Kowloon plate

Chapter 85 Lanchi

Dongzhu Yan was also surprised and secretly surprised.

This strange man's name is Lanqi, which is an alternative in the Temple of Death. Except for the temple, no one knows his gender, his age, his appearance, and he has been wearing a faceless mask for many years. No matter what he does, no one has seen him take it down. Not only that, this Lanqi's status in the temple is also similar. It can be said that he is the most privileged person besides the Lord.

All things in the temple can be taken care of as long as he wants. Everything in the temple can be moved back to his palace as long as he looks at it. All the people in the temple will be 'care' as long as he is not used to it.

It can be said that Lanqi is the most strange and magical character in the temple.

However, when the most magical object of this death temple returned from the Oriental Flame, he did not congratulate the successful return of the Oriental Flame, nor did he wish that the Lord of the Lord was about to get it. Instead, he pointed to a silly boy who had never met and trembled.

Dongfang Flame is still very afraid of this strange man. This is not afraid of his reputation, but this Lanqi is indeed a real ability. Most of the magic skills in the temple are also a little bit, but his most powerful is his poison.

"Lord Ritch, I brought this boy back from the outside. Humph, he ruined my big thing. I'm going to take him as a human!"

Faceless Lanqi's fingers kept shaking, and his voice said intermittently, "He, of, hurt, what, time, wait, out, now?"

Dongfang Yan strangely pointed to Chen Feng's face and said, "Are you asking him these wounds on his face?"

"No, that's wrong."

Dongfang Yan thought for a moment and answered truthfully, "This was dragged out on the ground yesterday, er..."

Speaking of this, Dongfang Yan also stopped and looked at the injury on Chen Feng's body and was speechless.

Several other people's faces couldn't see there, and the faceless Lanqi's fingers trembled even more.

The main reason why these big shots are so surprised is that Chen Feng's injury is too strange. Obviously, it was a new injury yesterday. Now it seems that he has recovered. Even the most serious shoulder injury has been sealed and scarred. If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he is still bleeding now.

Lanqi's body was stiff, but his speed was strangely fast. Chen Feng felt that he took a step, but he had narrowed a long distance. After less than three steps, Lanqi appeared beside Chen Feng ten meters away.

In the face of this faceless weirdo who suddenly appeared in front of him, Chen Feng was shocked and couldn't help taking a step back, but was caught by Lanqi.

"What are you doing?" After earning, Chen Feng found that this faceless strange hand was like an iron hoop, very tight and extremely cold, like a piece of cold iron, with cold tentacles.

Lanqi ignored Chen Feng's words. His index finger, ring finger and tail finger raised high, leaving only his middle finger and thumb tightly on his pulse. Because Lanqi's face was covered with a mask, Chen Feng could not see his mood swings clearly. He could only see from his increasingly trembling body. Now he is very excited.

"Lord Lanqi, what's wrong with him?"

When Dongfang Yan saw Lan Qi holding Chen Feng's pulse for a long time and didn't speak, he couldn't help asking strangely.

Lanqi suddenly turned around and said, "This man, I want it." When he said this, he didn't pause so many times.

After saying that, he didn't wait for Dongfang Yan to agree to return and lift Chen Feng's shoulder blade. He was like a roc, rising up and jumping more than ten feet away. The speed was like an enlarged version of a flea.

Dongfang Flame was shocked, and then became furious. His body burst into a strong aura and quickly rear-ended like a meteor. He slapped it from afar and wanted to force Lanqi to stop.

"Lord Lanqi, this man has ruined my reputation. How can I bear to take him away like this?"

Ranchi did not look back and raised his left hand. His right palm suddenly slapped back. A strange black energy swept out of his palm and went straight to the Oriental Flame. Looking at the black energy that came to his face, Dongfang Yan changed his face and protected his body. His body turned down quickly and did not dare to take it.

"This person, yes, mine, it's not negotiable!"

Lanqi's arrogance finally made Dongfang Yan angry, recited the spell in his mouth, and then said, "It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous to bully me too much. Drink, god, now!"

The horrible iron-clad warrior Chen Feng had seen suddenly appeared in front of him and Lanqi, standing empty, and the iron spear swept out, straight to Lanqi's face.

Lanqi was fearless, and his body stopped. He still hit him like a wind, which scared Chen Feng to death. On this collision, he just hit the muzzle of someone else's gun and died!

Just when Chen Feng thought he would be stabbed, Lanqi's body twisted strangely. The iron spear of the golden armored warrior actually pierced his ribs, but it did not hurt his body at all.

It can be said that Lanqi is betting on his body. This kind of body is too strange. If he is a little careless, he will set himself on fire.

Lanchi's body did not stop. After passing the deadly attack, he bullied himself and slapped the armored warrior's armored chest.


A crisp sound, silence around, followed. A huge explosion came from the body of the golden armored warrior. Then, in everyone's frightened eyes, a huge flame burst out on the huge golden armored warrior. Then, his huge body flew out and smashed fiercely on an ancient tree, and the branches and leaves withered.

The loud noise close at hand almost stunned Chen Feng, but it was also because of his proximity that he clearly saw what had just happened. Lanqi only raised his hand gently, and a dazzling red light broke out on his palm. Then it seemed to detonate a grenade, and the armored warrior flew out.

This powerful attack method captured Chen Feng's heart in an instant.

Lanqi defeated the powerful armored warrior, and then stopped and took Chen Feng away calmly.

Dongfang Yan had a black face and was ready to take Chen Feng back, but Alba stopped him.

"Lao Yan, don't be impulsive. Even if Lanqi catches him, he can't run away from the temple. In this case, even if you can't catch him today, what about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? There is always a chance. You can't offend Lanqi now.

The Oriental Flame Man is as old as a fox. How can he not know the current situation?

Now all the affairs of the temple are under the management of Mrs. Peiyu and Chen Erba. Although the two are usually kind, they have never been interrupted. Peiyu has the support of three elders, but Alba has always been supported by only two elders. This time, he returned with himself. Finally, there are three elders. In this way, they are also on par with Peiyu and will not fall behind.

And if you fight with Lanqi because of Chen Feng, no matter who is injured, it will not be good for Alba.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Yan couldn't help but regret it. Chen Feng, a kid, made him lose his reputation. If he was not eclipsed, it would be really difficult to dispel his hatred.

But it is indeed not the time to raise the enemy everywhere. Outside, he is already notorious. Now what he wants to do is to be silent, otherwise it will provoke great anger, which is also a terrible consequence. He also believes that soon, everything he has done to Fuyunzong will be conveyed to every through the mouth of Elder Xuanyuan and others. In the ears of the people of the temple.

Not to mention the idea of Dongfang Flame, Chen Feng was carried by the shoulder blades by Lanqi, a faceless strange man, and stepped on the leaves from the top of the ancient tree. This feeling was really painful and happy. What was painful was that Lanqi had been pinching his shoulder, and the bones seemed to be broken. The pain was extremely painful.

If he hadn't been carried by someone with his shoulder blades, Chen Feng would definitely feel that the trip was very pleasant and enjoyable. Lanqi didn't know what body method to use. He could gently touch the leaves between his feet and fly far away, as light as a wild goose.

After a while, Lanqi jumped down from the gap between the trees without saying a word and stood firmly. Chen Feng in his hand was gently placed on the ground by him.

Chen Feng looked at him very gratefully and said, "Thank you very much."

Looking around, Chen Feng found that the building in front of him was composed of three low huts. In front of the hut, there was a group of flowerbeds, about a dozen small squares of land worth all kinds of flowers and plants. In addition, this place is simply irreparable to the Dongqi Hall of Oriental Flame.

Lanchi raised his steps and walked towards the small hut in the middle and said, "Come in."

Chen Feng didn't think much about it and followed him. Since this strange man saved him today, he would definitely not harm himself, or he must have any effect on him.

As Lanqi walked into the cottage, a smell of medicine came to his nose. This is a hut of about 40 to 50 square meters. The room is full of all kinds of dried herbs, many of which Chen Feng has never seen.

But in the corner of the room, there is an empty table full of all kinds of bits and pieces of gadgets, such as scissors, hoes, dustpans, knives, etc. Lanqi first randomly selected several of those various herbs. For each of them, he would dry them into his mouth and chew them carefully.

After selecting seven herbs into his mouth and chewing, Lanqi went to the table full of small parts, picked up a knife mixed with mud, and then waved to Chen Feng and motioned him to go over.

Chen Feng's heart thumped and had a bad feeling, but now he had no other way to go. After twisting for a moment, Chen Feng still walked to Lanqi.

The corners of Lanqi's mouth gently raised, dragged Chen Feng over, and then stabbed him in the arm.

"What are you doing?" Chen Feng was shocked and angry and wanted to drag his hand back, but how could his strength be compared with Lanqi? Lanqi's hand was like iron tongs, holding him tightly. Then Chen Feng felt a pain in the bend of his hand and a blood came out.


The sudden pain made Chen Feng involuntarily shout, but Lanqi ignored him, threw the knife, then put his hand into his mouth, and pulled out a piece of black herbs, pasting it on Chen Feng's wound like a wall. Suddenly, a warmth rose, and the pain on Chen Feng's hand was relieved.

Chen Feng no longer struggled and stared at Lanqi's movements. His hand was slightly itchy like an ant bite, which almost made him laugh. Through Lanqi's drooping hair, Chen Feng could see that his face was very focused - if he could see his eyes.

After about five minutes, Lanqi removed the herbs from Chen Feng's hand, and then 'looked' at his wound and wondered.

"Tut, boy, what is your body made of? The recovery is so good.

Chen Feng looked down at his wound cut by a knife and was stunned.

The wound that has just been cut has recovered. Although there are still scars, it can be clearly seen that the skin and skin are closely connected, and there is no new wound at all.

"This..." Chen Feng couldn't speak. He never realized that his body would be like this. In the past, he was injured and cut his finger by a kitchen knife. At least half a month later, he dared to touch cold water. At that time, he had never seen such a good recovery.

"Is it because of the change caused by the body?" Chen Feng muttered to himself, a little nervous.

When Lanqi saw that he was stunned, he pushed him and said, "What are you stunned about? Tell me, when did you find that your body has an unusual magnificent power?"

Chen Feng was surprised again, and this time he was even more speechless, because he found that Lanqi's words were not knotted, and his voice also changed from a rough middle-aged voice to an elegant and sharp girl's voice - Lanqi, who turned out to be a woman!

Chen Feng can be sure of this. From Lanqi's voice, he can be sure that Lanqi is indeed a woman and not very old.

Chen Feng swallowed his saliva and said in surprise, "You, you, are you a woman?"

Lanqi was stunned and laughed a few times. Then he put his finger behind his ear, grabbed a line of skin and skin, and gently tore it.


Chen Feng exclaimed again, because Lanqi was indeed a woman as he judged. She just wore a leather mask, but Chen Feng expected that Lan Qi was a beautiful woman, a beautiful woman who was enough to be stunning, or a beautiful woman.

Whether it is her exquisite face, clean skin, or flexible eyes, it is enough to enchant any man's heart. Otherwise, Chen Feng was convinced by her beauty at this moment.

"Is it good-looking?"

Lanqi's voice also seemed to have become light. Hearing this, Chen Feng's heart moved and he couldn't help nodding.

Lanqi suddenly said coldly, "The man who died under this skin has exceeded ten digits. I don't mind you being the eleventh!"

Chen Feng shuddered and forced her eyes to look elsewhere. The people here are all very strange. Chen Feng doesn't want to lose her head inexplicably, but she is really beautiful...

Ranchi snorted coldly, threw his skin aside, and said to himself, "It's really not easy to live in this ghost place. I not only guard against those old ghosts, but also wear this ghost mask every day. Hey, my youth!"

Chen Feng listened quietly and dared not speak, but she was very strange in her heart. Listening to her tone, it was obvious that she was forced to stay here, but with her strength comparable to the Oriental Flame, can anyone stop her?

Pressing the doubts in his heart, Chen Feng stood there quietly, motionless.

Lanqi complained a few more words, and then dragged Chen Feng over to observe his wound. After a while, Chen Feng's wound actually became scarred. With a gentle touch, the black scar actually fell off, leaving only a thin white mark, and Chen Feng could no longer feel any pain or Itchy.

"Well, that's really good, boy, how old are you this year? Where are you from? What did you do before? Have you ever taken any panacea? Lanqi asked several questions in one breath, which made Chen Feng stupid and didn't know which question to answer first.

After carefully sorting out his thoughts, Chen Feng said, "I was originally a disciple of Fuyun Sect, because the suzerain Dongfang Yan got the Holy Dragon Spirit, and then..."

Chen Feng talked about what happened after he came to the alien world, but because of the resentment in his heart, his words were full of descriptions of the deeds that were not as good as the Oriental Flame Pig Dog. Compared with himself, he introduced less, but Lan Qi just listened quietly and did not interrupt.

In a short time, Chen Feng finished talking about it. Of course, he also concealed something, such as he came through time, and for example, his mysterious necklace, which are his secrets. He will not easily tell others.

Lanqi listened carefully, but the more she listened, the deeper her eyebrows frowned. Until Chen Feng finished speaking, her eyebrows did not stretch.

"You mean, you haven't taken any panacea or done anything to accumulate virtue? Did you find that you have a high-speed and magnificent physique on your way to the temple? Are you sure you didn't lie to me? Is there anything to hide?"

"No, no, how dare I lie to you." Chen Feng felt a little guilty, because he suddenly thought that his body change must be related to the necklace, but about the necklace, Chen Feng would never reveal half a word, because this was his last magic weapon to save his life.

Lanqi stared at him deeply, and a pair of big eyes seemed to pierce people's hearts, making Chen Feng's heart jump.

After a long time, Lanqi took a breath and said, "Well, I believe you for the time being. Since then, you have been my Orchid House. In the future, you can walk across the Temple of Death."

"Walk horizontally?" Chen Feng was stunned, because he thought of the picture of being killed and then carried away horizontally.

How could Lanqi not have expected what he was thinking? He said for sure, "Yes, in the future, in the temple, except for the elders, the lord and the lord's wife, you can be a bird. Even if it is that oriental flame, you can despise him to his face and report the name of Lancaoju if something happens. Son."

This time, Chen Feng finally understood it. He was very excited and shouted wildly, "Dare to be with me, I was accompanied by a female boss."