of the master's wife in the Yingchun Building, and you can see a corner of it in the Hundred Flowers Hall.

It is no accident that it can appear here. Zhou Xinran must know something. Is she going to teach herself a lesson by the old daughter of Yingchunlou? Looking at his limbs locked at the head of the bed and his naked body, Man Xiu seemed to understand Zhou Xinran's intention. What a vicious woman!

"Yo, I'm awake!"

The door was pushed open and three women came in. But when he saw the faces of these three women, Man Xiu almost spit it out. I'm afraid there is no more disgusting and ugly woman in the world as these three in front of him.

It is said that the ugly woman is kind-hearted, and the beautiful woman is the snake and scorpion goblin, but at present, it doesn't seem to be like this. As soon as the three women entered the door, they rushed to Man Xiu's side, and their eyes seemed to swallow his whole body.

"Wow, I've never seen such a handsome boy! I heard that I haven't had meat yet. My sister will help you today!"

"Sister, let my little sister come first. You know, my little sister hasn't had a man for a long time.

"You dead girl, if you don't have a man, it's your business! Sister, I have just developed a new method recently to ensure that this little brother is extremely happy!"

Man Xiu listened to the argument between you and me, and determined Zhou Xinran's way to deal with himself. What should I do? What to do!

"Six sisters, don't quarrel. Since I'm here, I will definitely meet the needs of several sisters. However, I'm afraid that this chain will only damage the interest of several sisters. I don't know if the sisters have a way to open the chain?

"Ha ha, my brother speaks in a really slew. I like it very much. However, my mother told me that you can't be as good to you as a wild horse that is difficult to tame.

"Good sister, mom must have misunderstood something. How about allowing me to meet my mother and fall in love with several sisters?

"Ha ha, I think you'd better fall in love with our three sisters first. How about goodbye to mom?"

With that, the three of them rushed to the mange bound by chains like wolves.