
Chapter 109 Borrowing Money?

He was amused by his words and said with a smile, "How dare I abandon you? Where can I find a good man like you?" After saying that, I couldn't help getting goose bumps.

As soon as he heard this, Shen Shengxian immediately said proudly, "It's good to know!" Although he can't see the other party's face, he can imagine his expression at this time. The corners of his mouth must be upturned, and the unhurt leg keeps struing. This is the expression that the boy must show every time he is praised. Thinking of his proud look, Anxin couldn't help laughing.

"I can say that I am a good man! Women are all scrambling to give up their arms!"

Hearing the phone clearly, Shen Shengyou's vomiting sound came, and Shen Shengxian said disgustingly, "Go away."

"Yes!" He said affirmatively, "We have caught up with rare wild animals!" After saying that, she began to laugh secretly.

And Shen Shengxian on the other end of the phone said "h..." and then said doubtfully, "How do I feel like you are scolding me!"

And this sentence suddenly turned into a reassuring giggle. After that, the two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone. Before hanging up, Shen Shengxian's nagging instructions were completed.

And this day passed so loudly............

The next day, when the alarm clock rang, she got up on time. Although there was no work to go to, she had to get up early because she had to go out to find a job today. By the way, she would look for a house. I've been busy these days, but there's nothing particularly important to think about it, but the time has been delayed, so I have to work hard today. I must get something and try not to go in vain.

So, I haven't dressed up for a long time. Today, I cleaned up well, looked at myself in the mirror, smiled with satisfaction, and the image was okay. She is still quite confident.

"Come on!" She looked at herself in the mirror and said. Be sure to succeed.

However, there is a good saying that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

This sentence is really appropriate for her now. All morning, I applied for four companies with peace of mind, all of which ended in failure. This morning is equivalent to being busy in vain. Call this company, call that company, and toss from this company to which company, it is crowded with buses, taxis, and runs upstairs and downstairs. As a result...

"Hey!" He failed again and sat depressedly on a chair by the roadside. The hot weather made people dizzy and depressed, especially the successive failures, which turned Anxin's face, which was full of smiles into a bitter gourd.

How could this happen? He frowned and twisted the mineral water, took a big mouthful of water, moistened his already smoking throat, and felt at ease that he had done a good job in all aspects, but why not? Why don't you get hired and give yourself a chance? She didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, but... "Hey!" Sigh again, maybe you really don't do well enough. If you are good enough, the boss will definitely hire himself.

pat your face and tell yourself that no matter how you fail, you can't be discouraged. This is not a reassuring character. Therefore, after a rest, he regained his mental peace of mind, picked up the file bag at hand, and continued to move towards the next company.

And when she failed out of the sixth company, she couldn't help but be full of doubts and asked, "Can you tell me why you failed?" Is it that I didn't do well?" She was rejected one after another, so that she didn't think much about it. Now she can't help guessing whether something happened. Otherwise, why can so many companies fail? She has graduated from a famous university and has work experience, and is not careless when working, but why not? She is really confused.

His words suddenly changed the man's face, and his eyes looked at her a little dodged. Now she really felt that something was wrong. It seemed that she didn't think much about it, so a bad feeling suddenly came to her mind. She felt that the matter did not seem to be so simple, as if there was a secret.

Finally, the man sighed heavily. He looked at it and said, "Miss, we are also ordered to act. Don't ask. In fact, you should be clear about this matter by yourself." After saying these words, he turned around and left.

But his words made An An suddenly stay. Until she left the company, she didn't figure out what the man's words that made her inexplicable mean, and what does it mean to act according to orders? Think, what the hell is going on? The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't get the result. The more she couldn't get the result, the more she thought about it. She fell into a vicious circle with the event. Finally, she shouted angrily, "Who ordered you to do what to do! Are you ordered to lose your job? What's the matter!" But as soon as she said this, she seemed to suddenly figure something out, and her face suddenly changed. He repeated in a daze: "lost..."

However, why do you want to lose your job, who you have offended, and who has the ability to control it... Suddenly, a familiar face jumped into my mind! It seemed that the fog that troubled him suddenly dissipated, and he understood that this was Mu Junhao, and this was done by the man who asked him to be fired! Because I, who has never had a grudge against others, only quarreled with him over and over again.

Thinking about it, she just said, "Oh!" He laughed and told himself that it was better to find a house. It was absolutely impossible to work. As long as Mu Junhao spoke, no one dared to use himself. Therefore, unemployment is doomed, but there must be a place to live. If the house is taken back tomorrow, I will sleep in a hotel.

However, the house is not so easy to find, not the same as the above situation, but some are not very far away, that is, the rent is too expensive, otherwise the environment is not good.

Seeing that it is getting darker and darker, my heart is getting more and more anxious. I should come to the kitchen tomorrow, but...

What can I do about this!

"Peace of mind!" At this moment, a familiar call suddenly came, which made the peace of mind who was thinking about things suddenly come to his senses. He turned his head and saw the swallow trot towards him happily.

"Swallow!" An An smiled and said, "What a coincidence!"

"Yes!" Swallow asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm looking for a house."

"Looking for a house?" Yanzi said with a puzzled face, "Didn't you tell me that your company will allocate the house to you? Then you still..."

smiled. Yanzi didn't know about her unemployment, so she didn't know that she was moving out. "I was fired."

"Exiting squid?" Swallow's unbelievably eyes widened and said, "When did this happen? Besides, why is this? Why did you fire you?"

This is also the reaction! Anxin said in his heart that everyone looked unbelievable when they heard that they had been fired. It seemed that they were a down-to-earth job in the eyes of others. It's incomprehensible to be fired!

"It's hard to say. In short, after I was fired, I have to pour out the house, and I have to move out of it tomorrow."

"So... have you found a place to live?" Swallow said with a worried face.

Shake his head in disappointment and said at ease, "I haven't found it yet." I was busy applying for the job in the morning. After knowing that I would not succeed, I gave up looking for a job and began to look for a house. However, it has never been satisfactory, and now it is almost dark. It seems that today is doomed to get nothing.

"If you don't mind, you can come to my house."

"Look at what you said, what kind of dislike." She complained that she and Yanzi were good friends, and Yanzi said that it was strange. Then she smiled and said, "As long as you are not afraid that I will disturb you, I am very willing to be taken in." Although I feel very sorry to move to Yanzi's house, it's not that the place is not good, but I feel a little troublesome and I'm sorry, but at present, it seems that I can only bother you for a while. Wait until you find the house before moving out.

Anyway, a stone fell in my heart. At least I don't have to worry about where I live during this period.

On the first day of moving to Yanzi's house, Anxin called Shen Shengxian. He had a place to live and would be disturbed by his friend's house for a period of time, which would reassure him.

However, I can't disturb you for a long time, but look at my wallet. Now I don't have much cash in it, and I can't find a job. What can I do? If it goes on like this, I will soon run out of money. However, hey... The hateful Mu Junhao actually made all companies not allow him to hire him, so... After thinking about it, Anxin suddenly came to pay attention to it. What about being the boss?

As soon as this idea appeared, Anxin suddenly became a little excited. When she was a child, she thought about opening a small supermarket to be the boss. At that time, she would have this idea because there were many delicious food there. When she became the boss, she would eat whatever she wanted. Haha, now when I think about it, at that time It's really fun.

In fact, many people will have many funny dreams when they grow up.

However, if you can really open the supermarket, this is also a fulfillment of your childhood wish!

But I frowned again. What about the money? Where can I get the money? Whether it is renting or buying a storefront, it requires a lot of money, as well as the cost of decoration and the delivery of goods. But now, I don't have that much money at all, but if I want to open a little, I can only borrow it from my friends. Who can I borrow from?