
Chapter 10 Trouble of peace of mind.

Life continues to live. Every day, I go back and forth to and from school, bars and home. I live a busy and full life, but occasionally I feel a little worried when I think of my father. Although my mother and Su Tianyi are constantly asking about the 500,000 things, peace of mind has always been like a bottle, and the two slowly I don't ask any more questions, because it's useless to ask. If she doesn't want to say anything with a reassuring personality, she won't say anything. So they can only silently pray in their hearts that the money really does not make peace of mind feel wronged.

And the quarrel that day because of Han Xiao seemed to be forgotten by Mu Junhao the next day. He was still the same as before, what he should do. If he doesn't mention it, he won't be safe and look for trouble. Therefore, the incident was gradually forgotten, and at the beginning, he was still worried about what would happen to become Mu Junhao's slave. After a few days of observation, he found that Mu Junhao did not ask him to do anything, but did not do with the past, so the two still maintain a close relationship as before.

On this day, when I just came out of the bathroom and returned to the classroom, I saw many girls in the class gathered around and chattering about something. I could faintly hear what seemed to be fighting. I was not interested in this, so I didn't take it seriously and went back to my seat. But she suddenly heard her familiar name, Su Tianyi, in the mouth of a girl.

At first, she suspected that she had heard it wrong, because Su Tianyi, who had never been an enemy, would not quarrel with others, but then the name kept appearing in the girl's mouth, which made An Anxin believe that this matter might really have something to do with Su Tianyi.

"What did you just say?" She grabbed the shoulder of the girl sitting on the chair talking to her friend with some excitement. In fact, she still doesn't believe what girls say.

The first time I saw that An An, who had never gossiped, was interested in this matter, made the female class stunned for a moment, and then said, "Su Tianyi of Class 4 and Pan Xing of our class got into a fight. Both of them are dead, and now they are in the teaching office."

The girl was still talking, but Anxin didn't want to continue listening, because the fact that Su Tianyi was fighting alone made him unable to calm down.

Doubt, Anxin frowned tightly. Su Tianyi never took the initiative to provoke anyone. How could she fight with her classmates? What the hell is going on?

With doubts, I waited until school was over and Su Tianyi came home. For this reason, she asked for leave from the bar because she believed that Su Tianyi would not go to work. That's true.

Su Tianyi in front of him had a torn mouth, and there were many bruises on his face, his clothes were dirty, and several school uniform buttons fell off, looking a little embarrassed.

"Why did you fight with your classmates?" Anxin asked, "What the hell is going on?" He stretched out his hand to apply some medicine to Su Tianyi, but he slapped him away.

This stunned Anxin for a long time to find her voice. She looked at Su Tianyi incredulously and said, "What's wrong with you?" Why is Su Tianyi like this?

And Su Tianyi just clenched his fist on his side, took a deep look and then "bang!" He closed his door with a bang. Refuse to talk at ease.

The peace of mind left alone in the living room with the potion in his hand stood still. I don't know why? Why did Su Tianyi do this, and the eyes that looked at her just now were actually unwilling? This............

silently returned to his room, put the potion back in place, sat down at his desk, and stared at the book, but he didn't even read a word for an hour. He was helpless. Finally, he gave up reading and was ready to sleep, but after turning off the light, he turned over, and his mind was full of Su Tianyi's things. How I couldn't figure it out. The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. All night, I was thinking about Su Tianyi's problem. It was not until dawn that I fell asleep in a daze.

"God's will, how did you make your face?" An's mother looked at Su Tianyi's scarred face and said worriedly, "Have you taken medicine?"

"It's okay, Mom." Su Tianyi said, "I accidentally hit it when I was playing basketball yesterday. I have applied the medicine. Don't worry." Then he stopped talking and sat at the table and began to eat.

And An's mother also believed it, because Su Tianyi had been injured by playing basketball before, so she told her to say, "Be careful when you play basketball next time, don't get hurt again. Last time, it was a week

The youth has subsided, and this time it's more serious. It won't be half a month.

Looking at Su Tianyi, who lowered her head to eat, bit her lips and tried to try to talk to the other party, but Su Tianyi had no intention of talking to herself at all, and she didn't even look at herself, so she hesitated and finally gave up, because if she was ignored by Su Tianyi, her mother should worry about them. Therefore, I didn't ask what I wanted to ask, but I was always worried about the other party.

"God's will." On the way to school, he asked at ease, "What's wrong with you?"

Without saying anything, Su Tianyi still didn't say anything, ignored peace of mind, and even accelerated his pace to walk to the school. After asking a few times, he couldn't get the other party's return and stopped asking. What he didn't want to say, his constant questioning would only make him disgusted.


The familiar voice came, which made Anxin immediately come back from his thoughts and turned his head to look at Mu Junhao in a staring way. Because the transaction between the two made Anxin worry after receiving 500,000 yuan. Although nothing has happened recently, it does not mean forever, so every time Mu Junhao opens his mouth makes An Anxin panic. As soon as he speaks, he will look at it immediately, which has become a subconscious action.

"Oh!" Seeing Anxin's reaction, Mu Junhao suddenly laughed and said, "Study committee member, the teacher told you three times that you can't come back to your senses. I just said a word, and you looked over immediately. Can I be narcisistic and think that you have been thinking about me for so long?" Mu Junhao looked at peace of mind with a smile on his face.

Mu Junhao's words shocked Anxin. It turned out that she was distracted in class and hurriedly turned around. The female teacher on the podium looked at her face and stood up quickly. "I..." but she didn't know what to say. She didn't hear the teacher call her, and she didn't know that the teacher told her to answer questions. What are you doing, so you can only stand in your seat with red face and embarrassment at a loss.

"The teacher asked you to read the 89-page text to everyone." Mu Junhao's voice came again and gave a hint of peace of mind.

Pick up the English book and start reading the text nervously. The pronunciation is standard, the words are clear, and the voice is not loud, but it can be heard by the students in the classroom, but...

"Come to the office with me after class." The female teacher's face is still unreladened.

She came out of the office and sighed helplessly. She didn't want to be distracted in class, but her thoughts always didn't listen to her, and she always couldn't help thinking about Su Tianyi.

Because Su Tianyi's behavior last night made Anxin think about things all day long, she really didn't understand why Su Tianyi treated herself with this attitude, and she didn't know why he fought with Anxin, who had always been honest. After thinking about it, I didn't know anything. It was really useless. I didn't even know anything about my brother. An Anxin began to blame myself for not understanding the other party.

"I said, you think about your boyfriend too much! Isn't it just a little hurt? As for worrying you so much?" Mu Junhao looked at the peace of mind that had just come back from the office with an incomprehensible face.

And Anxin looked at Mu Junhao who said this with an incomprehensible face and said, "What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend at all. Don't talk nonsense." Why do you always like to define yourself privately? You don't understand the situation at all.

"What?" Now Mu Junhao was surprised, "Isn't the one who gave you bread your boyfriend?"

He said speechlessly, "That's my brother!" It seems that there are a lot of people who misunderstand their relationship. So Anxin said, "It's the stepfather's son after the mother remarried. Because my birthday is a few months younger, I am a younger brother. Thinking about it, I feel that there is something wrong with me. Why should I tell him this? He is not my person.

Stop paying attention to Mu Junhao, start preparing books for the next class, and tell yourself that you should never be distracted today. It's April now, and the college entrance examination is coming soon. You must seize every minute and listen carefully in class. Although Su Tianyi's affairs are very important, you can't do anything now. It's useless to be in a hurry. It's a waste to be distracted in class! So do something useful.

Thinking of this and laughing unconsciously, it seems that the idea is also contagious.

Turning his head and looked at Mu Junhao, who infected him, but found that he was frowning and looking thoughtful, which made him feel at ease and thought to himself, "What's wrong recently? Isn't his brain working? Why are there so many things I don't understand?

Mu Junhao, who began to be silent after listening to Anxin's words, suddenly said after a long silence, "In this case, you should be careful."

After being together for a long time, her mind also learned to jump, but Anxin was almost amused by Mu Junhao's serious expression when he said this. She said, "What are you talking about!" Su Tianyi is a younger brother and not a monster. Be careful!

But Mu Junhao said seriously, "Remember!" After saying this, he lay down on the table and rested again, no longer at ease.

It's inexplicable. Think of it at ease. She also ignored each other and picked up the book on the table and read it.