The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 586: Coins are like paper

The auction house of the Wu family is world-famous. In terms of family business, it is barely half a powerful person. Mainly because of the family, they are always suppressed, and the progress is very slow. In this monthly auction, the collection of treasures can be said to have moved countless people.

The body of pure yin.

Zhenfeng Sword.

Marrow washing elixir.

The Emperor's Mirror.

and the elixir of ten thousand years.

So many things are gathered together. If the auction is over, I'm afraid I can buy a small country. At that time, I'm afraid that the real money and coins will not be able to play a real role at that time. Only the equivalent item like Yuanjing is the real trading item.

After all, power warlocks exist in the whole world in order to make this auction go smoothly. A total of 20 items have been auctioned. The first 15 items are allowed to be auctioned with world currency, and the last five items must use Yuanjing at that time.

In order to make the circulation of Yuanjing smooth at that time.

The Wu family has opened up a ratio of 10,000 Chinese coins = 1 yuan crystal.

This terrible proportion also shows that as the world's mining is becoming more and more barren, all countries have begun to actively save, which also shows its value.

Because of the relationship between the marrow-washing elixir and the Zhenfeng sword, the Western dignitaries came a long way when they received the news. All night, it was the roar of helicopters, constantly landing on the island of the Wu family. The sudden emergence of so many foreign helicopters has led to the extra vigilance of the navies of countries near the sea.

In the early morning, it finally came to a sunny day, starting at ten o'clock in the afternoon until the end. Since the people who came to the Wu family this time are not ordinary people, everyone is very busy. Despite this, the Wu family still prepared a banquet and some entertainment programs for the guests to play.

When the auction was approaching, Li Banxian and Bai Ling had been waiting at the door for a long time, and Xia Feng and Wuza also came down. Bai Ling's eyes were a little complicated when he saw Xia Feng.

She knew all the ups and downs that spread last night. Even Wu Chubai wanted to blow the origin of the summer wind. After talking about the incident of Zhenfeng sword and marrow-washing elixir, she understood the reason why he had been buying medicinal materials and ore.

"This guy didn't explain at that time." Bai Ling muttered to himself. When he saw Xia Feng coming, his eyes dodged a little. Seeing this scene, Xia Feng looked like a normal person. When he saw Li Banxian, he smiled and said, "Old man, have you been doing well recently? The face is full of oil, and the peach blossoms on the forehead are blooming in spring. It seems that he has done something else.

Last night, when Xia Feng inadvertently released his consciousness, he noticed that Li Banxian was in the 'Youxiang House' on the island... It was rare to see it in the morning. I didn't make fun of him. I'm really sorry for myself.

Li Banxian originally looked like a fairy. When Xia Feng mentioned this sentence, his legs were soft, and his old face first blushed. But soon became righteous and awe-inspiring, he sighed, "Last night, I asked those women to hope that they could cultivate their hearts and communicate beyond their hearts. Both of us have benefited a lot. How can it be a bad thing?"

The prostitutes could find such a strong reason. Even Xia Feng was thick-skinned and didn't know how to answer the other party's words. The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, so he didn't say anything, but went to the auction house together.

An oriental woman with a charming and seductive figure like a slender snake came up. Her white and jade-like skin was intoxicating, and her bright eyes and red lips were extremely **. I have to say that it was a clear choice for the Wu family to invite such a beautiful woman to be an auctioneer.

At least many people looked at this woman and showed a look of lust, sweeping back and forth on the other party's body.

"Thank you very much for coming to Xianting Pavilion today." The other party came up and read a sentence of Chinese first, but did not read English. For the people sitting, listen to those who understand Chinese, and find a translator if you don't understand.

Wear smart translation headphones without translation.

Then don't listen!

The Wu family is very demanding on this point. They always talk about their Chinese orthodoxy. Although they are proficient in foreign languages, they mainly use Chinese in the workplace.

This is the old rule, so I didn't say anything.

"The top ten items in today's auction, please take a look first!" After the attractive auctioneer clicked on the tablet in front of him, the light curtain floated in the air and immediately changed ten items, staring at the introduction of the things below, which was very technological.

The system of the tablet is connected to the other party, and you can see the items auctioned on it. It is very clear and completely set up by auction.

What makes Xia Feng a little swindy is that I didn't expect that the first item was marrow washing elixir, one!

The starting price is 50 million US dollars, and the price increase shall not be less than 5 million US dollars each time.

Then the second place is a thousand-year-old spiritual grass, the third place is the latest arms design drawing, the fourth place is his elixir to treat his injury, and the fifth place is the Xuanqi elixir.

This made him laugh or so much. It seems that the Wu family is very attentive to him this time. As for other items, they appear more or less. According to the customs of the auction house, the first three items are the best six items in the whole market.

1-3 good things are in the finale.

The good things of 4-6 are all at the beginning to mobilize the atmosphere.

By the time everyone was watching, the time had suddenly reached 11 o'clock. The auctioneer smiled, picked up the wooden hammer and knocked gently, and said, "Auction, let's go!"

"I won't introduce the first item. The elders of the Wu family have personally verified that it is indeed comparable to the marrow-washing elixir in the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. If it is false, the Wu family will bear all your losses and return it twice at that time."

"Start shooting, let's start!!"


The vibration of the wooden hammer touched people's heartstrings, and Xia Feng looked at the marrow washing elixir on the light curtain with curiosity on his face. I want to know how much it is worth, and soon someone will make an offer. The tentative '60 million' US dollars. At the top of the light curtain, the numbers are rolling, and many people take their own tablets and quote their prices one by one.

What made Wuza short of breath was that only a minute passed, and the price suddenly soared by 150 million US dollars. Rao Shi, the auctioneer looked rich and generous. At this time, his cheeks were stained with a blush, which seemed to be shocked by the quotation of these guys.

Wucha took a cold breath and rolled his throat and said, "Brother Feng... Are you the same as the one you gave me for the auction..." Xia Feng nodded indifferently and looked at the price rolling indifferently, as if the money they were talking about was not as useful as a piece of white paper.