Golden hairpin

Chapter 345 Happy End

"Do you think Brother Su will go too far? Liu Wancai's self-esteem is so strong that he can't stand to go to death if he digs out big shit? In the side hall of Sufu, Mu Lanzhi asked Shen Yuncheng, the new housekeeper of Sufu, with some worries.

"I sent someone to keep an eye on it, and I will deal with it properly as soon as something happens."

"I hope so. But I always feel that this time it's a little bit. Anyway, he is also a trustworthy person. Although it's wrong to threaten Brother Su with Du Xueer's life on the wedding night, after all, he has no intention of harm. It's better to kill him in this way!" Mu Lanzhi was also angry for a moment when she thought of the adventure in the "bridal chamber candle" that Su Manxiu told her and Shen Yuncheng the next day after her marriage, so she agreed to steal the promise letter on Liu Wancai for Manxiu, but she arrived in Chisong Township, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province earlier than Liu Wancai, and successfully replaced Man Xiu's new letter with the previous commitment. Later, I learned that what was written in the new letter was to let Liu Wancai work as a manure exhumer, and I felt a little unbearable.

"It's harmful for him to do that. I have to teach him a lesson. Moreover, he is too greedy and wants to get something for nothing. Let him taste the lowest life in the world, at least he will know how to cherish it in the future.

"I wonder if he will get worse if he gets better in the future. At the beginning, didn't Liu Xi also do something wrong? Did Master Su open up on the Internet in the past, but he was so worried that he finally fell into Master Su's doomed place?

"Therefore, Liu Wancai needs to be observed for a while. However, I believe very much that even a natural enemy like Zhou Xinran can finally become friends with him. I really don't think that Liu Wancai has no hope to become his friend in the end.

"I really don't know what you have been thinking all day long. So many people can make friends, but why do you think of him as a nerd! Moreover, how can his feud with Brother Su's father be resolved in a day or two? According to me, Mo Ruo gave him a sum of money to leave this red pine village forever. From then on, the well water will not violate the river water, isn't it also worry-free?

"The resentment of the father's generation is that of the father's generation and has nothing to do with them. Moreover, what Liu Wancai asked for was the property of the whole Su family. Although Manxiu is not greedy for money, after all, there is his parents' inheritance and his ancestral foundation. Even if he doesn't consider himself, he will at least maintain this part. Therefore, it is impossible to give it all to him. Since you can't satisfy the other party's appetite, why bother to give the so-called money and get a desperate truth?

"Then, won't it be honest?"

"Now except for Liu Wancai, who would think that Su Manxiu did this? Besides, didn't you listen to the neighbors' comments on Liu Wancai's voluntary work as a manure excavator? If not, I really suggest you listen to it before expressing your opinion.

"Oh? What are you talking about?"

"Let's go, I happen to be fine. Let's go out with you."

In the sunset, a thin figure and a tom boy-like girl walked out of Su's house one after another, accompanied by the tom boy's "Hey, slow down, can't you wait for me? It's getting dark. What are you going out to listen to at this time? The shouting and the guilty echo of "Today's market ends late, you will hear a lot there..."

On a cold night, the cold wind, in a broken temple, Liu Wancai and his new companion, the old man, squeezed into a fire. As in the previous days, the two have always been speechless. The old man himself is a talkative person, and it is impossible for Liu Wancai to have the mood to talk more about something at this time.

Every day, it seems that what awaits him is despair, just like this long night. Once it begins, he will experience endless darkness.

For several days in a row, Liu Wancai went to the government and the Su family, but no one helped him get out of the pain. He even threw dung on the outer wall of Su's house several times, just to see Su Manxiu and ask him to give himself an explanation. However, the response was that someone cleaned it up. Unexpectedly, he did not embarras him or hold him any responsibility. Do you feel guilty? It doesn't matter if you get a lot of family money and get such a little shit? Or is it interesting to see that he, a scholar who could have become a master, is willing to surrender his identity and touch the disgusting shit?

play! Acting! Watch the play! Did Liu Wancai study hard for ten years just to become a free actor? Unwilling! I'm so unwilling!

However, it is impossible to go back to Tokyo to find Su Manxiu. First of all, no one will lend him any more. Last time, he couldn't afford to pay it back. Secondly, even if he begged all the way and was lucky enough to live to Tokyo, he would never meet Su Manxiu's chance to get married again. Su Manxiu, who wants to sneak into the Lin Mansion and quietly threaten with his skills, is almost a fantasy. What's more, whether the other party is in Tokyo or another way. Again, when he wants to see Su Manxiu again, it is difficult to guarantee that he will have the patience to force him to write a letter of commitment to transfer property, and he may kill him in anger.

The nightmare of the night, the sadness and shame all day, made Liu Wancai, who was still angry, a little unresistible. People who have looked at him carefully will find that in just a few days, Liu Wancai's eyes have been deep, his cheekbones have been protruding, and his whole body has lost a circle.

"Isn't it cold? I'll go and get some wine." The old man said a rare word, but Liu Wancai did not respond. Cold, it's really cold. Even if there is a fire in front of you, it will be cold every night. Not only the body, but also the heart.

The old man saw that his companion did not respond, but he also expected it, so he didn't say much. He just got up and lifted the wine pot and went out of the temple gate.

Is this the opportunity given to him by God? Look at him living too pitifully? Dad finally couldn't bear to part with him?

At the moment the old man went out, Liu Wancai smiled bitterly. The hand that picked the fire before unconsciously slipped to the belt around my waist and couldn't survive. Let's end it.

The long belt was quickly put on a beam in the broken temple and stepped on the dung bucket. As long as you put your head into the circle and kicked the bucket away, the experience of life will be completely over. Tomorrow, will anyone else remember Liu Wancai? Perhaps, I can only know that there is a person who hangs himself in a broken temple by stepping on a dung bucket.

"Oh, this day, it's really changed for a while. It was fine just now. Why is it raining now? Just as Liu Wancai wanted to hang himself to end his life, he suddenly heard the sound of rain outside and the voice of a strange man.

"What's the way it is! Fortunately, there is a broken temple here. Let's go in and take shelter from the rain. It's another man's voice.

When Liu Wancai heard that the two were coming in, he didn't care about hanging himself. He quickly jumped off the dung bucket, pulled down his clothes on the beam, and hid behind the Buddha statue in the broken temple.

When the two came in, although there was residual warmth in the fire, there was no one.

"Huh? Is there someone here just now?

"Maybe I went to drink. Look, the wine bag is still there, but the wine pot inside is gone."

"I'm going to drink now, and I guess I'll get drenched. But it's okay. Just come back to drink to keep warm, and then it will show the benefits of drinking more.

"Yes...but why is it so stinky here!" While talking, the two people who were just excited to find a good place to hide from the rain frowned.

"Yo, isn't this a bucket of shit? What a mildew!"

"Hi! The manure bucket is a manure bucket. What does it have to do with the mold? Aren't you the owner of this manure?"

"That being said, but... the rain doesn't seem to stop for a while!"

"Nono, use this to block your nose. It's better here than going out to get wet in the rain!" The other is obviously better to smell than run out and get cold when it rains down.

The two talked about each other. Soon, the two, who had adapted to the smell and no longer covered their noses, returned the topic to the dung bucket and the dung truck, as well as their owners. Hearing strangers talking about himself, Liu Wancai, who hid behind the Buddha statue, couldn't help but prick up his ears curiously.

"Hey, do you know Liu Wancai?"

"Of course I know. Isn't it Liu Xi's son? I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to be a manure excavator when he came back from Tokyo!"

"Yes, in the past, his Liu family, needless to say, was in this Chisong Township. Even this Jinhua would tremble when he stamped the ground. Although Liu Wancai has little real power, at least wherever he goes, people politely call him Mr. Liu. But look, now, his Liu family is depressed. Both his son and his mother have been beheaded. When people saw that he was Liu Wancai and Liu Wancai, I almost couldn't listen to it. Fortunately, he could stand it, and he took the initiative to make such a request. However, don't mention that he did this, which really changed some people's views on his Liu family's fortune-seeking and life-threatening. Among other things, let's say that my whole family is so mean, and now he actually speaks for him, saying that he is measured and conscientious, not as vicious as his father.

"Do you also say that? So is my family! Not only my family, but also my mother said so! Even my younger brother, who has studied for several years, has given me a big responsibility. He must first work hard and work hard on his muscles and bones. He has memorized this sentence every day, which makes memorize it!"

"Do you think he is sincere? As he said, atone for his parents? For the benefit of the people?"

"I've dug up a lot of shit. I can't fake it. Think about it, he has every chance to take the money he borrowed to go away from his hometown and never come back. With the knowledge he studied, among other words, it should be no problem to teach a book in his hometown to earn a living, right? But he still chose to come back, knowing that he might be stabbed in the spine when he came back. In particular, it is difficult for anyone to accept the job he applied for voluntarily. What's more, he doesn't take any pennily and only eats the food provided by the officials and all other donations. Based on this alone, I think he is different from his father.

"Ye�, I think so. By the way, have you heard about it? The new head of the Su family is coming to our Chisong Township soon.

"Oh, is that legendary figure at a young age? I heard that he looks like a fairy in the painting, and he is breathate. Before I see my family, I fell infatuated with him.

"Hi! So is my family. However, they don't have a chance. I heard that Su's family married a Hedong lion. Who dares to provoke him?

"Is it the daughter of Lord Du, the servant of the military department?"

"Yes. However, I heard that the two of them saw the truth in adversity, and there was a golden hairpin for life. Therefore, those women, that is, if they feel dizzy when they have nothing to do, there is no chance for them! Don't mention that they have a beloved wife. If they want to climb high, they have to climb up!"

"Oh, when you talk about this wealth, I remember something. Doesn't my brother-in-law serve in the government office? He said that he met Liu Xiao, the housekeeper of the Su family that day, and said that the Su family donated half of the family's wealth to the government, on the condition that half of the profits would be returned to the people.

Ah? Is there such a good thing?

"I heard what my brother-in-law said, and my brother-in-law heard what the county magistrate and the housekeeper Liu said on the spot. Is that fake?"

"If it's true, this should also mean that Su is the family, right?"

"That's for sure. How can a housekeeper make such a decision? I guess that Su experienced a lot of ups and downs when he was a child and could better understand the hardships of the people, so he did so.

"I'm also worried about the wind. Wasn't his father innocently killed because of his wealth?

"Ye, maybe. Oh, I haven't finished yet, you know? What's more amazing is that in the remaining half of the property of the Su family, the Su family has only left their ancestral property, and the rest have gone through the transfer procedures. Who did you give it to?

"To whom?"

"Liu Wancai!"

Ah... At this time, Liu Wancai himself, who was hiding behind the Buddha statue, almost exclaimed.

"Gre to him? Why?"

"Yes, I heard that the county magistrate also asked that at that time. What did the housekeeper say? It is said that the Su family only has those industries left by his ancestors, and Master Su is only a good scholar and is not good at management. If it hadn't been for Liu Xi, how could this industry have become so big today? Nowadays, it is natural to return things to the original owner, but whether Liu Wancai is suitable for business or not has to be handled by the county magistrate. If it is suitable, directly transfer those industries. If it is not suitable, please ask the county magistrate to invite another smart. Don't pity those industries that get money. But don't lack Liu Wancai. He must have something to rely on and support him when he is old.

Hearing this, Liu Wancai's face couldn't help but be covered with tears...

(full text)