Kowloon plate

Chapter 14 Back


In the south of Teng Shoucheng, in the county capital, He Mujing sat quietly on his master's chair. In front of him, two bodyguards stood respectfully.

"Have you found out the details of that person?" He Mu asked.

The bodyguard on the left side said respectfully, "Returning to the head of the county, I only found that he was not from the county. It seems that he came here with Miss Su."

He Mu glanced at the two of them coldly. They felt his cold eyes. They knelt down with a normal voice and said in a trembling voice, "The little one must try your best to investigate. Please give the little two more time."

At this time, He Mu is completely different from He Mu outside. The former is as kind as his grandfather next door, and the latter is as cold as a fierce beast and raptor.

He Mu looked at the two for a moment and said coldly, "You only have ten days..."

The two of them were relieved and retreated.

He Mu's eyes flashed and said to himself, "This young man is not simple."

The grass hall building is particularly festive today, not for anything else, just to get out of the evil breath in my heart.

How many years? The Cao Hall Building has been suppressed and bullied by the Zhang family. When did you have a bad breath like today?

There is no doubt that this anger was helped by Tang Lei. Without him, it would be the Zhang family to celebrate today.

Zhuang Yufan specially prepared a banquet. During the banquet, Tang Lei naturally was the main goal of everyone's toast.

For good, Tang Lei did not refuse, and all the toasts were taken down with a giggle, with Li Taibai's posture of not being drunk.

Infinity, Su Zimeng and others are even more happy. Infinity is a loving talent. At this stage, it is obvious that he has regarded himself as the older generation. He not only does not feel pressure on Tang Lei's descendants, but also feels very gratified.

In his words, "North Eighth Wastes finally has a successor."

Indeed, there has been no powerful young generation since he and the Holy Water Cang'er came out a few years ago.

In contrast, in the 39 counties of South Jiuzhou, there are countless young masters who have emerged in these two years, and Shu Changhe, the little son of the Bofang Shu family, who is known as the first young generation in Shenzhou.

Under this aura, the North Eight Wastes are really shabby. He and Cang'er are both old people and have lost their mood compared with the young people in Southern Jiuzhou.

Now, Tang Lei's appearance makes the boundless seem to see hope and dawn.

Su Zimeng and Ye Zixuan are happier than each other, as if they were the ones who won on the court.

However, this does have their credit. Without their recommendation, Tang Lei will definitely not take action, and the grass hall building will definitely not win, so they naturally regard this victory as their own.

This night, the guests were happy.

Early the next morning, Su Zimeng, boundless, Ye Zixuan, Tang Lei and others said goodbye to the grass hall building and embarked on their way home, but it was a pity that Tang Lei's purses had been broken in the chaos, and when they were about to buy some more, they found that they had not opened a shop to do business, so Tang Lei was a little bored along the way. Of.

Out of the city, Tang Lei whistled, and after a while, Oolong rushed from a distance.

Wujiya came forward and touched the back of Oolong and sighed, "It's a good horse. It's really a good horse. Brother Tang's horse is really good."

Tang Lei smiled stupidly and said, "It's called Oolong."

Wu Yuya looked at this harmless smile, and thought about the way he defeated the peak of Xuanyu yesterday, and suddenly felt a little blood boiling, so he said, "Brother Tang, when shall we have a fight?"

Tang Lei quickly shook his head and waved his hand and said, "I'm not your opponent. Please forgive me."

Su Ye's two women were not so generous. They ran to Tang Lei's side one left and one right and said with a smile, "Brother Tang, don't be modest. Help us teach our brother a lesson, lest he always arrogantly say that there is no one in the young generation in the Northern Eighth Wilderness."

Tang Lei giggled and said nothing.

Endless but quit, laughing and scolding, "You two girl actually turned your arms out, hurting you in vain."

The four laughed all the way and set foot on the emperor's lonely peak again.

To be honest, there are a hundred people who oppose the Digufeng, because he knows the horror of Digufeng. He went up a year ago, but he only walked to the middle of the red soil and retreated.

The density of mythical beasts there is too high, and they are all in groups. It's terrible.

I heard that the three of them turned over from Digu Peak, and Wujiya almost choked to death in one breath.

Although he had known Tang Lei's extraordinary strength, he didn't expect that he could come down from Digu Peak with his two women.

It's really annoying.

And when he really walked on the emperor's lonely peak, he sighed again, because he couldn't catch up with Tang Lei's wild survivability and dangerous hole investigation.

It is estimated that there are not many people in Quanshenzhou who can walk Digufeng as their own courtyard.

The four of them went all the way and finally passed the emperor's lonely peak on the fourth day.

This time, because of the endlessness, Tang Lei's courage has magnified a lot and walked a lot of dangerous places.

Of course, the boundless is also often used as a gun. Whenever there is danger, the arrogant little madman is scolded by the two women to resist.

The endless, which has nowhere to vent and is depressed, can only spread their anger on the mythical beasts of Di Gufeng. Some of the poor mythical beasts were shot in the head without knowing what happened.

Shanhai Pavilion is located in Fuzhou City, Liuteng County.

As the first family in Fuzhou City, the Su family is famous. Because of Su Zimeng, everyone in Fuzhou City knows that the Su family knows it.

Fortunately, Su Bai is bold, kind and friendly, and especially despises bullying men and women in the city. Therefore, over the years, Fuzhou City has been the best among the cities of Youteng County.

At this time, in the Su family courtyard, a set of disciples of Shanhai Pavilion lined up in two rows, waiting for their master brother and little sister to return.

Su Bai was injured and did not come out to greet him. Su Bai's cousin Suzi appeared in the main hall with a middle-aged man with gray hair and fairy bones all over his body.

This middle-aged man is one of the famous four disciples of Yaoling - Chu Zifang.

In the distance, the sound of horses' hoofs hitting the ground came from the street, and then three horses appeared in the sight of everyone.

Su Z smiled faintly and said to Chu Zifang, "My nephew is back. Let's go and have a look." Chu Zifang said no, nodded with a smile and agreed.

"Brother is back..."

"The little sister is back..."

The disciples of Yigan Shanhai Pavilion were also excited, and everyone looked at it from afar.

I saw the three horses coming towards me. The one sitting in the middle was their master brother boundless, and the horse on the right sat the little sister Su Zimeng and Ye Zixuan, but who was sitting on the handsome horse on the left?

The rags and rags, the silly smile - where did the village man come from?

There is a burst of dissatisfaction in the hearts of the disciples of Shanhai Pavilion, and such a character also deserves to go side by side with the master brother and little sister?

He doesn't even deserve to sit on that handsome horse.

Yes, his Marco is really handsome. The horse's leg, the horse's head, the charm - the eyes of Oolong are definitely much more than Tang Lei.

"Jiya, you are finally back, Menger, Xuaner, you have worked hard all the way." Tang Lei was automatically ignored by Su Ci's pleasant greetings.

This is not what he originally meant, but Tang Lei is too difficult for people to pay attention to. Ordinary people are really too lazy to look at him for the second time after seeing him for the first time.

The boundless salutes slightly, and the first thing to get off the horse is to ask, "How's the master?"

Su Z smiled and said to him, "Big brother is fine for the time being. Come and come and meet Chu Zifang, Uncle Chu."

Wujiya has long heard that Chu Zifang came to Shanhai Pavilion. Although he has never seen him before, with that temperament, Wujiya can conclude that it was him at the first sight.