
Chapter 135 Change is change.

There is no wind in the sultry weather, and the scorching sun makes people dizzy, which makes people even more impetuous. They lean on a big tree and drink the iced water in their hands with peace of mind. But the boredom in my heart was not relieved by the coldness that slipped into my throat.

Although Mu Junhao ordered all companies not to block him, the results of this morning's application told him that his later words did not have any effect.

lowered his arm and looked helplessly at the resume in his hand. He frowned and couldn't help sighing. And threw the empty mineral water bottle into the trash can beside him.

When I went to the company I applied for, I first saw her. Although I would be slightly surprised by the gauze on my forehead, after hearing the explanation that I accidentally bumped into it, I was no longer doubted and my attitude was also very enthusiastic. When I saw the resume, my face immediately changed. First, I was surprised and then confused, and after repeated hesitation, finally I'm sorry, otherwise I will send her away with the excuse that I have enough manpower.

Yes, the relationship between her and Mu Junhao has changed in a while, which makes these unwitting people feel uncertain. This time, they say that it can be used. Maybe it will not be used in a few days. At that time, no one is willing to bear this result. Therefore, all companies refused to hire her so as not to cause any trouble in the future. She understands and fully understands this idea.

While nodding his head affirmatively, he walked out of the shade of the tree at ease. Mu Junhao, you didn't do anything good!

Standing in the sun, the hot temperature immediately spread all over her body, and the bright sunshine made her have to reach out to block her eyes.

Standing on this hurried street, looking at the crowd around me, I suddenly felt confused for a moment. Where... is my direction............

"Peace of mind!"

A familiar call sounded from behind, which also made her think of running far away come back. She slowly turned her head and narrowed her eyes slightly. She saw the people coming clearly.

After that incident, I felt that I had an indescribable feeling for him, like gratitude, dependence, maybe... and others...

"Sichen!" She looked at the man who slowly came towards her with a smile.

Han Sichen, who is not wearing a suit, is dressed casually today, with a wide striped black and white stand-up collar T-shirt with a white trousers. Let An An feel that he is particularly handsome today.

The air-blowing ice cream shop bursts of cool air as soon as you enter the house, which seems to extinguish the mood that makes people irritable because of the sultry weather in an instant.

While eating delicious ice cream and chatting happily, both of them had a tacit understanding not to mention that day.

Looking at the file bag placed aside, Han Sichen smiled and said, "How's the application?"

His words made An An was stunned, but he then reacted. However, looking at the brown paper bag beside her, she smiled bitterly.

Seeing this expression of peace of mind, the result is self-evident. It seems..." Han Sichen said with a smile, "It's not very optimistic!"

Although I don't want to admit that Han Sichen is right, I can only nod helplessly. I am not optimistic, and no one succeeds.

After thinking about it, Han Sichen said, "Why don't you come to my company!" My secretary asked for a long vacation yesterday. I happen to be short of someone now. Come here!"

This did not make An An feel a little happy about finding a job, but became very flustered because of it. She hurriedly waved her hand and denied, "No, no, I..."

Seeing her like this, Han Sichen immediately smiled and said, "You think so much!"

Hey? Anxin was a little stunned by his words.

"My secretary Xiaolin took a vacation because she was pregnant." He smiled and said, "I didn't ask you to come to my company because you are looking for a job, but because I really lack a secretary."

It turned out to be like this... After listening to Han Sichen's explanation, I was relieved, but my face was slightly hot. What I just thought seemed to be a little sentimental. However, no matter what, he still smiled gratefully at him.

But at this time, Han Sichen actually stretched out his hand to her, which really stunned Anxin. He forgot to put the ice cream scooped up with a spoon and put it in his hand in his hand. Looking at the warm big hand that gradually approached me, I forgot to avoid and speak.

The original hand was intended to touch the wound, but finally deviated from the original track and gently stroked the forehead of the benefits.

"Tick!" The cold feeling from his hand made Anxin suddenly come to his senses, and then hurriedly lowered his fiery red face.

Looking at the ice cream in her hand slowly melting, the feeling of changing from cold to warm seemed to reach her heart.

Han Sichen's distressed eyes and affectionate eyes made her heart beat faster. She won't be so stupid that she doesn't even understand what that means.

Seeing the embarrassment of peace of mind, he slowly withdrew his hand.

For a while, the atmosphere between the two was a little uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it took, Han Sichen broke his silence and "peace of mind..."

"Hmm?" She raised her head and looked at him doubtfully.

"Can I pursue you?" Looking into her eyes, Han Sichen said seriously, "Can I turn you into my woman?"

She didn't know what her expression was, but she was not much shocked. She was an adult. She had seen some clues from his eyes, not to mention that his words on the road last time had already shown his mind.

Han Sichen is undoubtedly a very excellent man, without Mu Junhao's coldness and Shen Shengxian's waywardness, but he has the same appearance and status as Mu Junhao, and the same love as Shen Shengxian............

She really wants to laugh and mock God's teasing. Why does such a good man as Han Sichen belong to her heart and meet him when she becomes unclean? She is neither a fool nor retarded. No one like him is obsessed with an excellent man everywhere. He feels at ease that even if she agrees to Han Sichen's request at this time, because she wanted to stretch out her hand when she needed comfort most. Although she didn't say anything, she just pretended to be grateful, but She knows that there is a small place in her heart that belongs to Han Sichen. In fact, it is very simple to fall in love with a person. A woman is a fragile and ** animal. A man's words and one action can sometimes move women.

However, this is not possible. Even if she really likes Han Sichen, she will not do such a thing. Han Sichen should find a better woman than her, instead of an unclean woman who has had physical relations with other men. She has a very traditional and even stubborn mind. In her eyes, she is undoubtedly like a woman in an ancient kiln.

Therefore, she feels that if she has a little conscience, she should not harm Han Sichen. Let him pursue a better woman is what she should do.

Seeing the peace of mind struggle, Han Sichen said, "I won't force you to make a choice. But... I won't give up."

In a word, Anxin's hand holding the spoon trembled fiercely. She whispered, "I'm not worth it..." She felt that she was really not worth it. Suddenly I found that it was really heartbreaking to belittle myself sometimes.

"Ha ha!" Han Sichen's soft laughter suddenly reached An's ear, causing her to slowly raise her head for some unknown reasons. Looking at An's face, Han Sichen said seriously, "I don't know if you are worth it. I just know that you are the first woman to be moved by Han Sichen. I don't care about your relationship with Mu Junhao, and I don't care if you have Shen Shengxian in your heart. Besides, these insignificant factors will not stop me. I have always been People who only follow their own ideas, so whether you agree or not, I will get you. Reaching out and gently touching his relieved cheeks, he continued, "And you are very unhappy around them..."

One word is enough to impress any woman, so her eyes turned red. However, the guilt in her heart is constantly soaring. Only Shen Shengxian is sorry for her mental cheating, and her physical betrayal is just a shame on him. However, looking up at Han Sichen, what should she do? Do you want to accept it shamelessly? Or... cruel refusal? I don't know. She is really confused. Han Sichen's words touched the softest part of her heart, which made her a little greedy. The gentleness of the man who always smiles at her............

"What are you crying about!" Han Sichen wiped the tears off An's face with a smile and whispered, "My heart has changed, but it has changed. There is no need to hide it, and there is no need to feel sorry for anyone."

Han Sichen saw her so thoroughly that she never thought of it, but she was not disgusted and did not panic at all. Being seen through her seems to be the ease of no longer disguise.

Tears kept falling drop by drop, and the tears of peace of mind did not decrease because of Han Sichen's wiping, but fell more and more.

With a sigh, Han Sichen got up and sat next to An An and hugged her in his arms as if she had cried into tears.

Like catching a life-saving straw, he lay in Han Sichen's arms and cried fiercely, as if to vent all the grievances he had suffered for so many days.

"Cry! Cry!" After patting An's back, Han Sichen whispered, "Don't shed tears after crying. You don't know... How uncomfortable I feel every time I see you cry."

Although these words were very light, she still heard them, so she clenched the clothes on Han Sichen's chest and cried even louder.