The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 369: The birth of the halberd of the Nine Kingdoms

The best ore.

In the era of the owner it once followed, it was a rare item that could not be sought.

It can be said that if the owner of Xia Dan had the best magic weapon at the beginning, he would not have fallen at the beginning.

Such rare super goods make Xia Dan's eyes straight!

The magic weapon created by the legendary best ore is enough to destroy the sky and the earth like a rainbow, and the gods are unstoppable!

In their era, how precious was the best ore? Seeing that Xia Feng's front and feet were placed nearly thirteen pieces, how could he not let Xia Dan breathe quickly?

These best ores are all in the summer wind, and they spent a lot of money to search for on the alliance island. There are too many good things gathered in the ore shops on the alliance island. For example, the best ore! Such a good thing, everyone knows that it is a good thing. A small piece, as heavy as a grinding disc, has created a weapon. Coquettish?

But this thing, knowing that it is a good thing, how to make it?


This thing uses a machine to stimulate the terrible flame, and it can't be burned into iron at all, so it can't be condensed into a weapon! Even if this thing is thrown into the magma, it can only be burned off a layer of skin by the terrible temperature of magma.

Burn into a soldier?

Dream about it.

In addition, the price of this best ore is too high, and it cannot be condensed.

It has become a chicken rib, which is available in most stores, and regards it as a treasure of the town house. Its function is just a house...

When Xia Feng went to collect the best ore, the group of bosses were so happy that they finally threw out the hot potato. The price barely earned a little oil and water, which made the group laugh happily.

I didn't expect that this thing could still make money? No compensation?

It has been hundreds of years since the era of civilization, and the mining technology is much more advanced than before, resulting in the flood of magic weapon ores. Of course, the number of the best ores occasionally chiseled is increasing. That's why Xia Feng easily collected more than a dozen pieces of the best ore.

He was extremely satisfied to see Xia Dan's shocked appearance.

Xia Dan shouted in disbelif. Even the four people above faintly heard a roar. They were curious face to face. What happened? But the four still didn't go down to check. After all, Xia Feng said that he was going to close the door. No one should disturb him. Xia Dan's eyes were locked with more than a dozen pieces of the best ore. After swallowing his mouth, he bent down and picked up a piece of the best ore. After holding it in his hand for a while, his teeth trembled up and down, and he was shocked: "Really It's the best ore...!"

"Master, you don't want to..." Xia Dan's eyes showed hot joy, squeezed his little mouth, and carefully asked Xia Feng. I was afraid that my tone would be too high, which would make him unhappy. Xia Feng smiled at the corners of his mouth and said, "You're right. I really want to melt the best ore into your Danding!" You are a spirit. After this combination of Danding and the best ore, you will be able to advance to the ranks of the best magic weapons, and then your practice will be unimpeded. When I refine the elixir tripod, don't go back for the time being. After I finish refining, how about you experiencing your 'new body'?

"Of course I agree. It's no harm to me at this time. Master, you'd better do it quickly." Xia Dan's eyebrows fluttered, and he spoke excitedly, and his tone was full of urgency.

In the cave, there is a simple and ancient breath of time suspended. The divine tripod is engraved with dense special lines, and the three-legged and two-eared simple tripod, emitting a refreshing aura. The dark green bronze red tripod constantly rotates, making it look weird. Change.

"Sneer." Sanwei Zhenhuo was immediately summoned by the summer wind. He, who had stepped into the peak of building the foundation, exerted the temperature of Sanwei Zhenhuo, which was extremely horrible.

Based on the temperature of the flame or the familiarity of the flame, I'm afraid that there are only a few people in the whole world who can stand side by side with the summer wind. If you calculate it, you can count it with three fingers.

The temperature rose, the moisture was swept away, and the size of the peony emitted a hot and high-temperature three-flavor real fire. Suddenly, it opened its big mouth to the bronze elixir tripod and killed it away. Taking advantage of this, the summer wind went into the fire again and threw nearly six pieces of the best ore in a row!

In the past, I'm afraid that Sanwei Zhenhuo really couldn't do anything about the best ore. At the beginning, the refining of the best ore made the summer wind half dead.

The current immortal power is not what it used to be. In less than a short time, the roaring Sanwei real fire burned the best ore and revealed the essence of the surface stone layer one by one. Under the fierce burning, the bronze red tripod appeared silk cracks, and the simple Danding, which was covered with traces, will eventually be remade back to the furnace.

Xia Dan clenched his teeth, with a strong sense of joy in his painful eyes.

Danding is connected to his mind. When he is burned, there will naturally be a kind of pain. Only by breaking through it can it break its bottleneck.


Time flies. For 20 days, Xia Feng has never been out of the customs.

The reason why he closed down so desperately is that he has reached the peak of foundation-building! Take a small step forward, and you have reached the golden elixir period! The advancement of strength certainly makes Xia Feng enjoy inexhaustible benefits, such as flying freely.

Waving your hand, the landslide cracked!

Talk and laugh, cover the sky with one hand!

After stepping into the Jindan period, Xia Feng was really relieved! Because his longevity will be increased by 500 years! After 500 years, his longevity will be exhausted and he will die. The benefits of the Jindan period are naturally coveted. But...

If you want to enjoy so many benefits, there is another hurdle...

This hurdle is so horrible that any immortal cultivator recalls it and is terrible! Even in the summer breeze, we have to carefully prepare for all the ways to get through this barrier!

The name of this hurdle is: "Heavenly disaster!"

The terrible disaster, when mentioned, is enough to make the immortals talk about it. It is like a life-threatening charm.

Ten immortals, seven died under the heavenly disaster, two died, and one had a chance of survival...

You can imagine that this probability of nine deaths, slightly wrong, is the end of the soul. If you want to get through the disaster, you must be well prepared. Everything Xia Feng is doing now is a comprehensive matter! Refining magic weapons!

There is already armor!

A weapon is still missing! Powerful and able to make his summer wind play a powerful weapon!

Get an attack-like magic weapon to fight against the natural disaster, and you are more likely to survive! If it hadn't been for Li Binglian's coincidence to send Yinyuan to save Xia Feng last time, I'm afraid that after the foundation disaster, he would have died!

So this time he must be well prepared and must not be like last time.

Five days after Xia Feng's retreat, the bronze elixir tripod has been refined into a best magic weapon. Xia Feng is satisfied with it. He once went out for a minute and used the bronze elixir tripod and smashed it to the ground. The bronze red tripod, which is as heavy as Wanjun, cracks cracks on the ground. Within 300 meters around, it seems to have suffered a severe earthquake, and the horror of power is jaw-dropping!

After preparing the matter of the bronze elixir, he closed again.

He is going to refine one this time!

A satisfactory attack weapon!


Time goes by, and it is getting closer and closer to the end of the Ten-National League. In the rest of the month, the ancient well was really calm like a lake of autumn water, and there was no wave at all. In addition, the two countries have not come to provoke China from beginning to end. They are stationed in their respective camps. If you don't offend me, I won't offend you.

It's like camping...

The days are quite leisurely. In the first 20 days of the virgin forest, it was basically a storm every day. Someone was accidentally hit by a thunder and lightning and burned it on the spot... Fortunately, the recent weather is cloudless and clear, and the scorching sun exudes a warm atmosphere that makes people feel particularly comfortable.

On this day, Lv Zhan and Zhan Minglei were competing one-on-one. The elements were constantly rushing, and the surrounding trees were constantly plagued and exploded by accidents. The two of them fought happily, and there was a confidant in their eyes.

Just when the two of them wanted to use their stunts to have a big collision!


Under the ground, there was a sharp buzz, as if it were an ancient magic soldier, wanting to be a smooth battle signal! Lv Zhan and Zhan Minglei both frowned. After looking at each other, they felt a crisis and swept back. The sharp blade pierced the earth, and the deafening roar sounded one after another, and the ground shook.

It seems that there are some powerful items that are about to break through the ground!

As soon as the two retreated, a piece of black light instantly penetrated the soil and sprinkled a piece of gray soil when they stared at what the black soil was.

The dark light rushed to the sky, 100 meters high. After these weapons spontaneously rushed to the sky, the sharp buzz appeared again. At this time, the two of them saw what it was!

On the surface of the earth, Bai Ling and Mo Qi appeared one after another, staring at the long gun in the sky with shocking eyes?

"What kind of weapon is that?" As an archer, Zhan Minglei's eyes are excellent. Mo Qi didn't look too real. According to his shape, he was surprised and said, "Spear? Or a long gun?" Bai Ling's black-and-white eyes flashed in amazement and refuted: "It's not a long gun, not a spear, it's..."

"It turned out to be Fang Tian's halberd!"

"No, it's a single-month green dragon halberd!"

Zhan Minglei and the stiff-faced corpse Lv Zhan spoke at the same time.

The sharp tip of the gun at the end of the long halberd is sharp, with a metallic luster. Ten centimeters below the tip of the gun, the crescent-shaped sharp blade on the right side is curved with a dark black metal luster. The sharp hook on the left is impressive, and the heart is lingeringering!

After the magnificent Qinglong halberd was born, a long smile came from under the ground: "Lv Zhan, Minglei, you two take me and have a look!"

After saying that, the miracle that was originally buzzing in the sky brazenly turned into a thunderbolt black light, and the big opening and closing rushed to Lv Zhan with the ancient flood-like trend. The sharp and sharp best soldiers, the wind brought overwhelmed the branches!