The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

143 Eat your own bitter fruit

"Snake King, taste it, this is one of the characteristics of the demon clan..." The man grabbed the initiative, raised his hand slightly, and said lightly to the snake king sitting in his hand. There was no expression in his tone. This situation made the snake king feel very uneasy.

The snake king was under the pressure of the devil's words. Even if he didn't want to taste the characteristics of the demon clan in that cup, he had to look at the demon king sitting on the top for a long time, picked up the cup, and smelled the bright blood-like thing with the faint strange smell from the cup. , forcibly restrained the acid water that kept surging in his stomach and wanted to protrude, and took a small sip.

However, just as soon as the Snake King drank the things in the cup into his mouth, the demon king, who had not been born for a long time, suddenly said, "Ha ha~ How about the Snake King think the characteristic of our demon clan - blood tea?" The demon king still said with charming eyes. The charming voice surprised people every time it appeared, but this time, the shock of such a voice was not as powerful as his words to the Snake King. At the moment when the devil's words were out, the snake king's mouth and the blood tea that had just entered his mouth were immediately sprayed out, and there was not a drop left. A little saliva dripped to the ground.

Then, the Snake King raised his head with an incredible face and looked awkwardly at the amazing demon king sitting on the top. There was some unhappy look in his eyes, but it just flashed by. In fact, in the eyes of the devil, such a thing may be just a whim and feel funny, but in the eyes of extravagant, it is a kind of contempt for their snakes and an insult to the snakes. This is unforgivable for the Snake King, but for now, he still has something to ask for this demon king, so he has to swallow this tone and wait until he has the ability to let the person in front of him pay today's price.

"Well, what does Snake King mean? Do you dislike the poor hospitality of our demon clan? Then the room was quiet for a period of time, but this silence made people feel a breath of death, constantly filling every corner. This feeling also made the snake king feel a trace of fear. Just as the snake king was about to speak, the demon king suddenly snorted coldly and said coldly. A sentence came out, which made the Snake King more afraid and didn't know how to answer or respond to such words.

"How come, how come? The snake is really grateful for the devil's hospitality to the snake with such a big gift. However, the snake thinks that he should not be treated so much, and ask the devil's hands to show mercy and take it back..." The snake king said while wiping the cold sweat that kept appearing on his forehead. At this moment, the snake king's attitude is completely the same as the eyes just now. It can be said to be two people who are completely opposite. It turns out that many times the dignity is also vulnerable in reality. If a person wants to have his own dignity and want others to respect you, then first of all, you must have the heart to respect others, you should be sincere with others, and secondly, you should stand high, you should be different. Many rules are made by the strong, and a weak person has no other rights than to accept it.

"Well, is there any reason to take back what I sent out?!?" The demon king suddenly interrupted what the snake king was going to say, and did not show any mercy to the snake king. In the eyes of the demon king, there is no need to show mercy for those who are about to die. After all, people are going to die, what kind of affection is there?

The voice of the demon king suddenly became indifferent, and blew into people's hearts like a piercing cold wind, making people unable to help but shiver. For the snake king, he had no choice but to accept the help of the demon king at the beginning. The pain of losing his daughter, the pain of white-haired people sending black-haired people made the snake king lose his mind and immersed in himself day and night. At this time, the demon king quietly appeared. He said that he could help the Snake King fulfill his wish. The Snake King did not have any concerns about cooperating with the demon world at the beginning. After all, the ancient war and the humiliation made everyone in the demon world deeply remember it, every time He constantly warned himself that the demon world and the demon world were not at the same time. However, the original snake king was full of hatred and wanted to revenge, so he became the demon king.

In this way, the two people reached an agreement. The demon world helped the snakes revenge. A city on the border of the snake clan belongs to the demon world. It has to be said that such a price is huge. However, at that time, if the snake clan did not agree to such an agreement, then revenge was just a fantasy, because the snake king also deeply understood At such a ** moment, if you turn to other clans in the demon world, you can only return empty-handed. No clan is willing to help the snake clan attack the fox clan at such a time. Besides, this also violates the oath of the four clans at the beginning and does not invade each other. Once one of the principles of non-interference and mutual restraint violates the principle, it will not only become the target of public criticism.

Therefore, even if the cooperation between the snake king and the demon world is the best way to revenge, it is also the most helpless way, and there is no way. The demon world has been a very powerful tribe since ancient times, so there is no doubt that the demon world is the best choice for the snake king.

However, I have to say that this cooperation with the demon world is also the most dangerous choice. What is the status of the snake clan and what is the status of the demon world? Even the four-grid tribes in the demon world may not be able to beat the demon world together, not to mention this small clan of the snake clan? For the demon world, it is simply a small fish and shrimp. Any slap can destroy the whole snake clan.

But the snake clan never thought that the demon world would disappear before destroying all the fox clan? Who can tell the Snake King what's going on? This had to make the snake king come to ask clearly, but before he could say this sentence, he was interrupted by the mysterious demon king, so that he really had no way to say it. That's all right, but who knows that such a play happened again, which immediately confused the Snake King.

"Demon King, today the snake came here to ask a question." The Snake King listened to his scalp and looked at the mysterious black man on the top of the author.

"Snake King, please speak." The devil did not raise his head and said faintly, as if he had no interest in the question of the Snake King. Yes, after all, the purpose of the Snake King's coming here today is that he can think of it with a little brain, but such a demon king really makes the snake king Zhangji's monk confused. I don't know what kind of plan this demon king has.

"I don't know why the demon king finally closed his troops? It seems that no agreement has been reached between us. The Snake King continued to ask.

"Ha ha~ Is there something unreasonable when the Snake King said so?" The demon king smiled charmingly, and then his voice suddenly became awe-in, giving people a sense of powerlessness. It's really hard to imagine that a person can have such two sides. Sometimes it is so charming and unruly, as if everything is ignored, and then suddenly becomes so serious and the voice is awe-in. It makes people feel afraid.

"How do you say this?" The Snake King asked in confusion. I don't understand what the devil is talking about at this moment. I really doubt whether what they are talking about now is a thing. Is it because their thinking jump is so big that there is such a big gap?

"At the beginning, your good prince shouted to evacuate. You snakes have been evacuated. Why do we still hold on? Our original agreement was an agreement, but it seems that the sudden withdrawal of the snake clan in the middle of the process put our demon world in front of everyone. Do you think how to decide which one is right or wrong? In a blink of an eye, the devil's voice has become faint, as if everything is not a big deal. It's more like everything doesn't care about him. At this moment, he is an outsider, watching the insider trapped and can't get out. It's very funny.

By the devil's words, the Snake King suddenly seemed to have lost his words and didn't know how to refute it, because after all, what the devil said was true. For this matter, there was no way to say whose fault it was. In this way, it felt that the Snake King was unreasonable here.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know about this matter. The snake is here to accompany the devil, and this matter is over..." The snake king was entangled for a long time before slowly standing up, and then bowed to the demon king sitting on the top.

"Eh? The Snake King planned to go there, but I didn't plan to go there. Isn't the Snake King too simple? At this time, the demon king suddenly stood up, exuding coldness all over his body and said faintly. Listening to the demon king's tone, there was a feeling of calculating after autumn, which made the snake king very uneasy.

"What is the devil's plan?" In the end, the Snake King had no choice but to be wronged.

How about it? I don't know if the snake king has heard of it, but no one who came into the demon world went out alive..." As the demon king said, he slowly walked to the snake king and took action inadvertently. Then, the snake king's body fell lightly like a leaf, and the snake king's eyes were not closed, tightly. Such a mysterious man staring in front of him, as if he had found some unspeakable secret, his eyes were full of incredible. However, in any case, the final hope is to go to such a road of no return. Perhaps, since he signed an agreement with the demon world, the Snake King has understood his situation and his fate in the future, but he still signed it without hesitation. This may be the greatness of fatherly love and sacrificed himself. , and even the whole snake and fox clan came to pay tribute to their daughters. Of course, I have to say that this is also sad.

"Ha ha, a new generation of snake king? Are you satisfied with this result? The demon king slowly turned around, looked outside the door, and said with a smile.