King of Close Combat

Chapter 317 Life is to fight for

Li Shiyun smiled and said, "Record the points. Whether it is Zilongtang, Jinlongtang or Yulongtang, it often sends some tasks. Use this identity card to receive the task, and after completion, you can record points in it. Points can be exchanged for treasures in the family's treasure pavilion.

Li Yangxin said, "It's similar to the points system of Shenlong! But they are not as developed as Shenlong technology.

At this time, Li Shiyun said, "I heard from my father that you used to be a member of the Dragon, and you may think of the integration function of the Dragon. In fact, this is what my father created based on the divine dragon's integral principle. Because my father visited Shenlong when he was young and learned some scientific and technological management methods in the outside world.

"This Master Li is not simple! Unexpectedly, he knows how to study in the outside world. He is self-contained and will die sooner or later. Only by making continuous progress can we develop better. Li Yangxin said.

Li Shiyun smiled and said, "This identity card is also fine as long as the first drop of blood."

With that, he pointed to a card about the size of a bank card and said, "This is the voucher to enter the library. You only need a drop of blood to have your record. My father has notified several seniors of the library. Let you stay in it for two days, and you can choose two skills or martial arts at will.

Li Yang looked shy and asked mysteriously, "Sister, we are also good friends. The Li family's library is definitely a collection of hundreds of millions of books. It's only two days. I want to find a skill, and it's also very difficult!"

Li Shiyun smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a lovely side. In fact, as long as there are vouchers on the first six floors of the library, you can enter and read them casually. There are no martial arts skills in it. They are all ordinary books.

"The person who is qualified to enter is to let you enter the seventh floor to the ninth floor. There are not many books, all of which are skills and martial arts. It's okay to tell you something, but I'm not a baby and won't tell you secrets stupidly.

With that, she stretched out her white and tender palm and said, "If you give me some benefits, I will say."

"This!" Li Yang looked around and said bitterly, "I have a billion deposit in the big world. And, what's good here? You can take it as you like!"

Li Shiyun looked at it and said helplessly, "Forget it, you are poorer than me. Then when you are free, tell me about your experience on the Beast Island and instill some experience in me. I also want to go.

Li Yang frowned and said, "It's not good. Although you are in the early stage, the ground is full of beasts in the early stage of the prefecture level, and your physique is strong and terrible. It's too dangerous for you to go."

Li Shiyun said bitterly, "I have married someone. If I marry again, even if I am the daughter of the head of the Li family, I will not become a wife. I am just a concubine, and my future life will not be very good. Moreover, our eight brothers and sisters are not all mothers. Talk to you! My mother is my father's concubine and went there very early. I was raised by my aunt Dongfangming, so I am very close to the baby. But after all, I'm not the mother's own son, so my status is not as high as you think.

Then, there was a firm look in her eyes. She looked at Li Yang and said, "If I insist on staying in the family, I have to prove my value. This time my father also gave me this opportunity to become the vice captain of your thirteenth team. But you know, our 13th team is newly formed. There is no one at all. We don't have real power. I want to stay. Now I can only go to the Beast Island. As long as I can hold on for eight days, I can do it.

"It turns out that the position of deputy captain is for this!" Li Yangxin said, "The head of the Li family is also cruel enough to his children. Anyway, he is the ruler of Zilongtang. It is easy to arrange Li Shiyun as the vice captain of other teams, but he arranged me here. It is obvious that he wants to see Li Shiyun's potential. No, just marry her. If it's okay, stay. Big family, the competition is really fierce.

After that, Li Yang looked at Li Shiyun and said, "Okay, I'll tell you."

"Hmm." Li Shiyun smiled happily and said, "Then I'll tell you some little secrets in the library now. In fact, many people know it. My Li family pays attention to boxing and foot kung fu, and doesn't care about swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

"So, on the seventh floor, there are mostly 18 kinds of weapons and hidden weapons, and on the eighth floor, there are mostly body skills and leg martial arts. On the ninth floor, there are mostly boxing, palm, fingering and claw martial arts. And most of the strongest skills are also on the ninth floor. My Li family did not subdivide those skills except for the Atlas of the God of War, the treasure of the town. However, after so many years, people who have entered it and acquired martial arts skills have summed up the experience. My Li family has ten boxing skills, ten body skills, and ten..."

After Li Shiyun finished talking about these experiences, Li Yang talked about some experiences on the beast island. He did not mention his dark blood technique, but only mentioned killing the strange plant and inadvertently breaking through. As for the rabbit, it was replaced by a black dog, and the two people who assassinated him did not mention it. Other black-striped tiger kings didn't say anything.

After that, Li Yang also drew a simple drawing. He did not walk on the whole beast island, but painted the places he had walked. At the same time, I said something that needs to be paid attention to.

It was not until after nine o'clock in the night that Li Shiyun left Li Yang's residence.

Then, Li Yang left the yard and went to Li Shiyu's residence. Walking to the door, Li Yang could hear that Li Shiyu was in the yard at this time.

Li Yang knocked on the door and heard Li Shiyu's beautiful voice: "The door is not locked. Come in!"

Li Yang pushed the door, saw the little girl, and was feeding the small animals.

"Brother Yang!" Li Shiyu, who was squatting, got up in an instant and ran over in surprise: "Have you met your parents? They didn't bully you, did they?

"Of course not, I told you earlier! I went to training, and Elder Li valued me very much. Baby, you can't think so badly of your parents in the future. Li Yang smiled.

"Oh!" Li Shiyu nodded cleverly, but was not moved by Li Yang.

Li Yang said, "Okay! Let me tell you a few little secrets. First, I am a branch of the Li family. I recognized my ancestors in the morning, and now I have officially become the direct descendants of the family. You can stay here for a long time. Second, I also became the captain of Zijintang. Third, I'm still the baby's close guard.

"Really?" Li Shiyu exclaimed in disbelief.

"Of course it's true." Li Yang grinned, quickly took out a triangular card and a token, and said, "If you don't believe it, you can ask your father. I told you earlier! I'm going to train. If the baby is so biased against his parents, I will be angry!"

People, who have parents, dislike their parents' nagging. No, I didn't know how extravagant I wanted my parents to nag. Even if Li Shiyu's parents forced her to get engaged, it would be good for her. Whether he will marry Lin Ranfeng in the future, Li Yang still hopes that Li Shiyu will have a better relationship with his parents.

"Don't be angry!" Li Shiyu hurriedly grabbed Li Yang's arm and said pitifully, "I know, I will listen to Brother Yang in the future. Brother Yang can protect me, which shows that my father and mother still love me very much.

"Well, that's right!" Li Yang smiled and rubbed Li Shiyu's little head, showing a doting look.

"After that, we will also be a family. Can I call your brother?"

"Yes! Ha..."

He stayed with Li Shiyun for another 20 minutes, and Li Yang left. Even if he breaks through the level, he still knows his strength. In this world, he is still very weak. So, he went straight to the library...

The library of the Li family is also at the core, not far from the ancestor hall. It is a 13-story exquisite pagoda, covering a very large area. It is purple-gold, emitting a faint purple-gold light at night, revealing a strong smell of books.

The pagoda is also very luxurious. Standing at the door and looking up at the exquisite tower, Li Yang has no power to lament the background of the Li family.

The pagoda was not closed. Li Yang went to the door and saw two young people standing on both sides of the door.

took out the card voucher and handed it to one of them. The person put the card on a nearby appliance, and then handed it back to Li Yang and let him enter.

Li Yang heard from Li Shiyun that the Li clan has more than 500,000 people, and their direct sons will come every few days. Some people will also become members of the Royal Dragon Hall and be sent to other islands as managers.

So, here, it is generally based on an identity card or this card. As long as there is a certificate, the people who guard here, even if they don't know them, will let people enter.

Li Yang walked into the attic and found that there were rows of bookshelves neatly placed in the pagoda. The light here is not very bright, but there are small lights next to some bookshelves. Only a few people turned on the small light next to the bookshelf, held a book and looked at it carefully.

At about ten o'clock, Li Yang was not in the mood to read these ordinary books, but went straight to the seventh floor.

Li Yang passed by, and there were readers on each floor. He was infected by these people, and his pace was very light for fear of disturbing them.

Walking up the wooden stairs from the sixth floor to the seventh floor, Li Yang saw three old men in gray robes with long silver hair sitting cross-legged on the futon, just blocking the door.

Seeing these three people, Li Yang could not feel their specific strength, but he had an inexplicable sense of depression. Just like a little rabbit standing in front of the lion, even if the lion is sleeping, the rabbit will still feel a little frightening.

Li Yang felt like a rabbit and looked at the three lions. Although they seemed kind, they contained a sense of crisis that made him very depressed.

"Good to the three seniors, the owner allowed me to come here to read for two days." Li Yang said respectfully, and then handed over the card.

A man in the center waved his hand, and the card in Li Yang's hand flew up and fell into his hand. Then he read a word in his mouth. Three seconds later, his fingers shook and flew to Li Yang with the card.

Li Yang hurriedly grabbed it and suddenly felt a strong impact rushing from the card.

"Fivefold!" Li Yang said in his heart, hurriedly exerting the strongest five dark power and great force, so that he grabbed the card so that it did not fly out of his hand.

However, Li Yang felt that his palm was cut out of blood by the card.

"Damn! This old man can launch such a powerful attack at will, awesome!" Li Yangxin said, "If the other two are the same as him and want to come here to steal things, I don't think even the owner of the Li family is necessarily."

Li Yang did not retreat and caught the card with a motionless look, making the three old men's eyes flash with appreciation at the same time.

"Yes, the person recommended by Li Han is really good." The old man sitting in the middle said flatly, "Go in! Leave here in two days."

At the end, the three figures suddenly disappeared.

"I'll go! This speed, God!" Li Yang watched, but he didn't see clearly how the three disappeared, leaving only three people in front of the door.

After that, Li Yang said respectfully to the futon, "Three seniors have been offended."

After saying that, he crossed the futon and came to the seventh floor of the tower.