The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 929: Love into the Bone Marrow Finale 5 10

Chapter 929: Love into the Bone Marrow Finale "5/10"

The disaster of blood, the quasi-emperor's cultivation, can refine the starry sky!

In order to get the reincarnation lotus, the reincarnation Taoist has been desperate, like a sea of blood like five lakes and four seas, gushing out of the void. The red blood, mixed with the boiling imperial power, is enough to rebirth mortals and enter the immortal path.

However, this sea of blood is to refine the reincarnation lotus.

Thousands of miles of blood clouds, fierce clouds gathered, blood clouds squirmed like lightning and ran in all directions. It seemed to be slow, but in fact it covered the whole altar very quickly. Not only that, there is also a seemingly blood flame boiling on the blood cloud.

The Flame of the Quasi-Emperor!

These divine fires have great creation, and only the quasi-emperor can use it, turning it into a divine fire with the power of blood, in order to refine many things in the world. Even if the half emperor of the nine heavens is stained a little, I'm afraid that his body will be burned like a pinch of ashes in an instant. The reincarnation Taoist is crazy, for him...

There are still too many defects in entering the realm of the emperor. If he puts it in the past, he may endure it for the time being. He only needs to cut off the shackles of the dragon clan to him. At that time, he will escape into the virtual fairyland, gather the souls of hundreds of millions of people, and prove his realm of the emperor. At that time, even if the Wind Emperor is resurrected, he can't stop him.

But after he looked at the reincarnation lotus, the burning flame in his heart was really horrible. Just get this lotus and refine the power of the underworld that exists in the three thousand worlds, which is enough to step into the realm of the emperor.

Who can stop him in the world? The underworld power of the reincarnation lotus is attached to the array of altar shelter, and the two assist each other. When the blood flame touches, the divine power of the two forces temporarily burst out, making the blood cloud unable to cause substantial damage for a while.

However, in this case...

It's just that after about three hours, the power of the underworld is obviously a little weak, even if it is the array of shelter, it is a little gloomy.

The reincarnation Taoist in the sky has scarlet eyes. He has always been paying attention to every step here! No one knows reincarnation better than him, and he naturally knows when it's his turn to take action.

"Fortunately, I got the host of the divine lotus, and the cultivation has not even been achieved by half the emperor. Otherwise, even if the other party is the three sources and half emperor, the royal lotus will be used to assist each other with the array of asylum. Even if I have reached the quasi-emperor's cultivation, I'm afraid I can't help the other party."

The reincarnation Taoist is thinking like this...

At this moment, the eldest grandson Su Shi used her soul to control the lotus. Although she can completely exude the power of the lotus, the trauma she suffered is also extremely terrible.

"It hurts... It hurts."

Every second, Changsun Su Shi felt that he couldn't hold on any longer, as if it was possible anytime and anywhere, just like the candle in the storm, and the next moment could be extinguished.

The refining of the flame of the quasi-emperor made her painful. At first... she thought that she might be able to hold on for a day, but now, a day... even if it was a long time, she couldn't hold on.

The vitality was slim. The eldest grandson Su Shi endured the torture she encountered all the time. The blood cloud deliberately did not launch all his strength, but kept eroding the array of shelter and tormented her soul.

Changsun Su Shi understands...

This is a means of reincarnation, and the other party does not intend to fight with himself. Instead, she constantly consumes the power of her soul. Once her soul is weak, the power of reincarnation lotus will naturally disappear completely.

And this day...

The Devil's Temple is located at the peak of a Wanzhang Tianshan Mountain in the western wilderness.

Soaring into the clouds, on the sky that can't be seen at a glance, it is poured by bronze. His Highness has two ferocious night forks, surrounded by gloomy winds, and occasionally there is a demon army in black armor. The soldiers passed by, and this place is like a palace.

But at this time...


The quiet and peaceful western wilderness broke out a shocking sound of a lifetime, and the armored demon army that was on patrol could not even react in an instant.

A heavenly power that compares with the sky and the divine sun is rampant in the vast western wilderness.

Within a million miles, you can hear the power of the emperor.

The demonic monsters are all horrified, looking at the towering magic peak.

The Wanzhang Fairy Mountain, the rolling stone fell from the sky, and the Magic Holy Peak was actually divided into two and broke? Countless large stones fell from the sky, and the two bronze night forks that had just stood at the entrance of the Magic Temple also fell from the sky.

"What happened... Is it the Eastern Land Emperor's family called?"

"It's impossible. The Demon Sage has already painted the ground into a prison. After being defeated after the war with the imperial family, he promised that he would never step out of the western wilderness. How could the imperial family attack?"

"Who the hell made the Demon Saint angry...!"

For a while, the western wilderness was boiling.

Although the Demon Peak completely exploded and turned into a debris mountain stone, the magic hall on the sky is still suspended above the sky.

"I don't care who you are. If you dare to take my daughter's life, I will do everything I can to break your life seal and destroy your ten clans!!" In the Demon Temple, the figure sitting on the ancient bronze throne gritted his teeth, his long hair danced without wind, and his black robe was dyed with a charming blood red color.

As soon as this statement comes out.

In the void, a gloomy voice sounded.

"Where did the descendants come from, and how dare they threaten me? 100,000 years ago, the three emperors and five emperors could only seal me. Do you still want to break my life seal? I called the reincarnation Taoist, and you have also reached the realm of the quasi-emperor. You should know who I am, and you can come to me at any time to avenge. No wonder, it's your daughter who got the reincarnation lotus!"

"Will you let my daughter live?" After hearing this, his hands trembled angrily. He already knew who it was, but he calmly gritted his teeth.

"Wait, wait for me to refine your daughter's soul, become the host of reincarnation lotus, and take this step into the realm of the emperor. Three thousand worlds, who can stop me? I like your quasi-emperor's cultivation very much. At that time, swallowing you can also add a lot of Taoism to me to prove the emperor's realm!"

The reincarnation Taoist is across the void, smiling and extremely cold.

The whole process... The magic saint's face was as dark as ink, and the water in the air condensed into an extremely hard blood ice and fell on the ground.


A divine light flew out of the magic temple, as fast as lightning, making people unable to even react.

When this god reaches the western wilderness border, you only need to take a step to leave the western wilderness area... However, an invisible shield appeared in front of the magic saint!

The devil's eyes were about to crack, thousands of fists were bombarded, the sky and the earth were buzzing, the mountains collapsed, and the beast was deterred by the divine power.

But the invisible Aegis completely blocked his way.

In those years, he washed millions of creatures in Nanzhou. The Eight Halls of the East Land, also the ancestors of the three emperors and five emperors, were all born. The seven prospective emperors joined hands to suppress him, forcing him to use his magic and draw the ground as a prison.

Don't take a step to the west.

With his current cultivation, it will take at least two days to leave and break the barrier... But in two days, can his daughter's life be saved?

"Protect your daughter's real name Yuanshen Lamp first. Once her life is not there, it will be impossible to resurrect, even if the emperor takes action!


At the same time, seven hours have passed in the void.

A gloomy smile appeared on the face of the reincarnation Taoist. At a finger, thousands of miles of blood clouds continued to shrink, integrated into the array of shelter, and deprived the reincarnation of lotus little by little.

One by one, the evil breath in the thousand miles of blood clouds took away the power of the underworld.

After a while, a Molian was condensed again. Molian emitted a cold glow and hosted a weak and invisible soul.

The soul is so weak that it only needs an ordinary breeze to completely blow her away.

Just the reincarnation lotus protected her. The reincarnation Taoist raised his hand and grabbed the Mo Lian, his eyes full of heat. After getting it, he laughed loudly, like thunder.

"Heaven also helps me, heaven wants to help me, after the emperor's realm, the sky and earth, who can stop me!!"

But at this time, the lotus flower in the hands of the reincarnation Taoist bloomed with dazzling light again... The soul that seemed weak and could be wiped out anytime and anywhere unexpectedly emitted a silky light, and a mark appeared out of air.

"I wanted to grow a flower, but I was born because of you and died because of you."

"Summer wind, I don't regret meeting you. I don't regret what I have done.

In the space, it sounded slowly, and the weak murmur... At this time, Changsun Su Shi did not hesitate to break his life, but delayed every second of reincarnation of the Taoist.

However, the cruelty of reality only stopped her for a moment.

The reincarnation Taoist reacted in an instant and hummed coldly: "The soul of death, I won't destroy you. Do you still want to turn the sky? Since you want to live forever, I will complete you!"


The life seal scattered with divine brilliance turned into a streamer of Taoism, and the tiles were shattered in the sky.

The collapse of this life seal... means that the desire to bloom no longer exists in this world...!

The reincarnation Taoist roared long, opened his mouth, swallowed the divine lotus, raised his hand and pointed it. The blood cloud turned into a blood finger, and suddenly fell, wanting to destroy the altar.

"Just cut off the last shackles and destroy the divine gate, the sky and the earth, no one can stop him!"

In the distance, Ao Tian was distracted and noticed this scene, roaring angrily, and his voice was miserable.

The four elders roared for a lifetime, extremely sharp, step by step.

"If you want to kill me, I want to kill you. The soul of the clan will not die, and it will shine in the world!!"

The four elders know that the extinction of the clan has been determined, the roar of the body flows, the self-broken life seal, and the rest of the longevity is burned.

Cultivation runs incredibly crazy. Step by step, the world is collapsing. I don't know if it's the quasi-emperor's power, or his... or...

The order between heaven and earth collapsed, and the terror was powerful, crushing all directions.

The rest of the dragon clan took steps to seek the last battle to show off the world.

However, at this time...

At the moment when the four elders took a step, a figure in a green robe appeared behind him.

I saw the white jade-like palms, casually patting on the shoulders of the four old people, gently brushing the green robe sleeves. In an instant... The burning longevity of the four elders, the self-broken life seal, healed again, just like the reversal of time, the angry many clansmen regained their clearness in their eyes again, and their eyes looked straight at the back of the green robe.

After the four elders noticed the palm behind him, his body trembled...

Look up to the sky and cry without tears, with a sad voice, like bitterness and sweetness.

He has no tears, and the sacrifices of countless people are waiting for this moment.

The moment the figure of the green robe appeared, the plain voice sounded like a light wind: "Give it to me, you go and have a rest."


At the same time!

North Sea.

The waves swept across the sky, and a blue light running through heaven and earth appeared in the sky and seemed to be summoned out.


The three emperors and five emperors have ancestral temples.

The eight temples buzzed together, and the ancestral statues standing among the people of each bloodline trembled, and the statues each exuded divine brilliance and gathered towards the Wind Emperor Hall.

Among the descendants of the three emperors and five emperors, there are many contemporary ancestors with quasi-emperor-level figures. At the same time, they all woke up and came out of the mountain together. The divine power was so powerful, and the eastern land was heard.


The aura of millions of miles was plundered out of thin air. The aura of a hundred thousand spiritual veins and millions of fairy mountains was instantly adjusted and integrated into the void. Suddenly, the aura was like plunder, and countless families were shocked!

"What happened? Why did Reiqi suddenly disappear!"

"Nothing's wrong. Reiki has been plundered out of thin air. Who is so vicious!"

However... In the Eastern Land, the contemporary ancestors of the three emperors and five emperors also had eight people with the deepest cultivation, who gathered together in an instant.

All eight of them subconsciously looked at the void in amadmy.

"The Emperor... was born!"

"The emperor has been reincarnated, good things, good things!"

"Go, go to the void. I noticed that it seemed to be an ancient place where I once lived, and went to visit the emperor!"

Today, the virtual fairy world is doomed to be uneven. Even the earth is undergoing great changes!

ps: This chapter is 5,000 words, and the remaining five chapters will not be less than 6,000 words each. It means that each chapter is equivalent to the previous three chapters.