The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 859: My life and trust in the inheritance of the dragon 58

The summer wind was furious, and he did not hesitate to use his own origin. Thousands of thunders and powers exploded from the cyclone, which shocked the mountains and rivers. Like a god, he suddenly put his hands together, his eyes flashed fiercely, and his hands gave birth to a mark.


Xia Feng shouted softly as if he were talking about an emotionless thing!

As soon as this said, the prism-shaped sword spirit burst out in the ring! It is comparable to the full blow of the Three Sources and Half Emperor, which is enough to imagine how powerful this skill is! The newly repaired mirror on the ring turned into debris again and turned into endless dust.

Thousands of thunder comes in an instant!

"You..." The delicate dream didn't seem to expect that Xia Feng would be so crazy that he wanted to destroy this ring? At that moment, she thought this was too funny.

This ring was cast by Taizu.

Although more than 100,000 years have passed, the ring may be a little old, the magic array contained in it may become extremely fragile! Even if it is 'fragile', it can never be destroyed by the son in front of him.

Ants are higher than the sky with rice grains!

When the ancient dragon soul of Xia Feng appeared, the mind of the delicate dream completely collapsed for a moment! It seems that she has the strength of the Bayuan Bandi, but the soul is still half a step away from the ancient dragon soul.

Because the dragon soul is innately conceived, even if it can enter the day after tomorrow, it is also one in ten millionths of the probability! The delicate dream never got this opportunity until death!

The summer wind is different. It swallowed a dragon ball, and finally got a series of tempering. Finally, it was lucky to enter! However, the entry of "fluck" is enough to make countless dragon heroes only hope for the back of the summer wind.

"One of the seven skills, move the mountains and seas!"

The delicate dream doesn't care so much. The soul seal in the eyebrows flashes, and he does not hesitate to use his own soul source to perform the special magic on the banana fan.


This technique is quite powerful. It can fly to the chaotic thunder prison on the second floor. It has borrowed no less than 20 chaotic thunder channels. Not only that, it also seems to have borrowed a lot of atmosphere from the outside world, forming a hurricane all over the sky, sweeping in the direction of the summer wind!

For a while, Xia Feng no longer retained any strength. Although the banana fan was extremely sharp, Xia Feng had some magic skills in front of him. Even if a fan came, he also had enough time to dodge.


Banana fan is a soldier refined by the ancient emperor of heaven, and later it was supported by the wind emperor. Naturally, its power is comparable to that of the emperor!

How much power does it take to use this fan? Just for this point, Xia Feng can fight for it! I'm afraid that for the dead dream, the little strength left in her body is extremely precious. Even in her heyday, using this fan is full of consumption. Can she support herself after death?

I'm afraid she used the fan ten times. Xia Feng was fine. She herself had run out of soul and completely disappeared. Thousands of thunders were blocked by the hurricane condensed by more than 20 chaotic thunder and banana fans!

70% of the magic power of Xia Feng was killed on the ring, which made the original simple and dignified array, but now it has become a broken wall, like a broken land. Some totems on the stage are also destroyed quite miserable. There is no other color in the land of the dead soul, nothingness, and the stars in the sky have no light.

The speed visible to the naked eye, the sword rose like lightning in the wind, and climbed to a thousand feet of height in a while!

Looking at this scene in a delicate dream, it can be said to be jaw-dropping.

For a moment, his face changed: "This skill...!"

"The magic of the peak of the three sources!!"

It can naturally be imagined that the scary of the delicate dream flew up in her heart. She saw the banana fan in the palm of her hand waving one after another at the rising sword, and the hurricane swept in all directions.

"Two of the Seven Arts, ask for the ghost!"

The delicate dream can't have much left. In the face of Xia Feng's aggressiveness, he used Taoism again and threw out the banana fan in his hand.

I saw the banana fan surrounded by a layer of dark color.

The ghost is a Kunpeng spell, which is extremely sharp. In a moment of dark color, I saw a gloomy ghost in the sky coming across the sky!

The word "hell" is imprinted on the ghost door.

There are many ghosts on the ghost door. When the ghost door is opened, the water of the yellow spring can be seen with the naked eye, with an extremely yin breath. As soon as the extremely yin breath overflowed from the ghost door, ice chips grew.

Not only that... In the yellow spring, there are dense and countless ghosts wandering in it, screaming bitterly, which is simply comparable to the unisonous roar of hundreds of thousands of war soldiers.

I saw the countless rivers of the Yellow River gushing out of the door, mixed with thousands of ghosts.

"Kill this person, I can give you immortality and follow me!" The delicate dream pointed to Xia Feng on the sky and said weakly.

As soon as the voice fell, the original girl's appearance could not be maintained after all. The rapid aging became the form of an old old man, and the original color of the city was instantly destroyed.


There are countless dead spirits in Huangquan. The human race only accounts for the majority, and the rest of all kinds of birds and beasts are all kinds of different cultivation.

I saw a deceased rosefinch suddenly leaping out of the yellow spring. The original fire on his body became a yin qi fire, and the yellow spring left on his body.

Countless birds and beasts, who can survive in Huangquan, each has a certain degree.

The power of this skill can naturally be imagined!

Looking around, the summer wind can be said to be dense, and the endless yellow spring ghost soared out of it and rushed towards me. I don't know how many times stronger it is than the wasps!

However, he just glanced faintly. In his crazy eyes, there was a trace of anger, and the evil spirit that rolled up the sky came out. Suddenly, some ghosts were shocked in place and shattered.

The sword trembled out of thin air, and the power of the void was forced to spread. I don't know how many ghosts gushed out of the yellow spring were killed.

"Just now, did you want my treasure?" Xia Feng smiled coldly, waved his sleeves, and integrated the sword of the nine secrets. The wind rose to three thousand feet. At this time, when he heard the order, who could be invincible where the sword front pointed?

A sword falls, and no one of the hundreds of millions of ghosts can resist the sword half a step!

The power is so horrible!

Many ghosts were scattered by the evil spirit without touching the edge of the sword. Along the way, I don't know how many ghosts were killed by this sword.

Sonorous, the fierce sound of the collision of divine soldiers sounded through the sky, and the sword stood on the ghost door of the hell, which suddenly aroused countless ghosts.

The evil god is not to mention the 100,000 sword spirit of the emperor's sword, but also contains the determination of the nine secrets. The power is so strong that it is comparable to half a piece of the imperial soldier.

Finally... The hell door couldn't stand such pressure and scattered and turned into a ghost in all directions...