The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

106 premature morning tea

"Xiao Ran, I know, I know that your pain is that kind of pain..." Mo Xue said such a fact plainly in a faint voice, and his tone was so sincere. He had met it thousands of years ago, and lived like a dead body, but No matter how much sadness is, it will slowly fade with the passage of time, but we didn't know at that time. We thought the pain would last a lifetime, but we didn't know that the pain only left a scar in the past, and even if it was deep, it would not be as painful as at that time.

Time is always good, which can leave us with the best memories, and what we remember is also the best memories. The color of wheat is always golden yellow, and no matter how far away the memory is, it will not fade...

"However, we always have to continue to live. We always have to bear everything. There will always be a day when we treat these seemingly painful things in front of us with a normal heart, because the only thing we can do in the present is to live hard and adapt ourselves to the life in front of us. So, Xiaoran, after the pain, you should learn to come out. Mo Xue's voice came out again, holding Mo Xiaoran's body and shaking slightly, as if the mother was coaxing the child, making Mo Xiaoran extremely relieved, as if she had returned to her mother's arms. All the pain had been gradually smoothed after hearing Mo Xue's gentle voice, and her tightly frowning eyebrows gradually The ground loosened, narrowed into a gap, and slowly fell asleep, very peaceful, like a baby.

Mo Xue still held the little woman in her arms in this posture, shaking gently, giving her a sense of security like a cradle. Mo Xue knew that she needed, perhaps her thoughts returned to the past. Mo Xue's eyes were a little blurred, and the faint smile at the corners of her mouth became so bitter, as if she had become that she had never Once back to that time, back to the past. If there was a person holding that woman like this at the beginning, wouldn't any woman have got such an end in the end? Perhaps he was too self-righteous to save the world, but in the end he lost her forever and lost her. He should know that she is such a strong woman. How can she be betrayed like this? Once she bears it, she will go to the extreme. Mo Xue was here, silently saying sorry in the bottom of his heart, but he also knew that she couldn't hear it.

In this way, the sky brightened in everyone's expectations. The sun rose and shone on the earth, adding warmth to the demon world. I don't know why, after dawn, people found that all the festive things in the palace had disappeared, and everything seemed to have returned to their former appearance, as if, Yesterday's grand wedding, yesterday's festive palace, nothing happened yesterday. It was just a dream. When I woke up, everything returned to reality, and life continued. There was no exception, because life will not wait for anyone.

"Princess, princess, wake up quickly." Just as she was sleeping soundly, her close-fitting little maid entered the room, crossed the mess on the ground, quietly walked to the window, pushed Jiuran, who was buried in the quilt, and shouted on the bed.

"Don't quarrel, let me sleep for a while!" Jiuran still closed his eyes, stretched out a hand, directly patted the hand that pushed him, and said dissatisfiedly. However, when Jiuran's hand stretched out, it was slightly lifted by the corner. The little maid saw that Jiuran was covered with the dense kiss marks, and suddenly sounded last night's wedding night. It's very fierce, and no wonder the princess who has always got up early can stay in bed. Although she is not very optimistic about the princess's husband, she is also silently happy for the princess in her heart. At least that man did not neglect the princess. This is a good thing, isn't it?

"Princess, get up quickly. I'm going to have morning tea for the Fox King and the Fox Queen this morning." The little maid was happy to be happy about the wine, and also knew that it must have been very easy to be drunk last night. After all, it was the first time that they were so fierce that they could not stand it as snakes. However, it was more important to have morning tea. Originally, they also knew that the Fox King and the Fox Queen were not very satisfied with their marriage. If the princess was not been more active. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult in the future. After all, this is the fox clan, not their snake clan. No one here will sincerely treat them, and no one will treat her as a princess like the snake clan. When she comes here, she is just a ninth prince's concubine, the wife of the ninth prince and the daughter-in-law of the fox king. The rest have no extra titles, and no one will see them. The aura behind them, because those are already in the past tense, the reason why the fox people are very polite to them is that they are snakes behind them.

"Ah, I forgot. Xiaoru, help me wash up quickly. Oh, my God, how can I forget it? After hearing the little maid Xiaoru's words, her eyes suddenly opened, and then suddenly sat up, grabbed her hair with regret, and said to herself. She looked very entangled. The little maid couldn't help but feel some heartache. She didn't expect that the princess would have this face today.

Then, before Xiaoru could say anything, Jiuran hurriedly went to the ground. A cold wind outside the door suddenly blew in, which really made Jiuran tremble. At this time, Jiuran found that he was still bare, and looked at the kiss marks on his body. Suddenly, Jiuran's white face became Hong, he quickly ran to ** and got into the quilt, and even his head was hidden. He looked very cute.

"Princess, get up quickly. The hot water is already in the barrel. After a simple wash, we're about to leave." The little maid Xiaoru looked at Jiu Ran's shy side and said with a faint smile. She thought that the princess was really happy at this moment anyway.

After hearing Xiaoru's words, the little princess Jiuran stretched out her head suspiciously, then ran into the barrel at her fastest speed and began to rub it up, trying to rub off the kiss marks on her body. However, she found that there were too many kiss marks, so dense that she didn't know where to start, so she had to Looking at Xiaoru standing not far away with a helpless face, Xiaoru saw Jiuran's expression, and then walked over with a smile on her face and began to give a simple massage for Jiuran.

"Princess, we're leaving." Just as Jiuran was comfortable and about to fall asleep, Xiaoru's voice came out again, directly disillusioned Jiuran's sleepiness. Jiuran got up obediently and let Xiaoru play with his clothes. This morning's makeup was still very formal, but such a formal dress still could not cover the kiss marks on the collarbone. Wine However, looking at himself in the mirror, he was very embarrassed and secretly annoyed about how to go out to meet people like this. Although Jiuran usually looks popular, he is still a conservative person in his bones.

"Okay, my princess, let's go." Xiao Ru looked at the chagrin alone with a smile and said softly. Jiuran had no choice, so he had to harden his scalp and followed Xiaoru with his head down like a bell. However, as soon as he got to the royal garden, he saw Mo Xiaoran and the foxes coming not far away, and a fox they didn't know.

Obviously, Mo Xiaoran did not expect to meet this woman here. Her face was so ugly that she couldn't even do it simply perfunctory. Mo Xiaoran simply shot the woman. When she saw the kiss marks on her collarbone, her face was instantly pale, and her feet were crooked and she almost did not fall down. Fortunately, there was an ink demon. I helped him.

And the foxes around also seemed to notice the situation here, and saw the bride not far away, and glanced at her coldly. However, when they saw that the woman smelled mature all over her body and her face was watery, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Let's go." At this time, the voice of ink blood came out faintly, and then came forward, hugged Mo Xiaoran with a pale face in his arms, and left first, still followed by the foxes.

However, at the moment they just left, Mo Xie also came out from them. He was still dressed in white like snow and his silver hair fluttered. When he saw those people go far away, his eyes suddenly turned to the wine, without any expression. He raised his feet and walked in her direction. Come on, as Mo Xie kept approaching, his heart beat faster and his breathing became rapid. Thinking that Mo Xie was so fierce last night, his face also turned red.

"Go back. I don't need today's morning tea." Just waiting for Mo Xie to walk in with joy, but Mo Xie's words directly broke all her illusions, and all the beauty was shattered in such an instant, which couldn't help but make her stay where she was.

After Mo Xie finished speaking, he went straight away without looking at Jiu Ran again. All the Mo Xie just now was in his eyes. In fact, he has been following Mo Xiaoran. He just wanted to see how the woman is doing now. He didn't want to hurt her or make her suffer so much, so he didn't dare to go out directly. Now, I can only look at it secretly from a distance. When I see Mo Xiaoran's pale face, my heart also hurts, so uncontrollably. The hatred in my heart swelled so violently that it became more unpleasant to see the appearance of Jiuran, and even the disgust was so obvious that the hurtful words were inadvertently said.

As Mo Xie walked, he thought of the shocking and incredible face. He felt very funny and couldn't help sneering. Then what lingering in his mind was Mo Xiaoran's pale and bloodless face, which pierced his eyes and pierced his heart all the time.

Jiuran stood still and didn't react for a long time. Xiaoru woke her up.

"Princess, let's go back." Xiaoru said lightly. Looking at Jiuran's pale face, she was very worried. Jiuran's eyes were so confused and hurt that he followed Xiaoru step by step back to the road he came.