
Chapter 174 Sick.

You have suffered the most, so you deserve the best happiness. As a friend, I really hope you can find your home and stop playing such a game. As a former lover, I hope you can forget the pain I brought you and live a good life. Even if you can't forget it, you have to face everything with a smile and don't live in pain, because you can only be tortured by yourself. This life is actually very short. Don't wait until you suddenly look back and suddenly find that there is no happiness in your life. Therefore, in order to avoid regret at that time, please treat yourself kindly from now on!

At this time, a slight whimper suddenly sounded, which made Anxin quickly withdraw his hand and turn his back to Mu Junhao. If possible, she wants to be friends with Mu Junhao, because she really can't bear to watch him alone and walk alone on the road. She has found Han Sichen as a support, so she can't watch Mu Junhao still live in the shadow of the past. She got happiness, and he deserves it.

However, Mu Junhao's personality will not agree, and he will regard her behavior as sympathy. He will mock her and scold her, but he doesn't care about this peace of mind. What made her care and her heartbroken was Mu Junhao's posture of trying to hide everything, and his face that pretended not to disapprove. He is strong and he is an excellent man, but that's only in his career. In his emotional life, he is still a child.

I think I actually know you very well. If you are not good at expressing yourself, you will always hurt the skin of the people around you, and you will become like this, all because of me. Seeing you come this far, I blame myself and really feel very sorry for you. We can't go back to the past, we have to keep moving forward. So, if you want, I would like to be your friend and help you solve your problems. Although this is cruel, at least you will not be alone.

Self-deprecating smile, because all this is impossible. I fantasize about beauty, but I can only fantasize, just because you are Mu Junhao, stubborn Mu Junhao.

The man who slept beside her turned around at ease, but slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were clear and not sleepy at all. Looking at the woman with his back, Mu Junhao seemed to inadvertently reach out and put the peace of mind beside him into his arms, tightly.

And Anxin obeyed his movements and allowed him to hold himself and have nothing to worry about with people who slept honestly. Besides, he also disturbed the original posture of sleeping peacefully.

So, close your eyes and feel at ease that you really have to prepare for bed, otherwise you won't be able to get up tomorrow.

But Mu Junhao beside him opened his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking............

When I got up in the morning, I took a look at my mobile phone and found that it was not too late. Mu Junhao beside him is still asleep, and it's not time for him to get up yet.

Gently took away the arm around his waist and sat up slowly. He slept well last night and had no dreams all night. Although I haven't slept for a long time, the quality is there! Therefore, the spirit is still good.

Carefully picked up his clothes and then gently left the bedroom.

After dressing up and packing up in the bathroom, I appeared in the kitchen, but I don't know how to do it. What should I do? Standing in the kitchen, she was worried and her hand was injured. It seemed that she could not cook anything, and in the morning, people were reluctant to eat. In addition, Mu Junhao was still sleeping and turning on the range hood to cook, which was too noisy. Then... make some porridge!

I looked around, but I accidentally found that there were materials for making eight-treasure porridge, which was still the kind of bagged. It seems that it was bought in a supermarket, which saved a lot of trouble. How good life is now! An An couldn't help sighing that compared with our parents' generation, we are much happier.

While thinking about some messy things, I was busy making breakfast. You can't eat enough porridge alone! Therefore, he took a few pieces of change, gently opened the door of the living room, and prepared to go downstairs to buy some steamed buns or something.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath of the fresh air. The whole person suddenly felt energetic. There are many old men and women downstairs doing sports, playing Tai Chi, dancing, walking birds and dogs. Think about it at ease. When I get old, I don't know if I will live so energetically like them.

I didn't go far, and I met a place selling breakfast. Business seems to be very good. Many people eat in it. Of course, there are also people who buy things like this. The boss's wife is very enthusiastic. That's what she wants to do business, otherwise who will come to buy things? I bought two meat-filled steamed buns and two vegetarian stuffed buns. The steamed bun is very big, and I guess one is enough. However, she can't control Mu Junhao's food.

When I got home, the porridge was ready. I tasted it and it was very rotten. And the steamed buns are still hot, which saves more effort. Pour the pickled vegetables bought on the road into a small plate and arrange the bowls and chopsticks.

Looking at the direction of the bedroom and looking at his mobile phone, it's reasonable that it's time for Mu Junhao to get up. This man has always been punctual and doesn't seem to have the problem of staying in bed. With some doubts, he walked to the bedroom at ease.

"Mu Junhao..." She whispered, "Get up and eat!" You still have to go to work later!"

"Hmm..." A lazy nasal voice answered, and after a few seconds, the man frowned and slowly raised his body.

Seeing Mu Junhao's uncomfortable face, he asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? I think you feel very uncomfortable!"

"It's okay!" As soon as I opened my mouth, my voice was hoarse.

Fools know that this is definitely a lie.

Lifting the quilt on his body, Mu Junhao was ready to stand up. However, as soon as his feet touched the ground, his strong body shook fiercely.

"Sitting down quickly!" He hurriedly held the man's arm to help him stabilize his body. Then he reached out and touched Mu Junhao's forehead. The hot temperature under his hands made Anxin frown tightly, "You have a fever!" This temperature is obviously different from ordinary people, and you can feel it even without a thermometer.

It seems that last night, I didn't dry my hair after washing it, which caused me to have a fever. Thinking of this, I felt relieved and told him that he didn't listen. Now he is sick! Yes!

"It's okay!" Shaking his head gently, Mu Junhao said he didn't care. And try to get up again.

However, he was pressed ** and scolded, "What's the matter! What's this burning like!" Mu Junhao was easily pushed and put the quilt back on the man. "You lie down for a while and I'll see if there is any antipyretic medicine at home!" If not, I'll go out and buy it for you!" Then he told him, "Don't move! Don't go to work today! If you don't wait for the company, something must happen!" How old are you? Why can't you take care of yourself and pay attention to the details of life? You have to wait for something to go wrong to feel good!

Mu Junhao looked really uncomfortable. He lay in **, frowned, and his face turned red. And he has no strength or energy to refute the reassuring decision. Leave it to peace of mind.

Fortunately, it's time to prevent him from suffering. He turned over the medicine box under the TV cabinet, antipyretics, cold medicine, painkillers, disinfectants, gauze and everything. Look at the expiration date, and it will not expire until one year, so I hurriedly read the instructions, then squeezed out two tablets of antipyretics, and went to the kitchen to pour a cup of hot water. Inadvertently caught a glimpse of the eight-treasure porridge on the table and quickly filled another bowl. With a water cup, rice bowl and pills, he returned to the bedroom at ease. Mu Junhao's illness made her difficult!

"Mu Junhao..." She shouted softly, "Get up and take the medicine!" And handed over the water glass.

The sick man was uncomfortable and obviously slow to react. After saying reassuring words, he slowly opened his eyes for a long time. It seems that this action has cost him a lot of effort.

Seeing this, he stuffed the pill into his mouth and sent the water cup to his mouth " open his mouth!" With her hand, Mu Junhao slowly drank water and sprinkled a lot on the way, but he had no energy to care about it.

After feeding the medicine, I hurried to the bathroom and wanted to get a basin of water, but there was nothing to hold. This... I turned my eyes and borrowed a stainless steel plate in the kitchen for use.

It will be to twir out the towel and apply it to Mu Junhao's hot forehead. It seemed to feel good, frowning and slightly unfolding.

"Mu Junhao..." He shouted at ease, "Don't sleep yet. I'll feed you something."

And the man didn't know whether he heard it or not, and there was no answer, and Anxin didn't seem to expect him to reply. He cooled the porridge in the spoon and then sent it to Mu Junhao's mouth.

However, Mu Junhao's weak voice said, "I don't eat..."

"No!" Anxin said in a low voice, "If you don't eat something, how can you recover your strength! He is soft all over and has no energy at all. Then he whispered, "Mu Junhao, just eat a little, just eat a little!" Come on! Open your mouth!"

It seemed that she couldn't feel at ease. The man slowly opened her mouth and let her feed the porridge into her mouth smoothly.

However, after feeding, there was no movement, which made me feel relieved and had to say again, "Mu Junhao, you have to be obedient! Hurry up and swallow it!"

Open his eyes and look helplessly, and the latter is more helpless than him. It's obviously like coaxing a child! Who did she feel at ease? Let's have fun!" Eat it quickly! After eating, have a good sleep! Listen! Swallow it!" With that, he filled another spoonful of porridge and blew it by his mouth.

And Mu Junhao no longer resisted, began to chew honestly, and then swallowed it.

Change the towel on the man's forehead, and the cold towel in his hand has become warm. Wash it with water, make it cool, and then apply it again. Busy with everything, pack up your things, prepare to leave the bedroom at ease, and let Mu Junhao have a good sleep. And she was so hungry that the food in the kitchen might be cold.

However, just as she was about to leave, a hot palm grabbed her hand. I went to see Mu Junhao in surprise, but I couldn't see any expression or say a word.