Kowloon plate

Chapter 50 Thorns


As the saying goes, he stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face. With this posture of Shi Yuzhu, the endless and others were not good at him. They arched their hands and returned the salute one after another. They only despised and said, "Bazhi Shijia is also a well-known famous family in the seven counties of Ziqi. Why? Is Mr. Shi here to talk about ideological education for us 'murderers'?

Shi Yuzhu's smile remained unchanged, turned his head to look at Tang Lei, and said with a smile, "This is Tang Lei, who defeated Xue Hai in the Holy Water Pavilion today. Tang Leixia. The bad brother is usually spoiled by his father. It is inevitable that he is a little arrogant. Tang Daxia has taught him a good lesson."

Tang Lei and others wondered for a while that Shi Yuzhu's head was squeezed by the door, right? In the face of the enemy who beat his own brother into a pig's head, he even smiled and thanked him!

Tang Lei, the famous name of Shi Yuzhu, doesn't know, but the boundless is not be as ignorant as him. This Shi Yushu can't be said to be famous in Ziqi seven counties, but quite famous. If someone thinks that the two young generation of celebrities of Cang'er and Cang'er, it's wrong. In addition to their two pride, there are four princes. Purple flowers and so on.

However, Wujiya does not agree with these false names. For the simplest example, Ziqihua is rated by some boring personnel. Among them, Su Zimeng naturally has absolute beauty, but Tang Lei's sister Tang Xiruo has the same beauty as Su Zimeng, but she has not been rated Ziqihua.

If compared with Tang Lei and killing, their strength is no worse than that of him and Cang'er, but both of them are unknown. It can be seen that the heroes of the world should not be underestimated, because most of the heroes in the world are still hidden among the people.

This Shi Yuzhu is known as the head of the four sons. His martial arts cultivation is not outstanding, but his business ability is unmatched by ordinary people. It can be said that the Shi family's industry has increased its income several times in the past two years. Shi Yuzhu not only has full achievements and half of his achievements, and the history of history have even been great for a long time. Some of the family industry is entrusted to him. In this way, Shi Yuzhu often mixes with the upper class, and his reputation is also understandable.

History is rich. In this society, being rich means being powerful, rich and powerful, so why not one or two people with strong martial arts follow it?

Therefore, it is really unexpected for such a family, such a person to talk to Tang Lei and others like this.

Others greeted each other with a smile, and Tang Lei also couldn't treat each other coldly. He stood up and hugged his fist and said, "It's really bad to make my temper, but I'm also a little heavier. Please don't be surprised."

Shi Yuzhu laughed and said, "If you don't think about it, you can't make it. If you have a high finger like Tang Xia, that's a blessing, but I don't know if Yuzhu has such a blessing, please come to the house to get together so that Yuzhu can thank you for changing his position."

As soon as this was said, Tang Lei and others were even more confused. The previous words could still be said to be scenes, but why did he invite several people to the Shifu? Is his brain really squeezed by the door? Or is this a Hongmen banquet?

The four people looked at each other and saw curiosity from each other's eyes. What about the Hongmen banquet? With Tang Lei, the golden combination of boundless and killing three people, who are they afraid of?

So the four happily agreed.

The historian is located on the other side of the city, across the city from the Holy Water Pavilion. Although there is no conflict between the two in their social status, Bijing is two forces, and there is always a sense of competition in it. Therefore, Tang Lei and the four were invited by the Shi family to enter the house. It was transmitted back to the Holy Water Pavilion by the informant.

In the Holy Water Pavilion, Cang'er is sitting and resting in a cold pool, and the transparent cylindrical object is placed beside him, exuding a strong cold force.

Outside the pool, Chu Xintong looked at him with a smile and said, "Xiao Cang, you did a good job today. It seems that this cold icicle is really a treasure. I'm really happy for you as a teacher."

Cang Er didn't open his eyes and said, "Master, if you have something to say, just say it."

Cang Er's voice, some... ...Special, but Chu Xintong was no longer surprised. He laughed and said, "That Tang Lei was invited by the Shi family."

"Oh?" Cang'er was a little strange and said, "What did the historians ask them to do?"

Chu Xintong shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know."

Cang Er's face turned pale with anger and said angrily, "check."

In the history...

The golden table, silver chopsticks, wine, luminous cups, everything looks so luxurious and noble. Shi Changliu, the head of the Shi family, sat in the main seat and toasted Tang Lei with a smile, and praised the four people's high-profile praise. He didn't mention Tang Lei's beating of Shi Wenjing, which seemed extremely kind.

Shi Yuzhu warmed the wine and added dishes beside him. He was so un enthusiastic that he did not regard himself as a young master at all. In a blink of an eye, Tang Lei and others were a little drunk on their faces, but their hearts were like a mirror.

There was no intersection between them and the historian before, and there was no friendship at all, but the historian's father and son feasted themselves so well today, which must have a deep meaning!

Tang Lei secretly winced at the three people, indicating that the wine was not poisonous. It tastes sweet and strong, and the aftertaste is endless, which is quite suitable for several people's taste.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the Shi family's father and son looked at each other, then dismissed the servants with a smile, and then asked the family to guard the doors and windows 50 meters away. After everything was ready, the Shi family's father and son were finally ready to have a showdown with Tang Lei.

"I've heard that the little madness is boundless. In today's battle on the school field, if it weren't for Cang Er for such a wonderful treasure such as the ice column, he would not be your opponent." Shi Changliu praised with a smile.

Wu Zhiya smiled softly and didn't say anything, but he was quite interested in the ice column in his mouth. "Senior Shi, what is that ice column?"

Shi Changliu didn't say anything. Shi Yuzhu said, "We don't know much about this ice column. After all, this is someone's secret, but we know that this ice column was accidentally obtained by Cang'er two years ago. Since then, Cang'er's strength has improved rapidly. I think his progress must be inseparable from this ice column."

Tang Lei nodded and shook his head and said, "After all, it is not the best way to use external forces, but if Cang'er only uses the cold icicle to increase the speed of practice, this is desirable."

Shi Yuzhu laughed and said, "The Tang hero is really a master, and he can see the key in one word..."

Qing killing doesn't want to hear his nonsense here, saying, "Son Shi, isn't it so simple to invite us here today to drink and talk?"

A strange color flashed on Shi Yuzhu's face, and then smiled and said, "Of course not. Today, in addition to inviting everyone to come and get to know each other, there is another purpose."

"Oh, I wish it was detailed." Tang Lei said with a silly smile.

Shi Changliu and Shi Yuzhu looked at each other, picked up the wine and drank it. It really looked like an old fox and a little fox.

For a long time, Shi Yuzhu said, "Guys, are you still satisfied with your current life?"

Everyone didn't know what it meant for a moment and looked at each other. Tang Lei said, "It's okay."

Shi Yuzhu suddenly stood up coldly, walked aside and looked up at the sky and said, "How can life now be a good word?"

Su Zimeng asked strangely, "Sir Shi, you are a famous family. You have tens of thousands of mu of fertile land, tens of millions of families, and countless assets and materials. Life should be windy and rainy. What reason do you have to say it well?"

Shi Yuzhu looked back at the beautiful Su Zimeng. After a long time, he moved away from her face that fascinated all men and said coldly, "Today, the Holy Emperor has been building a lot. In the past ten years, most of the Water Emperor's City has been renovated, and the Water Holy Palace has been renovated once again. It covers an area of 99,000 hectares, with buildings, up to more than 300 How much materials and lives have been spent on Mi's Tingtian Tower and Qiyu Tower? How many gold and silver treasures have been piled up in the tomb of the Holy Emperor in advance? There are no more than 300,000 strong men arrested in the holy city in the past two years. How many can come back? The people who repair the tomb can't even think of it. This is far away. We really don't feel it, but the taxes in the past few years have been increased step by step. 30% have been directly mentioned this year. It is estimated that it will be 70% next year. The money we have worked hard to earn is not enough for Dijiang to repair the tomb. The tomb..."

PS.......... Ask for tickets and collection...............Cats...