King of Close Combat

Chapter 312 Return to a strange place and miss familiar people

When I came, my whole body was injured, and I was anxious to recover from my injury for three days. At that time, my heart was heavy and I almost never thought that I would succeed. However, Li Yang didn't expect that he had encountered so many dangers, but he survived and broke through the prefecture level.

This time, Li Yang looked a little energetic and did not practice. He sat on the boat and began to look around. Or look at the bottom of the boat and see how the fish and shrimp in Penglai is different from the outside world.

As a result, Li Yang found that in addition to being the most suitable for cultivation, the natural atmosphere is relatively strong, and the surrounding scenery is similar to that of the outside world.

And the rabbit roared Xiaobai was also very smart. After hiding in the big package, he did not appear or make a sound. Li Yang saved a lot of things.

Time flies...

Three days later, Li's Holy Land.

In Li Shiyu's small yard, there is a beautiful pink girl with some vegetables and dried meat in her hand. Surrounded by a group of small animals and birds, they chatted and jumped, trying to grab the vegetables and dried meat in her bamboo basket.

And the little girl stood in a daze, forgetting that there was such a group of little guys around her.

"Bang!" The wooden door was pushed away, and Li Shiyun, dressed in a goose yellow dress, came in. Looking at Li Shiyu in a daze, she frowned slightly and shouted, "Baby!"

"Ah?" Li Shiyu's vegetables and dried meat suddenly spilled down and quickly responded, "Oh! Sixth sister, I just woke up and was a little sleepy.

Seeing vegetables and dried meat, a group of small animals jumped up to grab food.

"You girl." Li Shiyun came over and said angrily, "It's already noon. Have you just woken up? What's wrong? Recently, I saw that you are worried. Have you encountered difficulties in practicing?

"No." Li Shiyu shook his little head, then hesitated for a moment, looked at Li Shiyun and said, "Sixth sister, where is Brother Yang? He hasn't been back for a month.

"I don't know! His father said that if he wanted to train him, he should go to other islands to train. Li Shiyun said.

At this time, Li Shiyu ran over, put his arms around his sister, showed a pitiful look, and whispered, "Sixth sister, did Dad drive Brother Yang out? I'm not stupid. Brother Yang is a good person. He is good for me, that's why he says good things. But I know that his parents don't like him.

"Shh!" Li Shiyun quickly stretched out her index finger, booed, and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense. Your parents are for your own good. If you really drive Li Yang out of Penglai, you won't hide it. Li Yang didn't lie to you, saying that it was training. When he comes back, you won't think so.

"Oh!" Li Shiyu bowed his head and said, "But I miss Brother Yang."

Li Shiyun hurriedly said, "You can't say this in front of outsiders in the future. You are the strongest genius in our Li family. Now that you are an adult, you need to be responsible for every sentence."

"Oh! I'm sleepy." Li Shiyu looked at Li Shiyun with a somewhat depressed look and did not look at her sister again. She turned around and walked into the room.

Li Shiyun was a little dull and looked helpless: "The baby has really grown up. If she speaks back to me, she will listen carefully."

Then, she remembered Li Yang's appearance in her new heart: "What on earth is good about Li Yang? It will make the baby change so much!"

Li Shiyu returned to the room and lay**, looking dull, with beautiful big eyes showing a contemplative look: "No, I don't want to never see Brother Yang. If I still see him in five days, I will go to see him. Humph! Since I became an adult, my parents don't like me. I, I don't listen to them. I'm also an adult. I want to have my own opinions.

At night, two batches of jujube red horses galloped towards Li's holy land. Immediately, they were Dongfang Lan and Li Yang, who was carrying a big package and a black magic sword.

Although there are still thousands of miles away, Li Yang's mind is full of Li Shiyu, her smile, her innocence, her kindness, her beauty, her everything!

"The baby won't forget me, will he?" Li Yang suddenly had this idea in his heart, and his eyes showed a panicked look.

Then, he laughed at himself and said to himself, "26-year-olds still think so. I'm funny enough. Of course, I won't forget it. He should be very happy."

Thinking about it, the appearance of Lin Waner, Zhou Yingying, Chen Xueqing and Han Qing suddenly appeared in Li Yang's mind. There is also that scene, the picture when we were together.

Lin Waner's strength and accidental weakness. Zhou Yingying is shrewd and never gives up. Chen Xueqing is cute and playful. Han Qing's barbarism is unreasonable, but he takes care of him in many ways.

"Level, I broke through! How are you doing?

The next day, at about four o'clock, the two of them at least came to Li's Holy Land.

Once again, I saw this Qionglou Yuyu, the high tower of the hall, the flowing springs and waterfalls, and the top of the mountain. Li Yang still has no sense of familiarity. Because he just came here for a day, he left before he was familiar with it. Now that he comes back, he is still an outsider.

However, now Li Yang does not have the previous fear, but has a little confidence. Because he is in the early stage of the prefecture level and is not afraid of the middle stage of the prefecture level. Unless the later stage of the prefecture level, or stronger. Otherwise, others can't stop themselves at all. At his speed, even if this Li's holy land, there will not be too many people who are afraid of him.

The two rode horses and went directly into a horse farm of Li's, leaving the jujube red horse, which was still caught by a mysterious mid-level guard.

After that, Dongfang Lan walked forward and said, "How about still living in the original yard?"

"Good!" Li Yang smiled and nodded. The yard was very close to Li Shiyu's residence, and of course he was happy.

"Come with me! After a night's walk today, I think you should be a little tired. Tomorrow afternoon, when you have enough rest, you can go to your wife and the owner. The old man Dongfang Lan continued.

"Well, good." Li Yang still answered.

After that, the two did not talk any more, but walked to the top of the mountain...

On the way, some guards passed by and saw Li Yang, and they all showed a trace of curiosity.

Because he had just returned from the barbarian island, Dongfang Lan did not prepare clothes for him. He was still dressed in animal leather, carrying a huge animal skin wrapped and a huge black sword. It is full of a barbaric atmosphere.

Naturally, many people are confused about what such a savage young man is doing here.

Li's Holy Land is in this mountain range, and the mountain range at the core is not too high, and the top of the mountain is very vast. Li Yang and Dongfang Lan walked for half an hour to the top of the mountain and walked to the small courtyard where Li Yang lived.

At this time, the sun has risen and the early morning breeze has blown, making people feel very cool.

Dongfang Lan sent Li Yang to his residence and left without saying a word.

Li's holy place is called a holy place. First, the buildings here are majestic and magnificent, which is one of the wonders in Penglai. Second, this is also a famous place for cultivation in Penglai. It is the most desirable place for many children of the Li branch family.

Just like the Shangguan family in Yanjing, or the Li family in Yanjing. Most of the children of the branch family developed in other cities outside Yanjing. Only when you develop to a certain extent, with strong wealth or high talent, will you be brought back to Yanjing and focus on training.

The same is true of the Li family. Only when the separated children are qualified can they settle in this holy land and become the core direct descendants. So there are many empty courtyards on the top of this mountain.

Li Yang pushed the door into the small yard, and then rushed into the room and threw the big package down.

"Ouch!" A rabbit's small head drilled out of the package, and the white rabbit roared at the little white grinning, "Lord Rabbit is suffocated."

Then, he looked around curiously and said, "Your human rooms are all about tofu dregs! This kind of room, Lord Rabbit, I have to collapse.

"Damn, we used it, and we didn't use it to fight." Li Yangdao.

The rabbit said, "There are no beautiful pendants and jewelry. Hey! It seems that your treatment in the Li family is not very good this day! I once heard some members of the Li family say that they have delicacies and countless jewelry. What a shame."

"Bang!" Li Yang slapped the rabbit's little head angrily and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Now I'll tell you something. Pay attention to it in the future."

The rabbit raised its little paw and said, "I know, you can't talk in front of people, you can't eat people, you can't steal things, and you can't roar. Lord Rabbit is an old man and knows everything.

"Me!" Li Yang is also speechless. The IQ of this pet is almost higher than that of his owner.

Li Yang added, "Well, that's roughly what it means. Also, you'd better pretend to be as confused as when we first met and pretend to be an idiot. Otherwise, your eyes will betray you. Not everyone is so easy to cheat, and this is Li's holy land. There are countless strong people, do you understand?

"Hmm. From now on, I will be a little rabbit. Roar Xiaobai nodded his little head, said seriously, and pretended to be very cute.

"Damn, the rabbit is old and has become a spirit!" Li Yang said in his heart, and then he said, "Say more. Although my surname is Li, I am not completely a member of the Li family. Because I'm not from Penglai, I'm from the outside world.

"You just need to remember that the Li family and I have a little blood relationship, which can almost be ignored. Therefore, I can't stay here for a long time and eventually return to the original world. If you want to follow me at that time, I will take you. If you don't want to, I won't force you. I can send you back to the beast island before leaving.

"Outside world!" The rabbit's eyes suddenly showed excitement and said, "I'll go too!" I heard that there are more human beings in the outside world, and they are not strong and delicious.

"Damn! Since you followed me, you can't eat people in the future, otherwise I will eat you. I will eat vegetarian dishes tomorrow." Li Yang said seriously.

"Oh! If you don't eat, don't eat! I won't starve to death. The rabbit made an old voice, but it was pitiful, which made Li Yang also amused.

"It's not that exaggerated. Let's eat good meat and dishes together in the future." Li Yangdao.

"Gaga... I just like your cheerful appearance."

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower. I have something to do later. You can move freely! It's better not to leave the yard and be caught and roasted. Don't blame me for not reminding you.

After saying that, Li Yang didn't care about the rabbit and went to take a shower...