Kowloon plate

Chapter 61 Overlord of the Palace

Qingjia rushed to the furious regardless of etiquette and asked nervously, "How's my unknown brother?" Is he all right? Elder Luo said you would save him, didn't he?

With an angry smile, he pulled Qingjia to sit on a chair and slowly said, "Your unknown brother, the injury on his body is caused by a high-level 'emperor'. An arrow pierces his heart, and his man is extraordinary in archery. It is difficult for anyone in the nine continents to compete with him. The arrow through the heart cut off the main heart and should have died within ten breaths, but he had a good internal strength, and there was a fearful force in his body to protect him, so that he persisted to Bofang, but because the injury was too serious, if it hadn't been for your true strength to protect his body, he would have died long ago.

Qingjia has been listening nervously, and after saying this sentence angrily, she turned her head and looked at her gently and muttered, "How many people can break the world, but they can't break the love of the world, idiot." Qingjia's face turned red and she didn't dare to answer.

Angry continued, "He should have died at the gate of Bofang City, but Roda went through the formalities to save his life, otherwise, even I can't help it."

After hearing this, Qingjia became excited again and asked urgently, "Is he all right now? Thank you, the emperor, thank you."

A look of sadness flashed on his angry face and said, "You don't have to thank me. All this I did was right, because of the information you brought me." After saying that, he angrily handed the letter brought by the unknown two people all the way to Qingjia.

Qingjia took over doubtfully. There were only four ancient seal characters on a yellow and white paper. Qingjia was also erudite, but she only recognized the first word, which was a 'nine' character, and the other three words flew fiercely, like a needle blade.

"Emperor, what is this? I only recognize the first word."

He stood up angrily, walked to the small window sill of the room, and pushed it away. Outside, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. It was really a resort: "What is written on it is 'Jiu Li's sad song.'"

Qingjia's face was puzzled and asked stupidly, "What do you mean?"

He was furious but just smiled and did not answer, but pulled the topic aside: "A month ago, my second brother, the ancient emperor sent an invitation, and his birthday arrived. We once had conflicts. I haven't paid attention to him for more than 20 years, but he suddenly sent me an invitation, which was a little unexpected. It even exclaimed my second brother's arrogant style, but I was angry and didn't go.

"But Bijing is my second brother. Even if I blame him, since his birthday invited me, I have to prepare a small gift for him. Therefore, ten days ago, my daughter went to Zhongyuanzhou on behalf, accompanied by two of my four emperors, Tiezhu and the hegemony. But not long after they left, there was a wire report from the north. During the day when I was disabled, they actually gathered troops in Xinyang. Although the Biluo army was scared by me, it was also a rare hero in Jiuzhou. I also sent Lamba. When the troops of Bofang City reached unprecedented weakness, I vaguely felt that it was a little inappropriate, but I wanted Bofang I am angry and personally guard the city. Unless the four emperors come together, who in the world can take it away? Speaking of this, the angry face was domineering, and the eyes that despised the world's heroes made a fiery mark on Qingjia's heart.

Angrily turned around: "It's just that I never thought that they would dare to challenge my majesty directly. After the emptiness of Bofang City, Bofang actually broke off its contact with the outside world. If there is anything outside, you still need to ask me for help. Now, tell me what's going on outside now?

Qingjia's body was shocked and gradually straightened out what he said in anger. It seemed that someone was plotting against the supreme of Jiuzhou. Who had such a big hand and cut off Bo Fang's contact with the outside world, and the people in black they met were just the tip of the iceberg of that power! What is the beginning of that 'Jiuli sad song'? With deep doubts, Qingjia began to tell angrily about what happened after she met Zhanyue's father was killed since she went down the mountain. She talked about the people in black who only killed the old man and left paper money, candles, incense, and the strong bow, but she didn't mention the matter of Li Chengshan and Shiji. It's not that she didn't mention it, but she was heartless and wanted to see him, but she forgot to mention the two of them for a moment.

Recomplenish my heart, haha, I'm not good at disparity, otherwise I don't have to use so much effort at all--" After listening to it angrily, I didn't say anything for a long time, just staring at the pool outside the window, as if I was stunned, and suddenly laughed for a long time.

"Hahaha, Jiuli, do you really think I'm old? You really don't pay attention to me, hum!"

He turned around angrily, full of anger, but restrained a little after seeing Qingjia. Qingjia looked at him gratefully. It was really rare to be afraid of her feelings like anger.

said angrily, "I know you must miss your unknown brother very much. It's really difficult for you to talk to me for so long, but don't worry, I spent four successfully to recultivate my heart for the unknown. He must be fine, but his body is still weak now."

Hearing that anger uses four layers of power to heal unknown wounds, Qingjia was shocked. What is the concept of the four layers of power of the 'imperial'? Although Qingjia's teacher did not say how high his cultivation is, he is definitely not as the 'imperial', but with his strength, he can stack her with several of her brothers. This ability is really--

Seeing Qingjia opening her big mouth, she laughed angrily and said, "Don't be surprised. It's just that his injury is too serious. I have to work hard for him

Qingjia breathed a sigh of relief and went out of the door with anger.

The imperial palace is indeed in line with the word 'ba'. The pavilions and pavilions are all magnificent and have extraordinary buildings. Only the place where Qingjia woke up is very different. Maybe because it is the residence of Princess Gu Ruo, there is a pink atmosphere inside and outside. Qingjia thought to himself that it seems that Princess Gu Ruo is really a beautiful woman, and the person who can live in such a bad situation must also be an extraordinary person.

The nameless was placed in one of his secret rooms, guarded by Rhoda himself.

When he saw Qingjia coming with the explosion, he quickly gave way and said respectfully, "The emperor is back, and the unknown son hasn't woken up yet."

Angrily answered gently and looked at Qingjia, but Qingjia was looking at the exquisite wooden door nervously and did not notice the angry eyes.

coughed angrily and said, "Well, Qingjia, if you want to see him, go there."

Qingjia turned around, smiled angrily and embarrassedly, and rushed into the house, and her goose-yellow figure flashed away. He looked at Roda angrily. The latter smiled and said, "This girl is also a lover."

He laughed angrily and followed in with his hands.

The room was well lit. As soon as Qingjia entered the door, she turned around and saw the nameless person lying in **. His body has already been replaced with clean clothes, and his face has been cleaned up, which is much better than his own treatment, but on second thought, Qingjia knew why.

Along the way, she didn't find a maid in the huge palace, even a woman. No wonder she was furious and didn't change her clothes without changing her clothes.

She gently walked to the nameless side. He fell asleep. He was so peaceful and no longer as stubborn as when he woke up. Looking at his even breathing and her chest fell together, her heart finally calmed down, and the big stone that had been hanging in her chest finally fell down.

"Unknown brother, how long have we been? I miss you so much." She gently pressed her face against the back of her nameless hand and muttered to herself.

The nameless body moved and woke up quietly. He looked at Qingjia with a confused face and asked in a low voice, "Where is this? Qingjia."

Although the voice was very small, it was enough for Qingjia to hear it. She raised her head and looked at the nameless with tears in her eyes: "Unknown brother, you are awake." The surprising tone stunned the nameless and laughed.

He always thought that he was dead. He didn't expect that he was still alive. He looked at his chest, wrapped in a thin white cloth, and there was a very cool feeling from the wound. He knew that someone must have applied it to him with the best medicinal herbs. In a blink of an eye, he looked at Qingjia and saw her worried face, her face was a little more haggard, and there was between her eyebrows. Unrethal sadness.

"Ha ha, little girl, don't worry, I'm fine. Where is this?" Suiqing Jiabu came in angrily and said, "This is the palace."

When he was nameless, he noticed that there were two people not far away. One was Roda, whom he had met. He nodded to him, and the other tall man was something he had never seen before, but the angry momentum could be guessed. The nameless was not stupid. Knowing that this was a hegemonic palace, the domineering man was like Of course, a born person is...: "Overlord!!!"

After shouting namelessly, I was about to get up and salute angrily. I laughed angrily and said, "Haha, don't be polite. I don't care about these when I'm furious. How, is it better? How can my purple jade bee ointment still be?

The nameless shock has not passed. At this time, like Qing Jiachu, he has some doubts about whether the rumors about this anger are false. Isn't it that his cold and arrogant are extremely difficult to speak? Why does he look like a heroic knight now?