King of Close Combat

Chapter 51 An un paid deal

Li Yang came to Chen Xueqing's house and naturally knew the location of their family. I heard from Chen Xueqing that his father would occasionally come back. Li Yang also wanted to try his luck this time. He didn't want to meet him, and he saw Chen Tianfeng so easily.

"Wow!" Li Yang just appeared on the balcony and looked at the room. Chen Tianfeng, who was lying in **, suddenly got up and pointed to the balcony with an extra silver-white pistol in his hand.

"It's so fast!" Li Yang was shocked.

"You!" Chen Tianfeng's eyes showed surprise.

Li Yang raised his hands and whispered, "Can I go in?"

"Come in! The door is unlocked." Chen Tianfeng frowned and said that Li Yang was imprisoned. He also knew that he suddenly appeared here in the middle of the night, which made him very confused.

Li Yang pointed out the door and whispered, "Uncle Chen, Qing'er is next to you? Or downstairs?"

I can't feel Li Yang's murderous heart, and Li Yang's action is not threatening. Chen Tianfeng put the sand eagle pistol on ** and said, "Speak normally! Qing'er is on the second floor. There is a muffler system in my room. As long as the sound is not loud, even the next door can't be heard.

"Oh!" Li Yang casually put himself on a chair and smiled, "Uncle Chen is really bold enough to sleep in a room with a balcony. Aren't you afraid that someone 100 meters away will kill you?"

"I'm not afraid that the sniper guns on the market can't penetrate the glass of my room, and the price that can penetrate may be more valuable than my head. This is not ordinary tempered glass. As for other people's intrusion, I'm happy to do this. After all, it's much easier for the enemy to deal with when they go to the light than to the dark. Chen Tianfeng said confidently.

He got up and put on his slippers and said, "Would you like tea? Or a cup of coffee?"

A man suddenly ran into the room in the middle of the night. Chen Tianfeng was still so calm that Li Yang couldn't help admiring the other party's courage. If it were him, even if Jiang Wei suddenly appeared in front of him in the middle of the night, he would not be so calm.

"It's really awesome to become the boss of the underworld in Haicheng in five years!" Li Yang said, and then he shook his head slightly and said, "No, thank you. I have to go back to prison soon, so I said it directly."

"Uncle Chen, I want you to do me a favor. Of course, as a transaction, I can also do you a favor. After all, you helped me last time, and this time I'm embarrassed to ask you to help this for nothing.

"What's up to?" Chen Tianfeng asked.

"You have a lot of people in Haicheng. I want you to help investigate the living habits of Wang Hong, the director of Haicheng, and Shangguan, and the relationship between Wang Hong and Xu Wengqing, deputy mayor of Haicheng." Li Yang said directly.

"Are you going to do it with them?" Chen Tianfeng asked.

"If they don't do it, they used the so-called legitimate means to get me in, so I will naturally use the right means to get them in. Of course, I believe that they have definitely committed an accident. As long as they want to investigate, they can investigate it. Li Yang's mouth was slightly upturned and smiled.

After that, Li Yang continued: "I can kill all the masters within the Xuan level. So in exchange, I can also help Uncle Chen. Of course, the premise is that it is not harmful to the country or against morality.

"Okay, I promised." After Li Yang finished speaking, Chen Tianfeng said cheerfully.

"Well!" Li Yang was a little surprised: "Don't you think about it? What if you help me and I run away?

"My daughter believes in you, and I believe in my daughter." Chen Tianfeng's smile was still confident and calm, and added, "To be honest, I really need your help, but not now. Wang Hong was pulled up by Xu Wengqing. My brother is also the vice mayor of Haicheng at present. He and Xu Wengqing have some festivals. Of course, this favor will help you.

"Thank you." Li Yang said solemnly, and then he rushed out of the room and jumped off the balcony in the blink of an eye.

"This Li Yang has more potential than I thought." Chen Tianfeng said to himself.

When Li Yang returns to prison, the sun will also rise.

At this time, many policemen gathered at the gate of the prison. They were all wearing pistols and looked serious. Police cars kept coming back and going out. They looked very urgent.

Li Yang walked to the door, came to the two police officers who were watching the door, smiled and asked, "Brother, what happened? It looks very anxious."

"Who is your brother? Go away and don't interfere with official business." The policeman said seriously.

At this time, another policeman looked at Li Yang, first with doubts in his eyes, and then showed excitement: "Are you Li Yang?"

"It's me! What's wrong?"

"Yes, it's you!" At that time, the policeman took out his pistol and pointed it at Li Yang: "Raise your hand."

Then, he shouted, "Li Yang is from the head!"

Half an hour later, in the interrogation room, Li Yang was handcuffed and his arms rested on a long table and sat on an iron chair.

"Bang!" The door was pushed open, with a big belly. Li Qiang, who had a fat face, came in aggressively and said, "You wait outside."

"Yes, Deputy Bureau Li." The two policemen who wanted to follow Li Qiang in quickly stopped and closed the door.

Li Qiang looked at Li Yang and showed a gloating look. At the same time, there was a strong hatred in his eyes: "Hmm Li Yang, let's see how you quibble this time. You killed the policeman on duty last night and escaped from the prison. This is absconding for fear of crime. You can be convicted without collecting evidence at all."

"How did the policeman on duty die?" Li Yang asked.

"You are a master of palm. You killed him with one slap. You killed him and then escaped from prison." Li Qiang said.

Li Yang smiled disdainfully and said, "Li Qiang, don't pretend. The policeman on duty has no fingerprints, the camera was deliberately turned off, and there is no evidence of my murder. In addition, I didn't escape from prison. I was kidnapped out of the police station and escaped back by myself. I still have injuries."

With that, Li Yang lifted the half-sleeved upper body and showed the gunshot wound on his waist yesterday.

"phistry." Li Qiang snorted coldly.

Li Yang said, "Maybe you don't know, so let me tell you!" Go and investigate the palm print on the chest of the policeman on duty. It must be the same as the palm print on your son's chest, and the remaining dark energy in your body. I haven't touched the policeman, and I don't have my fingerprints. So, you know."

"Wait and see." Li Qiang had a doubt in his eyes, and then shouted coldly and slammed the door.

Returning to the cell again, Tan Qiu and five others looked at Li Yang in surprise.

"Brother Yang, didn't you, that one ran away? Have you been caught back?" Tan Qiu doubted.

Last night, Wen Liangzhong shouted, and almost everyone heard it. After that, the police acted quickly, and many prisoners heard it. Naturally, Tan Qiu and others would be surprised that Li Yang was arrested after only a few hours of running, and the efficiency of the police was too high.

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't run away. I was kidnapped. I didn't run back."

"Cow! It's really awesome. Others kill people and can't wait to escape. From then on, you will not appear, and you will take the initiative to run back. Tan Qiu gave a thumbs up.

Li Yang looked at Tan Qiu and said, "I want to say that I didn't kill anyone this time. Do you believe it?"

"Uh-huh, believe what Brother Yang said." Tan Qiu nodded quickly, but she didn't believe it in her eyes. He also hacked people to death, and he had feelings for those who killed a lot of people.

Li Yang taught him a lesson that day. The murderous atmosphere emitted at that time made him unable to breathe smoothly. Didn't this kind of person kill anyone? He doesn't believe it.

Look at several people's eyes in disbelief.

Li Yang was helpless, lying ** and sleeping...

In the police station, Li Qiang entered an office, in which two people sat. One has gray hair and the other looks like a young man in his early 30s.

"Yu Lao." Li Qiang said with slight respect.

Although Yu Hongning, the gray-haired old man, is not in a high position, he has worked here for more than 50 years and is more qualified than the director Wang Hong. Many cases require his ability, because he can judge whether a person is killed by the secret force of a martial artist. In front of him, Li Qiang does not dare to be too presumptuous.

"Deputy Li! The results of the investigation have come down. Let Xiao Hao say it!" The old man Yu Hongning smiled.

Hao Nan, the man sitting opposite the desk, took out a document and said, "Deputy Li, after the appraisal of me and Yu Lao. The control of this police officer on duty is the same as your son Li Haibo. However, it is strange that he does not have Li Yang's fingerprints. When Li Yang left last night, he might wear gloves or use clothes to get out of his palm.

"Oh!" Li Qiang was even more puzzled, and then he said, "Mr. Yu, you are an old martial artist and have a thorough understanding of the dark power. Can you investigate with me that Li Yang's dark energy is the same as that in my son's body?

"Well, this really has to be explored. Although most martial artists are similar, there are special circumstances. We can't kill good people by mistake. However, it should not be wrong. I have seen the young man Li Yang, who is very powerful and absolutely a dark master. Yu Hongning held his white beard and said, "Then let's go now!"


After about two hours, Li Yang arrived again and someone called him.

"Li Yang, follow me to the interrogation room." A policeman said seriously.

Li Yang got up and walked out of the cell. As the police entered an interrogation room, he saw Li Qiang and Yu Hongning, who was in his 70s.

Seeing the old man, Li Yang frowned slightly. The stronger he was, the more obvious he felt about the momentum and realm. Li Yang felt the dark energy in the old man's body.

Yu Hongning got up and hugged his fist and said, "Your Excellency, you can stretch out your hand and let me explore your dark energy. In this way, I can be sure whether Li Haibo and our prison guard were killed by you.

"Good." Li Yang nodded and stretched out his right hand.

Holding Li Yang's right hand, Yu Hongning looked at him and was shocked: "Special dark energy, extremely cold. I have explored countless dark energy. This is the lowest temperature and the most powerful dark energy I have ever seen. However, this is obviously different from the dark energy in Li Haibo's body! The power is stronger than that, and the cold breath is so obvious that it can be said to be unique.

Yu Hongning looked at Li Qiang beside him and shook his head slightly, but did not say it clearly.

Li Yang also looked at Li Qiang and said directly, "I said that I didn't kill your son, just his physique. If I use dark energy, he will not live to go to the hospital. Of course, if you are intentional, I won't explain much.

Li Qiang's heart is confused!

I always thought that Li Yang killed his son, and he also knew yesterday's plan. It was a play sent by Shangguan Xing to a man and the police on duty. He also thought that Li Yang killed the policeman on duty, and now he understands that it is likely that the man killed his son and the prison guard yesterday.

Twenty minutes later, Li Qiang rushed into Wang Hong's office.

He asked anxiously, "Brother Wang, didn't my son be killed by Li Yang?"