Kowloon plate

Chapter 134 Unintentional Responsibility

When Alice caught up with Kaite, this guy was sharing the last piece of bread in the bag with the little one. The little one had obviously never eaten bread and was quite interested in it. Sometimes she poked two holes with her fingers, and sometimes raised her head to look at the sun in the sky through the bread hole, which was extremely curious.

"What about you, the silver-eyed leopard?" Alys, who jumped off the iron-headed armored horse beast, looked left and right and couldn't find the fierce silver-eyed leopard. The little boy timidly approached the iron-headed armored horse beast. In front of the iron-headed armored horse beast several meters high, it was a real little bit, and the iron-headed armored horse beast did not look at it with its right.

However, Aly, who had known this little thing was full of tricks, did not dare to neglect it. She pinched the royal beast and put away the arrogant iron-headed armored horse beast. The little man who lost her goal scratched her head, and turned back to Kaite to continue to study its bread slices. The little appearance looked harmless to humans and animals, but Alice felt that It looks like a hedgehog full of sharp cones.

If she knew that this little one had just plunged an old cucumber thick big bone stick into the buttocks of the silver-eyed leopard, she would definitely think it was a hedgehog with inverted spines.

Kaite did not hide anything from her, except that he told her about the silver-eyed leopard**. The latter was surprised after listening to it, not only felt that although the small body was small, it seemed to be really powerful.

Kaite is a typical figure who shines as soon as he gives a little sunshine. As soon as he hears a few words of praise, he immediately became very proud. At that moment, he took out the iron beast card to receive it.

It's also strange. The little one didn't mean to let it at all. The iron-piece beast card emitted a black light on its body, but it soon took it back, and the little one was still studying its bread slices.

"Oh, what's going on?" Kai looked at the iron beast card in surprise and found no problem. According to the dark light of the beast card, the little one should be included in the secondary space of the beast card, but this failed.

Usually, there are only two possibilities for failure. One is that the card beast is unwilling to be subdue. The other is that the level of the beast card is not equal to the card beast, and the little one has no resistance. The first one may be ruled out, so it can only be the second possibility. The little one is not equal to the iron beast card in his hand.

This is very happy, because according to this inference, the small level may only be higher than the iron card beast. In addition to excitement, the special borrowed her silver beast card from Oris, first released the iron-headed armored horse beast, and then a silver light to the little one.

The result was unexpected again, and the silver beast card could not accommodate any of them.

Kai's heart was horizontal, took out the strange transparent beast card hanging on his chest, and meditated on the royal beast's decision. A shining light shined on the little body. This time, the little one reacted, but he just looked up in the golden light and did not do much. From the light, Oolong jumped out carefully. After a few laps around the little one, he looked forward to pretending to be a master and be lonely.

The little one leaned over carefully, learned to slap the horse in the face of the cloud-piercing beast, and then crawled on the ground and begged for mercy. The two people sighed for mercy, especially Alice, who had been asking herself in a muffled voice. This is Is it the card beast that the family desperately protects?

This time, the little one was put into the golden beast card, and then the oolong horse withdrew back to the beast card without saying a word. Seeing that it looked like it was going to be stuck together with the little one.

There is nothing he can do about this, but he is relieved to think of the power of the little one.

At that moment, he packed up and saluted and walked out of this place where he had been staying for nearly ten days. When he walked out of the first-level card beast area, he secretly swore that he would not humiliate the teacher this time. Those who had laughed at him will laugh back one by one.

Yaz College has been up since the day when Kaite and Alice returned to school. The guy who has been regarded as a waste not only inexplicably shocked Raul's iron-tooth pig on the first day of his return, but also obtained the qualification to enter the card beast area to select card beasts, which means that this guy's body will no longer be A beginner at the bottom level, but become an iron student in the third grade.

However, what people care most about is not his strength, but the beauty who has never met around him. According to several people who have been lucky to see her, that beauty is no less than the three school beauties, and even more powerful than Philina, who claims to be the most beautiful woman in the college. .

There is no evidence. Everyone wants to see it with their own eyes, but the news from the school director is that the new classmate named Oris has gone to the card beast area with the waste money armor to choose his card beast.

At present, bursts of flowers were inserted into cow dung, and the curses of the dead boy's bad luck spread all over the school. In addition, Raul and other rich families threatened to make his children look good. It is said that he bought ten rotten eggs with gold coins. Koala, the first master in the third grade, laughed and joked that Raul planned to drown Armor.

Of course, Kaite, who knew nothing about this, would not sigh. As soon as he left the beast area, he was ordered by Carlot to go directly to the school director's office to find him.

The school director's office is undoubtedly sacred to the low-identified armor. Every time he passes by here, he can't help putting his hands together to express his respect, so it is quite a dazzling thing for him to appear inside the school director's office.

Carlot was as gentle as ever and said with a smile, "You two seem to have found a satisfactory card beast this time. Take it out and let me have a look."

Without saying a word, Alice released a flying lizard in the iron card beast, which is a second-level iron card beast known for its rapid attack, and this guy will glide through the wind. If it is bitten by its big mouth, it is like being bitten by a Yangzi crocodile.

That's why she chose such a relatively ferocious card beast. Oris just wanted to make up for the timidity of the iron-headed horse beast.

Carlot was quite satisfied with Alys's card beast and specially approved a third-grade student ID card for her.

When it was Kaite's turn, he was a little nervous, and then released the little one from the golden beast card.

Carlot frowned and said, "Is this a gold card beast?"

Kaite was embarrassed and said, "Teacher, the students are shallow and don't recognize the kind of this guy, but the iron card and the silver card can't be accepted, so I used this gold card to accept it..."

"It is a very dangerous move to put two card beasts with unknown strength into a card, especially if you are not clear about the temperament of the card beast. One mountain does not allow two tigers, and one card does not leave two beasts. Remember this lesson." Carlot preached seriously while carefully looking at the little one.

All of a sudden, he came to such a strange place from the bushes. The little boy was obviously a little uncomfortable. As soon as he landed, he carefully ran to the heel of Kaite and hid it. He woke up his 'petty' figure, which is definitely a typical representative of the harmlessness of humans and animals.

The school director's office was originally a gathering place for teachers, and many teachers who had nothing to do were born to watch the fun. This time, I heard that Carlot's waste apprentice found a card beast and ran to see the fun one after another. It happened to see the little cowardly teachers suddenly laugh.

Carlot stared at the little one with an unchanged face, but these laughter in Kaite's ears were like a mean knife, which made him feel ashamed and aroused his few courage.

"Old teacher, don't underestimate it. Although it is very small, it is very powerful. I have seen it defeat a one-eyed ice wolf beast and a silver-eyed leopard who doesn't know the level. It's amazing." Kaite worked hard to maintain the image of the little one who was not very great, just like a parent who extremely defended his children. The little one hid at his feet and looked at him curiously.

"Hey, boy, the one-eyed ice wolf is an iron-level card beast, and the silver-eyed leopard is even a silver card beast. This little thing that you don't know where to make can't even stand still and defeat them?" A middle-aged male teacher with glasses laughed loudly, with disdain and doubt on his face.

Kaite recognized him. His name is Clough. He is one of the few teachers who worked against Carlot at Yaz College. Kaite didn't know what was between him and the teacher, but when he saw the card beast that ignored his recognition, his efforts burned for no reason.

"Mr. Clough, you can test it with a card beast, and please don't be sarcastic." If it had been before, Kaite would definitely not have talked to a teacher like this, but today, I don't know what's wrong. When he saw him underestimated the little, he couldn't help but be angry.

"Well, good boy, I'm worthy of being a disciple of Carlot. I dare to challenge the teacher directly. I'm not suitable for you. I'll fight independently with a first-class iron card beast. I will never intervene, okay?"

"Come as soon as you come, whoever is afraid of." Kaite, who kept his head hot, did not hesitate and agreed.

Carlot opened his mouth and didn't say anything in the end.

Under the deliberate arrangement of some people, the news quickly spread to various parts of the college. In less than half an hour, nearly 1,000 students gathered outside the fourth arena of the college, and the number is increasing by geometric multiples.

This is a big point. People who have always been regarded as waste actually threatened to challenge the teacher. Although the challenge beast is just a low-level iron card beast, its representative significance is far-reaching and huge.

For a while, Kaite's name was pushed to the forefront of the storm again. In addition to the title of waste, the students also gave him the title of 'arrogant'.

Under the rendering of the intentions, the prelude of the battle was pulled very loudly. Kaite was put on a high hat, such as contempt for the teacher, ignoring the system, and threatening that Yaz was invincible and other negative auras were all shrouded in Kaite. Kaite did not expect himself at all. His momentary impulse actually caused such a big response, and there was a trace of regret in his heart, but now that he has become a power, he can't be a coward, which will only disgrace the teacher even more.

The competitive platform of Yaz College was originally built for some practical trainers who want to improve, and this kind of competition will naturally be put here.

When Kaite came to the No. 4 arena, he was almost overturned by the sound waves. After secretly scolding Clough dog-sissy, Kaite dragged his trembling feet into the arena and then released the little one.

"Wow, what kind of card beast is that? Baby?"

"What? Why is it so small? Does such a small card beast still want to challenge the teacher?

"Hahaha, waste is really waste, and the things taken out can't be used any more."

The sound of falling stones in the stands gave great pressure to the armor. His nose was sore. He almost gave birth to the impulse to put away the little people, but after seeing the man in the scene, he calmed down. Of course, it was nothing to leave. At most, he was just poked in the bridge of his nose and scolded a few more words. But that man is different. In his almost legendary life, he has never missed anything. The only sick thing is the last apprentice. Jane is really a waste of waste.

Armor can be pointed to the nose and scolded, and can be thrown all over with rotten eggs, but he can't let people say that Carlot's is not right. He can't let him continue to lose face.

If you want to fight, I will fight!

Kaite, who suddenly raised his emotions, widened his eyes and put all his hopes on the inconspicuous little one, but what gave him a headache was that the little one didn't know where to look after he went on the court. Finally, he found a pillar and hid behind without hesitation.

"Hahahaha, rubbish, coward..." There was another sharp curse under the stage.

" As a student, I hope you will be self-respected!" Carlot's voice sounded lightly, but it could ensure that everyone could hear it. Almost in an instant, the mountain-like curse went out, and no one would offend this one of the best masters in Yaz College.

Claf sent a first-level knife-horned beetle, which is not much larger in physique, but its pair of iron-like corners can break people's hands.

Not to others' surprise, the hard-horned beetle rushed to the little one hidden behind the pillar. The little one was a child chased by monsters, roaring and jumping up and down in a lot of languages that others did not understand, causing the audience to laugh, among which the meaning of disdain and contempt was quite strong.

Kaite was not discouraged. He knew that this was a common trick. As long as it caught the opportunity, it would give it a fatal blow, so he waited patiently.

But with the passage of time, the knife-horn beetle chasing became more and more fierce, and the little one was exhausted. Finally, he was caught by the knife-horned beetle, and it was only screaming.

"Fight back, fight back quickly." Kai was so anxious that he was about to shed tears. In an emergency, he wanted to use the royal beast to control the small actions, but because the tacit understanding between them was not enough and he was too nervous, he failed once.

The knife-horned beetle picked up the small dots high, and still trembled heavily. The little one screamed with its movements, and the audience outside the venue watched it. In their opinion, this time it was even more solid in the name of armored waste.

There is no variation as Kaite imagined. The little guy who was picked up looked at Kaite pitifully like a child, just like a poor child who was bullied by outsiders but his parents did not rescue him. Tears fell straight down.

" Stop." Kaite couldn't stand it any longer. No matter whether he competed or not, no matter what reputation he had, he would be torn into two pieces by the dead beetle. He jumped off the stands and rushed to the little corner beetle that was still tearing.

A purple light shined by, and Kai Te only felt a flower in front of him, and then there was a soft body in his arms. Isn't it a little? And the knife-horned beetle has also returned to Clough's hand opposite.

"Today's game, Mr. Claf won!" Carlot was neither angry nor cold. He was as calm as ever. After saying that, he whispered to Armor, "Follow me."

The wind was cold, and Kaite held the little one in his arms and followed Carlot to the purple bamboo forest, where few people had set foot in the college. Through the purple bamboo forest, it was the forbidden land of the college. Carlot stood on the edge and motioned Kaite to sit down at will, and the following Alyss also sat next to him.

"Your card beast is called Kachi, which is a nightmare card beast that has been identified as extinct for a long time." Carlo's first words shocked the two.

"Dream card beast? What kind of card beast is that, teacher? There are not a thousand books or 800 books read by Kaite, but he has never heard the name of nightmare card beast.

"In fact, the nightmare card beasts were added by later people, because they are the spokespersons of nightmares. As long as they appear, the country will perish, and whoever receives it will be unlucky. At that time, a great nobleman in the north received one when he saw that it was cute, and as a result, all of them together with his family within a year. Some died in car accidents, some died in war, and some died in the mouth of beasts. There are countless examples of this in history, so they are also called nightmare card beasts. As early as more than 100 years ago, three of the top ten masters at that time took the lead in extermination of this card beast. I didn't expect you to find one today, and I don't know if it's your luck or bad luck..."

Carlot's words made Kaite's hairy bones shruggish, but when he looked down at the comfortable sleeping little boy, he felt suspicious again, so he stubbornly said, "No matter what kind of card beast he is, anyway, I think it's very good for me."

"Ha ha, do you think I want you to drive it away? Although the Kazis are known as nightmare card beasts, they are the most plastic card beasts. Their brains are not inferior to human beings, and even learn faster and more stable than human beings in some aspects. If you use them well, you may really have the ability to compete with the golden card beasts.

"Teacher, you don't have to comfort me anymore. I know this guy's ability. He can't even beat an iron-level beetle to talk about gold card beasts."

"This is your misunderstanding. In history, there have been examples of training copper-iron Kaqi beasts into third-level silver card beasts, so you still have hope."

"Oh? Really?"

"Well, that guy is a duke who feeds a lot of crystal nuclei of the Kaki beast every day, but in the end, his family died because of the Kaki beast."

"Well, maybe that guy should have destroyed the clan and pulled it to the Kachi beast again..."

Whether it is useful or not, after talking with Carlot for an afternoon, Kaite's mood is much better. He also promised Carlot to enter the card animal area next month to try his luck. From the beginning to the end, he did not believe in the strength of Kaite and the little one.

Kaite did not investigate why the little one was cowardly on the field. The guy looked like he was about to die on the field. After waking up in Kaite's arms, he was lively. When he came home, he even rummaged over the cabinet to find bread slices, making Kaite good and had no temper.

Kaite's name has once again become a waste, synonymous with idiots. When talking about him in every corner of the school, there is a burst of cheerful ridicule. Raul's rich children even wrote 'Kaite = waste' in bright red fonts in many parts of the school.

Kaite said that he didn't care about this, but only he knew how bitter it was to be humiliated like this. Teacher Carlot did not blame him, but his heart was even more sad.

However, Carlot, who laughed in front of Kaite, sat alone in the corner of the college's conference hall, sitting on the first and second seats of the conference hall, sitting on the dean and director of Yaz College, and several famous figures of the college, including the so-called Yaz, who is as Carlot. Tagore of Taishan Beidou of the college.

The reason why I went to the college to gather so many high-level figures comes from a black square token on the conference table. This token is made of fragrant wood with noble wood, which is faintly fragrant and makes people happy. Then, the meaning of this token is by no means pleasant, because it The face is scalded with the word 'war' in gold.

"Mr. Carlot, we hope you can dissolve this war letter."

Dean Broridge gently put the letter in his hand on the table with a blank face.

He didn't pick up the letter, but Carlot already knew the content of the letter and smiled bitterly. He sighed, "This is an accident. Kai Te and I met by chance on the way back."

"Well, the accident I encountered by chance is also a dare to shout that I can't hand over my Yaz College within three days?"

The dean Jo Si is a big man with a thick beard and green eyes. He is very grumpy, so he is not polite at all.

"Isn't that a shout? Maybe that girl does have the ability to step on my Yaz College. Carlot said indifferently.

"Yo, when did Carlot, who claimed to be the first master of our college, become so timid? It's just a little girl, stepping on my Yaz College? Hahaha, this is the funniest joke I've heard since I was born. Clough has just won the armor. Although it is not honorable to beat the students in the name of a teacher, Clough feels that at least he has a long face in front of Carlot.

"Claf, get out."

Josi is a person who can't rub any sand in his eyes. He is most unfazed by Clough and Carlot's lifting of the pole. At this moment, he drove Clough out without hesitation. In the face of the powerful figures, Clough can only look at him hatefully and then walk out of the meeting.

Joss was not proud at all and nodded to Carlot to explain.

"She is the daughter of the prime minister of the Beijing Empire. She clenched the artifact Noah's cone in her hand and can use the demented beast array to drive nine heavy metal cattle to kill any enemy under ten times the gravity. If she is not sure to win ten heavy metal cattle running under ten times gravity, she will never be defeated."

Carlot said that if Clough was still there, it would definitely make him speechless, and those sitting were not rookies. Naturally, he calculated the power of this at the first time. The results showed that no one had the ability to kill nine heavy metal cows under ten times gravity, so everyone's faces were quite It looks ugly.

Let alone talk about Noah's cone, how good is the heavy metal cow and the demented beast array? Her identity alone is the existence that makes the college deeply afraid. Yaz College is a cow, one of the six colleges of Beijing, but how awesome the college can be compared with the prime minister of the Beijing Empire?

This is not a difficult question to calculate. In addition, even if the college dares to challenge the prime minister of Beijing, so far, even heavyweight masters such as Carlot and Tagore have shake their heads to show that they have no chance of winning. Who can stop her? Do you want everyone to go together? That's definitely a big deal.

"The reason, the reason why the daughter of the prime minister came to my Yaz?" Dean Brolec hit the nail on the head and pointed out the neglected focus.

Carlot hesitated for a moment and finally said, "The girl I brought back is rumored to have a beast king card on her body."


At this time, everyone couldn't sit still. Even the old Broreqi and Jo Si have changed their faces. The senior officials of other colleges have turned their faces, with many differences, including envy, greed and shock.

Beast King Card, what is Beast King Card? That's the legendary existence.

Beast cards are generally divided into four categories, one is copper cards, two are iron cards, three are silver cards, and four are gold cards. Generally speaking, there are only these four cards in the eyes of ordinary people, but there is another card that is above these four cards, which is the legendary crystal diamond card, commonly known as the Beast King card.

There are not many legends of the Beast King Card, but its power can be seen from the sentence 'The Beast King gets half of the country'. Although the legend must be untrue, it does not affect the status of the Beast King Card in the eyes of some masters. For some people who pursue invincible supremacy, the Beast King Card is even the emperor. The throne is more attractive.

"Is the legend true?" Broridge asked the point again.

Kaguette shrugged his shoulders: "If it were true, would the girl's family be easily destroyed?"

"Well, what's wrong with this? There must be no one in the girl family who can admit it to the beast king.

"Yes, yes, I think some people embezzled the Beast King Card, but brought disaster to the college."

The two voices sang and drank, and directly pushed Carlot to the tip of the knife.

Carlot sat up straight and swept over his eyes like electricity. Not surprisingly, it was the two people, one named Cook and the other named Pei Yu, who were rare poisonous tongues in the college. The master who saw the wind and rudder had always been deeply despised by Carlot.

"I haven't seen the Beast King Card. I have seen a waste card and have been subdued by my apprentice Armor Special." Carlot is not afraid of the shadow and is awe-inspiring.

"Waste card? Didn't you tample and change the day?" Peiyu continued to humiliate.

Do you think the legendary Beast King card can be tamped with? Humph, don't cross the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. That card was indeed obtained from Alice, but it is a beast card with only copper strength. If you don't believe it, I can call Kaite one by one to prove it.

"Maybe your master and apprentice colluded..." " Shut up, and Clough is your end. It's unreasonable. Can you ask a child called a waste to collect the ambush beast card?" Josi's loud voice suddenly shocked Peiyu, who wanted to speak again, and in his words, he also gave Carlot any face, straight to the name of armored waste, and Carlot also thought he hadn't heard it.

The conference hall suddenly fell into silence. For a long time, Broreqi sighed, "This is a dead move. Maybe I can only try to convince her."

When the senior management of the college had a headache, Chris, the president of the student union, ran in and shouted, "No, dean, the girl at the gate of the college lined up and defeated more than ten of our classmates in two minutes. Teacher Clough was about to fight with her."

"Nonsense." Stupid." Broich and Joss both stood up and walked out, and the others could only follow closely.

Before returning from the card beast area and sitting down, Kaite felt a huge elemental fluctuation. In surprise, he quietly went out with Aolith and walked towards the gate of Yaz College. When they arrived, it was already crowded. The students shouted some slogans indignantly, and then The school gate surged wildly.

In the crowd, Kaite can also see many college teachers maintaining order and trying to keep students away from the school gate.

In order to understand what was going on, Kaite did not ask people or jump the queue, but took Alice to turn over from a broken wall in a corner. Then the two carefully looked into the distance on the tall wall. At the first glance, Alice's face changed greatly, and her face was full of indignation. She jumped off the wall and went desperately. , but he was stopped by Kaite.

"There are so many people in the college now. Let's not worry. Let's see what's going on first."

Unexpectedly, Oris nodded. Now the two of them lay on the wall and looked into the distance.

At the main gate of the school, a huge silver-white circle enveloped the school gate, and a girl wrapped in a black robe stood in the air, standing in mid-air with snow-white jade feet, like a fairy.

At the girl's feet, a piece of object like tree bark emitted a faint silver light, forming a silver ball with a diameter of more than 50 meters, covering the girl and the horrible heavy metal cow with nine-headed bodies.

Isn't this the mysterious girl chasing and killing Alice's family 300 miles away? When Alys chased with Armor, this guy was sharing the last piece of bread in the bag with the little one. Obviously, the little one had never eaten bread and was quite interested in it. Sometimes he poked two holes with his fingers, and sometimes raised his head to look at the sun in the sky through the bread hole, which was extremely curious.

"What about you, the silver-eyed leopard?" Alys, who jumped off the iron-headed armored horse beast, looked left and right and couldn't find the fierce silver-eyed leopard. The little boy timidly approached the iron-headed armored horse beast. In front of the iron-headed armored horse beast several meters high, it was a real little bit, and the iron-headed armored horse beast did not look at it with its right.

However, Aly, who had known this little thing was full of tricks, did not dare to neglect it. She pinched the royal beast and put away the arrogant iron-headed armored horse beast. The little man who lost her goal scratched her head, and turned back to Kaite to continue to study its bread slices. The little appearance looked harmless to humans and animals, but Alice felt that It looks like a hedgehog full of sharp cones.

If she knew that this little one had just plunged an old cucumber thick big bone stick into the buttocks of the silver-eyed leopard, she would definitely think it was a hedgehog with inverted spines.

Kaite did not hide anything from her, except that he told her about the silver-eyed leopard**. The latter was surprised after listening to it, not only felt that although the small body was small, it seemed to be really powerful.

Kaite is a typical figure who shines as soon as he gives a little sunshine. As soon as he hears a few words of praise, he immediately became very proud. At that moment, he took out the iron beast card to receive it.

It's also strange. The little one didn't mean to let it at all. The iron-piece beast card emitted a black light on its body, but it soon took it back, and the little one was still studying its bread slices.

"Oh, what's going on?" Kai looked at the iron beast card in surprise and found no problem. According to the dark light of the beast card, the little one should be included in the secondary space of the beast card, but this failed.

Usually, there are only two possibilities for failure. One is that the card beast is unwilling to be subdue. The other is that the level of the beast card is not equal to the card beast, and the little one has no resistance. The first one may be ruled out, so it can only be the second possibility. The little one is not equal to the iron beast card in his hand.

This is very happy, because according to this inference, the small level may only be higher than the iron card beast. In addition to excitement, the special borrowed her silver beast card from Oris, first released the iron-headed armored horse beast, and then a silver light to the little one.

The result was unexpected again, and the silver beast card could not accommodate any of them.

With a horizontal heart, he took out the strange transparent beast card hanging on his chest and meditate on the decision of the royal beast. A light shone on the little body. This time, the little one reacted, but he just looked up in the golden light and did not do much, but from Yingguang. Among them, Oolong jumped out carefully. After a few circles around the little one, he looked forward to pretending to be a master and lonely.

The little one leaned over carefully, learned to slap the horse in the face of the cloud-piercing beast, and then crawled on the ground and begged for mercy. The two people sighed for mercy, especially Alice, who had been asking herself in a muffled voice. This is Is it the card beast that the family desperately protects?

This time, the little one was put into the golden beast card, and then the oolong horse withdrew straight back to the beast card without saying hello. Seeing that it looked like it was going to share the card with the little one.

There is nothing he can do about this, but he is relieved to think of the power of the little one.

At that moment, he packed up and saluted and walked out of this place where he had been staying for nearly ten days. When he walked out of the first-level card beast area, he secretly swore that he would not humiliate the teacher this time. Those who had laughed at him will laugh back one by one.

Yaz College has been up since the day when Kaite and Alice returned to school. The guy who has been regarded as a waste not only inexplicably shocked Raul's iron-tooth pig on the first day of his return, but also obtained the qualification to enter the card beast area to select card beasts, which means that this guy's body will no longer be A beginner at the bottom level, but become an iron student in the third grade.

However, what people care most about is not his strength, but the beauty who has never met around him. According to several people who have been lucky to see her, that beauty is no less than the three school beauties, and even more powerful than Philina, who claims to be the most beautiful woman in the college. .

There is no evidence. Everyone wants to see it with their own eyes, but the news from the school director is that the new classmate named Oris has gone to the card beast area with the waste money armor to choose his card beast.

At present, bursts of flowers were inserted into cow dung, and the curses of the dead boy's bad luck spread all over the school. In addition, Raul and other rich families threatened to make his children look good. It is said that he bought ten rotten eggs with gold coins. Koala, the first master in the third grade, laughed and joked that Raul planned to drown Armor.

Of course, Kaite, who knew nothing about this, would not sigh. As soon as he left the beast area, he was ordered by Carlot to go directly to the school director's office to find him.

The school director's office is undoubtedly sacred to the low-identified armor. Every time he passes by here, he can't help putting his hands together to express his respect, so it is quite a dazzling thing for him to appear inside the school director's office.

Carlot was as gentle as ever and said with a smile, "You two seem to have found a satisfactory card beast this time. Take it out and let me have a look."

Without saying a word, Alice released a flying lizard in the iron card beast, which is a second-level iron card beast known for its rapid attack, and this guy will glide through the wind. If it is bitten by its big mouth, it is like being bitten by a Yangzi crocodile.

That's why she chose such a relatively ferocious card beast, and Olise just wanted to make up for the timidity of the iron-headed armored horse beast.

Carlot was quite satisfied with Alys's card beast and specially approved a third-grade student ID card for her.

When it was Kaite's turn, he was a little nervous, and then released the little one from the golden beast card.

Carlot frowned and said, "Is this a gold card beast?"

Kaite was embarrassed and said, "Teacher, the students are shallow and don't recognize the kind of this guy, but the iron card and the silver card can't be accepted, so I used this gold card to accept it..."

"It is a very dangerous move to put two card beasts with unknown strength into a card, especially in your situation where the temperament of the card beast is not clear. One mountain does not allow two tigers, and one card does not leave two beasts. Remember this lesson." Carlot preached seriously while carefully looking at the little one.

All of a sudden, he came to such a strange place from the bushes. The little boy was obviously a little uncomfortable. As soon as he landed, he carefully ran to the heel of Kaite and hid it. He woke up his 'petty' figure, which is definitely a typical representative of the harmlessness of humans and animals.

The school director's office was originally a gathering place for teachers, and many teachers who had nothing to do were born to watch the fun. This time, I heard that Carlot's waste apprentice found a card beast and ran to see the fun one after another. It happened to see the little cowardly teachers suddenly laugh.

Carlot stared at the little one with an unchanged face, but these laughter in Kaite's ears were like a mean knife, which made him feel ashamed and aroused his few courage.

"Old teacher, don't underestimate it. Although it is very small, it is very powerful. I have seen it defeat a one-eyed ice wolf beast and a silver-eyed leopard who doesn't know the level. It's amazing." Kaite worked hard to maintain the image of the little one who was not very great, just like a parent who extremely defended his children. The little one hid at his feet and looked at him curiously.

"Hey, boy, the one-eyed ice wolf is an iron-level card beast, and the silver-eyed leopard is even a silver card beast. This little thing that you don't know where to make can't even stand still and defeat them?" A middle-aged male teacher with glasses laughed loudly, with disdain and doubt on his face.

Kaite recognized him. His name is Clough. He is one of the few teachers who worked against Carlot at Yaz College. Kaite didn't know what was between him and the teacher, but when he saw the card beast that ignored his recognition, his efforts burned for no reason.

"Mr. Clough, you can test it with a card beast, and please don't be sarcastic." If it had been before, Kaite would definitely not have talked to a teacher like this, but today, I don't know what's wrong. When he saw him underestimated the little, he couldn't help but be angry.

"Well, good boy, I'm worthy of being a disciple of Carlot. I dare to challenge the teacher directly. I'm not suitable for you. I'll fight independently with a first-class iron card beast. I will never intervene, okay?"

"Come as soon as you come, whoever is afraid of." Kaite, who kept his head hot, did not hesitate and agreed.

Carlot opened his mouth and finally didn't say anything.

Under the deliberate arrangement of some people, the news quickly spread to various parts of the college. In less than half an hour, nearly 1,000 students gathered outside the fourth arena of the college, and the number is increasing by geometric multiples.

This is a big point. People who have always been regarded as waste actually threatened to challenge the teacher. Although the challenge beast is just a low-level iron card beast, its representative significance is far-reaching and huge.

For a while, Kaite's name was pushed to the forefront of the storm again. In addition to the title of waste, the students also gave him the title of 'arrogant'.

Under the rendering of the intention, the prelude of the battle was pulled very loudly. Kaite was put on a high hat. The negative aura of contempt the teacher, ignoring the system, and threatening Yaz's invincibility were all shrouded in Kaite. Kaite did not expect that his momentary impulse would cause such a With the big response, there is also a trace of regret in his heart, but since he has become a fire and water, he can't be a coward, which will only disgrace the teacher even more.

The competitive platform of Yaz College was originally built for some practical trainers who want to improve, and this kind of competition will naturally be put here.

When Kaite came to the No. 4 arena, he was almost overturned by the sound waves. After secretly scolding Clough dog-sissy, Kaite dragged his trembling feet into the arena and then released the little one.

"Wow, what kind of card beast is that? Baby?"

"What? Why is it so small? Does such a small card beast still want to challenge the teacher?

"Hahaha, waste is really waste, and the things taken out can't be used any more."

The sound of falling stones in the stands gave great pressure to the armor. His nose was sore. He almost gave birth to the impulse to put away the little people, but after seeing the man in the scene, he calmed down. Of course, it was nothing to leave. At most, he was just poked in the bridge of his nose and scolded a few more words. But that man is different. In his almost legendary life, he has never missed anything. The only sick thing is the last apprentice. Jane is really a waste of waste.

Armor can be pointed to the nose and scolded, and can be thrown all over with rotten eggs, but he can't let people say that Carlot's is not right. He can't let him continue to lose face.

If you want to fight, I will fight!

Kaite, who suddenly raised his emotions, widened his eyes and put all his hopes on the inconspicuous little one, but what gave him a headache was that the little one didn't know where to look after he went on the court. Finally, he found a pillar and hid behind without hesitation.

"Hahahaha, rubbish, coward..." There was another sharp curse under the stage.

" As a student, I hope you will be self-respected!" Carlot's voice sounded lightly, but it could ensure that everyone could hear it. Almost in an instant, the mountain-like curse went out, and no one would offend this one of the best masters in Yaz College.

Claf sent a first-level knife-horned beetle, which is not much larger in physique, but its pair of iron-like corners can break people's hands.

Carlot's words made Kaite's hairy bones shruggish, but he looked down at the comfortable sleeping little boy again. He felt suspicious, so he stubbornly said, "No matter what kind of beast he is, anyway, I think it's very good for me."

"Ha ha, do you think I want you to get rid of it? Although the Kazis are known as nightmare card beasts, they are the most plastic card beasts. Their brains are not inferior to human beings, and even learn faster and more stable than human beings in some aspects. If you use them well, you may really have the ability to compete with the golden card beasts.

"Teacher, you don't have to comfort me anymore. I know this guy's ability. He can't even beat an iron-level beetle to talk about gold card beasts."

"This is your misunderstanding. In history, there have been examples of training copper-iron Kaqi beasts into third-level silver card beasts, so you still have hope."

"Oh? Really?"

"Well, that guy is a duke who feeds a lot of crystal nuclei of the Kaki beast every day, but in the end, his family died because of the Kaki beast."

"Well, maybe that guy should have destroyed the clan and pulled it to the Kachi beast again..."

Whether it is useful or not, after talking with Carlot for an afternoon, Kaite's mood is much better. He also promised Carlot to enter the card animal area next month to try his luck. From the beginning to the end, he did not believe in the strength of Kaite and the little one.

Kaite did not investigate why the little one was cowardly on the field. The guy looked like he was about to die on the field. After waking up in Kaite's arms, he was lively. When he came home, he even rummaged over the cabinet to find bread slices, making Kaite good and had no temper.

Kaite's name has once again become a waste, synonymous with idiots. When talking about him in every corner of the school, there is a burst of cheerful ridicule. Raul's rich children even wrote 'Kaite = waste' in bright red fonts in many parts of the school.

Kaite said that he didn't care about this, but only he knew how bitter it was to be humiliated like this. Teacher Carlot did not blame him, but his heart was even more sad.

However, Carlot, who laughed in front of Kaite, sat alone in the corner of the college's conference hall, sitting on the first and second seats of the conference hall, sitting on the dean and director of Yaz College, and several famous figures of the college, including the so-called Yaz, who is as Carlot. Tagore of Taishan Beidou of the college.

The reason why I went to the college to gather so many high-level figures comes from a black square token on the conference table. This token is made of fragrant wood with noble wood, which is faintly fragrant and makes people happy. Then, the meaning of this token is by no means pleasant, because it The face is scalded with the word 'war' in gold.

"Mr. Carlot, we hope you can dissolve this war letter."

Dean Broridge gently put the letter in his hand on the table with a blank face.

He didn't pick up the letter, but Carlot already knew the content of the letter and smiled bitterly. He sighed, "This is an accident. Kai Te and I met by chance on the way back."

"Well, an accidental accident is also a dare to step down on my Yaz College if I can't hand over someone within three days?"

The dean Jo Si is a big man with a thick beard and green eyes. He is very grumpy, so he is not polite at all.

"Isn't that shouting? Maybe that girl does have the ability to step on my Yaz College. Carlot said indifferently.

"Yo, when did Carlot, who claimed to be the first master of our college, become so timid? It's just a little girl, stepping on my Yaz College? Hahaha, this is the funniest joke I've heard since I was born. Clough has just won the armor. Although it is not honorable to beat the students in the name of a teacher, Clough feels that at least he has a long face in front of Carlot.

"Claf, get out."

Josi is a person who can't rub any sand in his eyes. He is most unfazed by Clough and Carlot's lifting of the pole. At this moment, he drove Clough out without hesitation. In the face of the powerful figures, Clough can only look at him hatefully and then walk out of the meeting.

Joss was not proud at all and nodded to Carlot to explain.

"She is the daughter of the prime minister of the Beijing Empire. She clenched the artifact Noah's cone in her hand and can use the demented beast array to drive nine heavy metal cattle to kill any enemy under ten times the gravity. If she is not sure to win ten heavy metal cattle running under ten times gravity, she will never be defeated."

Carlot said that if Clough was still there, it would definitely make him speechless, and those sitting were not rookies. Naturally, he calculated the power of this at the first time. The results showed that no one had the ability to kill nine heavy metal cows under ten times gravity, so everyone's faces were quite It looks ugly.

Let alone talk about Noah's cone, how good is the heavy metal cow and the demented beast array? Her identity alone is the existence that makes the college deeply afraid. Yaz College is a cow, one of the six colleges of Beijing, but how awesome the college can be compared with the prime minister of the Beijing Empire?

This is not a difficult question to calculate. In addition, even if the college dares to challenge the prime minister of Beijing, so far, even heavyweight masters such as Carlot and Tagore have shake their heads to show that they have no chance of winning. Who can stop her? Do you want everyone to go together? That's definitely a big deal.

"The reason, the reason why the daughter of the prime minister came to my Yaz?" Dean Brolec hit the nail on the head and pointed out the neglected focus.

Carlot hesitated for a moment and finally said, "The girl I brought back is rumored to have a beast king card on her body."


At this time, everyone couldn't sit still. Even the old Broreqi and Jo Si have changed their faces. The senior officials of other colleges have turned their faces, with many differences, including envy, greed and shock.

Beast King Card, what is Beast King Card? That's the legendary existence.

Beast cards are generally divided into four categories, one is copper cards, two are iron cards, three are silver cards, and four are gold cards. Generally speaking, there are only these four cards in the eyes of ordinary people, but there is another card that is above these four cards, which is the legendary crystal diamond card, commonly known as the Beast King card.

There are not many legends of the Beast King Card, but its degree of power can be seen from the sentence 'getting the Beast King Half of the Country'. Although the legend must also be untrue, it does not affect the status of the Beast King Card in the eyes of some high-ranking people and is invincible to some pursuits. For the supreme people, the Beast King card is even more attractive than the imperial throne.

"Is the legend true?" Broridge asked the point again.

Kaguette shrugged his shoulders: "If it were true, would the girl's family be easily destroyed?"

"Well, what's wrong with this? There must be no one in the girl family who can admit it to the beast king.

"Yes, yes, I think some people embezzled the Beast King Card, but brought disaster to the college."

The two voices sang and drank, and directly pushed Carlot to the tip of the knife.

Carlot sat up straight and swept over his eyes like electricity. Not surprisingly, it was the two people, one named Cook and the other named Pei Yu, who were rare poisonous tongues in the college. The master who saw the wind and rudder had always been deeply despised by Carlot.

"I haven't seen the Beast King Card. I have seen a waste card and have been subdued by my apprentice Armor Special." Carlot is not afraid of the shadow and is awe-inspiring.

"Waste card? Didn't you tample and change the day?" Peiyu continued to humiliate.

Do you think the legendary Beast King card can be tamped with? Humph, don't cross the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. That card was indeed obtained from Alice, but it is a beast card with only copper strength. If you don't believe it, I can call Kaite one by one to prove it.

"Maybe your master and apprentice colluded..." " Shut up, and Clough is your end. It's unreasonable. Can you ask a child called a waste to collect the ambush beast card?" Josi's loud voice suddenly shocked Peiyu, who wanted to speak again, and in his words, he also gave Carlot any face, straight to the name of armored waste, and Carlot also thought he hadn't heard it.

The conference hall suddenly fell into silence. For a long time, Broreqi sighed, "This is a dead move. Maybe I can only try to convince her."

When the senior management of the college had a headache, Chris, the president of the student union, ran in and shouted, "No, dean, the girl at the gate of the college lined up and defeated more than ten of our classmates in two minutes. Teacher Clough was about to fight with her."

"Nonsense." Stupid." Broich and Joss both stood up and walked out, and the others could only follow closely.

Before returning from the card beast area and sitting down, Kaite felt a huge elemental fluctuation. In surprise, he quietly went out with Aolith and walked towards the gate of Yaz College. When they arrived, it was already crowded. The students shouted some slogans indignantly, and then The school gate surged wildly.

In the crowd, Kaite can also see many college teachers maintaining order and trying to keep students away from the school gate.

In order to understand what was going on, Kaite did not ask people or jump the queue, but took Alice to turn over from a broken wall in a corner. Then the two carefully looked into the distance on the tall wall. At the first glance, Alice's face changed greatly, and her face was full of indignation. She jumped off the wall and went desperately. , but he was stopped by Kaite.

"Now there are so many people in the college, let's not worry. Let's see what's going on."

Unexpectedly, Oris nodded. Now the two of them lay on the wall and looked into the distance.

At the main gate of the school, a huge silver-white circle enveloped the school gate, and a girl wrapped in a black robe stood in the air, with snow-white jade feet in mid-air, like a fairy.

At the girl's feet, a piece of object like tree bark emitted a faint silver light, forming a silver ball with a diameter of more than 50 meters, covering the girl and the horrible heavy metal cow with nine-headed bodies.

Isn't this the mysterious girl chasing and killing Alice's family 300 miles away?