King of Close Combat

Chapter 425 Warlord Dan, Killing

Looking at the old man's eyes, Li Yang instantly felt a bone-testing chill. He practiced the immortal body of Pluto and was very sensitive to the spirit of the dead. Just when the old man appeared, he felt a strong sea of spirit of the dead. This skeleton-like old man is like the condensation of the spirit of death after the death of millions of people.

The deadness spread, making the whole villa suddenly become extremely cold. Some young members of the Huangfu family couldn't help trembling and their eyes were full of fear.

A dagger flew out of Yanyu's loose sleeves and fell into his hand. It was the blood magic sword, one of the top ten famous swords in China that he had used.

"Wow!" His right arm showed a faint blue flame, spreading and wrapping the blood magic sword. He said in a low voice, "This may be the strongest man in the Huangfu family."

Li Yang nodded slightly. He had already felt that the old man's breath was strong and scary, and he felt no less than his adoptive father Li Han. However, compared with Li Han, Li Yang feels that the old man's body should be exhausted. The real strength is not necessarily in the later stage of the prefecture level.

Huangfujin looked at the old man, pointed to Li Yang and said respectfully, "Grandpa, it's him! There was no one to bully my Huangfu family, and he even broke into the family's important place.

Originally, Li Yang could fight against Huangfu Qiran, but now he has broken through the middle of the prefecture level. Although he didn't kill Huangfu Qiran, Huangfu Ji still doesn't know. But he felt that one or two prefectures should not be able to suppress Li Yang in the middle of the level.

Li Yang wants to kill his son, which is absolutely unacceptable. Now the strongest man in the family killed Li Yang and eradicated a scourge for their family.

As for whether he will be sanctioned by the Li family in the future, he doesn't want so much. It's better than letting his son be killed.

The old man's hunchback looks only more than 1.5 meters, and the green light in his eyes dissipated, showing a pair of dark and deep eyes. It is full of vicissitudes, which makes people feel that this old man definitely has a legendary life.

The old man looked at Li Yang and made a hoarse and old voice: "With the smell of Li Han, count the time. Now Li Han should be in his seventies. In those years, he also asked me for martial arts, and in a blink of an eye, his descendants also appeared. Time flies!"

Li Yang frowned and heard Huangfuji say that it was his grandfather, which was long enough. Hearing from Yanyu, Huangfu he killed has lived for hundreds of years. He is the seventh, his father. If there is someone alive, it may be more than 150 years old!

"Damn! It's really hard to die." Li Yang said in his heart. He looked at the old man and said plainly, "My godfather is my godfather, and I am me." Your Huangfu family tried to kill me again and again, so Huangfu Jin must die.

The old man's deep black eyes looked at Li Yang and said in an old voice, "Kill the children of my Huangfu family? Are you qualified?"

After that, the old man raised his crutch in his hand and fell down, hitting the bright wooden floor.

The board was broken. It should have been a click, but Li Yang heard a "dong!"

With a muffled sound, Li Yang's brain seemed to have been hit by a hammer, and his brain was dizzy, and a sense of fear arose out of thin air. Looking at the old man in the distance, he seemed to see an extremely powerful beast and wanted to rush over and eat him!

"Spiritual attack!" Li Yangxin said that he heard Li Han say that the warriors in the later stage of the prefecture level will understand a certain situation and produce an artistic conception, also known as the field of nothingness, emitting invisible spiritual pressure and forming a spiritual attack, which can damage people's hearts and greatly reduce their strength. If you are weak, you can even attack and kill your soul with spirit!

This is also the reason why the warriors in the later stage of the prefecture are very powerful and not necessarily the most powerful.

"Hum!" Li Yang's whole body was covered with Pluto armor, and the extremely cold atmosphere spread, making the ground begin to freeze. The temperature within 100 meters began to quickly drop from more than 20 degrees to Baidu below zero.

Many members of the Huangfu family, who could not withstand this low temperature, retreated to the rear one after another.

"Hell's skills? Interesting." The old man looked at Li Yang and opened his mouth indifferently. His body did not move, but a large black thick fog rushed out of his body and rushed to the top of his head.

"Wow!" The thick fog rushed up more than five meters, and then quickly formed a long black dragon more than ten meters long. It has clear claws and sharp one-legged feet, revealing a gloomy breath, like a magic dragon, making a deafening roar, and then rushing to Li Yang.

General warriors can't make such a clear dragon at all, because Xuanqi is just a kind of gas in the body, which is difficult to control. It emits sword spirit and knife spirit, which is very good.

This is the clearest magic dragon that Li Yang has ever seen, and it feels like it is real. The magic dragon boiled, the spirit of death was permeated, and the cold breath even suppressed the mysterious spirit of Pluto displayed by Li Yang.

"Regress!" Li Yang shouted in a low voice, pushed the misty rain aside, and then stepped on the ground and rushed out.

Nine-day Flying Fairy Sword!

"Hang!" Xue Feng's sword came out of its sheath and flashed a pure white sword light.

A year apart and using the snow blade sword again, Li Yang suddenly had a feeling of reunion after a long separation. The sword was held in his hand and instantly exuded a cold breath. The nine swords were generated out of thin air, presenting a nine-sided direction, surrounding the snow blade sword in the center, and striking in a straight line.

Today's nine swords are almost nine ice giant swords more than two meters long, revealing a sharp and vast powerful sword spirit.

"Boom!" Nine ice swords rotated and collided with the flying magic dragon. A loud noise was made, and the wooden floor under Li Yang's feet was blown up, and even the stone under the wooden floor was blown up by gravel.

At that time, Li Yang felt that the extremely cold mysterious spirit was about to pass through the sword spirit and rush to his body.

However, he was blocked by his Pluto's mysterious spirit and could not enter.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the black light emitted by the magic dragon was even stronger, and the nine-day flying fairy sword only lasted for a second, and it was broken. The magic dragon was not broken and broke through the sword spirit. His claws suddenly moved and grabbed Li Yang!

There is still one meter away, and Li Yang felt black silk threads rushing out of the magic dragon's body and tied to his body.

"Dead spirit!" Li Yang was a little surprised: "There are human beings who can control the spirit of the dead! This man is so weird!"

If ordinary people are entangled by this breath of the dead, they will soon become dead. However, Li Yang's mortal body is cultivated with the spirit of the dead, and now he has broken through to the second level. When he sees the spirit of the dead, he is even more fearless.

"Wh..." A large amount of silk-like spirit of death wrapped around Li Yang's body and drilled into his pores.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of black lines appeared on Li Yang's body, and the magic dragon also rushed to him!

Xuanming's palm came out, and seven layers of darkness broke out, and 70,000 pounds of gravity bombarded. The magic dragon one-horn that rushed to Li Yang only stopped for half a second, that was broken, followed by the dragon head, and then the dragon body more than ten meters long!

At this time, the scepter in the old man's hand pulled out from the broken wooden floor and pointed to the broken magic dragon in front of him. A black light flew out and shot into the black fog.

Immediately, the thick fog did not dissipate, but rushed to Li Yang!

Li Yang felt that this was all a spirit of death! There was also a harsh cry inside.

"Boom!" The black fog-like spirit of more than three meters wrapped Li Yang's whole body, and then poured into his pores.

In the blink of an eye, all the thick fog entered Li Yang's body, causing a black layer on Li Yang's face.

At this time, Li Yang not only felt the spirit of death, but also felt a sticky and strange force contained in it, entering his meridians, wanting to block his meridians and blocking his blood vessels.

"Chiyan!" Li Yangxin showed one of the abilities in Yuanyang Magic.

In an instant, a large red flame rushed out of his body and poured into the blood vessels and meridians. The flame was used from the qi of the dead, and the strange energy contained in it was burned in an instant. Only the purest spirit of death is left.

This red flame is more red than ordinary flames, just like a bloody flame, which has the ability to burn ghosts and can also burn foreign objects.

Li Yang didn't expect that Chiyan could burn the strange energy. He just tried it, but he didn't expect it to succeed.

"Boom!" Chiyan rushed out of Li Yang's body and condensed into his hands.

"Go!" Li Yang shouted, put his hands together, turned into a fire snake, soared in mid-air, burned, and rushed to the old man.

Just as Chiyan rushed over, Li Yang quickly took out a small bottle from his trouser pocket, crushed it, and threw one of the black elixir into his mouth.

Wang Dan can double his strength in a short time!

This elixir was originally used by Li Yang when he was preparing to face the siege, but he didn't expect to kill the five people. Now the old man put too much pressure on him. The other party just made such a simple attack and made him show two of the strongest moves. If you don't eat Zhan Wang Dan again, you can't stand it.

"Hum!" The entrance of Zhanwang Dan instantly turned into a torrent into Li Yang's abdomen, and then melted into the limbs and bones.

After that, Li Yang felt that his power had improved again, and the power of Xuanqi was more powerful than before, and his whole body was full of explosive power.

"Wow!" The old man waved his wide coat sleeve, and the flame that flew in front of him was instantly wrapped in black fog and flew to the other side, but the flame did not dissipate.

"Wo!" Li Yang's figure disappeared and his strength doubled, making Li Yang faster. In the eyes of everyone, it was just a virtual shadow, which appeared behind Huang Fujin.

A black snake, one meter long with a triangular head, rushed out of the old man's sleeve and flew away. Li Yang appeared, and the long snake also appeared in front of him. One bite bit his left arm.

Li Yang felt a tingling pain in his left arm and was about to raise his sword to kill the long snake, but he saw the black poisonous snake suddenly twitch, and then a stream of poison poured into his left arm. The skin of the long snake actually collapsed. The snake's mouth opened, loosened his right arm, and died!

At this time, Huangfu Qiying appeared in a hurry and fell on Li Yang's strength. Obviously, if he wants to kill Huangfujin, he will be slapped and likely to be seriously injured.

Of course, Li Yang would not gamble like this. He grabbed Huangfujin's neck and quickly turned around. Huangfu Qiying's palm was about to fall on Huangfu's chest.

Huangfu Qiying hurriedly stopped. After all, Huangfujin was a warrior in the early stage of the prefecture level. Although he was suddenly approached by Li Yang and grabbed his neck, he did not lose his mind. A knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Wo!" A sword spirit rushed out of the knife and stabbed Li Yang's stomach to the rear.

The two were so close that they almost flew out of the sword, and they were already close to Li Yang's stomach.

Unfortunately, Li Yang's Pluto armor is too defensive. The sword spirit only pierced a small opening in the ice armor, but it was shattered.

"Wo!" At this time, Li Yang's hand knife cut across, Huangfujin stopped moving, his eyes showed panic, and a very thin red line appeared on his neck.

"Sneer!" Blood sprayed, but Huangfujin's neck was cut by Li Yang's sword spirit, and a head left his neck and rolled to the ground!
