King of Close Combat

Chapter 294 Strong Rise

Just as Li Yang's left eyeball turned blood red and nine jade-like pupils rotated rapidly, the skin of his left arm suddenly emitted a strange pure white light. Then Li Yang felt that his whole arm seemed to have been stabbed by thousands of needles, as if he had been bitten by countless ants, which was painful and unbearable.

But because his arms were trapped in the meat wall, Li Yang wanted to move, but he couldn't move at all. Then the white light converge, revealing Li Yang's left arm. At this time, his skin grew strangely dense white scales, like white snake scales, emitting a faint white halo.

Suddenly, Li Yang felt that his left arm was full of strength, and five fingers were in severe pain, and his skin was broken and bleeding, but five bones were drilled out. It looks like five sharp white snake teeth, flowing out transparent mucus.

"What is this?" Li Yang was surprised, but he didn't have time to think about why this change happened.

The next moment, an idea appeared in his mind, and then his left hand directly grabbed the dark red meat wall.

Originally, it was very difficult for Li Yang to pierce the meat wall, and it would take a long time. However, after the change in the left hand, the snake's teeth were like the tip of the bone and immediately pierced through the meat wall.

Then, Li Yang's left eye was bloody and colorful, looking strange, cold and indifferent.

"Boom!" The same dark blood technique, but now it is more powerful than ten times. Just for a moment, Li Yang felt that his body was full of the blood of strange plants.

His whole left arm was covered by blood-colored light, and then the light spread along his shoulder to his whole body.

"Here comes the opportunity!" Li Yang didn't know why there was such a change. Anyway, he felt that the blood in his body increased rapidly and the passing flesh began to recover.

However, his consciousness is more absent-minded, because his dark blood skills can't absorb other people's spiritual power!

"Now there is no way to escape the adsorption of the meat wall. There is only one way, either he dies or I die!" Li Yang's heart was fierce. Regardless of his trance, he was constantly absorbing the blood of the monster.

Crazy absorption! One must die!

"Hum!" Li Yang's whole body emitted blood-colored light, and the speed of dark blood absorption was even faster.

If he could see the outside, he would find the huge plant, and his body suddenly squirmed as if trembling. His long vines also swayed randomly.

However, Li Yang couldn't see clearly, and his consciousness became more and more confused, but because of this, his reason no longer suppressed the murderous intention in his heart, and his eyes were full of madness and killing thoughts. My mind is also full of killing thoughts, just want to kill this strange plant!

Three minutes is just a short time for ordinary people. But for Li Yang, it is too long to calculate.

Because of the confrontation between the two sides, a lot of blood was transformed in a second. Three minutes is 180 seconds.

And Li Yang also forgot the time and only knew how to use dark blood and constantly absorb blood. Crazy absorption, keep sucking, that is to kill this monster!

At this time, the absorption force of the strange plants began to weaken. Li Yang's consciousness was in a trance, and his whole body was wrapped in a meat wall. He did not know the surrounding changes at all, but continued to absorb it.

As time went by, the suction power of strange plants became weaker and weaker. Two minutes later, the suction force suddenly stopped!

Li Yang still doesn't know, because at this time, he is already in a coma. However, dark blood is still being used. Just like some people grabbed a man's arm and died. He was originally a dead man, but others couldn't open his hand. This is also an obsession in his heart and caused some kind of command of the body.

Li Yang used dark blood technique, regardless of the consequences. He was too crazy and his mind was already confused. Now it's almost equivalent to his body's dark blood. My consciousness fell into a coma.

And as the meat wall stopped absorbing, the blood that Li Yang could absorb became much less.

With the passage of time, as the dark blood technique absorbed blood, the surrounding flesh walls began to turn bright red, light red, gray and gray. At the same time, the meat wall of ** force also began to dry up.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the meat wall surrounding Li Yang's body exploded.

At the same time, the strange plant, which was more than 30 meters long, also exploded and was full of flesh and blood. Among them are the bodies of the toad and the big wolf, as well as Li Yang's body.

At this time, Li Yang's whole body emitted a charming red light and was unconscious, but his eyes were wide open and his expression was blank.

"Plop!" Li Yang fell on the white bones below with a lot of flesh and blood.

At this time, a fist-sized blood-colored bead also fell from the flesh and blood mass, just next to Li Yang.

"Wo!" Even if he broke away from the meat wall, Li Yang was still doing dark blood skills, with suction power in his hand. As soon as the round blood-colored beads approached, they were sucked into Li Yang's right hand.

Suddenly, the bloody bead of the fist turned into a bloody energy, containing ten people's palpitations and a strong breath of life, which suddenly disappeared into the palm of Li Yang's hand and disappeared.

After half a minute, Li Yang's eyes appeared, and then he felt more and more energetic. It seems that the spiritual power absorbed by the monster has returned to his mind.

"This! What's going on?" At this time, Li Yang also woke up and looked around in a hurry. I found myself lying on a pile of white bones, surrounded by some huge lumps of flesh and blood, but the flesh and blood were grayish white, but there was little bloody smell.

At the same time, Li Yang saw a spherical green plant similar to a cactus on the stone wall more than ten meters high. However, this plant has no spikes and a very long green vine.

At this time, the vine is surrounded by spherical cactus, like a very ordinary vine.

"What is this? The prototype of that strange plant?" Li Yang said uncertainly.

At this time, he also felt a huge amount of energy in his body, which was immeasurable.

A muffled sound suddenly sounded in Li Yang's body, and Li Yang's eyes burst into excitement and excitement.

"The ground barrier is broken and will be broken!" Li Yang said to himself excitedly, and then quickly sat up cross-legged, closed his eyes, and entered the practice...

If you want to break through the prefecture level, the first thing to do is to break a barrier. It is said that it is a barrier, but in fact, it is to turn a little internal force into mystery. As long as it succeeds a little, it will be regarded as stepping into the prefecture level.

This is like a child learning words and learning the first word. After that, as long as they keep working hard, they will eventually learn more words. But if you can't learn a word, the purpose of your efforts is to learn that word. Lay the foundation for learning more words in the future.

To completely transform the internal force into Xuanqi is to officially become a prefecture-level warrior.

Li Yang began to practice, that is, he was running his internal force and quickly transforming into Xuanqi.

With the passage of time, the bloody light on Li Yang's body began to weaken and eventually disappeared.

Then Li Yang was like a thousand-year-old ice, which quickly reduced the surrounding temperature. Slowly, the cold fog emerged from the air and permeated under the hole.

At this time, a layer of ice appeared on Li Yang's body surface, and then the ice layer became thicker and thicker. However, in three minutes, it turned into a large piece of ice and wrapped Li Yang's body in it. It makes it a pure white ice sculpture.

In this ice, there is still a trace of blood-colored silk flowing.

Time flies...

The night has passed, the morning sun rises, and the black fog in the hole has not dissipated. Night falls, the crescent moon hangs in the sky, and the black fog is still the same. The beasts on the island are fighting and roaring, and the smell of blood is still strong.

The sun rises and the sun sets down...

I don't know how long it has been. During a period when the sun was empty, the ice surrounding Li Yang's body began to slowly melt, and the water penetrated into the white bones.

About five minutes, the ice surrounding Li Yang's body completely melted, showing his body.

"Hmm!" Li Yang made a soft sound and slowly opened his eyes.

Looking up, Li Yang grinned: "It's fast!" Yesterday night, until noon today. I heard from the teacher that when he broke through the prefecture level, the process took ten days. Or am I efficient?

After that, Li Yang got up and stretched his body, and his eyes suddenly felt a little surprised!

Because he found that his body had changed a lot, and he also grew long silver-white hair more than half a meter long!

"If you make money and break through to the prefecture level, it can really increase your strength by about ten times. And I feel that I can exceed more than ten times. Li Yang was extremely happy and roared in his heart.

Unfortunately, in this deep pit, he did not dare to roar. If a group of beasts heard him roar and came to the hole to block him, it would be very happy and sad.

At this time, Li Yang's body changed differently than before.

If you don't look carefully, except that he is a little taller, he is not as strong as when he didn't break through the prefecture level. The big muscles that were originally trained have disappeared. However, if you look carefully, you will find that it is much more powerful than before, which is simply very different!

Li Yang seems to be weak and has no developed muscles at this time. Looking carefully at each shallow muscle and physical line, I found that this body has an absolutely horrible explosive power, not a visual impact, but the most real inner feeling!

Li Yangxin said, "Last time, with Wan'er's transformation, my muscles disappeared. Now I have broken through the realm, my body has changed, and my muscles have disappeared again. However, I feel that my strength has increased a lot, my flexibility has become stronger, and a strong explosive force is brewing in my body.

"Now the muscles of the whole body seem to be connected together, quite harmonious, and the body lines present a situation that tend to be perfect. I feel that if I meet the one-legged cow again, I will no longer be afraid of him."

Then, Li Yang stood still and began to observe the changes of his internal organs and internal meridians.

The internal organs are stronger than the original. He feels that even if he is stabbed, the internal organs can be automatically restored. You should know that the current warriors in the early stage of the prefecture do not have such a strong self-healing ability.

Similarly, Li Yang found that the meridians were widened a lot, more small meridians were opened, stronger, and the internal forces flowing in the body were completely transformed into ice-blue Xuanqi. Not to mention how much power has increased, the content of Xuanqi in the body alone is directly five times higher than the internal force!

"No! Because the power of Xuanqi is more than ten times stronger than the internal force, which is the concentration of internal power, the warriors in the early stage of the prefecture are ten times more powerful than the martial artists at the peak of the Xuanqi level. But I heard from the teacher that even if I break through the ground level, the initial mysterious spirit is similar to the internal strength, and the triple increase is a genius, but I am five times bigger. I have such a strong talent?

Li Yang was puzzled, and suddenly he thought of the massive energy that appeared in his body at night: "It's that energy!"

Li Yang hurriedly observed his body again and absorbed energy randomly, but he would lose his life. He had to be careful.