The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 499: Punishment

This is not a joke. The Security Bureau has been passed down for hundreds of years. Are there really so few masters? Every strong place always has a little bottom card and dark power, and the Security Bureau is no exception. The next morning, Xia Feng got up early. After washing up for a while, everyone gathered together again for dinner in the restaurant.

During this period, it is inevitable to discuss the words of the top 25 Jin and 13.

In the top 13 of the 25th round, there is an empty number.

This lucky empty number will not need to be a duel between people to advance smoothly. Mo Qi's face is full of fighting spirit, and it will be a glorious battle to advance to the top 13.

Become famous in World War I!

Lv Zhan's eyes flashed hot, and he struggled with his grandfather's figure over the years. How can you not be excited when you can finally prove yourself today? Xia Feng is similar to them, but he is a little calmer.

Everyone has a competitive heart, and Xia Feng is certainly no exception.

The people who came to today's martial arts arena are far from comparable to the previous days. Even Wang Qing, one of the four elders, sat on the third floor to evaluate the game in person. There were also two old men who came with Wang Qing. One was dressed in a purple robe embroidered with a purple golden dragon, and the other looked old in a red robe, but the spirit revealed in his eyes was very exciting.

The purple robe is embroidered with funds. The old man naturally fought against the elders of the family.

When all three of them sat down, the old man in red robe grinned and said, "Zhan Wei, your junior has been seriously injured recently. I don't know if your Zhan family is heartbroken or not?" After saying that, he deliberately sighed and said, "I think it's good. The juniors in the family are too domineering, and there are always people who don't like it."

"Yu Chihe, I advise you to shut up. I'm angry in my heart and accidentally stained you. It's not good."

The Yuchi family and the Zhan family themselves have inherited hatred for hundreds of years. It can be said that they are generations of enemies, and enemies are extremely envied when they meet. Seeing that the Zhan family has suffered frequently recently, how can Yu Chihe have a chance to let go of the old man? Wang Qing smiled and said, "You two should watch the martial arts and solve the grudges in private. How about it?"

"Wang Qing, my warrior often asks your security bureau for a person. Why do you refuse many times?"

When Zhan Wei saw Elder Wang speaking, he bombarded him rudely, with an indescribable charm from the corners of his eyes. After Wang Qing heard this, he smiled and pointed to the bottom and said, "Xia Feng is below. If your Zhan family can take him away, I will never hinder him!"


Zhan Wei ate a lot, so he had to snort coldly and didn't say anything.

Since Xia Feng kept targeting the Zhanjia and getting close to the two rebellious relationships, in fact, the Zhanjia has repeatedly asked the Security Bureau for people, but it's a pity! The Security Bureau either ignores or treats each other coldly. It's better to catch Wang Qing by himself now...

The problem is that in the territory of the Security Bureau, his warriors dare not be so arrogant. Zhan Wei also understood that this was a deliberate ridicule of Wang Qing, so he didn't say anything, but his eyes locked the face of Xia Feng below.

Zhan Minglei came down from the rostrum and drew No. 11, which corresponded to a martial arts in the later stage. He was not a warrior. Zhan Minglei was still quite satisfied. Mo Qi said in surprised, "Minglei, it seems that you have encountered a hard stubble, and you don't seem to be cursed at all."

"Curse of mourning?" Zhan Minglei was stunned and then said, "I think it's good. People always need to be tempered. Bulliing the weak and the same level of tempering will only gradually decrease the level. Only by keeping going in is the real way of martial arts.

"This sentence is good." Xia Feng squinted and praised with a smile.

Mo Qi was a little embarrassed. He would rather meet a slightly weaker person, so that he could have less strength for himself. Zhan Minggeng has rubbed his hands, and it's time for him to go to the stage to draw numbers.

"I hope to meet that beautiful girl. Even if I lose under her pomegranate skirt, I will be willing to!" Zhan Minggeng walked on the rostrum with bright eyes. Before leaving, he did not forget to mutter. Everyone present heard it clearly, and some people who were familiar with him deliberately ted a few words, and even Xia Feng was very distressed.

This guy doesn't speak accurately.

The python standing under the stage has been watching this scene coldly.

The poisonous snake-like eyes exude the cold frozen into the bone marrow. After seeing Zhan Minggeng's hand reach into the horn tube, the faint smile on Zhan Minggeng's face looked at his ball number, and his expression stagnated. What's the matter?" Seeing that his brother's face was restrained, Zhan Minglei not only frowned.

Then when he saw Zhan Minggeng's eyes gradually moving on the python in the corner, his heart suddenly shook!

"Is it..."

The python raised a smile on the corners of his mouth, as if he had guessed the result. Compared with Zhan Minggeng, who had an excited smile on his face just before he came to power, he was calm and even indifferent at this moment!

In front of everyone present, he said, "No. 23!"

Suddenly, the people under the stage looked at the corresponding No. 3, and their faces changed in an instant.

"War python!" Everyone was silent and seemed to know the relationship between Zhan Minggeng and Zhan Python.

It was said that water and fire were incompatible. Xiao Xiao's face changed. She got up and quickly grabbed Zhan Minggeng's draw. After finding that he did not mean to joke, he immediately pinched the ball and revealed his panic, and his eyes were different when he looked at Zhan Minggeng.

The stage was silent, and everyone's eyes were coincidentally gathered on Zhan Minggeng.

Wang Qing sat on the third floor and clearly looked down at every move downstairs, and then sensed the back of the scene, and his eyes suddenly flashed. Zhan Wei smiled excitedly and said in a loud voice, "Ha ha, it seems that this rebellious land has finally come to an end."

"Who are you warriors who is rebellious? Everyone knows it." Yu Chihe sneered strangely.

Xia Feng stood under the stage and glanced at the position of the python thoughtfully... Zhan Minggeng was in danger. When Zhan Minggeng came down, under the gaze of a group of people, Mo Qi said something badly, "It seems that Brother Geng is really going to be in trouble this time."

"I think it's good." Zhan Minggeng suddenly replied calmly and did not agree with his irritable temperament at all. He said very calmly and slowly, "I, Zhan Ming Geng, hid in Tibet and have been hiding from today's Zhan family for ten years. Ten years, 3,610 days. In such a long time, I have been low-headed and respant all the time, and now I have finally straightened my spine.

"Brother, don't be impulsive." Zhan Minglei knew that Zhan Minggeng had accumulated decades of grievances, hatred and anger in his heart. But what's the use of these?

In the face of absolute strength, these are all unrealistic. The pythons in the distance all gloated and complimented the python, and said some dog-legged words, which made people disdainful. On the contrary, there was a trace of determination in Zhan Minggeng's eyes.

Escape, dodge, fear, fear.

Hate, injustice, blood, shouting.

Which one will you choose? Is it still the same as before, temporarily avoiding the edge and still avoiding some things, or anyway, make a real cry in your heart. Face it with everything you have?

Maybe ten years ago, I didn't think about the two brothers. They would grit their teeth and endure humiliation to survive.

But ten years later, this humiliation, this hatred, this injustice.

has accumulated to the point of a mountain. It has been too much. It surrounds the minds of the two brothers all the time. If they don't vent, I'm afraid they will completely collapse. In this case, why not resist head-on?

Young wolf, devoted to growth and development.

Tiger and wolf, wait for the opportunity to move, and the enemy is scared.

And now the two brothers are no longer the little wolves who could even ** a dog in those years! It's a tiger wolf with fangs that can catch a fatal blow anytime and anywhere. No one can peep at them. Isn't it the time for the young wolf to grow up to this extent?

Xia Feng patted Zhan Minggeng on the shoulder and said, "I support you."

"I support you, too." Lu Zhan said coldly.

"Me too!!" Mo Qi finally preached firmly.

The two brothers are not warm in their hearts, which is fake. Their identity is destined to keep countless people away from them like seeing the plague.

The python in the distance had a bloodthirsty smile on the corners of his mouth. When he saw Xia Feng and others turn his head to look at him, the python suddenly grinned, his mouth moved, and then his right hand was palmed around his neck.

The meaning is: "Wait for me and get your head."

Xia Feng glanced at this self-ident guy and muttered, "It's okay for this boy to lose. If he dares to win, I will definitely make him feel that it is a pain to live in the world."


It's useless to say more. Today's martial arts arena has been overcrowded for a long time. Many masters have gathered, and many people are looking forward to this game. The only regret is that Xia Feng took an empty number when drawing the number, which made people sigh.

Many people know that Xia Feng has just broken through and still want to see how strong Xia Feng is. Now it seems impossible. Naturally, the empty number was deliberately made by Xia Feng. If you can do less, you can do less. Some weak ones are relieved and do not match well with themselves.

According to the rules of the game, the top 25 will be rewarded. However, the reward of the top 13 is more generous. No one wants to be promoted to the top 13, which is a symbol of reputation and strength. Time passed quickly, and the first game was shocking, and even the rock-solid granite gave birth to one or two visible cracks. The horror of martial arts is undoubtedly demonstrated in high strength.

Although the first two games were wonderful, most people's eyes still stayed in the first game in the afternoon, which was the hottest game of the Heat!

The warrior's rebellion against the direct line, this is a blood battle!