The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 914: The Choice of Gongque

Chapter 914: The Choice of the Palace

In fact, Gongque's qualifications in the dragon clan are not excellent. Compared with Ao Qian, it is a little second, but the practice of Taoism has never competed for profit with others.

It's really to pursue the way of immortals.

It's just...

A clan disaster made Gongque see that life was ruined, and the arrival of natural and man-made disasters was like the destruction of the world. The palace that is in harmony with others and has no dispute with the world has changed.

Ao Guang, the head of the emperor, did not hesitate to give up his life in order to guard the border.

Ao Qian smiled desolately: In the end, someone will sacrifice, why can't it be me?

Everything deeply stimulates the palace. Xia Feng may be able to feel Gongque's mood, but he absolutely can't achieve that kind of empathy.

My best friend died in front of my eyes.

Both his relatives and his clan are about to turn into dead corpses... The blood in Gongque's body burned, and he broke through the boundary to refine his body. If Xia Feng comes to practice immortality for his own selfishness.

Then Gongque is to sacrifice himself for the sake of the clan.

If you sacrifice your life in exchange for the peace of the clan, then Gongque will not hesitate. And this opportunity finally made him wait, that is...!

What is Tianlong Pool?

After the death of the purple gold dragon patriarchs, the soul fell into the underworld and reincarnated again. What about the body? The bodies of the heads of the purple gold dragon in all dynasties have been thrown into the Tianlong Pool, and the essence of the body has been disintegrated. Since then, Tianlong Pool has always been a blessing for the descendants!

These ideas are determined by the ancient dragons of the first generation of the dragon clan.

To this day, Tianlong Pool has indeed nured too many strong people for the dragon clan. Those who have not stepped into the Tianlong Pool are not perfect dragon bodies. The creation of Tianlong Pool, from ancient times to the present, this is the foundation!

The dragon clan has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, which is by no means comparable to the Millennium Fairy Palace!

The disaster of extermination.

The difficulty of destruction.

Clouds cover the sky of the dragon clan... No one knows how the palace has changed in the Tianlong Pool. Even in the future, no one will know.

It's just...

His choice is quite admirable even if it is the summer wind in the future.

Sacrifice the ego and benefit the whole family, and their bodies are better than the sky.

If you compare the two...

Even if the immortals will be destroyed, Xia Feng will also look at them coldly. As long as the reincarnation of the Taoist will not provoke him and his family, and let him flood the sky, what does it have to do with me?

And the palace...

is justice! The weight of the two words, not to mention more, just taste it carefully.

When the quasi-emperor was born, the fairy music was like a tide. Nine dragons were wrapped around the fairy gate. The colorful clouds were at his feet. You were in the palace of the emperor, and the breath of vicissitudes of life was extremely asymmetrical with the original demeanor in front of him, as if he had changed a person in front of him.

The vicissitudes of life in the eyes are full of sighs.

"The mountain is that mountain, the mountain is not that mountain. Home, still that one... It's just that people are no longer the people of those years. Gong Cue shook his head and smiled, as if he was sighing that 'things are different'.

"However, this place is still my Aocang's home, and I don't want to set foot in." Gongque's eyes flashed past, stepped out of the fairy gate, and the stars in the sky shone.

The quasi-emperor was born, stepped out in one step, roaring like the five mountains of Qishan.


I don't know who of the immortals shouted first. Many immortals who were close to Gongque were still shaking the gods. There was a sound of "bang" in their bodies. A large number of immortals vomited blood and retreated, with a frightened face and fear.

Compared with the immortals, the demon clan can be said to be floating corpses everywhere, and even screams have not been sent out, so the body is broken and fell on the spot!

The general of the demon clan, seeing that the people of the Fang clan were killed and injured, and couldn't help burning the heavenly spirit. A demon of a thousand feet of white tiger jumped out from the back of the demon clan, and the tiger's claws grabbed the sky. A star, which was comparable to one of the five mountains, was actually held in its hand.

"The quasi-emperor can't participate in the world's struggle. How can you tolerate you if you kill my demon clan?!"

The eyebrows of the demon general flashed with red blood marks, and the Taoist law broke the Taoist void and erratic... At this moment, it exuded the power of the Eight Sources and Half Emperors.

Such a momentum, who dares to underestimate the opponent's edge?

The stars that are comparable to the five mountains in their hands are even more shocking, even if Qingling's face changes greatly for a while...

Fortunately, the dragon clan was killed into the hinterland, and he did not fight with many elders. If he really did, even if Qingling joined hands with the four elders, I'm afraid he was not the enemy of the white tiger!

"Reincarnation Seal?" Gongque did not care about the stars in the white tiger's hand, and his face did not change at all. He just looked at the red mark on the eyebrows of the white tiger's body, and his eyes flashed slightly.

He muttered to himself: "No wonder... Calculate the time, this time happens to be the time when the reincarnation of the Taoist wakes up..." Immediately, the palace frowned and was puzzled: "According to the overall situation of heaven and earth set by the Lord, when the reincarnation Taoist wakes up, it is also the end of his reincarnation. Hasn't the Lord yet woken up? It's strange."

"Is there a mistake in the reincarnation of the emperor?" Gongque's face finally changed a little, and even if he calmed down, it was impossible! The cultivation of the Lord Emperor is the head of the three emperors and five emperors. How can there be a mistake?

I'm afraid it's just a little bit of time.

In this case, it seems that the Lord is about to wake up.

"Humph, reincarnation Taoist, you have a great ability. Do you want to untie the nine wonderful books set for you by the Lord Emperor in my dragon clan, and don't hesitate to destroy our dragon clan to break its seal?"

Although the demon emperor White Tiger is afraid of his quasi-emperor's body, the blood mark on its eyebrows is flashing all the time, so that he is forced by the Lord to take action!

Therefore, after the white tiger did it, it could be called all his strength, but when he saw a series of shocking changes on Gongque's face, he thought that his magic really worked.

I couldn't help but rejoice in my heart. I'm afraid that the gap between the Bayuan Half Emperor and the Quasi-Emperor is not as terrible as imagined.

He comforted his white tiger in his heart, held the star, spit out a touch of red blood, and turned it into a rolling flame. After wrapping the star, he refined the star into a stone the size of a nail cover in full view of the public.

It's just...

The stone the size of the nail cover, the power of the sky collapses and the earth, and the space can't bear the trace of its overflowing power. An inch collapses, and a large area of dark void floats on the sky, which makes people look terrible.

This scene appeared in people's eyes, as if the catastrophe was coming.

Unexpectedly, after looking at it, Gongque's face was covered with frost, and suddenly said, "Reincarnation Taoist, years ago, I could chase you with the Lord and kill you in three thousand worlds. Now I, Aotian, alone, is enough to make you retreat three points!"

With one word, a thousand methods follow.

To the point of quasi-emperor, do you need to seal and cast spells?

Thousands of spells, just one thought.

As soon as I thought about it, the heavens and the earth changed color, the sky changed color, and the space was torn. I saw a nine-headed dragon coming through the sky and roaring in the sky.

The next moment, the tear area of the sky is wider.

A nine-headed rosefinch, the fire of Shenyang accompanied him in front of him, and the divine power swept all directions!

The emperor's war is coming!

The demon emperor white tiger, the star the size of a nail between the fingers, annihilate the void, where the passage passes... All monks turn into clouds and smoke, and are as horrible as this.

Gongque raised his hand to shake the void, pointing to the sky and painting the earth. The star was actually in bondage, and the next moment... The holy beast came out, and the bloodthirsty demons gathered again!