The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

080 weak woman transformation

"Ah--" The scream in the morning woke up the extremely shallow sleep of all the people in the royal palace, and Xue Muyang and Mo Xiaoran rushed out together, but at such a moment, Mo Xiaoran did not care about hiding.

Xue Muyang only felt the moment when he felt like the wind. Mo Xiaoran had disappeared. If he hadn't seen it clearly, he would have never believed it.

At this moment, Xue Muyang finally knew where their gap was. It's not age, not status, but level. This explains why Xue Muyang did not regard her as a sister at the beginning, or now he takes care of her as a sister, but he has no idea at all.

When Xue Muyang arrived at the scene, he saw Mo Xiaoran calmly commanding the group of bodyguards to clean up the terrible scene. It was very different from yesterday's frightened performance, and he was more skilled and calm than he fought on the battlefield. Such a scene appeared in front of him, which had to make Xue Muyang feel surprised and surprised.

"Xiao Ran..." Xue Muyang finally couldn't help staying outside the venue to watch the bustle. Just as he was about to go in, he was interrupted by Mo Xiaoran without mercy.

"Muyang, go and play. You can't participate here." Mo Xiaoran turned his head and said faintly, as if the adult was telling the children not to make trouble. Such a tone really made Xue Muyang a little unbearable. The male chauvinist thought in his heart immediately jumped out and raised the rebellious thoughts of teenagers. The more I didn't let me do it, the more I wanted to do it, so Xue Muyang fully showed his rebellion, frowned, and rushed in directly regardless of Mo Xiaoran's words. But just as he was about to rush in, he only tried a huge resistance to bounce him away from which edge, threw it fiercely on the bloody lawn, and dyed the originally cyan robe into crimson, which was terrible on his body.

Under the confusion, Xue Muyang was even more angry and even rushed over again desperately. Mo Xiaoran, who stood inside, felt a force approaching quickly and immediately turned around. His eyes were full of coldness at Xue Muyang, who used a lifeless approach. Then, he raised his hand angrily. A rope immediately threw out and flew straight to Xue Muyang, who was running for his life. Then, he enjoyed sporadic and firmly wrapped around Xue Muyang's body, making it impossible to move.

"Go--" Mo Xiaoran's cold voice sounded again. As soon as the voice fell, the rope immediately dragged Xue Muyang to fly in the other direction, and there was no chance for Xue Muyang to struggle against the law at all. Even if it was given, it was estimated that Xue Muyang would have ended in failure.

It's a joke. This colorful rope is an ancient artifact made of the remaining colorful stones when Nuwa made up for the sky, and adds a variety of rare sacred objects such as Tianshan snow lotus. If it is really got rid of by a small human like Xue Muyang, it's not bad. It is estimated that the refiner who practiced this ancient artifact at the beginning can't help but be frustrated. I'm afraid that his own things will happen. So, Xue Muyang - doesn't have any chance at all.

And Mo Xiaoran, the guards and the surrounding crowd, secretly tamped and blinded their eyes. That is to say, although they seem to be normal now and are also paying attention to these dynamics, there is indeed darkness in front of them. Their ears are only quiet, as if they are under a closed dark environment, casting a spell, unable to move, unable to see, unable to hear, like a living dead.

After Mo Xiaoran watched Xue Muyang being taken away by the colorful rope, he slowly raised his hands and unconsciously made a gesture in the air. As the gestures became more and faster and faster, Mo Xiaoran felt that the heat of the moon mark was also increasing, and the energy from the moon mark constantly filled his limbs. For a moment, when Mo Xiaoran felt that she was going to be blown up by those energy, an oval whirlpool suddenly appeared in Dantian, which kept rotating, absorbing all the energy, and then slowly emitted, and the color also changed from the original light blue to light pink. For a moment, Mo Xiaoran felt that the whole sky had changed color, but at that moment, everything disappeared again.

Mo Xiaoran is still unclear, so she is making various gestures bitterly. She completely doesn't understand whether her body is still her own at this moment. Why does he feel so strange? This is really a strange feeling. Obviously, there are two souls living in a body.

"mo--" With the order of Mo Xiaoran, the originally messy space was immediately windy, which rolled up everything and smashed. There was enough time to have a incense. The storm finally ended. When everything had calmed down, there was no wolf as ordinary people thought. It's unbearable, but clean, as if nothing has ever happened.

Mo Xiaoran turned around and checked again and found that there was nothing missing, so he calmly walked out of the boundary, and the boundary leaves disappeared at the moment when Mo Xiaoran came out.

Mo Xiaoran waved his hand, and the group of people around him scattered like sleepwalking. In a blink of an eye, there is only Mo Xiaoran left in this place. Mo Xiaoran stood still and was a little confused. He spread out his hands and looked carefully. His hands were still his own hands, but why did it suddenly make those strange gestures to her? Many things made Mo Xiaoran feel unexplainable, let alone cognitive.

She believes in the power of the moon mark and has felt it herself, but she does not believe that the moon mark will control everything about herself. Thinking of this, Mo Xiaoran was frightened for a moment. He was really afraid that one day he would be controlled by that soul, and then forgot his original self.

And has been hiding in a hidden place. When some people who were shocked by what Mo Xiaoran had done just now looked at Mo Xiaoran standing alone in a daze with a confused face, they couldn't help feeling a little distressed. Did they hurt that woman? Then, he immediately turned his head and looked at Mo Xie, who was still indifferent, as if he were tortured. However, a dark-bellied fox simply ignored it.

Just when they were discouraged and found that they had been used by a dark-bellied fox again, Mo Xiaoran had already recovered and walked away. Only a lonely back was left for them, but what they didn't know was that a woman who had been with Mo Xie for a long time had fully learned Mo Xie's scheming. When they didn't pay attention, she quietly looked at the place where they were hiding. I wanted to show a warning, but what I didn't expect was that a few foxes didn't find it, because they were putting all their eyes on Mo Xie's body at this moment to torture. In this way, I have to say that they will be used again.

Sure enough, in the following days, screams came from the yard again and again, which were still so loud, but more miserable than before. To be honest, now these people in the royal palace have slowly become accustomed to such a miserable cry, and Mo Xiaoran also It's helpless. Why can't the screaming man get used to it? He had to make such a loud noise to tell all the people in the palace that something new had happened. Can't you calmly ignore all this and wait until Mo Xiaoran has slept enough to deal with it? Mo Xiaoran is very angry about this.

On this day, when Mo Xiaoran heard the alarm on time, he got up calmly, dressed, washed, and then went to the dining room for a full breakfast before walking slowly.

However, today he regretted that she should not have eaten any breakfast diligently, because at this moment, there were a lot of corpses in front of him, and there were fresh or not. The autumn wind blew and there was a smell of corpses that she couldn't accept. Suddenly, her stomach turned upside down. Mo Xiaoran ran to the big tree without spirit, hugged the tree and began to vomit. It's like spitting out all your internal organs.

Damn, these foxes don't teach them a lesson. They really think she is hellokity. So, Mo Xiaoran was angry, picked up the energy in his Dantian and shouted, "Stinky fox, get out of here!"

The sound was even more powerful than the roar of the lion in Hedong. The birds on the surrounding trees fell down. It was called a heavenly girl scattered flowers, and from time to time, several passing carrier pigeons, eagles and so on fell. At this moment, it looks very spectacular, but some that should not fall fell one by one, while those who really should have fallen still remain silent, as if they were dead...

"Damn, force my mother to take action in person!" Mo Xiaoran scolded without style and began to wander around like flying. After a while, some foxes that he thought were hiding were hidden were immediately caught by Mo Xiaoran and thrown into the pile full of dead people. Fortunately, some of them were flexible enough to turn over and landed safely. However, I have to say that among these foxes, Mo Xieyi is the most calm one, as if he were innocent. However, both Mo Xiaoran and some foxes know very well that only this dark fox can come up with such a damaging move.

"After you clean up by yourself, come back to me! Let's settle the accounts well!" Mo Xiaoran looked at some foxes with contempt, and then turned around and walked out quickly.

God knows how disgusting he is now. If he continues to stay there, I'm afraid he will have anorexia in the future.

She Mo Xiaoran remembered this hatred, so, next, it's your turn to take it! Mo Xiaoran escaped while thinking fiercely.