King of Close Combat

Chapter 140 Strong Increase

Li Yang didn't expect that Lin Waner's foot was so fast, so ruthless, and so powerful that it could hardly be described as powerful, but great power.

Li Yang's body flew away from the big bed, and then with a bang, his whole body fell into the wall.

It's like a mosquito being patted on the wall and looking miserable. Just for a moment, Li Yang felt that the bones of his whole body were about to fall off. He was sure that Lin Waner's foot was more powerful than Wang Ying's fist. And when he was unprepared, he kicked his stomach, otherwise he might have been broken.

It's just that because Lin Waner has no internal force, the attack power is relatively simple and slightly weaker. Even so, Li Yang's body fell into the wall, and even the steel bars in the wall were bent.

"What's wrong?" Han Qing first pushed the door and rushed in, and then saw Lin Waner sitting **, covering her body with a quilt, staring at her side with shame and angrily, as if the anger in her eyes was about to burn people.

Turning her head, she saw Li Yang's buttocks facing in and falling into the wall, with a painful face.

Even Han Qing, who has always been calm, wants to laugh. Since she saw Li Yang, she has never seen Li Yang so miserable and funny.

At this time, Lin Waner stared at Li Yang angrily and shouted coquettishly, "You hooligan, while I was sleeping, unexpectedly, I!"

With that, she wrapped her body in a quilt and remembered to continue to beat Li Yang. But when she saw Han Qing at the door, she resisted.

Li Yang walked down from the wall, stretched his muscles and bones, and said with a bitter face, "I really didn't do anything."

"Fal." Lin Waner pointed to Li Yang and shouted, "Where are your clothes? And the ugly thing is up. You, you are still holding me, still so tight. Rigo, big pervert, while I faint, ah! I'm going to kill you!"

The more she spoke, the more angry she became. Lin Waner picked up the pillow and threw it at Li Yang.

"Me!" Li Yang still wanted to speak, but he didn't expect the pillow to fly too fast. In the blink of an eye, it hit him in the face.

Then, Li Yang tragically realized again that he was so powerful that he hit his head against the wall and couldn't say a word.

"Damn! Why is Wan'er's power suddenly so powerful? It's simply not human!" Li Yang was extremely shocked.

At this time, Lin Waner also realized her change. After all, until she was not strong, Li Yang's body fell into the wall and was smashed by a pillow, which proved that her body had changed.

At this time, Zhou Yingying and Chen Xueqing also rushed in.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yingying said anxiously.

"Ah! Brother Li, why don't you wear clothes!" Chen Xueqing exclaimed and quickly blindfolded with one hand, but her fingers were too big, a pair of beautiful big eyes, and stared curiously at Li Yang's top and bottom. His eyes showed surprise.

As soon as he took off the pillow, Li Yang saw four beautiful women in the room, and he was like this!

"Wo!" Li Yang rushed out of the room and ran to his room.

At this time, Zhou Yingying and Chen Xueqing reacted and looked at Lin Waner in surprise.

Zhou Yingying cried with joy and suddenly jumped into Lin Waner's arms: "Woo... Sister Wan'er, you're all right, it's really all right!"

Lin Waner wondered, "It's all right!" After sleeping for a day, I felt refreshed, as if the injury had recovered.

"Well!" Chen Xueqing was a little surprised, and then said weakly, "Well, Sister Wan'er, you have slept for more than a day, but a month and 31 days."

"What?" Lin Waner exclaimed and looked at Chen Xueqing and said, "I remember I only had two dreams. Why did it last so long? The first dream is to eat, and the second is to take a walk. It feels like it's just past one night! Qinger, you don't play pranks, do you?

"No." Chen Xueqing said.

Han Qing looked at the wall that was knocked out of the hole by Li Yang and said, "It's 31 days, because you only ingest Li Yang's blood every day. Later, you almost killed him."

Lin Waner frowned slightly and wanted to think of something, but found that there was no other impression except two dreams.

At this time, Li Yang came in dressed.

Seeing Lin Waner, he hurriedly said, "First of all, I have nothing to do with you. Yesterday, I was weak, and you forcibly trapped me. Also, now your body is different from before. If you do it again, don't blame me for countering!"

Li Yang's words were very plain and even some jokes, but at this time, his heart was indescribably happy.

Lin Waner survived. He persisted for a month and finally succeeded!

"Cut, now that we women want to talk, get out of here." Lin Waner is arrogant.

I just came in and wanted to stay with Lin Waner for a while, but I didn't expect to be kicked out again. Li Yang was speechless and had to turn around and leave helplessly.

Han Qing didn't say a word and followed Li Yang out of the room.

Pushing the door and walking out of the villa, Li Yang spread his arms, looked at the sky and closed his eyes.

Since four days ago, Lin Waner's absorption of blood has increased, and she has to absorb it every two hours. Li Yang has not walked out of the house, and the Sun and Moon Group has no time.

At this time, feeling the autumn breeze and the sunshine outside the house, Li Yang suddenly found that it was only four days, like another world, and there was a different feeling in his heart.

Li Yang closed his eyes, felt the sunshine, and said, "Senior sister, I won't thank you this time."

Han Qing said plainly, "The thanks in my mouth are useless. You can help me one day."

"Definite." Li Yangdao.

Lin Waner's room.

Zhou Yingying has stopped her tears, and she wiped her tears on the quilt.

At this time, Lin Waner said, "Qing'er, go and see if the fool has left?"

"Uh-huh." Chen Xueqing walked to the door, risked her little head, looked around and downstairs, found Li Yang standing at the door, and then walked back and said, "Brother Li should not be able to hear us at the door of the villa."

Then, she closed the door and said mysteriously, "Sister Wan'er, what secret is going to say?"

Lin Waner's cheek suddenly turned slightly red and whispered, "Well, well, nothing really happened to Li Yang and me?"

"Well!" Zhou Yingying said, "I don't think so, no! Yesterday, you two were in the cocoon, and we didn't know. Sister Wan'er, haven't you heard of other girls?

"Big cocoon? What is it? Lin Waner frowned and said, "It shouldn't have happened. You tell me what happened this month. I really don't know anything, but I remember having two dreams.


Subsequently, Zhou Yingying and Chen Xueqing united to seriously injured Lin Waner and fainted to death, Li Yang destroyed the boss of the nine gangs and later told her about the blood transfusion. At the same time, he also said that Han Qing killed Ren Qin, who hurt him for her.

When she heard that Li Yang had become an old man, Lin Wan'er's eyes were a little complicated.

After saying this, Lin Waner was quiet for about three minutes and looked at Chen Xueqing and said, "Qinger, go and see if Li Yang has recovered from his injury."

"Hmm." Chen Xueqing still remembers Li Yang's miserable appearance yesterday. Even if he returned to his original state, she was still very worried. Hearing Lin Waner say, she immediately ran out of the room.

After that, Lin Waner looked at Zhou Yingying, and her cheeks suddenly turned red and whispered, "Yingying, didn't you tell Li Yang what I said before I fainted that day?"

"I said." Zhou Yingying also blushed and added, "But I just said the first half of the sentence, not the second half."

"Wow! That's okay." Lin Waner breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhou Yingying. She said, "Actually, we can work with him."

"Hmm." Zhou Yingying lowered her head and answered gently...

After standing outside for a while, Li Yang returned to his room and began to take a shower.

I haven't taken a shower for five consecutive days, and my body has undergone two major changes, from muscles to skin and bones, and now there is no muscle appearance, which makes Li Yang feel not used to it.

After taking a shower, Li Yang looked at his body in the mirror and frowned slightly: "It felt like a dream. For four days, I felt that Wan'er had even sucked the blood in the capillaries all over my body. Except for the power of Taiyin, which did not enter her body, the internal strength of my whole body was sucked."

"As a result, within one night, the internal force not only recovered, but also increased a lot. At the same time, I feel that the blood seems to have also undergone strange changes, which is higher than the original concentration. Although the body has no muscles, it feels more explosive and stronger strength than before.

Yes, when he was taking a shower just now, Li Yang carefully observed his body.

He found that his body, which would have been serious, was much stronger than when he first broke through. Especially in terms of strength, he felt that he had grown a lot, but he didn't try and couldn't be sure how strong it was.

"Wo!" Li Yang's eyes turned blood red and performed dark blood.

However, his fingernails have not changed color or shape, and they look very ordinary. However, at the fingertips of his ten fingers, there were half an inch long, and the sharp thorns formed by the ice were like the tip of an ice blue knife.

"This Taiyin Zhenjing is worthy of being a powerful inheritance secret treasure of the Yin and Yang family. With my current internal strength, it is more abundant than the internal strength of most Xuan-level peak masters, but it is only in the late Xuan-level period, and there is still a long way from the peak."

"However, because I continued to perform dark blood surgery, I didn't expect that I inadvertently understood the dark power release, and through dark blood surgery, I could also replace nail changes. Now it seems to be really low-key.

After wiping his body and putting on his clothes, Li Yang walked out of the bathroom. Finding that Lin Wan'er's three daughters were not there, Han Qing sat on the sofa, with the barrel of several sniper guns in his hand.

Li Yang walked to Han Qing and asked, "Sister, how strong are you?"

"3,500 jin." Han Qing answered truthfully.

"So strong!" Li Yang was a little surprised and then said, "Come on, let's compare our strength."

"Wrestle your wrist!" Han Qing leaned over and raised his right hand.

Then, Li Yang saw the infinitely deep gully of Han Qing's proud peak. Why is it a short-sleeved low-cut coat? It's too unbearable.

"Well!" Li Yang shook his head and quickly looked away. Han Qing's figure was really hot.

Sitting opposite Han Qing, the two began to wrestle their wrists, and then Li Yang realized that he was actually similar to Han Qing!

However, in the end, Li Yang was defeated. There was nothing he could do. As soon as he looked up, he saw Han Qing's peaks. Li Yang, a normal man, still couldn't bear it. As it continued, he had an impulse to jump on it to try the real and fake.

Of course, Li Yang is still very happy. This time, he helped Lin Waner transform. Instead of weakening, his strength has increased more than four times to more than 3,000 catties. Naturally, the gap between him and Wang Ying has narrowed a lot again.

"It won't take long for me to face Wang Ying. If you want to hurt my woman, I will kill you first." Li Yang said in his heart.