King of Close Combat

Chapter 55 I also know how to play yin

"Kka!" The door opened, and Li Yang and Jiang Wei walked in with gloves and searched in two directions again.

Table drawer, under the sofa... Entering a bedroom, when Li Yang turned over a wardrobe, he found that there was a problem with the interior of the wardrobe against the wall. The outside to open the wardrobe was very large, but the interior space was indeed much smaller.

After tapping a few times, Li Yang felt something was wrong: "There is a mezzanine, empty."

Looking carefully, Li Yang found a crack, uncovered a wooden board, and saw a safe hidden behind, and a pile of red tickets piled up under the safe!

"I'll go! This is at least tens of millions. Wang Hong is really rich enough. Li Yang was surprised. He slowly picked up the safe, took it out and put it on the table.

After that, Li Yang quickly ran out and found Jiang Wei: "Military division, have you found it?"

Jiang Wei whispered, "Is a Xiaoqiang counted?"

"Come on, I found a safe." Li Yangdao.

"I went, I finally found it." Jiang Wei hurriedly ran into the bedroom with Li Yang.

Li Yang patted his hand on the safe and said happily, "It's really hard work! Look, there is definitely something in this iron box. Open it quickly and let me have a look.

"Take it away." Jiang Wei hurriedly pulled away Li Yang's arm. He approached, looked at the safe carefully, knocked on the side, and listened confidently for a few seconds.

"There is a self-detonation device in it. If the password is wrong, it will explode directly and destroy the things inside. It even blows up the people around. Jiang Wei said seriously.

Li Yang said, "It's okay. Don't you know how to open the lock? Hurry up and open him, take the things, take the money by the way, and we will leave.

"Money!" As soon as he heard the money, Jiang Wei's eyes lit up in an instant. He looked at the wardrobe that opened the two doors and saw a pile of red tickets inside.

"Brother Beast! Listen to you, I'm right this time. So much money is enough for me to study a lot of small things, and I have to change my equipment this time. Jiang Wei rushed over and grabbed a ladle of Chinese coins. Fortunately, he said, "It's absolutely true."

Li Yang pointed to the safe and said, "Open this thing quickly."

"It's not that easy. I'm just a spy, not a professional thief. I have to take this thing back and let me study it for a few hours before I can open it."

"What else is the ink? You take the safe, and I'll solve the money." After Li Yang finished speaking, he threw the safe into Jiang Wei's arms and put it in **.

"You are really loyal." Jiang Wei looked at the money and could only give up his mind for the time being. With so much money, he can't hold it.

In just ten seconds, all the cash was wrapped into a huge package by Li Yang. Looking at the package, Jiang Wei found that it was good to hold the small safe. At least the big package, he had to lie down tired after carrying it out.

Leaving the room, the two quickly ran out of the residential building. Li Yang was strong and strong, carrying a large package and still moved freely. Jiang Wei, who followed him, is also admirable. He has always cooperated with some people, such as Li Yang's skills and strength. It's really the first time he has seen him in the intelligence team.

Soon, the two dodged the camera and jumped off the wall and left the community. Throw the big package and safe into the trunk, and the silver BMW quickly started and sped away...

In the car, Jiang Wei said excitedly, "This time it's been sent. This time, Haicheng is really not in vain. Let me see that it will be at least 10 million. I'll go!" I have been a soldier for three years, and I have never had so much money. I remember that last year, in a mission, I secretly transferred 100,000 yuan, which was recorded by the captain. This time he doesn't know, Gaga... I can marry the rich and beautiful!"

Li Yang was also a little excited and said, "When Li Qiang turned to me, he said that Wang Hong might have hidden information and money in several other properties. At first, I was also suspicious. Just now, I thought I had been cheated, but I didn't expect it to be true. It's so cool! How about half of each?"

"One, half?" Jiang Wei stamured, "Brother Beast, you are in charge of this matter, and you got the news. I'm just a favor. Is it a little more than half?"

While driving, Li Yang reached out and patted Jiang Wei on the shoulder and grinned, "The task is between us. We found that the money was also found together, of course, half of each person. If you don't want it, it's okay! Give it to me, those two beautiful women, it costs a lot.

"Ye, of course." Jiang Wei said happily, and his face turned red with excitement. Suddenly, he realized one of Li Yang's words and said with a bad smile, "Have you taken both of them down?"

"It's hard, a violent queen, a charming fox spirit, and I don't have that guts at present." Li Yang said casually, but he couldn't help thinking of Zhou Yingying: "Well... I dare not take this."

"It's also true that Lin Waner's style is strong and vigorous, and her strength is weak. If her strength becomes stronger, ordinary men really can't stand it. As for Zhou Yingying, she seems to be gentle, but she is actually smart and witty, but she has little experience. When she grows up, she is really like a fox spirit. Jiang Wei analyzed, "Although I am a beautiful woman, I only dare to look at it and dare not move!"

"Continue to search..."

Twenty minutes later, the two came to the third villa. When Jiang Wei was about to open the door, Li Yang stopped him.

"Shh! It smells human. There are people living here now. Li Yang whispered, "Open the door in a low voice. I'll go in this time. Don't go in."

"Hmm." Jiang Wei nodded, and he also knew that he would not be strong without Li Yangqiang.

Jiang Wei stabbed the keyhole with four wires into the keyhole for about half a minute, and the door opened.

Li Yang opened a small door crack and walked in gently.

When he came to the stairs, he heard a snoring sound from the second floor.

Li Yang turned around and pointed to Jiang Wei to the ground. His mouth changed: "Wait outside the door."

Jiang Wei nodded.

Then, Li Yang turned around, tapped the stairs, and rushed out more than ten meters to the second floor. The door is not locked inward, but hidden.

Through the crack of the door, Jiang Wei saw Li Yang's movements and couldn't help but be surprised: "Go, there is almost no sound, and I ran more than ten meters. If this is used for assassination, even if I can't stop it. Li Yang joined the team for a year and a half, usually idle in the organization, and occasionally alone on tasks. I thought he had limited ability, and the captain familiarized him with easy tasks, but I didn't expect that he was too strong to need us at all! Who the hell is he? This is not like a novice."

Facing the moonlight, Li Yang gently pushed the door open a gap and looked into the room. He saw a fat middle-aged woman snuggled in the arms of a young man. Both of them lay ** and fell asleep. The snoring is from middle-aged women.

"Damn it, it's amazing!" Li Yang didn't know the middle-aged woman, but he saw the other party's photos and knew who it was. It turned out to be Wang Hong's original wife "Jin Fengxi"!

And that man, Li Yang has never seen, looks like he is in his early 20s, and a woman in his forties and nearly 50s. Li Yang can't help thinking of the story of a rich woman and a little white face.

"Jin Fengxi is also awesome. He actually found a little white face to come to her husband's real estate." Li Yang said, quietly took out his mobile phone and took a few photos. Li Yang is very glad that his mobile phone is an organizational trait and has no flash effect. He is also glad that the moon is bright enough today, at least it can illuminate the true face of the two people without flash.

So, Li Yang took a few more pictures happily, then quietly closed the door, and ran to the first floor to the door.

"Go!" Li Yang whispered and rushed out of the villa. Jiang Wei gently closed the door and locked it by the way.

Soon, the silver-white BMW left...

Next, Li Yang searched the other three properties and found that there was a beautiful woman living in one of them, the sister of Jin Fengxi, but nothing was found in the other two places.

It was busy until after four o'clock at night, and Li Yang and Jiang Wei returned to Jiang Wei's residence in the north of the city.

Moving the money and safe to the room, Li Yang said, "I handed over the things to you. It's better to take out the information as soon as possible. Maybe Wang Hong will check those things every day, so take them out as soon as possible and we can act quickly. Leave the money with you first. If you can, you can find a channel to launder the money first, and then we will share it.

Both of them are dead wages. Even if they complete the task and get the organization dragon points to exchange money, they are not worth so much. Moreover, both accounts are bound to the Shenlong system, so if so much money suddenly appears, they will definitely be suspected.

Washing is to cover up their accounts and become a normal way to get money. After all, they often have contact with those killers and mercenaries in the world and know more about these.

"Okay, as the most awesome hacker in China, this is a small matter." Jiang Weizi believes.

"I'll go first." After Li Yang finished speaking, he was about to go out.

"Wait!" Jiang Wei hurriedly grabbed Li Yang and said, "Brother Beast, aren't you afraid that I will underreport when I wash?"

Li Yang smiled and said, "About 13 million. When I carried it, I was heavy and I could feel it, hey..."

After saying that, Li Yang left the room.

Jiang Wei was dull, spread out the package and began to count the money. About half an hour later, he looked out of the window in a daze.

"Damn it! It's really 13 million, and the heavy can be roughly counted. It's really awesome.

When Li Yang returned to Ziyun Community, it was close to five o'clock. The moon was about to disappear and the sun was about to rise.

This time, Li Yang did not walk through the balcony and went straight through the door.

When he opened the door, Li Yang saw Zhou Yingying sitting on the big sofa where he was sleeping, looking intently at the balcony with her mobile phone in her hand.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Zhou Yingying's eyes suddenly turned red. She rushed over and rushed into Li Yang's arms.

"This! What's wrong with you?" Li Yang asked in a low voice.

Zhou Yingying hugged Li Yang and whispered, "When I went to the toilet, I saw that you were not here. I wanted to wait for you, but you didn't come back. I thought you had an accident and I was worried to death. Whoo... If you go out in the future, you have to tell me, woo..."

Zhou Yingying's tears soaked Li Yang's clothes on her chest, and he was stunned!

"You girl, a mysterious master, are you still so timid that you haven't slept well? Let's go back to the house and go to bed. Li Yang picked up Zhou Yingying and walked into her room.

Put Zhou Yingying in ** and covered her with a thin quilt. Li Yang smiled and said, "I'll go to Wang Hong's real estate to collect some evidence. It's no big deal. Go to sleep!"

Zhou Yingying suddenly stretched out her arm and put her arms around Li Yang's neck: "No, I want you to sleep with me!"
