The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 796: The beginning of inheritance

Gongque and Ao Sui are actually one step away from the bloodline of the emperor. Their potential has reached its limit. If they want to break through and reach the realm of the emperor, they need external borrowing. Unless the opportunity comes, it may be possible to enter the realm of the emperor in one fell swoop.


The dragon essence source used by Xia Feng is a divine object that can be said to be against the sky! Tens of thousands of years ago, the dragon clan may have left some Tianlong essence sources to give some "golden dragons" with slightly poor blood, so as to enter the realm of the emperor!

But the afterglow left by the ancestors is ultimately limited.

Tianlong Jingyuan, which has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, appears again. If the people of the dragon clan know, the vibration caused is unimaginable! Tianlong can judge the emperor's son. Tianlong Jingyuan can change the bloodline of the dragon clan.

Even if you used to have poor blood, you can't even compare with the earth dragon. Only one drop of Tianlong essence is enough to be reborn, and the bloodline soars to a higher dragon clan in an instant.

The whole dragon clan is reproduced by Tianlong, and his essence source is naturally extremely precious. Gongque and Ao Qian are only one step away from the emperor, but a drop of Tianlong Jingyuan can become a bridge for communication at that step!

Mat the two of them completely passed! Xia Feng is not an ungrateful person, and he is a completely respectable opponent to Ao Yu. The two have fought each other, and this person's personality is more liked by Xia Feng.

As for Gongque, it is convenient for the dragon clan to get to know each other. Since he has that regret, Xia Feng will naturally not be stingy. After he stepped into Tianlong, he immediately helped the two of them!

After Gongque and Ao Qian were integrated into this drop of Tianlong essence, their eyes were blank for a moment, and then the whole mind completely exploded, and the blood in their bodies rolled like flames burning.

The remaining potential in the body seems to have been ignited!

After the Thunder split adapted to "reshape" the body of the dragon, it showed a smile, and the figure merged with the original master in a flash. Xia Feng, who integrated the thunder split, obviously felt that his body had become "unusual".

"I'm afraid that ordinary fairy weapons can't pose any threat to this body, right?" Xia Feng smiled and clenched his fists gently, and an invisible force spread around.

If you don't notice it carefully, you won't find that the void is distorted by a trace of power that is easily "leaked out". He exhaled a turbid breath, and Xia Feng's eyes suddenly looked at the sky.

In the north and south directions centered on him, two purple rays suddenly burst out! The two stepped into the realm of the emperor at the same time. The two purple rays, less than 10,000 miles apart, were flying towards Qifeng Valley. At this time, they suddenly stopped their footsteps.

Looking at the sudden scene in the sky in shock!

Xia Feng's thunder split concealed the fluctuation of cultivation, and the blue and purple sky light running through the world naturally disappeared without a trace. Many people are still guessing who has become the emperor of you. Now, in the north and south, someone has stepped into the emperor again??

"How can it be! Within a day, three people actually entered the realm of the emperor's son, from the era of the dragon clan to the present!"

"How can the power of blood break out at the same time?"


Ao Guang rushed towards Qifeng Valley and Ao Yuan, who was resting at the headquarters camp, including Guan'er in the hinterland. At this time, the body surface was hot.

This means that they have a new bloodline of "brothers and sisters" again!

Ao Guang, who flew towards Qifeng Valley, showed a trace of shock in his eyes. Three emperors appeared in one day? From ancient times to the present, even when the dragon clan was in its heyday, this has never happened!

"Your Excellency, what happened? Unexpectedly, three emperors appeared at the same time!!"

"Is it the ancestors who show their spirits and know that our family will have a great disaster and specially blessed them?"

Following Ao Guang's close dragon guards, they began to infer their own arguments. Ao Guang quickly calmed down. Fortunately, he was the head of the emperor. When his consciousness was scattered, he realized that the Qingling elder was also not far away. He said, "The Qingling elder is not far away. Let's talk to him before him."

"Hiss--! Even the elder was shocked? That's right. It is inevitable for the elders to come to such a grand event. The dragon guards exclaimed.

Three long rainbows broke through the sky, the green spirit stayed in place, and his eyes were still trembling.

"The familiar dragon breath just now shocked him, is it really that..."

"No... It's been tens of thousands of years. How can the blood of ancestors be born!"

Qingling is in the midst of infinite suffering. Perhaps other clans do not know the ancient Tianlong, but he has lived for nearly ten thousand years and has experience in countless classics of the dragon clan. He has even personally studied the bloodline of the ancestors and the ancestors and the former emperor, and clearly knows their divine power and the vision of heaven and earth.

The scene just now immediately reminded him of it.

However, Xia Feng's work was too fast. Qingling happened to be in a vibration. When he carefully sensed it again, he found that the divine power had dissipated, as if it had never existed.

"It must be an illusion. How can someone's blood step into the realm of the emperor with the impact..." Qingling comforted himself like this

But while he was thinking, the purple light of Ao Qian and Gongque stirred up the whole world again. The strange celestial phenomena born in a day can be said to be a feast for the eyes.

The dragon veins on the border of Qifeng Valley, Longcang and Gongque can be called *!

In the true sense of *, the dragon gas all over the sky is like a wasp colony, dense, forming a road hurricane, converging in the north-south direction.

"Qingling Elder." Qing Ling observed the vision and thought about the wave in his heart. Ao Guang rushed to him and whispered a word, bringing him back to reality from his mind.

"You're here." When Qing Ling saw Ao Guang, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Everything that happened today is really a rare event in the clan for hundreds of thousands of years!"

"Yes. Within a day, three emperors appeared, and there was never before in the clan. Elder, I think this seems to be calling something. After Ao Guang finished answering, he put forward his own opinion.

"What's the matter?" Qing Ling showed a puzzled color, and Ao Guang's eyes flashed and said, "It seems that the inheritance of distant ancestors is coming soon. Whenever the inheritance comes, there must be an emperor in the nearest time. In the past, I thought Wan'er was the last emperor, but now it seems that today is the day!"

"Indeed, there are three emperors. It seems that the inheritance of distant ancestors is indeed about to start. I'm afraid it will be in the near future, or even faster!" Elder Qingling arrived immediately.

The distant ancestors will be inherited, and the emperor will be selected again when it is opened. This is the iron law of the dragon clan.

But now there are three at one time, and the inheritance will definitely start soon, but the time cannot be determined. If not, I'm afraid no one won't believe it.

Unless it appears once in the future, it will show the magnificent scenery of four emperors in one day!

"It should be Xia Feng who broke through the blood barrier first, and then Ao Qian and Gongque broke through together. It's definitely the three of them, definitely!" Ao Guang's throat squirmed and said calmly.

"Since you have arrived, order the three of them to gather in Qifeng Valley, and Zhao Aoyuan will also come. Our dragon clan actually has six emperors in the same era, which is a sign of prosperity!" Qing Ling quickly stabilized his mood and told him what to do next.

Ao Guang took the order and turned into several long rainbows.


At the place of Longzang, the mountains collapsed, and the rocks were blown up to the sky like meteorites, scattered in all directions, and countless barbarian beasts mourned for it. A dazzling golden dragon, the dragon's voice shocked the sky, and countless royal dragon guards left the residence of Longzanggang like lightning, all of them looked at this scene with a shocked or surprise.

They know that their own imperial generals have stepped into the imperial realm!

After Ao Qian turned into his master, the golden scales turned into thick purple visible to the naked eye and integrated into his eyebrows. At this time, a drop of Tianlong essence source was two-thirds integrated, and after all the Tianlong essence source was integrated.

Ao Qian's original dragon body is dazzling with purple scales, and no God breath permeates all directions.

A burst of brilliance flowed and restored the body. Ao Qian swept away the gloomy breath just now. He was heroic, wearing a purple robe, and the purple dragon breath squirmed in front of him, and raised his hand to shake.

"The realm of the emperor...! The realm of the emperor...!! The realm of the emperor!!! I, Ao Qian, stepped in!!"

A roar of strong mountains and rivers, the emotions accumulated for hundreds of years, sensational shock, making people feel that the eardrums are a little painful, and the whole mountain and river echoes this sentence.

Just when Ao Ling's sharp eyes looked at the sky.

A man wearing a golden armored dragon guard arrived close, bowed to Ao Qian and said respectfully, "Elder Qingling, the emperor has an order, and the Dragon and Tibetan Emperor will go to Qifeng Valley as soon as possible!"

When Ao Qian heard someone coming, her mood gradually calmed down.

"Even the elders were shocked..." Ao Yan's eyes flashed, and then he understood that the purple light in the south had just disappeared. It should be that the palace had stepped into the realm of the emperor's son. The three emperors showed themselves on the border, and the arrival of the elders was understandable.

"Okay." Ao Qian didn't talk nonsense. Like a lightning thunder, he leaped straight to the sky and swept straight to Qifeng Valley.

On the contrary, in the palace, after he entered the realm of the emperor's son.

After he controlled the power of his blood, there was no surprise in his eyes, but frowned.

What exactly is that green liquid? It seems that he has integrated the green liquid to stimulate the potential of the body, and even the drop of green liquid contains a strong divine power, which makes him break through.

But where does the green liquid come from?

Gongque was much calmer than Ao Kui. Although he was puzzled, he was also talked by Longwei. He nodded to Longwei and flew to Qifeng Valley like lightning.

The headquarters camp is on the road from Qifeng Valley.

Ao Yuan's face was blue, even gloomy!

"What happened? The dragon clan actually showed up three emperors on the same day! If so, my father sent me to inherit the dragon ancestor, and now it seems that there may be a lot of goings. No, I have to tell my father that once this matter is beyond my father's control, all chess games will become unknown!"

The first chapter of the day! Chapter 2 is in writing. Please ask your brothers and sisters to spread it. The donkey will resume updating. After returning from Nanjing, there will be a great surprise for you!