Kowloon plate

Chapter 114 The Battle of troubled times

With this shout, the noisy crowd, such as the bursting Yellow River, successively shouted out various slogans to support Chen Feng and condemn Sun Fu's...

Sun Fu did not defend anything, but strode over to Chen Feng. The person who looked at it with a cold smile was chilled: "Little brother, you are very smart."

"Each other, each other!"

"Tomorrow morning, the game hall. I'll wait for you!"

In the canteen, the rising calls did not weaken slightly with the departure of Sun Fu and others. It continues to rise.

After struggling to squeeze out the crowd, Chen Feng went straight back to her room. It was not easy to calm down, so he carefully recalled every detail when Sun Fu summoned the spirit body in the Warcraft Forest.

It takes a long time from guiding spiritual power to the emergence of spiritual bodies. Not only Sun Fu, but also Chen Feng is the same, and how can Chen Feng not know his own defects? Although this is also one of Sun Fu's biggest flaws, many personal practices have proved that negatives and negatives are not necessarily right. Of course, Chen Feng will not ignore his flaws because the other party has such a defect.

In the case of comparable spiritual power, combat skills have become the key to victory, and Sun Fu's combat experience is obviously much richer than Chen Feng's. So the only hope of winning is to start with your biggest flaw.

However, don't there be corresponding steps for the spiritual power to guide the summoning spirit? How to shorten the time to summon the spirit body?

Chen Feng paced back and forth in the room, and her mind was running fast. Carefully filter the whole process of summoning the spirit body in the mind, from guiding the spiritual power to the spiritual power after the fists, and then combining it with every part of the true shape with the hand formula. Until the combination is completed, the spiritual power is finally guided to complete the overall combination of the spiritual body.

Chen Feng's eyebrows suddenly frowned, as if he thought of something, but the flash of thought was fleeting and did not give Chen Feng too much time.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Zifeng finally caught the imperceptible flash again. Yes, to guide the spiritual power to the fists, in addition to releasing the spiritual power through both hands, the most important thing is to concentrate the spiritual power in the body at one point so that the strongest power can burst out. The movement of the mind can affect the spiritual power, so the cooperation between the formula and the true form slows down the root of the summoning speed of the spirit body.

According to the method recorded in the secret book, each part of the spirit body must be combined step by step before the final and complete combination can be carried out. Each true shape needs to be combined with relevant tips, which not only slows down the time to summon the spirit body. It also gave the other party a good opportunity.

If you summon the spirit body step by step, although it is not very long, you will meet the opponent who has been summoned, unless the strength is much higher than the opponent. It can run spiritual power to form a strong protective cover to resist the opponent's spiritual attack. Otherwise, there is no chance of fighting back.

Then, to speed up the summoning of the spirit, we must start with the formula and the true form. New questions have emerged again. How to shorten the time required for the formula and the true form? Although Sun Fu's understanding is not very good, he must be more familiar with the call of the spirit than Chen Feng. It is obviously not advisable to rely on proficiency.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's frown suddenly opened, and excitement appeared on his face. I can't wait to try to guide the spiritual power to both fists. This process takes about three seconds, and in these three seconds, Chen Feng needs to complete a very difficult task.

not to mention memorizing it backwards, but after a day of secrets, Chen Feng also remembered 80% or 90%. The spiritual power wrapped around the fists is getting stronger and stronger, and at this time, Chen Feng has formed a real overall image in his mind.

"Yin and Yang Viper!" With Chen Feng's explosion, the spiritual power of his fists suddenly dissipated. The golden viper suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

The whole summoning process only takes time to concentrate spiritual power when summoning yin and yang vipers in the martial arts arena. It greatly improves the summoning speed of the spirit body.

Just as Chen Feng was excited about this achievement, the yin and yang viper in front of him suddenly dissipated. There was no trace, and then Chen Feng felt weak all over. It seems that every trace of strength in the body has been drained.

Chen Feng lay on ** and had no strength to move at all. However, there are various reasons that may lead to this phenomenon in my mind: "What's going on?"

Although she couldn't find the reason, Chen Feng was very skilled in running the spiritual power in her body, trying to repair the body with spiritual power. Unexpectedly, as soon as the spiritual power was touched, Chen Feng almost couldn't even support his eyelids. I almost fainted. And every muscle and every inch of bone in the whole body is accompanied by severe pain.

This phenomenon surprised Chen Feng and quickly gave up the idea of running spiritual power. Sure enough, after Chen Feng gave up the control of spiritual power, the situation eased slightly.

Chen Feng then understood the reason for the sudden dissipation of the yin and yang viper, and there was a trace of helplessness at the corners of his mouth. I only blame myself for not being considerable and only looking for speed, but ignoring whether spiritual power can support such an operation.

Chen Feng, who was paralyzed, lay down for a long time and didn't get any better. He couldn't help but worry: "What is this going to last?"

Chen Feng tried hard to make his limbs carry out simple activities, but no matter how many orders were given by the brain, his tired body did not respond.

"Go crazy!?" Chen Feng subconsciously thought of this very bad situation.

Chen Feng tried all the methods he could think of, but none of them could recover. A coolness spread from the spine to all parts of the body.

Calm down, Chen Feng calmed down and thought carefully about how to get rid of the current predicament. Since reasoning can make you realize how to shorten the time of spiritual summoning, it is impossible without a way to recover.

Under the pressure of the goose bumps all over his body, Chen Feng made a helpless and bold decision. Since it is an excessive consumption of spiritual power, only by restoring spiritual power can the body recover.

If you want spiritual power to absorb the spiritual power of the outside world to meet your needs, you must run the spiritual power again and carry out a complex process. You need Chen Feng's heart to unite, guide the spiritual power to operate and attract the spiritual power of the outside world. So as to achieve the purpose of absorption.

But I remember the moment when I touched the spiritual power just now, which almost made me faint. Chen Feng couldn't help but be shocked. If he really fainted in the severe pain, Chen Feng doubted whether he could wake up again. But he knows better that this is the only way to stand up again.

The seemingly simple process is extremely complicated. This is the first step, just like what Chen Feng encountered in the martial arts arena in the afternoon, and she couldn't calm down.

Chen Feng knew that the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't calm down. Even Chen Feng himself couldn't remember how many failures he had experienced in this step, but he was never discouraged. Looking at the stars outside the window, the bright moon is in the sky. Chen Feng couldn't help but remember his experience of coming to this strange world.

Although all this is so true. Chen Feng couldn't help feeling in a dream. But he would not expect the dream to wake up as soon as possible. Even at this uncertain moment of life and death, he never thought of leaving this strange world, this strange dream.

Before he came to this world, he suffered too much, saw through too many cold eyes in the world, and had wasted his youth in the time that did not bring him anything. It made him realize the truth of life.

The greatest sadness in life is not that you can't get or lose it, but that you don't know what you want!

Chen Feng had to admit that his life was so bad. A young man with ideals and dared to act was squeezed out of the door of "relationship". The difficulties of life smoothed the exposed sharpness, but made him learn to be restrained. The reality of society erased the lofty ambition to break through the sky, but made him understand that he was smooth and not deceived.

And here, in this strange world, there are still those hypocritical masks and those so-called reputation. But the powerful and mysterious profession of the spiritual master made Chen Feng see hope. Realize your ideals and realize your ambitions. This strange world has rekindled the heat that has been extinguished by many difficulties, and ignited the ambition that has been hidden after all kinds of grinding.

Royal Spirit Master - In Chen Feng's view, it is more than just a simple profession. It is Chen Feng's hope of rebirth, stepping on those who look down on him.

The short excitement did not make Chen Feng faint, but hid the long-hidden ambition again and put the reshaped ideal into action.

Chen Feng clenched the closed and carried out the complicated steps. As soon as he touched the spiritual power, the strange pain was emitted from all over Chen Feng's body and merged with his brain.

In a moment, Chen Feng's whole body was soaked with sweat. Severely undulating chest, rapid breathing. It can be clearly seen how difficult this simple process is for Chen Feng to come.

Chen Feng's efforts did not give him hope to overcome the difficulties in front of him. The severe pain still invaded his body and consciousness.

The first step in the cultivation of spiritual power is peace of mind, but as an adult, how can you achieve true peace of mind? Do you meditate and recite scriptures like a monk?

Although it is also recorded in the secret book, it is not clear how to visualization. At this moment, Chen Fengmo said that he could not even stabilize his mind by absorbing the spiritual power of the outside world.

And only when thinking and spiritual power reach the same limit can we detect the spiritual power of the outside world. Only after detecting the external spiritual power can the spiritual power be run to absorb it.

But this seemingly simple process and the difficulty of operation are vividly reflected in Chen Feng. You can't even detect the spiritual power of the outside world, let alone the huge project of absorbing the spiritual power of the outside world?

After the severe pain dissipated, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes, but his brain was running fast. How should we visualt it? What to visualate?

When he slowly opened his eyes, he accidentally found the thumb-sized iron block in front of him. If it hadn't been for the disaster at this moment, I'm afraid Chen Feng would have forgotten the necklace he picked up in the Warcraft Forest.

The whole black necklace, the pendant is an iron piece of the same color as the necklace. It doesn't look eye-catching. Even if it is placed in a high-end jewelry store, I'm afraid no one will pay attention to that kind of it.

Chen Feng's mouth raised a trace of playful self-deprecation. This necklace is quite similar to himself. No matter how powerful the sect is, it is just one of them. I don't know which unlucky man ran into the forest of Warcraft and made the beast's belly food.

Chen Feng blinked vigorously, and when he fixed his eyes on the pendant of the necklace, a strange pattern appeared on the inconspicuous iron sheet. Adjust your eyes to various angles to see the strange pattern as much as possible. But I can't recognize what is engraved on it.

Is this text or pattern? Chen Feng asked himself this from the bottom of his heart, but no one could give him an answer. I quickly searched for the knowledge I knew, but I couldn't find an impression similar to the strange pattern in front of me.

The strange pattern actually implied a domineering spirit. Chen Feng tried his best to distinguish hieroglyphically and constantly guessed the strange pattern in front of her, tiger!? Not like that. Lion!? It doesn't look like it.

Spout Pterodactyl!? When Chen Feng thought of this image, a light suddenly flashed in his mind. Chen Feng couldn't help but be shocked. The dark pupil instantly enlarged several times.

Chen Feng carefully recalled the image of spitting the pterosaur. Combined with the shape of the pattern in front of us, there are indeed some similarities, but there are still huge differences. A well-proportioned figure should not support the whole body with strong hindlimbs like spitting pterodactyls to achieve an upright effect.

And every stroke in the pattern is very well-proportioned, almost complete. This is obviously different from the thin and thick claws of the pterodactyl.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's mind can't help but be a little scattered, and he can't find a matching answer in his mind. What can the pattern in front of you be if it is not hieroglyphics? Is it...

"Totem!?" Chen Feng opened his eyes and stared at the strange pattern in front of him. If the strange pattern in front of him is not a totem, I'm afraid Chen Feng can never think of a better answer.

The light flashed in his mind again. Although Chen Feng still failed to grasp the light that might be the answer, he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the answer.

Totem culture is so complicated that it takes a lot of time to find out the true idea of the strange pattern in front of him, but Chen Feng caught the fleeting spiritual light at this moment.

After Chen Feng decomposed the strange pattern, the confusion became clear. Camel head, snake neck, deer antlers, turtle eyes, fish scales, tiger paws, eagle claws, cow ears. How can Chen Feng, a descendant of China, not know such a sacred creature?


When Chen Feng defined the strange pattern in front of him as a dragon in the totem culture, he was surprised to find that the spiritual power in his body grew extremely rapidly. What's more strange is that the spiritual power is constantly fading the redundant parts and revealing the familiar pattern. Camel head, snake neck, deer antlers, turtle eyes, fish scales, tiger paws, eagle claws, cow ears......

Only then did Chen Feng understand the true meaning of visual observation, thanks to the extremely ordinary necklace, which inadvertently led Chen Feng across the threshold of spiritual cultivation - observation.

In fact, the so-called visualization is to use thinking to guide spiritual power to transform life and death, and switch between static and movement. That is to say, if the practitioner visualizes a tiger, then the spiritual power of the practitioner will correspondingly turn into a tiger shape, from static to dynamic. Only when the spiritual power completes this step of transformation can it absorb the spiritual power of the outside world.

At this moment, Chen Feng, who had been soaked through his whole body, really understood what Dongfangyi said. The cultivation of the royal spiritual master requires not only strong spiritual power, but also extremely high understanding. In fact, Dongfang Yi said that according to the special requirements of practicing the spiritual master, he must have a high understanding to have strong spiritual power.

This discovery couldn't help but make Chen Feng ecstatic. The newly calmed mind was excited again. Fortunately, Chen Feng understood how to meet the requirements needed for viewing ideas.

The so-called mind without distractions does not require practitioners to think about anything, but to focus on one thing so as not to be distracted, so as to meet the requirements of thinking without distractions.

When he found a way, Chen Feng's mood was much calmer. He looked at the dark necklace in front of him and tried to enter the wonderful state again.

Fortunately, the facts once again ignited Chen Feng with new hope. This time, Chen Feng did not visualate the iron dragon, but changed another image. Although the spiritual power has also recovered a little, and the speed is not ideal. It has been changed several times in a row. Although the spiritual power is slowly recovering, it has never recovered quickly.

But breaking through this layer at least proves that Chen Feng's guess is correct. How can the stinging tiger and spitting the wingless dragon be as strong as the Chinese real dragon?

With the severe pain, Chen Feng almost fainted several times. Thanks to Xiaoqiang's will to survive, he has persisted until now.

In this process, Chen Feng obviously felt the severe pain from the muscles and bones everywhere in the body, which is gradually decreasing with the growth of spiritual power. With the growth of spiritual power, the speed of recovery is getting faster and faster.

After the spiritual power stopped working, Chen Feng suddenly felt that his whole body was full of strength, and every inch of his body muscles had an unprecedented feeling of compactness. Very powerful.

Just when Chen Feng thought this moment of victory was coming, a more strange scene appeared on his fists. The spiritual power that should have been purple fog couldn't help but make Chen Feng feel much stronger, and even the color changed accordingly.

All this came so suddenly. First, it was for Sun Fu's challenge, and I thought of the time to speed up the summoning of the spirit body, but instead I was in trouble. Then I realized the true meaning of the idea through the strange pattern. And this moment is probably the most surprising to Chen Feng.

Royal spirit!

It won't be wrong. Chen Feng clearly remembers which stages the cultivation of the royal spiritual master mentioned by Dongfangyi needs to go through, and how the spiritual power emitted by each stage is different. In addition to the stronger spiritual body, the most obvious is the color released by the spiritual power.