
Chapter 158 Failure.

Knowing the current situation, struggling is useless, because Mu Junhao has left. He couldn't hear his scolding or his pleas.

However, he clenched his fist angrily! Unwilling, she is unwilling to be locked up here! Why does she want to be restricted by others? She can't stand it! Therefore, an exquisite decoration within reach was thrown to the ground by her fiercely. Suddenly, it turned into worthless fragments.

However, if she can't solve the hatred, it can't extinguish her anger at this time. He looked at the room in front of him fiercely, as if he had a deep hatred for himself! Then he rushed to ** like crazy, fell the pillow on it hard, and stepped on it fiercely with his feet to vent his anger, and the spotless white pillow suddenly became dirty. Then, the small desk lamp on the bedside table was also affected by seedlings, and even the wires were pulled down safely... ......

This bedroom has become a place for her to vent.

I don't know how long it took until she had no strength and was so tired that she stopped destroying! Her chest kept ups and down, and she had already sweated all over.

"Wang!" With a sweep of her feet, Anxin cleared a small place on the messy ground, sat on the ground, looked at the goose feathers floating in the air, and looked at the completely different room. Her mood seemed to be a little calmer.

But what should I do next? After destroying everything and relieved her anger, her brain has now regained its calm, so she has to find a way to leave here. She will never allow herself to be imprisoned here like this! But how to do it? I unconsciously frowned. How did I get out of here?

Moreover, if she can't go to work tomorrow for the time being, Han Sichen will definitely worry. So should she think of an excuse to reassure him?

I subconsciously touched the mobile phone in my pocket, but it was empty............

This suddenly made her nervous, and her calm heart rose again. Standing up in a hurry, she hurriedly groped to turn on the light switch in the house. But his feet seemed to be tripped by something. "Plop!" With a sigh of peace, a sharp pain hit her. There is no need to guess what was in the palm of her hand, and there was already a warm ** flowing out.

"It hurts me so much!" He stood up carefully and frowned and complained.

The dark room was suddenly filled with warm lights, and the peace of mind that was accustomed to the darkness frowned, and after the reaction, he couldn't help looking at his palm. A piece of glass about three centimeters long is stuck in her palm! And blood has been constantly flowing out of the wound!

It's really self-inflicted! Somehow, I suddenly remembered such a sentence. Maybe it was because the room that was no longer in a good place under the light was all from my own hands!

clench your teeth! He pulled the glass out of his hand with peace of mind. "Hass!" But I still couldn't help making a painful gas pumping sound. Take the goose feather pillow that has been torn down by her, tear off a piece of clean cloth, and wrap it around your hand at ease. You can't die for the time being! Let's do it first!

And there is no time to rub it! It's important to find a mobile phone! I didn't call Han Sichen to report his safety after he got home. I don't know how anxious he was!

But, no! No! No!

has turned over all the places that can be turned over, but after this carpet-style search, there is still nothing to be found.

It's over! Her heart was half cold. She knew that it was not here, that is, she fell out of her pocket in the tear with Mu Junhao at that time, and ten * fell into the living room!

Sitting on the ground, she beat her thighs angrily, but she almost cried out in pain. Looking up at her white cloth soaked in blood, her heart was suddenly very uncomfortable.

Tears began to rotate in the eyes, but what's there to cry about? She asked herself in her heart.

Aggrieved! He reached out and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, but he felt so wronged, but he didn't know where to start.

She felt that she had not committed any heohorr crimes, but why did she always suffer?

Leaning against the wall, he sighed silently, and recalled the road he had taken over the years, only to find that his life was full of ups and downs! Although there are no big ups and downs, there are constant troubles.

In fact, she doesn't have any big requirements. She just wants to live peacefully, but it seems to backfire.

In order to pay off her father's debts, she kept working, and in the end, she even became a winemaid. Later, her father died. From a certain perspective, she was much more relaxed. However, her mother fell ill. When her mother fell ill, she was really panicked and very scared, because in this world, her mother was her support, and she could not live without her. However, God was cruel, and it was not long before her mother passed away.

Then there is her younger brother, who unconsciously fell in love with her. Although they are a later family and have no blood relationship, she always treats him as a relative and has no other feelings. In this way, because she had different ideas, she was deadlocked with her only relative.

Then he was kidnapped because of Mu Junhao, and before that, he almost lost his life because he insisted on being with him, plus some messy troubles, so he didn't think about it. Finally, I was forced to separate from him and go to England, which I was not familiar with. At that time, I really felt like a knife.

I lived there for four years and kept studying hard to fulfill my mother's wishes. Now think about it, it seems that only those four years have been relatively good, and life is very peaceful.

Later, he joined the work and was transferred back to the motherland where he vowed never to step in again, and he came back with audacity. Now thinking about vows or something, it's really not even as good as bullshit. It's all empty words. Who can predict his tomorrow? Who can?

I would have known why now. I'm farting! I'm a fortune tell! If I could know that things would turn out like this, I wouldn't have done it in the first place! I wouldn't have asked you for help when I died four years ago!

It seems that she was too tired to toss, coupled with the lack of sleep the night before, so she gradually wanted to lean against the wall. Slowly, in the curse, she slowly closed her eyes!

But in the middle of the night, she was woken up by a noise.

Sit up and rub your confused eyes. What's going on? Anxin is a little stunned. Why is it still so noisy at night?

Pearing her ear against the door, she concentrated to hear what was going on outside, but she could only hear a faint sound, from which she could not tell what was going on! However, she felt as if she had heard a familiar voice and laughed at herself. She was crazy! However, he did not remove his ears, but listened more seriously.

But the voice is gradually weakening and seems to be coming to an end.

She was confused, so she began to think nonsense, and the doubts in her heart began to grow bigger. She frowned. She ran to the window, but the scene in front of her made her a little stunned. She even suspected that something was wrong with her eyes, because there were several police cars parked outside.

At this time, something more surprised her happened, because Han Sichen came out of Mu's mansion! It seems that she didn't hear it wrong just now. Han Sichen really came!

Turning her eyes, she seemed to figure something out. The smile on her face expanded and her heart began to be happy, so she hurriedly opened the window.

But at this moment, the door was suddenly opened. As soon as he turned around, Mu Junhao walked in with a cold face and saw that his bedroom become like this. The man did not seem to be surprised at all. On the contrary, when he saw Anxin's hand pressed on the window, his face became nervous and strode forward.

Now even a fool understands what's going on, so she wants to open the window, but just as she was about to succeed, her hand was tightly grasped by the man, and the window that had just opened was closed back hard. Then the curtains were pulled up by the man, completely covering everything that happened in the house.

Seeing this, she was angry and anxious. She shouted, "Let me go!" This is the only chance for her to leave here! Therefore, she can never give up! She must not miss it!

However, her hand was injured, and every time she struggled to touch the wound, she felt pain. However, in order to leave here and attract the attention of Han Sichen downstairs, she had to put this aside first. However, Mu Junhao seemed to see something and deliberately grabbed her injured hand.

So, the struggling power suddenly halved, and she shouted angrily, "Let go!"

"Do not think about it!" Mu Junhao said coldly and grabbed An An's injured hand even harder.

The pain made her cry, and her voice trembled, "You bastard!"

Caught this weakness, the man kept holding his injured hand and could only beat him weakly.

And the window was randomly pulled open in the tearing of the two. A cool wind suddenly came to my face. Seeing this, Anxin suddenly came to hope and no longer took care of his hands. He hurriedly opened the curtains and shouted, "Well! Well! "Well!"

But before a word was shouted, this mouth was fiercely covered by Mu Junhao's hand and he took it off vigorously and left the window!

"Hm! "Oh, no!" She struggled non-stop, slapped her feet on the ground, and broke the man's big hand to cover her mouth, but she couldn't shake it at all! She felt that her face was covered by him.

The sound of the car door that kept closing downstairs clearly came into her ear from the open window, but all the words were swallowed back into her stomach, and she was so anxious that her tears were about to fall down!

Then came the sound of the car starting, and a sense of despair rose to her heart, but she was unwilling, so she still resisted and kept raising her hand to slap the man behind her dragging her away from the window.

Grabbing her randomly waving hands, Mu Junhao's gloomy voice sounded in his ear, "I said it! You can't leave here!"

Tears rolled out of her eyes. Listening to the sound of the car getting farther and farther away, her body seemed to have lost her strength and gradually softened. If he hadn't been held in the arms of the man behind her, she would have fallen to the ground.

Slowly lowered his arm and lost the desire to struggle, because the opportunity had been lost. She is destined to be trapped here.

She couldn't stop crying at the thought of this. And when the warm ** flowed down her cheek to the man's hand covering his mouth, Mu Junhao's eyes were indescribably complicated.