
Chapter 32 Escape.

When she slowly opened her eyes, there was a sharp pain in her body, which made Anxin frown, and the situation in front of her also made her stunned when she had just woke up.

This is... sewer! She was actually in here, and she was stuck.

Oh! After realizing this, she suddenly smiled bitterly. She really didn't know whether to say she was unlucky or lucky. At that time, she saw herself getting closer and closer in the car. In order to get rid of it, she began to run to the alley. Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned the corner, she stepped on it empty. Then she only felt a pain in the back of the head, and then she fell into the dark. Now it seems that she knocked her head when she fell into the sewer, otherwise she would not faint.

It seems that she really wants to thank the person who stole the horse gourd Gaier, otherwise she would have died just now.

Looking back on the thrilling scene just now, peace of mind is still a little frightened.

It is not difficult to guess who is behind all this, because Mu Junhao's father is the only one who wants to kill her. I really didn't expect all this to come back so quickly and suddenly, but although she was afraid, it also strengthened her determination to be with Mu Junhao. And as long as he doesn't give up first, he will always stand behind him.

Suddenly, he began to grieve for Mu Junhao. Unexpectedly, there was such a father who would take away what his son cared about without hesitation, and at the same time began to be angry, not because Mu's father wanted to kill himself, but because he did not treat Mu Junhao as an adult at all.

At this time, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated, but in this narrow space, she couldn't move at all. She couldn't even do the small action of turning her head, not to mention answering the phone, and there were bursts of severe pain in her left arm, which made her forehead began to sweat coldly. This arm *It's a fracture.

The phone stubbornly kept ringing over and over again, but it was enough to show how anxious the person at the other end of the phone was at this time.

But the peace of mind trapped here is as anxious as him. She doesn't know how long she has been in a coma or when she is now. She clearly agreed with her mother to go back in a while, but she hasn't appeared yet. Presumably her mother must be very anxious now.

However, she can't do anything now, because she doesn't know what's going on on the ground. She doesn't know whether the man who wants to drive her to death has left or not, so she can't call for help, otherwise she will lead the other party here, and the life she has finally picked up will be gone.

I suddenly found that life is really fragile, because maybe you who live a wonderful life in this second will be passed away in the next second.

And the mobile phone that kept ringing suddenly lost its sound. It seemed that it was out of power.

And the peace of mind stuck in the sewer can only pray anxiously that a kind-hearted person will find himself and save himself.

Waiting is the most difficult to overcome. That kind of anxiety can't be described in words. She pricked up her ears to listen to any sound around her, but the quiet street really made her frustrated, and her heart full of expectation was gradually grinded little by little by the darker and darker sky.

And as if she felt that she was not miserable enough, the clear sky was gradually replaced by dark clouds, and her mood gradually turned gray.

The cold rain began to fall on her face. Gradually, her clothes were soaked by the rain, and her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably. It turned out that the rain not only cooled her body, but also her heart.

Will you really die here and ask yourself in peace?

She didn't know how long she had been here, but no one had found her for so long. Her lips had changed color because her body temperature was too low, and her face was pale. Even the sore arm doesn't seem to feel any pain. No more, she told herself that if she continued to stay here and couldn't get out, she would be in danger.

So she couldn't care about anything else, and she began to shout for help: "Is there anyone? I fell into the sewer. Can you help me?

But she only heard her cry for help, but she didn't hear a single answer.

The call that did not give up over and over again, but disappointment also hit her again and again, and her throat became hoarse because of too much force, and her throat began to become hot and painful. However, despite this, no one has ever responded.

And the rain for a long time has made her cold, and even her mind began to be unclear.

She wanted to sleep, but she couldn't. She told herself with the only remaining sobriety that once she fell asleep, she might really have no hope. Therefore, she bit her lower lip hard, trying to exchange pain for her thoughts. With her movements, a trace of blood immediately appeared on her delicate lips.

I didn't want to continue to call for help, but at this time the sound was so light that it was immediately submerged by the heavy rain.

Slowly, she was no longer calling for help. She kept some physical strength to spend tonight, but her heart was swallowed up by unstoppair, and at this time, the sky had completely darkened.

Am I really going to die here? Powerless, slowly close her eyes. She is really tired, but she really doesn't want to leave like this. So, Mu Junhao's name appeared in his mind. Where are you? Why don't you come to save me?

At this time, a panicked footsteps, accompanied by the call, suddenly came to her ears, and the anxious voice made her, who was about to fall asleep, slowly open her confused eyes.

"Peace of mind! Peace of mind!"

A cry of anxiety sounded in the rain. It cut through the dark sky.

She could feel how close they were, but she really couldn't shout, so she could only gently answer, "I'm here."

"Peace of mind?"

Although her response was like a mosquito, it was still heard by the other party. Or feel that the other party is by your side.

"I'm here."

With only the remaining strength, she answered weakly again.

Then the rain that fell on his face suddenly became smaller, and Mu Junhao's surprised and worried voice appeared above his head. "Peace of mind! Peace of mind!"

Stretching his arm, he touched his cheeks that had become cold at this time. Seeing that the other party no longer seemed to be awake, Mu Junhao called out louder, "Reassuring! Peace of mind! Wake up!"

Although she couldn't look up and see the other party's face, she was also relieved. Tired, she really couldn't stay awake, but she smiled and slowly closed her eyes.


A breeze blew slowly, and the white window by the bed swayed gently with her, as if she was afraid of disturbing the two figures in front of the bed. Everything was quiet, and even the quartz clock on the wall walked carefully.

The girl lying sick** has a clean and beautiful face. Curved willow eyebrows, small nose, beautiful lips, but there are heartbreaking scars on this lip, and her face is also pale and distressing.

And the teenager lying by the bed has an unforgettable handsome face, but now he frowns and worries even in his sleep.

And I don't know how long it took, the girl who had been sleeping slowly opened her eyes.

The sudden sunshine made her a little uncomfortable and frowned slightly. With the clarity of her eyes, she gradually adapted to the light at this time, and her eyes were snow-white, making her understand where she was.

And now the first feeling when she woke up was pain. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw the arm that had been plastered and smiled at herself. Unexpectedly, her guess was really accurate, and when she saw the chestnut head lying by her bed, she smiled again. But it's a grateful smile.

It seems that every time I get into danger, it is the person lying by the bedside who saves me, and the first person I think of at that time seems to be the only one. When you give yourself to me, I think I also gave me to you.

And Mu Junhao, who was sleeping, slowly opened his eyes at this time.

After a brief eye contact, Mu Junhao turned his head to avoid the reassuring sight. For him, he seemed unable to face her with a smile on his face.

"Why did you show such an expression?" He said with a smile.

There is nothing to feel guilty about. This is her own choice, so no matter what happens, she will not regret it, and she has never regretted it, even before she lost consciousness.

And Mu Junhao is still speech-tight. Silence suddenly stained the whole room, and the quiet room could only hear the slight breathing of two people.

But the questioning voice suddenly sounded, "Is it rolling the needle?" She looked at the hand she was giving the infusion and said, "Why do you feel swollen?"

As soon as Mu Junhao, who had been looking aside, heard her words, he immediately looked over with a worried face. After looking at Anxin's hand, his face suddenly changed.

"Ha ha!" He smiled mischievly.

Because her infusion hand is completely normal.

But Mu Junhao's face is even worse. The reassuring smiling face is gradually unsustainable.


She wanted to ease the atmosphere, but she didn't expect Mu Junhao to show such a horrible face.

"Don't joke with me!"

After a long silence, his cold voice sounded. For a moment, I felt relieved that the air in the room had frozen with his words.

"I..." Looking at him in anger, Anxin could only whisper, "I'm sorry."

She lowered her head apologetically. Maybe her joke was really too much. But she really didn't expect him to be angry.

But Mu Junhao suddenly jumped into her arms at this time. This sudden change stunned Anxin. This...

But Mu Junhao choked and said, "Don't scare me anymore! I beg you not to scare me again! I can't afford it! I really can't afford it. Do you know that my heart is almost broken and I can't breathe when I think that you may leave me forever. I've never cared about anyone so much. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. I beg you."

Her heart trembled fiercely with his words. She really didn't expect that she would be so important to Mu Junhao. Her eyes suddenly began to rise and her heart began to feel sour.

He raised his hand and gently wiped off Mu Junhao's tears and said at ease, "I won't leave you."

You look at me like a baby, how can I have the heart to leave?