
Chapter 171 Cooperation.

Then the atmosphere remained so stiff. She looked at the cup in front of her silently with a smile. She didn't know what she was thinking and didn't see the slightest anger. She seemed to be scolded by Mu Junhao, and she didn't care about it at all. Mu Junhao looked ugly and ate the food in front of him. People who didn't know how difficult it was to swallow! And until after dinner, the two did not talk again.

After dinner, Mu Junhao pressed the power-on button. After all, he is the boss, and the mobile phone cannot always be turned off. Not surprisingly, as soon as he turned on the mobile phone, it rang immediately. This time, he did not let the mobile phone ring non-stop. He quickly pressed the answer button.

Maybe Mu Junhao's mobile phone is very good. Not only is the shape exquisite, but also the quality looks good, especially the volume of the call is also very loud and clear. Therefore, although she did not fully hear the content of the phone, she still heard the crisp female voice when she answered the phone, and she could conclude that it was Shen Shengmei. And she! Think about it at ease, I guess she will only talk with this voice when her partner is Mu Junhao!

I probably asked him why he didn't answer the phone, but Mu Junhao said, "What can I do for you?" I pushed it back.

It's really cold. I couldn't help thinking that someone anxiously called you. Your mobile phone turned off and finally turned it on. I wanted to ask, but I gave such a direct answer.

I don't know what they said, but he said, "I won't go back tonight!" Then he said, "Don't call again!" Then he hung up the phone without hesitation.

From then on, I really didn't think about the phone, and I couldn't help admiring Mu Junhao. His words were really heavy! No one dares to disobey. However, Shen Shengmei is definitely crazy! Mu family! I don't know what will happen in the hands of those two women!

Turning her head and looking out of the window and looking at the strange scenery outside, she couldn't help frowning doubting. Where are they going now? It's not the way back to the villa in the countryside, nor the way back to the company, so this is...

Looking at the rearview mirror, the angry face inside made Anxin dare not speak again. Let's take her wherever she goes. Don't ask for trouble anymore.

However, when Mu Junhao opened the door, everything in front of her really made her a little unresponsive. She thought they would stop at the door of a hotel, but she didn't expect...

This is a house in a high-end residential area in the city, about 100 square meters. Compared with the thousands of square meters of villas in the suburbs, it is really small, and there are no servants here, but looking around, it smells like home............

The wall in the living room is yellow-green, and a beautiful crystal chandelier falls on the roof. The whole room is surrounded by a warm light, and the sofa is pure white, and the LCD TV in the room is also white...

Although the room is small, the facilities and household appliances in the room are complete, and the ground is spotless. The room is very clean and tidy. There are even vases on the coffee table on the table, which contain pale pink flowers that can't be called at ease.

Looking at Mu Junhao unbelievably, the man just changed his shoes into the house with a blank face. Really, I feel relieved that if she can, if she can live here instead of returning to that big scary villa in the future?

She changed her shoes happily, blinked her curious eyes, and began to look around. The decoration in the bedroom was also mainly white, including computers, wardrobes, beds, curtains, and the wardrobe opened curiously, which contained a lot of men's clothes, including suits and casual clothes. The other room was slightly smaller than the master bedroom, but there was only a crib and some children's toys. Seeing this scene, I was stunned. Somehow, I suddenly felt strange!

The feeling of joy dissipated in an instant, replaced by depression. She suddenly remembered that Mu Junhao once said that if you don't want children when you get married... Shake your head and think about something.

When he returned to the living room, Mu Junhao was leaning on the sofa and watching TV with a boring face. At this time, it was time for various channels to broadcast soap operas. I guess these things are a little unappetizing for Mu Junhao, a big man.

However, regardless of this, looking at his comfortable sofa, he doesn't seem to have any intention of leaving, so he feels that he should spend the night here tonight. But since Dong Huiran came to the house, they have not slept in a **, and they feel a little uncomfortable at the thought of sleeping together at night!

"Do you need to take off your suit?" Since you don't leave, there is no need to dress so seriously. Moreover, such a high-end suit will be folded, but it will be in vain, and it is estimated that she will have to iron him before she can wear it to work.

did not say anything, but Mu Junhao still took off his suit and threw it on the other side of the sofa. By the way, he also pulled his tie down.

And Anxin, like a maid, quickly packed up Mu Junhao's clothes and hung them on the hanger in the house.

It's the first time to get along with each other in such an environment, so both of them are a little reserved. There are too many misunderstandings, too deep bonds, and the relationship between them is constantly cut and chaotic. Even if you want to say something, you often don't know how to speak because you have hurt each other. However, compared with men, peace of mind is still more comfortable. People like her seem to be able to cope with any situation. And it seems that nothing will be taken seriously.

I don't know if it was a convulsion, but Anxin suddenly felt so hungry. As soon as this feeling appeared, she wanted to laugh. They had just come out of the restaurant. If they were hungry, what would they have done? However, this feeling really just appeared. Before that, she really didn't want to eat anything.

What can I do? Looking at the man sitting on the sofa and thinking about something, he decided to open the refrigerator and have a look!

You can eat whatever you have. If you don't have it... Just go downstairs and buy something to eat. You can't be hungry. After all, it's such a long night. Thinking about this, I feel that I am really tossed around.

After opening the refrigerator, I accidentally found that it was full of various vegetables and fruits, as well as a few cans of beer. That's good! Anxin suddenly laughed out. Turning around, she opened the cupboard again, and there were still hanging noodles, rice, and white noodles on the bottom floor, haha! It's really hard not to go hungry!

"Would you like to eat something more?" Anxin looked at the man's back and whispered. Just now, he was so angry that he was so angry that he had hardly touched the food served. It seemed that he was too angry to eat it. Now he cooked his own food and asked him if he wanted to eat more. Otherwise, he would be hungry after sleeping until midnight, but No one wants to move anymore.

And after waiting for a long time, I didn't answer. I curled my lips at ease and stopped talking. I just cooked some noodles for myself to eat.

And when the pot boiled water, she wanted to cut a small persimmon and some coriander and cucumber. She liked to cook noodles together. However, her hand was injured, she couldn't touch the water, and it was a little inconvenient to cut things. At this time, Mu Junhao's voice came faintly, "cook more!"

She was stunned and thought it was hallucinating, but the sound was quite real, so she, who had cooked a little noodles, now took out twice as many noodles as before. But "Can you do me a favor?" There is no free lunch. If he wants to eat it, he has to work hard. My hand is still hurt, and I can't wash the dishes. Can you..." That's the end of the word, but the meaning I want to express is clearly stated.

However, as soon as he said this, Anxin regretted a little. Isn't this requirement a little embarrassing for him? Mu Junhao may have never washed vegetables for such a long time!

Forget it, you'd better come by yourself, but at this moment, Mu Junhao stood up while holding his sleeves and walked over to Anxin. I was a little surprised, but I smiled happily in an instant. Of course, it's a good thing to have someone help.

It's just to wash a dish, and it won't be very troublesome. Besides, these dishes are not dirty. It seems that they have been washed. Do it again just to be cleaner. Looking at Mu Junhao washing vegetables under the faucet, An An suddenly felt that his identity as president had faded, and he was just an ordinary man. And how long has it been since I saw such a gentle side?

Mu Junhao, may you find the happiness you belong to. I sincerely bless you............

When cutting vegetables, she planned to come by herself, but the persimmon that she didn't need to press by hand ran around a little. She didn't cut it several times with a kitchen knife, and she couldn't bear to "t!" There was a sound, and the water boiled, and the persimmon was not finished yet! At this time, a big hand stretched out, pressed the moving persimmon, looked up at Mu Junhao, but was urged, "Hurry up, the water is about to open!"

No longer hesitated, he began to cut it at ease, and with his help, the noodles and other things were finally put into the pot smoothly.

The waiting time is long, especially for hungry people, which is quite unbearable. Watching the noodles soften little by little in the pot, I can't help swallowing my saliva. The fragrance gradually dissipated,

For good, this thing is simple and won't take too long, so it can be taken out of the pot in a few minutes.

Although the two had a lot of dinner together, they either went to the restaurant or ate in the villa accompanied by more than a dozen pairs of eyes. But this is the first time for two people to sit side by side.