King of Close Combat

Chapter 235 Baby Silkworm!

Li Yang saw the story in this message that the immortal body of Pluto can only be cultivated after cultivating the Xuanming palm to the third layer and achieving the Xuanming body. The cultivation method is to enter the extremely cold place and absorb the cold breath into the body to open up the eight strange meridians and twelve meridians, as well as several special dark meridians.

Then follow the operation route, start to run the internal force in the body, convert it into Pluto power, and at the same time convert the poison in the body into Pluto gas. The breath is full of poisonous breath, which can kill people invisibly.

The reason why it is called Pluto's immortal body is that as long as you constantly absorb the power of the dead, you can strengthen your body. The extremely cold attack is more exaggerated. As long as there are dead people around, there is death. No matter how heavy the injury is, as long as you don't die, you can quickly recover from the injury. Because this constitution is accompanied by death, it is called Pluto's immortal body.

Li Yang thought about those transportation routes, but was surprised to find: "My eight strange meridians and twelve serious meridians have all been opened, and some other small meridians have also been opened, including the dark meridians that need to be opened in Pluto's immortal body."

"Sure enough, this piece of the jade seal handed down by Emperor Qin is not ordinary. Although the attack of "Invertical Without Phase" is not strong, it is very helpful for practice to open up the meridians. Not only Pluto's immortal body, I think it will be much easier for me to practice other skills in the future. Although the meridians have been opened, I don't have such a cold breath in my body, and I need to operate it.

He did it when he thought of it, and then Li Yang began to control his body. First, he let the pores of his arms relax, and began to absorb a trace of ice.

He has become a mysterious body, and Xuanming cold needles can be applied to pores all over the body. Naturally, he can freely control the relaxation or closing of pores. However, because the temperature here is more than 200 degrees low, the cold can freeze people to death.

Not to mention that if the cold air enters the body, it sounds like looking for a dead end. Fortunately, he has the practice route of Pluto's immortal body, otherwise Li Yang would not dare to try it easily. Even if you try it now, just take a little bit first and get used to it first.

As the cold air entered his arms, the meridians of Li Yang's arms froze, the blood stopped flowing, and his arms formed into ice and turned into two cold arms.

"Don't worry, a little bit, slowly." Li Yang said in his heart, and then the internal force on his shoulders slightly operated, which made the meridians of the arm begin to melt little by little. At the same time, the information of Pluto's immortal body was secretly told, incorporating those cold air into the internal forces and little by little.

With Li Yang's little efforts, his arms melted, and that part of the meridians melted and could circulate internal forces. At the same time, blood vessels can also flow and donate blood. But because the flesh and blood and skin are frozen. Even if the ice melted, his arm skin still looked swollen and frostbitten.

Of course, Li Yang can't control so much. At the beginning, he needed to incorporate highly toxic into his body, which was more painful than this. In comparison, this is still good.

"Hold on!" Li Yang said, continue to work hard...

About an hour later, Li Yang finally let his arms melt, and the meridians could slowly flow through the internal force. Even if the cold air enters the arms, it is only a little frozen and will not be completely frozen into ice.

After that, in order to adapt his arms, Li Yang absorbed the surrounding cold with his arms again and practiced for another hour. At this time, his body was wrinkled and wrapped in ice, but because he had been blocking his pores and out of his arms, the other parts did not absorb the cold air, so his body was not frozen.

"Damn, it's so cold, I can't stay anymore! Otherwise, you may die here on the first day of practice. Li Yang said in his heart, and then he looked at the smoke and rain more than 20 meters away.

At this time, Yanyu was in a big ice cube, his movements and expressions stopped, and his eyes showed pain.

"I'll go!" Li Yang moved his body slightly, and the ice residue on his body was broken. Then he stood up and walked towards the misty rain.

The temperature here is too low. Even if Li Yang wants to perform the body method, the internal force can't keep up with the operation of the body method. Instead, it will cause internal injury, so Li Yang can only move slowly.

Walking to Yanyu's side, Li Yang knocked on the ice cubes and said, "Leave, close your eyes, don't leave, keep your eyes open. So, don't leave now"

Yanyu's eyelids trembled and closed them with difficulty.

"Good." Li Yang nodded, and then Li Yang carried the ice block sealed by the smoke and rain and walked to the irregular hole above his head.

Li Yang's legs were slightly bent, running his internal force, jumped up with a sudden, rushed straight more than ten meters high, and suddenly broke through the thick fog and rushed into the hole. Then he grabbed the stone wall.

The temperature of the hole was much lower than that at the bottom. The ice that sealed the smoke and rain suddenly cracked the gap, and then broke. The smoke and rain fell on Li Yang's back. For a moment, his body was weak, but it was difficult to leave.

His voice trembled a little and said, "I have never experienced such a cold temperature. Today, if it weren't for you, I would have been frozen to death."

"Of course." Li Yang said, "You still said you were smart, did you understand this time? There is also a deadline for practice, otherwise you will really die.

With that, his hands became claws, grabbed a stone wall, and then jumped more than ten meters, like a dexterous monkey, moving quickly upwards.

Yanyu said, "Yes, I thought my Xuanyin body was not afraid of the severe cold, but I didn't expect that the temperature here completely exceeded the limit of Xuanyin body and sealed myself into the ice. I have to pay attention next time."

Li Yang jumped more than 50 meters, and Yanyu's body resumed its movement, and then the two rushed up together.

Bo of them are at the peak of the mysterious level, and they are good at speed. Naturally, when the temperature rises, there are a lot of movements.

"Wo! Wheops!" After two minutes, the two rushed out of the cave and came to the stone room.

Li Yang lay directly on the ground of the stone room and said with a long breath, "Damn, it's really terrible! If it's an ordinary person, it will definitely become ice.

Yanyu sat next to Li Yang regardless of his image. He looked at Li Yang, hesitated for a moment and said, "Thank you."

Li Yang looked at Yanyu, grinned and said, "It's a small thing, if my competitors are frozen to death, which one is better than me to compete with, hey hey..."

Then, Li Yang followed Yanyu to leave the stone room and went outside the cave. I can't help it. It's not that he doesn't have IQ, but that he doesn't have that unforgettable memory. If he goes by himself, he will never go back.

After going out, Li Yang took Dahei to fish in the sea, and then continued to roast fish.

After dinner, Li Yang calculated that it was more than two hours, that is, he went to the Xuanbing land of cultivation again with Yanyu...

In addition to sleeping and eating, Li Yang and Yanyu entered three times a day. Continue to practice the next day. After three days, Li Yang's arms were finally familiar with the polar temperature of more than 200 degrees below zero, and the internal force was also a little cold. Li Yang can also stay in the Xuanbing land for three and a half hours.

After that, the legs had the first success and the foundation was good. Li Yang's legs were familiar with this cold air in one day, and it took another two days to make other directions of the body and internal organs familiarize themselves with this cold air. Now he has been able to stay for five hours, and the misty rain is the same as Li Yang.

Then, he began to absorb the cold air into his body and tried to integrate into his internal force.

"Start to transform the inner power of the underworld into the power of Pluto." Li Yangxin said.

Time flies...

After another six days, Li Yang, who sat cross-legged in the dark ice, suddenly blew up his clothes and flew in all directions. His body emitted pure white light. The whole person is like a night pearl. The light is not dazzling, but it is transparent and warm, making people feel comfortable.

And when the light did not disappear, a layer of ice appeared on Li Yang's body surface, and the ice began to increase rapidly and thicken.

Soon, Li Yang became an ice sculpture, and the ice was still thickening. Yanyu, who was in the process of cultivation, felt the movement of Li Yang here and hurriedly opened his eyes.

"What's going on? How could he be frozen!" Yanyu was puzzled and rushed over quickly. After ten days of practice, he was much familiar with this mysterious ice land. The action is also much faster.

Rushing to Li Yang, Yanyu wanted to point to the ice on Li Yang's body surface. However, when his fingers touched the ice, the strong Xuanyin fingers did not work at all, and a strong momentum suddenly burst out of the ice.

"Boom!" The misty rain flew out!

"It's not frozen! Yes, it will be cultivated successfully!" The smart misty rain was knocked more than ten meters away and quickly reacted, with an unbelievable look in his eyes: "It's only ten days to succeed!"

Since he knew that Li Yang was practicing, Yanyu was much relieved. He sat ten meters away from Li Yang and fell into practice.

After waiting for eight hours, Yanyu couldn't stand the extremely cold smell of the mysterious ice land. Looking at Li Yang, who became an ice sculpture, he frowned slightly, and then picked up more than ten meters high, entered the mouth of the cave and left the mysterious ice land.

After that, Yanyu quickly left the stone room and ran to the entrance of the cave.

Only five points, Yanyu showed a powerful body method and rushed to Xuanming's ancestor to tell the story of Li Yang's situation. Xuan Ming's ancestor showed surprise!

"So fast!" Xuanming's ancestor also showed surprise, and then his expression returned to normal and said, "It's okay. In just one or two days, he will wake up, and you can still practice as usual."

About 36 hours have passed since entering here from Liyang, and the misty rain left again.

At this time, a little finger is long, pure white as warm jade, and the fleshy silkworm is slightly transparent, emitting a faint moonlight halo, and slowly moved to Li Yang, who incarnates the ice sculpture.

The ice sculpture that could knock away the smoke and rain, did not emit a strong momentum after the cute little silkworm touched it. And the hard stone ice seems to exist. The cute little silkworm, like a curious baby, slowly got into the ice that wrapped Li Yang's body!

After that, he slowly moved up along the ice and finally stayed in Li Yang's eyebrows. The next moment, his little head hit Li Yang's eyebrows, and a rice-sized blood mouth appeared in Li Yang's eyebrows in an instant, and a drop of blood stained the top of the little silkworm's head.

"Wo!" The body of the little silkworm turned blood red and bloomed with blood-colored light!