King of Close Combat

Chapter 191 Changsun Can, lobbyist

At 5 o'clock in the morning, Li Yang and Han Qing also wore ordinary sportswear and left the villa by taxi. Soon, they drove a black broken Charley from the second-hand car market and entered the city center.

This time Li Yang drove, Han Qing sat aside.

In the car, Han Qing said, "I didn't expect you to have such an interesting side. I really didn't expect you."

Li Yang grinned and said, "What is this? As a member of Shenlong, how can he do it without any professional skills? Do you know what my code name was when I was in Special Warfare Team 1?

"What?" Han Qing was slightly interested in asking.

Li Yang said, "King of Destruction, I am responsible for two points in each mission. One is to destroy the surroundings and make the scene more chaotic, the better. The second is to kill people with my tomahawk.

Then, he suddenly remembered the past and looked a little unnatural: "It's just that later, he changed his code name to the fierce beast. I feel like I'm an injured beast, and I won't eat people impulsively. But if you give me a chance, I will want to eat all the people who hurt me.

"The fierce beast sounds good, much more domineering than the destroyer king." Han Qing said, "After so many years, won't your hands be unfamiliar?"

"Of course not."

A five-storey high-end entertainment club under Zhentian Group specializes in receiving rich people, nobles and big entrepreneurs. There are not only billiards, karaoke and bathing inside. There are also special services for men and women. For gangs, it is very simple to find young and beautiful men and women.

At this time, a black broken Shirley car parked in the dark alley behind the building. Li Yang and Han Qing came to the roof.

Li Yang held a dark red bamboo stick in his hand, pointed to a pipe and said, "I see that there is no senior sister, this connection to the air conditioning system only needs a sword, and some air conditioning systems below will have to be scrapped. Look at this, water. There are also some wires and electricity. Also, these exhausts. And..."

Han Qing, who was beside her, did not say anything. She found that she saw Li Yang on the other side.

Three years ago, Li Yang was a master of guns and practiced foreign skills, mainly designing with high-tech firearms and various environments. Now he has cultivated his palm and has a lot of means. Instead, he has given up everything he used to be good at.

After all, after more than seven years of research, I suddenly gave up. Even if I am much stronger than in the past, I will actually miss the past.

He talked a lot, and Li Yang's figure showed a ghost walk on the roof. The virtual shadow flashed and changed, and then he and Han Qing jumped directly from the edge of the building, and some wires outside the building broke one after another.

In an instant, in the bright and luxurious high-end clubhouse, the power was cut off, the water was cut off, and the air could not be vented, and most of the equipment was scrapped!

In just two minutes, Black Shirely drove away from the alley...

After that, most of the time, the two destroyed outside, and some went inside. Although Li Yang is also a little famous in Tianhai City, he is not well-known. Most people still don't know him.

Under the pretext of consumption, the two entered it, and Li Yang entered some places and began to destroy again.

At eight o'clock, Black Xiali left the city center, and more than a dozen high-end entertainment clubs opened by Zhentian Group in the city center closed before they opened.

On the surface, the building has not been damaged, but the most important water and electricity have been damaged by Li Yang. Unless new pipes and lines are replaced, there is no other way. The most important damage, even some minor damage, such as the exhaust system and drainage system, has been damaged, and all of them have to be repaired.

Without these devices, these clubs are almost paralyzed.

Compared with 200 coffins and night troubles in the north of the city, the entertainment club of Zhentian Group in the city center was destroyed and paralyzed, which suddenly shook the city center.

The real power does not disdain to destroy people like Li Yang. Naturally, in Tianhai City, no one dares to treat the gang alliance like this. As a result, it seems to be today. Many people suspect that it is the Sun Moon Group, but unfortunately there is no evidence.

And because of this, the Sun and Moon Group and the Gang Alliance are also officially fighting.

Subsequently, Li Yang ordered people to keep guards in more than 200 chain stores, mainly several places that are prone to damage to electricity and water. Because he knows that these damage is the most deadly, the defense is simpler.

That night, the gang alliance sent people to make trouble again, and this time it was naturally beaten by Xiong Man's men. Since the battle of Heilong Mountain, although Li Yang was stabbed by Yuan Badao, he was injured. However, four Xuan-level late masters died inexplicably and also suppressed the gang alliance.

After all, in the gang alliance, there are only Yuan Badao and Changsun Can. Tao Yan is the peak of Xuan level. No one else is so strong, so they will naturally be afraid of being assassinated.

And even if Yuan Bada and several people don't want to come to the north of the city alone. As for other mysterious masters, they naturally don't want to come to the north of the city. As a result, some little people made trouble, and naturally they were beaten by Xiong Man's men.

As a result, the Sun and Moon Entertainment Club did not suffer much damage, but because of the fight between the two sides, it is naturally disturbing, and many people dare not come to play. Revenue reduction.

At this time, Xiong Man and others no longer ran around, and Yan Bai were together. Five new Xuan-level mid-range warriors are together. Liu Shan and Ge Cheng are together most of the time.

Because four people in the west of the city were killed, the two sides went to war, and other gang bosses also united for fear of being assassinated.

For a while, the east, west, south and north were all in a high degree of tension, and all streets were in a strange and depressive atmosphere.

No matter how the outside world changes, Li Yang is still practicing martial arts with Zhou Yingying and Chen Xueqing in the villa as usual. Let them improve their strength as soon as possible.

Originally, Li Yang was also afraid that the gang alliance would really rush tens of thousands of people to deal with him. Now it seems that Yuan Badai and others did not dare to come. Naturally, he became bold.

He resists the clubhouse, and most of them are ordinary people. Naturally, most of them don't know the struggle between the Sun Moon Group and the Zhentian Group, and they still come to the clubhouse to have fun. The Zhentian Entertainment Club is a high-end clubhouse. Electricity and water have been damaged and can't operate at all.

Li Yang is not afraid of rising one after another, but the 30 gangs of the guild alliance will inevitably cause chaos, so he is the one who can afford to consume now.

Five days passed, and finally Li Yang received a phone call from Ge Cheng, saying that Changsun Can came to the Sun and Moon Group with two masters of the Black Leaf Club.

When Yuan Badao comes, Li Yang will definitely do it. Tao Yan and Tao Fengcheng, Li Yang will naturally also do it, except for the eldest grandson, who has never had a direct conflict. And the eldest grandson family is no worse than the Lin family. Li Yang will not be stupid enough to kill him.

In the spacious conference room of the Sun and Moon Group, Li Yang and Changsun Can sit opposite each other.

There is a man and a woman standing behind Changsun Can, who is very strong. Behind Li Yang stood Liu Shan and Xiong Man, who were also the strongest two in the Sun and Moon Group besides him.

"Brother Grandson, are you here to persuade him to surrender? Or surrender?" Li Yang smiled and joked.

The eldest grandson still had a kind smile on his ferocious face and said, "Brother Li's words are wrong. There is no war between us, and there is no surrender or persuasion. I just miss my brother recently, so I come here to see you.

"Damn, it's more hypocritical than me." Li Yangxin said.

Then, he said, "I also miss my eldest grandson! Fortunately, I didn't meet my eldest brother in Heilong Mountain a few days ago, otherwise I might have been buried on the top of Heilong Mountain that day. Even if you don't die, you may not be able to chat so happily. I miss Mr. Dao and Brother Tao very much now, as well as his sister.

Changsun Can apologized, "I really don't know about that. I'm in the south of the city and you're in the north of the city. We don't have any interests in the first place. Naturally, I won't deal with you. It's just that I joined the alliance. I can't help it. After all, the south of the city is not my own, but my eldest grandson family.

"I understand, so! Now only the two of us are chatting with a smile. Li Yang smiled, and then looked formal and said, "Brother Sun, let's not say anything else, just talk about the purpose of your coming this time!"

Changsun Can didn't expect Li Yang to change his face so quickly, and he wanted to say a few more polite words to pull the relationship.

However, he has also been the boss for more than 20 years. He changed his face in an instant and looked solemn and said, "I won't turn around. This time it's a unified negotiation between our alliance."

After a pause, he said, "Zhentian Group and Sun Moon Group have no interest at all. So, if it continues to be consumed like this. It's not good for both sides. Zhentian Group, we have a lot of money, and it doesn't matter if we last for a year and a half.

"And Brother Li, your Sun and Moon Group may not last for half a year, right? If you keep being disturbed by us, the revenue will be halved or even reduced by more than ten times. At that time, more than 20,000 brothers will have nothing to eat. Without us, your Sun and Moon Group will soon disband. Am I right?

Li Yang's expression remained unchanged and said, "Brother Changsun's words are wrong. Before me, there was no Sun and Moon Group in the Dragon Shadow Club. Hasn't it developed for more than ten years? If it really doesn't work, at worst, I will dissolve the Sun and Moon Group. I will still do my Sun and Moon meeting, dock transactions, and charge some protection fees.

"By the way, you can also recommend a few puppet gang bosses like you. In this way, I also live a comfortable life. As for the alliance? There is no income for half a year. Your three gangs are fine. Can the other 27 can stand it? I'm not afraid of procrastinating."

Changsun Can frowned and said, "Brother Li, don't be too stubborn about everything. That's a draw between us. Of course, I didn't come here this time on behalf of the alliance to ask you to compensate.

"I just want to tell you if we can sit down and have a good talk again. Last time at Shangguan Ping's family, because we didn't realize your strength and ability and misjudged it, we would do something out of the ordinary.

"Now that you have shown your strength, it is naturally worthy of our respect, so let's talk about the future development on an equal footing. I don't think you want to be so deadlocked all the time. And after this fight, our alliance will no longer rob your north of the city.

Talk about? The first time we talked about sneaking on me, the second time we talked about sneaking on me, and the third time. Brother Changsun, do you believe this? Li Yang sneered.

Changsun Can said, "This is not right. The first time we talked, you showed your strength, and we began to hesitate. The second time, you were tricked by Tao Yan, which was not a kind conversation. But this third time is different. Let's talk about it in the north of the city. You can talk about a place. For example, this Sun and Moon Group, or somewhere else.

"Hmm?" Li Yang was a little doubtful. If he was in the north of the city, he was relatively the safest. Even if Xiong Man and other brothers were there, he would have an advantage.

Li Yang fell into thought...