The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

Mo Xiaoran's love: Who's waiting coincides with the blooming 3 (on the way home)

Mo Xiaoran's love: whose wait coincides with the blooming 3

Mo Xue really did what he said and took me to see Qiyue the next day. Perhaps it was not because he promised me something, but because Qi Yue woke up and needed me. Perhaps it was Mo Xue who felt sorry for me, but anyway, Mo Xue appeared outside my door the next day and took me to the cave where I had been to visit Qi Yue.

I have never said much, especially after that war, Mo Xie left me, and after Mo Yao died in my hands, I became more silent. It's not that I don't want to say it, but I think there is nothing to say at all. What's more, there are many people I see every day, looking at each of them. Looking at my cautious eyes, I will feel disgusted. Once I am disgusted, what else can I say? Moreover, there is no warmth in this palace as before, leaving only the horror of desolation and death.

Along the way, Mo Xue and I kept silent, not on purpose, that is, I felt that there was nothing to say. Originally, there was no intersection between us, but now, the only few intersections were also dead and fell asleep. What else can we talk about in such a situation? There is only sadness left.

Because the journey is not very long, when my thoughts were still entangled with the reason for the silence between us, suddenly the ink blood picked me up and turned around and reached the bottom of the cliff. The cave appeared in front of me like that. This is the second time I came here, and I still remember the first time I came here. In it is Mo Xie, who wears a snow-white and chic robe and long silver-white hair, which merges with the whole snowy mountain, as if such a person should exist in such a world, white, noble, elegant and awe-inning. Well, I have to say that I fainted at that time, and such a scene was also my own imagination, but I still believe that what I think is the most correct. I said that there are many times when I am very persistent about a certain problem.

I followed the footsteps of ink blood into the cave. Everything was still the same. Nothing had changed, but it was no longer the same as before.

I saw the valuable crystal coffin again. However, I didn't feel much joy at this moment. I think it was precisely because I saw Qiyue lying there quietly in front of me, quiet and without any anger.

I suddenly remembered that voice, which was cold and a little warm, and the voice called, Xiaoran, Xiaoran...

"What can I do?" I turned around and looked at the ink blood of Qiyue, who was looking affectionately in the crystal coffin, and asked faintly. In fact, I always feel that the reason why Mo Xue brought me here is because I can do anything else.

"The energy of the moonmark can make the moon recover faster." Mo Xue stood aside and said faintly, which seemed to sound like this irrelevant sentence, but I still heard the meaning of Mo Xue's words. I nodded slowly, and then turned my head to look at Qi Yue. I unconsciously hung a very bitter smile on the corners of my mouth. My hand gently stroked the piece of my chest. Ruby, which was integrated into my body, closed my eyes and felt the beating of my heart, opened my mouth and said a word "good" softly.

Originally, this moon mark did not belong to me, and I was just the need of that war. The moon mark industry itself is part of Qiyue, and now everything has been settled. So, what reason is there to continue to possess Qiyue's things? Besides, I'm about to leave here. Yuehen is just a meaningless thing for me, or an item that makes me indulge in the past, so it's better to give it to Qiyue, so that Qiyue can wake up earlier.

"How to take out the ink blood?" I looked at the man in front of me seriously and asked. Mo Xie has left me. I can no longer see Mo Xue and Qiyue. If I can, I will spare all my strength to complete it.

"Life will be in danger." Mo Xue told me directly without any reservation. I looked at Mo Xue and looked at the corners of my eyes and left tears. I thought that if this were one of me and Mo Xie, I would do the same.

"Ink blood, I love him." I curved the corners of my mouth and said firmly. I think Mo Xue will understand what I mean.

"Okay, come with me." After saying that, Mo Xue turned around and walked out, and I followed closely. Ink blood took me to the pool full of lotus, and then put me around my waist and put me on the largest leaf in the heart of the pool. A trace of coolness passed from the bottom of my feet to my heart, constantly cleaning my heart. My soul made my mind clearer. I never knew that this seemingly ordinary lotus Ye has such a great effect.

Mo Xue and I sat face to face on the lotus leaf, and then Mo Xue raised my arms, palms, followed the guidance of Mo Xue, condensed, gathered energy, and forced out the moonmarks that had been integrated into my body.

I don't know how long it has passed. Just when I felt that my physical strength was about to be exhausted, the moon mark finally broke away from my body, and then there was darkness in front of me.

I think maybe it's good for me to die like this. After all, it's meaningful. I'm wondering if my death like this is also the greatness of life and death? Suddenly, pictures appeared in front of us, all of which were the past and those very happy days. It was said that people would think of the past at the moment of death, and the movies of their lives were constantly replayed. Well, this may be death, I thought so.

In fact, to be honest, death is also a kind of relief. When you die, you don't know anything, you don't think about anything, and you disappear forever. From then on, there is no Mo Xiaoran, no ink evil, no ink demon, no fox, nothing in this world...

It seems that my life is like the little Qiang who can't be killed. With my low hopes for survival and death, I still can't disappear into the world forever, but wake up again.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that I was in Mo Xie's **. For a moment, I felt that Mo Xie was back. For a moment, I forgot what had happened. For a moment, I seemed to have returned to the past.

However, when I saw those foxes, I knew that the truth was the truth, and I was sober.

"How long have I slept?" I looked at them and asked faintly. In fact, I wanted to try to sit up, but my whole body was soft and I didn't have any strength, as if this body was not my own. I couldn't control it at all. I couldn't assemble it, let alone sit up. It was even difficult to lift my hand.

"Ten days." Mo Se looked at me with some distressedness and replied, but I didn't understand why there was heartache in his eyes rather than any other emotions. If it was indifferent or something, I could accept it. However, this distressed look was very harsh, so I had to look away and began to look at other things. Several foxes, however, to my surprise, why do they have that kind of distress in their eyes? This can't help but make me feel annoyed. Please, what I need is not pity, which makes me want to go home even more. Although there are no relatives, the home is just an empty house, but it But it makes me feel at ease and warmth.

"Oh, when can I get up?" I asked, as if I was talking about other people's affairs, and it was not my own way of being sick.

"The senior ink blood said that five more days will be done." Mo Yan replied.

"Hm, I'm fine. You all go ahead." After listening to Mo Yan's answer, I couldn't help howling in my heart. Oh, my God, lying down for another five days is simply torture.

In a blink of an eye, five days have passed. Although I can get up, I still can't move as freely as before, but I don't regret it at all. I just want to know if Qiyue has woken up. I'm still sorry that I can't see Qiyue wake up before leaving. Soon after, I learned from Mo Xue that Qi Yue still did not wake up, so this regret was confirmed and destined that we would have no chance in this life.

On the evening of the sixth day, Mo Xue and the foxes suddenly ran over. Such a powerful position really scared me. There were some unknown reasons. I looked at them puzzled. In the end, they just said a sad sentence. Tonight, the door of the different world opened.

After hearing this answer, I first blinked with some confusion, and then laughed.

On this day, when we had dinner together, I suddenly remembered the famous painting, the last dinner. As soon as the inspiration came, I turned around and ran into the study, picked up the pen and began to wave it. I drew the dinner of the few of us on the picture scroll, next to the inscription: The Last Supper. At the bottom of the scroll, there is also a Q version of the portrait, which is very strange, but I forgot that there are four more people on this scroll, Fox King, Qiyue, Mo Xie and Mo Yao.

After that, I wrote a few more letters and handed them over to Mose. One was the Xuanmo of the Chu Palace and the other was the Qingshang of the wolf clan.

After the aftermath, it was too early. I stood in front of the window and waited for the blood moon to climb to the sky. I couldn't feel what kind of mood I was at this moment. It seemed very complicated and simple.

When the blood moon rose to the highest place, I saw several foxes release their demonic power at the same time and pushed me to the sky. Looking at the shadows of those foxes getting smaller and smaller, and their distance in the nest became farther and farther, their hearts suddenly became empty, as if they had lost something, and the corners of their eyes slowly shed tears. , drifting down.

"Goodbye." I opened my mouth and said softly, knowing that they couldn't hear, but I still said it. I have to admit that I can't bear to part with them, but I know that I must also leave here and return to my own place. Since then, I have not had any intersection with them.

This is a dream, but when you wake up.

Goodbye, fox.

Goodbye, my dream...