King of Close Combat

Chapter 81 Tomahawk

Five days later, Shenlong Underground Base.

Li Yang and Jiang Wei, Zhang Ran, made an appointment to go to the points exchange office together. That's where points are exchanged for money, firearms, martial arts, medicinal materials and other items. This time, Li Yang and Jiang Wei completed the task and directly got 5,000 points. In addition to the 5,000 points once accumulated, a total of 10,000 points, Li Yang will of course come in exchange for something valuable.

Walking on the road, Jiang Wei said, "Brother Beast, what do you want to change?"

Li Yang held a crutch in one hand and smiled, "Of course, it's a change of food. At present, he is seriously injured and has to make up for it."

Jiang Wei frowned and said to himself, "When I came back, Li Yang was not injured, but I heard that since the captain of the special forces went to his place, he was injured. After that, some people said that the captain's strength has increased again. It's strange!"

Then, he asked, "Brother Beast, did the captain force you to tell the truth about that day?"

Li Yang shook his head slightly: "Don't mention this, it's just a temporary injury and no fracture. It will get better soon. By the way, what do you want to change?

"Me!" Jiang Wei looked at Zhang Ran and said, "Huahua fell in love with an epee. I want to change her with that sword, and the remaining points can be used for some small parts. Recently, I dismantled the fly-shaped pinhole camera, and I want to learn to make it myself.

"Not bad." Li Yang smiled and took a look at Zhang Ran.

This girl, with long ear-length hair, looks thin and delicate, but Li Yang and others all know that this is a powerful and terrible master who likes to use a giant sword. The strength is much stronger than Jiang Wei, and Li Yang doesn't know why a combatant ran ten intelligence teams.

Although he has never fought, he can feel that Zhang Ran is in the middle of the Xuan level. She is only 21 years old and her talent is amazing.

The points exchange office is divided into many rooms. In case someone detects a personal secret, when exchanging, everyone will enter a separate room with an LCD screen. If selected, the system will automatically deduct the points in the Soldier number.

"See you later!" Li Yang and Jiang waved to the two and casually entered a exchange room.

Entering it, Li Yang skillfully operated on the screen and quickly found a list of ancient martial arts.

"After the inheritance of the secret treasure of the Yin and Yang family, after my body transformation, my leg muscles are much stronger than before, especially the explosive power, and I can feel a little improvement every few days. I should find a martial art to make my speed stronger.

Thinking about it, Li Yang began to search on the screen.

"Dragon-shaped step... floating on the water... stepping on the snow..."

In the ancient martial arts world of China, there are many sects, complex forces and constant disputes. Therefore, there appeared Shenlong, an army created to suppress the dark forces of all kinds of heroes. It can be said that Shenlong is also formed by a group of martial artists, but most of them are soldiers with strict discipline and clear division of labor.

With the army as the backing, there are many treasures in the dragon, which are growing every day. In the ancient martial arts world, the most common martial arts, palm and other martial arts are also included in the dragon.

One point, if converted into money, it is 100 yuan. Enough people to live in the headquarters for several days. And Li Yang's original C-level task earns 100 points at most. If it hadn't been for the great importance of the pieces of the jade seal handed down by Emperor Qin this time, Li Yang and the two would not have won so many points.

Looking at these physical methods, Li Yang found that most of them were between 1,000 points and 5,000 points, which was too simple. The screen pulled down, and soon Li Yang saw 9,000 points, with 23 body techniques.

"Ted Yunzong... Ma Ta Fei Yan..." Li Yang read the general description of the 23 body methods and pulled them down again.

"125,000 points, 30,000 points, 100,000 points, no trace of snow! Forget it." The lower you go, there are only a few body methods, but the points are scary.

If you complete S-level tasks, you will get 10,000 points at most, and general S-level tasks will definitely encounter prefecture-level masters. Even Li Yang feels too far away in exchange for 100,000 points.

"Um..." Li Yang thought for a moment and finally showed a firm look in his eyes: "That's it, Phantom Step, 9,600 points, the remaining 400 points, enough for me to live for a long time."

Then, he ordered the "Phantom Walk" body method.

A dark disk appeared on the screen, with a calm mechanical sound: "Fingerprints are confirmed."

Li Yang put his right hand on the screen.

"Fingerprint confirmation is successful. Li Yang, a member of the intelligence team, deducted 9,600 points in exchange for the martial arts body method "Phantom Step". Please wait ten minutes."

Li Yang sat quietly in this room for ten minutes. Soon, he opened a small square door from the side of the screen and stretched out a flat silver-white metal plate. A book with a black cover of "Phantom Walk" was placed on it.

Then, a mechanical voice sounded again in the room: "Hello, soldier Li Yang, the body method "Phantom Step" is a special body method with more than 8,000 points, which cannot be passed on. So far, 58 soldiers have been exchanged for Phantom Walk, 43 have died, and 15 remain. Your soldier number has been bound. If the martial arts information of "Phantom Walk" is leaked and violates the rules of the Dragon, the Dragon will sentence you to ten years in prison.

"It's still the same. It's boring." Li Yang muttered that he had never exchanged such a precious body, but he had heard people say this.

This book looks ordinary, but it is the characteristic paper of the scientific research team and cannot be taken out of the base. Moreover, if someone transcribes or copies it and takes it out to pass it on to others, Shenlong will also send someone to investigate the matter. Ten years of imprisonment is light, and some people may even die as a result.

With the Phantom Walk, Li Yang left the room. After waiting outside for more than 20 minutes, he found that Jiang Wei did not come out. Li Yang sent a text message and left early.

Only Li Yang's mobile phones can be connected to the headquarters, and in the base, they can also contact each other. As long as Li Yang and others come back, the outside mobile phones can't be contacted at all. And this mobile phone is not only the key to find the base, but also the entry certificate.

At the beginning, Jiang Wei was anxious to say that Li Yang wanted to die because if the enemy held Li Yang's mobile phone, it was likely to sneak into the Dragon Base, which was quite dangerous.

Back to his room, Li Yang opened the story of "Phantom Walk"...

Since the inheritance of the secret treasure of the Yin and Yang family, although the muscle structure of Li Yang's legs is still human, it is far stronger than that of ordinary human beings. Moreover, he found that his understanding of physical law suddenly increased many times. The phantom step, after only two days of study, learned it, and then made great progress!

Time has passed...

Two months have passed in a blink of an eye, and Li Yang's Phantom has reached a skilled level. Maybe the power of Taiyin is also a feminine skill. Li Yang's Xuanming palm has made great progress and its power has soared.

Physical test room.

Li Yang punched, and the number soared rapidly, and then stopped on a number, 472 kg! Then after the number returned to zero, he kicked the instrument, and the number soared to 521 thousand grams again!

Then, Li Yang rushed out along a 50-meter-long black runway. Then he ran along the circular runway.

"Wo!" Li Yang returned to its original position, and the numbers appeared on the two instruments.

Linear speed, 15 meters per second, non-linear speed 10 meters per second.

Li Yang stretched his neck and grinned, "There is no need for internal strength, the strength is close to a thousand pounds, and the speed is twice as strong as before. Although it is still in the middle stage of the Xuan level, its strength has more than doubled that of the original stage of Xuan level. It's cool!"

At this time, a metal door appeared above Li Yang's head. The door suddenly opened, and a figure jumped down from above and fell to the ground silently.

The person came in a chaotic way. He was still dressed in a black robe and had a four-foot-long brown wooden box beside him.

Huh? Is there a door overhead in this place? Li Yang doubted.

Feng Ranhua smiled and said, "The secret here is far beyond your imagination. Members are not allowed to enter this test room, but it can't stop the captain. If I walk through the main door, I will be suspected when I see it. This thing is for you."

With that, he threw a long wooden box at Li Yang.

"What?" Li Yang doubted.

But when he caught the wooden box, his eyes suddenly burst into excitement, and his eyes were about to catch fire.

"My Tomahawk!" Li Yang was surprised and quickly opened the wooden box and saw four things in the box. One of them is his tomahawk.

Li Yang once went to Antarctica to rescue a scientist and accidentally found a special ore with a big fist, which was brought back to the headquarters. From the scientific research team, Li Yang knew that it was a very tough extraternacle, which was integrated into other metals and used to make firearms and weapons, which were difficult to break.

Later, he gave half of the ore to the strongest refining master of the scientific research team, and the other half asked the master to build this tomahawk gun for him. A strange weapon with a gun function and a tomahawk.

The tomahawk is all black and looks similar to the ordinary tomahawk. A meter long axe handle entangled like vines, a palm-sized single-edged crescent axe, and a hole with a thick little finger on the tip of the handle connecting the axe, which is the barrel of the gun.

This tomahawk gun, which is unique in China, uses special bullets. With the handle of the axe in hand and secretly pouring in, you can shoot. And because this tomahawk gun is integrated into many special minerals, Li Yang once used very high-value nuclear energy bullets. Even if he is a master, he may die. Of course, he has only used this magic gun to kill a mysterious master, and he has never tried it at the ground level.

Two years later, when he saw his baby again, Li Yang's eyes were full of enthusiasm and excitement.

said in chaos: "When you were injured by me that year, this thing was left with me and never came to pick it up. Now I'll give it back to you, plus interest. Nuclear energy that can make 10,000 bullets. Blood silk gloves, one of the top ten famous swords in China, Xue Feng.

At this time, Li Yang also noticed the other three things in the wooden box. A small black box must be a box containing nuclear energy. There is also a pair of flesh-colored gloves, which look similar to human skin. The third is a snow-white round stick more than three feet long and as thin as a bamboo pole, which looks very ordinary.

Feng Ranhua said: "Now you are no longer a foreign martial artist, but an internal martial artist, and you are good at speed. I think the Tomahawk gun is not suitable for you. This snow front, hidden in the cane, is as light as a feather, extremely sharp, and is the sharpest among the top ten famous swords in China. And it can also enhance the cold and dark attack. It's the best for you."

"Ten Famous Swords." Li Yang frowned and said, "Teacher, isn't this cheap? You are a swordsman. It's not right to give me the sword.

"Since you are called a teacher, is it normal for the teacher to give you a broken sword?" Feng Ranhua said, "What's more, there is a task for you to complete this time, which is very important."
