King of Close Combat

Chapter 292 In the belly of the monster

"Ah!" At this time, Li Yang realized that he might have been caught by an invincible monster!

After that, Li Yang saw a large hole behind the bushes. The hole was irregular in shape, more than 60 meters in diameter, covered by black fog. His evil pupil can't see the specific situation below.

He grasped the black magic sword and split three swords in a row according to the black vine. However, because the injury was too heavy, the attack was not strong. And the vine is also surprisingly hard, not broken at all, and only three white marks. This vine is not like a plant's vine, but more like a reinforced iron bone.

"Wo!" The black vine retracted, and Li Yang fell into the black fog like a pebble. In the blink of an eye, he passed through the thick black fog and fell rapidly. Then, he saw that the hole was very deep and dark, so that Li Yang could not see how deep the ground fell below.

"I'll go! How long is this vine? This beast island is really not a place for people to stay. Li Yang was shocked, and the phaseless internal force in his body turned into Pluto's power to rush out of the giant sword, forming a strong sword spirit, and hit the vine again.

This time, Li Yang split some gaps, but the next moment, the gap suddenly disappeared, as if he had no injury at all.

"I can't fall to the lowest end. If it's really a monster not worse than Xuanming's ancestor, I'm 99% dead!"

Thinking of this, Li Yang held the sword in both hands, regardless of the rapid fall of the vines, and frantically chopped the vines wrapped around his waist.

However, no matter how hard Li Yang exerts, even if he uses sword spirit, it is still useless.

After only a few seconds, Li Yang passed through a thick layer of black fog of more than ten meters again and finally saw the situation below.

He felt roughly and fell more than 500 meters!

Then, Li Yang saw a strange plant of more than 50 meters below, growing on the stone wall.

"Damn! So big!" Li Yang's eyes showed shock. He had never seen such a big monster. I just want to be a tall building.

And the bottom of the deep pit is covered with various beasts and human white bones. When these white bones are piled up, Li Yang can't guess how thick they are, but the spirit of death around is very strong, and the black fog floats on it.

And Li Yang also knew that the black fog in the cave and the fog at the mouth of the cave were all dead spirits!

Li Yang saw that the plant was very strange, looking like a scale monster, but also like a cactus and other plants, which was a strange combination. And the black vines wrapped around Li Yang are connected to the body of the plant.

At this time, the momentum emitted by this monster is absolutely the same as that of Xuanming's ancestors. However, Li Yang found that the monster's momentum was stagnant, but it lacked a kind of agility, not as good as Xuanming's ancestor or the human spirit of the baby's father.

This monster also has only this 500-meter-long vine. Li Yang found that the monster, without eyes and face, rooted in the stone wall and tended to be a plant.

"It's not going to eat me, is it?" Li Yang said in horror.

As soon as he thought of this, he saw that the strange plant opened a big ferocious mouth, with nine mouths and blood-red shred meat. Immediately, a strong suction came from the big mouth, like a strong wind sweeping around Li Yang's body.

"Get out!" Li Yang used all the phaseless internal force in his body, and then waved the black demon sword and split the big mouth.

"Boom!" The sword is more than five meters long and one meter wide. It hits the monster's mouth, but it is like a sea of mud and cow, which is useless!

"Me! Unexpectedly eaten by the monster!" Li Yang only had this idea in his heart, and his body flew into the monster's big mouth.

Then, the strange plant slowly closed its ferocious mouth and fell into silence...

At the same time, more than a dozen beasts chased to the mouth of the big hole and looked at the big hole. At the same time, fear appeared in their eyes.

The one-legged cow made a slightly astringent, thick man's voice: "In the hole, dangerous."

The red-haired monkey shouted a few times, turned around and jumped on a big tree and quickly went away.

The other beasts looked at the hole and ran quickly with fear.

Li Yang just entered the big mouth of the strange plant, and the vine loosened his waist.

Later, he found that the plant looked like a plant on the outside, but it looked like an animal in its belly, with some dark red flesh and blood. This huge suction is too strong. Even if Li Yang tried his best to resist and wanted to climb out, it was still fruitless.

"Bang!" Li Yang finally fell into a strange space.

This space is more than 20 square meters, surrounded by pleated dark red meat walls.

There are two beasts on this meat wall at this time. One is an ugly-headed red toad with a human head. One is a gray-haired wolf with a body length of more than five meters.

At this time, they were all wrapped in a film and clinging to the meat wall, and their breath was extremely weak. It looked like too much loss of essence and should have died.

"Wo!' Suddenly, a huge bubble flew from the hole that Li Yang fell down, and wrapped him directly when he didn't notice.

Then the bubble suddenly floated and took Li Yang directly to the meat wall of this space.

The suction suddenly came from the meat wall.

"Bang!" Immediately, Li Yang was out of control and his back was sucked close to the meat wall.

Subsequently, the bubble contracted rapidly, forming a film that wrapped Li Yang's body. A large amount of mucus was left on the meat wall and fell on Li Yang.

He found that his whole body was corroded and melted by this mucus.

Li Yang felt that his body began to weaken, his strength decreased rapidly, and his consciousness began to become drowsy. Only a minute later, Li Yang felt the blood on his back and legs sticking to the meat wall.

Then, the meat wall emitted a trace of suction, causing blood from his body to pour into the meat wall.

With the blood, there is also a trace of invisible strange smell. When this breath disappeared, Li Yang felt that his consciousness was getting more and more dizzy, and his heart became more and more tired, and he wanted to sleep at any time.

"You can't fall asleep, or you will really die." Li Yang tried his best to make his head not stick to the meat wall.

After that, he shook his head to keep himself awake.

"This monster should absorb the spirit and spiritual power, and then flesh and blood." Li Yang remembered the white bones outside: "Maybe this thing can't digest the bones, so it digested all the flesh and blood and spit out the bones. Over time, more and more bones have been accumulated.

"I can't let him absorb it like this. I feel dizzy now. If it continues like this, in less than an hour, I may really lose consciousness and end up being eaten by this monster."

The more he thinks about it, the more afraid Li Yang is. He knows dark blood skills. Naturally, he understands this method of sucking blood. It is very horrible, and the absorption speed is very fast.

And this monster's blood absorption speed is not too fast, far from dark blood, but his absorption of human spirit is much stronger than dark blood.

"We must get rid of this monster." Li Yang frowned and suddenly had an idea in his heart, but there was a trace of hesitation, because it was so painful that he had never experienced it.

"Damn! It's just a little pain. As long as you can survive, it's worth it.

After that, Li Yang tried hard to get rid of the adsorption of the meat wall and found it useless. He mobilized the only remaining internal force in his body to form an ice blade in his left hand.

"Turn." Li Yang's body softened like a snake and turned into a strange angle.

"Cut!" Li Yang's eyes showed a fierce look, and the ice blade of his left hand cut the flesh and blood on his back.

"Sneer!" Li Yang cut a blood mark directly on his back with his left hand.

Then, he began to peel off the skin of his back when he once peeled off the skin of the foot monster!

" hiss!" Li Yang took a breath of cold air, and the living man skinned himself, which sounded a little oozing.

But Li Yang had to do this, because he tried his best and still couldn't get rid of the adsorption power of the meat wall. Then, if you peel off this skin, you will naturally not be sucked!

Only Li Yang can do this. If it were someone else, his left arm could not be softened at various angles like a snake's body. If it is a monster, it is even more impossible to complete the peeling. First, the beast didn't expect it. Second, the beast mostly had limbs, which were so stiff that they could not peel off their skin.

Even if Li Yang could do it, but when he peeled off the skin of his back with his hands, Li Yang still felt dizzy and even fainted.

"Forbearance! You must put up with it. I can't die like this." Li Yang gritted his teeth, and blood flowed from the cracks of the cliff.

He doesn't think about anyone, he just wants to live. Because only by living can you have time to miss and freedom to fight for it.

In just half a minute, Li Yang cut off his back skin and some pieces of meat. His back is already bloody and miserable. However, it was frozen by him with Pluto's armor and stopped bleeding.

Li Yang's upper body also broke away from the meat wall, and then he took action again to cut off the skin connected to the meat wall on his legs.

"Bang!" After a minute, Li Yang got rid of the meat wall and jumped down.

At this time, he can't see behind him at all. If it were an ordinary person, thin skin would die. Even ordinary Xuan-level martial artists can't stand this kind of severe pain. It's normal to faint.

However, Pluto's immortal body has this feature. As long as a person does not die, he can continue to recover from his injury.

"Damn! Monster, as long as I live, I will eat you alive!" Li Yang said fiercely, looked at the hole above his head, and then wanted to jump out.

However, when Li Yang just wanted to move, he saw that the small hole with a diameter of more than five meters and a diameter of half a meter flew in again into a thin bubble with a diameter of two meters and flew towards him.

"Damn, come back!" Li Yang was shocked. How dare he be wrapped in this bubble and showed his finger.

"Wo!" A white sword spirit flew out of more than a meter and stimulated the bubble.

However, Li Yang saw his sword spirit passing through the bubble, but the bubble was intact and still flew quickly to him.

"Bow!" The bubbles wrapped Li Yang's body, and then flew to the dark red meat wall.