King of Close Combat

Chapter 414 Strong and Love, and Reluctance

Tianhai city center, a high-end clubhouse, top floor, spacious rooms, luxurious equipment.

At this time, Huangfujin, Shangguan Yingjie and Wang Ying were all wearing dark blue nightgowns and lying comfortably on the soft leather sofa. There were three beautiful women, just wearing bikinis, squatting in front of the three people, putting their big feet on their smooth thighs, and their small hands were skillfully pinched and moved gently.

"Comfortable." Huangfujin narrowed his eyes, enjoyed the kneading of the beautiful woman's smooth little hands, and said, "Shangguan, your subordinates are really skilled! And they are all masters in the later stage. But it's much better than those old guys at the prefecture level.

Shangguan Yingjie smiled and said, "Ha ha... This is what I specially trained. As long as I get the fragments of the jade seal handed down by Emperor Qin from Li Yang, if Mr. Huangfu likes it, I will give you two beautiful masters."

"Not bad." Huangfu Jin smiled evilly and said, "As long as Li Yang can die, this is my happiest. Humph! This time, he provoked Jianzong to see how long he could live.

Shangguan Yingjie said, "Even if Fang Ting doesn't believe that it was Sun Wuyang killed by Li Yang, she can't investigate others. In order to give an explanation to the suzerain of Jianzong, she must identify one person. Naturally, Li Yang is still to blame. At the same time, the action by the villain island this time made Li Yang mistakenly think that Fang Ting kidnapped Zhou Yingying, and the contradiction deepened.

"There will be a battle between the two sides sooner or later. It is best that Fang Ting can be killed by Li Yang, so even if Jianzong is afraid of Li Yang's identity, he will not spare him. And we can take advantage of this to capture Li Yang, grab the fragments, and then kill him.

Huangfujin sneered and said, "Good plan. Without Wang Yuyan, it would be really difficult to implement this plan. Wang Yuyan used to be Li Yang's teammate, but now she is going to kill him. Li Yang is really a traitor!"

Wang Ying said indifferently, "At that time, I must chop his head with my own hands."

Two days later, there were more than 50 families in a village hundreds of meters away from Tianhai City.

At this time, a military green SUV drove into a small bungalow courtyard near a low mountain. A beautiful brunette wearing black sunglasses pushed the door into the room.

At this time, there were two people in the room, all sitting cross-legged on a futon on the ground.

If Li Yang sees them, he will definitely recognize them. It was the two men who kidnapped Rasha disguised as Zhou Yingying. And this woman with sunglasses is Rasha.

Looking at the two people, Rasha walked to a room, pulled open the boards on the ground and entered the cellar.

Tianhai City in summer is relatively hot and humid. The cellar is very cool, but it is also more humid. At this time, Zhou Yingying's hands and feet have been tested in silver-white alloy chains. Sitting weakly in the corner of the cellar, he looked a little haggard.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you catch me?" Zhou Yingying said anxiously. Since she was knocked unconscious by this woman that day, she has been here since she woke up. Her internal strength has been exhausted. Whenever she wants to practice and recover, the chains of her hands and feet have absorbed her internal strength.

In two days, she just ate a few steamed buns and drank some water. Not only did she consume a lot of internal strength, but her physical strength also dropped rapidly. It was too difficult to escape.

Rasha said flatly, "You don't know me? But I know you like Li Yang.

"Hmm!" Zhou Yingying snorted coldly and said, "Since you know my relationship with Li Yang, how dare you kidnap me!" As long as Li Yang finds you, he will never bypass you. Let me go, or you will bear the consequences!"

Now that her strength is not as good as others, Zhou Yingying has to move out of Li Yang to intimidate these people.

"Ha..." Rasha made a mocking voice, took off his sunglasses, showed a pair of blood-red pupils, and said, "I really hope Li Yang will appear and kill me. Unfortunately, he is a coward and not so bold. Let me introduce myself, my name is Wang Yuyan.

"Wang Yuyan? It's you!" Zhou Yingying began to wonder, but suddenly remembered that Li Yang had said the real name of Luosha and said that she was the Wang family, which was called this name.

After that, her eyes were both surprised and complicated. She remembered this face, which was the photo she and Lin Waner saw secretly holding Li Yang's mobile phone. After that, Li Yang fled Tianhai City. She saw the mobile phone in her hand, the photos in the mobile phone, and many text messages from Li Yang and Rasha.

Although it's not good to peek at privacy, she couldn't help looking at it. Because of this, she felt that the originally lively Rasha suddenly became like this, and she was not in her heart.

This is almost equivalent to meeting her current girlfriend and ex-girlfriend, and now Zhou Yingying is living well by Li Yang's side and has endless money. Li Yang loves her very much and follows her everything. And Rasha has not been happy since that time.

This contrast made Zhou Yingying not know what to say for a moment.

Wang Yuyan squatted down and looked directly at Zhou Yingying and said, "Why don't you talk? Isn't it surprising? I didn't expect it to be me who took you away, right?

Zhou Yingying lowered her head and said with a complicated look: "About ten months ago, Li Yang saw you, went back to the villa, and almost committed suicide, and then he said you. Now in Li Yang's mobile phone, you still have the most photos, and he also kept your text messages.

A trace of reminiscence and meditation appeared in Rasha's eyes, and then shook his head, and the blood pupils emitted bleeding brilliance. She sneered and said, "Ha ha... Do you think I will believe it? Will he remember me? Suicide? Does he dare?"

Zhou Yingying was silent. As Li Yang said, Rasha is not a normal person now. Through chatting, Zhou Yingying also found that this woman was not reasonable at all.

At this time, Wang Yuyan stood up, looked down at Zhou Yingying sitting in the corner of the wall, and said, "Tell you a secret!" Sun Wuzong was killed by me, Huangfu Jin and Shangguan Yingjie. The purpose is to put the blame on Li Yang. And now, I also blamed Fang Ting, making Li Yang mistakenly think that she kidnapped you. Soon, Jianzong and Li Yang will have a war. I want to watch Li Yang suffer and finally escape from Tianhai City again, or even China.

As she said these words, there was a trace of excitement in her eyes, as if she would be very happy to make Li Yang suffer.

Zhou Yingying frowned and said, "Why did you tell me this?"

Wang Yuyan smiled and said, "I like to see you entangled and weak, haha..."

Laughing, Wang Yuyan left the cellar.

Looking at the departing Rasha, Zhou Yingying was a little anxious: "I was really thought of by Li Yang. It was done by Rasha, and! Now Li Yang and she also have conflicts. If there is a real fight, then! Now I'm not sure if she is that person, but if it's true, Li Yang will fight with her!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yingying suddenly felt a little anxious and wanted to escape immediately. Zhou Yingying didn't know that Li Yang knew that Fang Ting was his mother. And she felt that Fang Ting was probably her mother. If there was a war with Li Yang, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Zhou Yingying became more and more anxious.

In two days, tens of thousands of people from the Sun and Moon Group were dispatched, but the two men were still not found. This made Li Yang more and more irritable, and even had a way to directly kill Huangfu Jin's residence, take him out and threaten him.

But after thinking about it, he still gave up this idea. Now there is no evidence to prove that it is the Huangfu family, but it is pointed out that it is a villain island. He doesn't have the strength to make a scene on the villain island.

At night, Li Yang stood on the roof of the residential building where they lived, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand and a glass in the other hand. Drink a large glass of red wine.

"Wo!" A figure flashed, and Han Qing appeared beside Li Yang.

"Is it hard?" Han Qing said plainly.

"It's okay, but I feel that the weather is good. Come out for a blow." Li Yang smiled.

In the past few days, Han Qing and Yanyu did not leave, but stayed. Han Qing lives in Zhou Yingying's room, and Yanyu and Li Yang are in the living room.

"Real?" Han Qing asked.

"Hmm." Li Yang nodded.

Han Qing curled his lips and said, "I have already said that these women are too weak to have an accident sooner or later. You are getting stronger and stronger now, and you should belong to a wider world, instead of wasting your time here.

Li Yang looked at Han Qing and said, "Isn't it a waste of time if there is really a great achievement? I was a nobody who suddenly had these opportunities and was inexplicably pushed to this height. Sister, you know me. Although I want to do something, my real idea is that I like a more stable life. With you by your side, this kind of life is good enough.

A trace of bitterness flashed in Han Qing's eyes and said, "Is it possible? When I was a child, I wanted to marry a handsome man and live a simple and romantic life. What about now? Now that we have come to this point, we have to go better. You still don't have a heart to become the strongest.

After a pause, her eyes showed a cold look and said in a low voice, "If I have your current strength, the next time I see Rasha, I will tie her up until she is obedient. And Huangfujin, looking for a chance to assassinate, no evidence, no one knows what I did. You are too stupid to solve the problem of killing a few people.

Li Yang is speechless. If he occasionally looks like a fierce beast, Han Qing is always a ferocious beast and always wants to eat people.

"Look for a few more days. If you still can't find it, just do as you say." Li Yang said, pour another glass of red wine for himself and drink it in one gulp.


Five minutes have passed. Han Qing said, "When we separated that day, I felt that you would not die, but I didn't expect that you would not die and become the adopted son of the head of the Penglai Li family. What happened later?"

"A lot of things have happened, which makes me understand a lot." Li Yang said, and then he roughly talked about the more than four months of experience, but he slightly ignored his inexplicable feelings about Li Shiyu.

After saying this, Li Yang looked at Han Qing and said, "Sister, what experience do you have?"

Han Qing said plainly, "Reply to your old job, kill people to make money, save money to buy guns, and kill people."

Li Yang is speechless, a violent woman, and indeed a violent woman.

Then, Han Qing said, "Your snow blade is still in my box. Do you want it?"

"Well, although it's not easy for me to hold the thin sword now, the big black sword is too conspicuous to carry. It's also good to have a snow blade." Li Yangdao.

At this time, Han Qing took half a step, approached Li Yang, looked at Li Yang, and said, "If one day I am kidnapped, will you come to me?"

"I will!" Li Yang said seriously.

Han Qing said, "If I am killed and that person is Rasha, will you avenge me?"

"Me!" Li Yang didn't know how to answer.

Han Qing patted Li Yang on the shoulder and said, "If you can afford it, you have to let it go, or you will lose more."

After saying that, she jumped directly from the high building and jumped a few times to the balcony of Li Yang's living room and entered the room from the open window.

"Choice!" Li Yang looked up at the night sky and muttered to himself, "Sometimes, do you really need a choice to go down?"

Two more days have passed.

In Zijin Garden, Huangfujin, Shangguan Yingjie and Wang Ying did not calm down two days ago.

Although Li Yang has never found Zhou Yingying, this has not developed as Huangfujin expected. The sword master led by Fang Ting did not conflict with Li Yang. There is no battle at all, and the two sides are at peace. Because they didn't expect Fang Ting to be Zhou Yingying's mother.

"At this time, in the spacious living room, in addition to Huangfujin, there are also prefecture-level strong men who protect them. At the same time, there is also Wang Yuyan and an old man with long white hair in a purple robe.

If Li Yang sees this old man, he will definitely know him, and both Lin Waner and Zhou Yingying know him. It is Ye Zilin who almost killed Li Yang at the beginning.

Huangfujin frowned and said, "Wang Yuyan, how did you do it? Didn't you provoke the separation between Jianzong and Li Yang? Why hasn't Li Yang fought with Fang Ting? Since that time, although she is still in Tianhai City, she has begun to look for Zhou Yingying. Instead of avenging his brother Sun Wuzong.

Wang Yuyan stared at Huangfujin and said, "I am the implementer of the plan, which does not mean that this plan can be 100% successful. You can't wait to kill Li Yang directly. However, I'm afraid you don't have that ability. Today's Li Yang can't kill three mid-level masters at all.

"Hmm!" Huangfujin snorted coldly and said, "In my opinion, you don't want to deal with Li Yang sincerely, otherwise you can't be so calm."

Wang Yuyan looked flat, curled her lips and cut it, and didn't look at Huangfu Jin again.

At this time, Ye Zilin, the old man in purple robe, said plainly, "Mr. Huangfu, everything is not absolute. You and Li Yang fought like that, don't you get along peacefully now? Now Li Yang's reputation is too popular. Even if Jianzong is sure that he killed Sun Wuyang, he does not dare to take action. You can't blame Xuetong for doing things unfavorably, but I didn't expect Mrs. Jianzong to be conservative.

"So, how does Ye Lao think we should proceed with our next action?" Shangguan Yingjie said with an open mind. Their Shangguan family and the villain island are both subordinate forces of Sirius, and the purpose is to find fragments for Sirius. Naturally, he will not fight against the villain island.

Ye Zilin looked at Wang Yuyan and said, "Xue Tong, you have been with Li Yang for many years. You should know this person. What do you think you should plan?"

Wang Yuyan said plainly: "Li Yang is impulsive and affectionate. It's very simple. Since he doesn't fight with Jianzong, we will directly take action and capture him. The three families secretly joined hands. Even if Li Yang was killed, the Li family could not find evidence. Doesn't he care about Zhou Yingying? This is a bait.

"You mean!" Shangguan Yingjie showed a sinister smile in his eyes.