Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 12 Breaking the Peace

Lin Quan came out of the water, "It's right here," he said to himself, because the sharp corners on his head seemed to be excited and hot at this time. I don't know when his voice will get better, but what he doesn't know is that what he utters at this time is another language.

I don't know what the island is, but the surrounding rock walls are like knives, and it doesn't seem to climb up at all. He swam around the island and finally found a suitable place to climb. He slowly approached and supported himself up with his hand. At this time, his legs were still connected. He sat by the water. Looking at my legs and thinking about what I have seen all the way, it's really impressive.

Along the way, he escaped from the pursuit of sharks and human fishing. Originally, he would not feel tired in the river, but sometimes he needed to rest in the ocean. When he was tired, he even hit a rock, rushed around in a muddle, and almost sank himself into the deep sea. You know, he can't be too deep under the water now. Otherwise, you will definitely be crushed to death by water pressure. Now he has finally arrived at his destination and imagines the moment when he becomes a human again.

He pulled his leg hard, and the pain of tearing spread, but he gritted his teeth, and the two green lines finally separated - he was another animal with two feet.

He walked to the exact place he remembered, which was on the island. At this time, his mentality was no different from that of the devout pilgrims. Every step was accompanied by a violent stir. Even when he was hunted by a shark, he was not so nervous now. He didn't know what he would encounter. He only knew that his fate would change again. One step, two steps, three steps...


"There is nothing!" Lin Quan couldn't believe that his painstaking pursuit was not rewarded. The bare island could be seen at a glance. Except for the sparse grass, the largest plants were just some shrubs. He still refused to believe it, so he surrounded the edge of the island and carefully checked it. Once again, there was still nothing special. Finally, he calmed down and returned to the most accurate point confirmed at the beginning. "Maybe, just below this, I have to find a way to dig!"

But he really couldn't find any props that were convenient for digging. Suddenly, his head was hot and he began to try to take the initiative to control the water flow. A stream of heat flowed down from the corner of his eyebrows. The color of his body suddenly changed from light blue to dark blue. After a while, it changed to light blue, and the surrounding water vapor Zi was pumped clean by him and condensed in his hand, forming a fist-sized water ball.

Under his gaze, the water ball slowly began to rotate, faster and faster, and finally made a harsh sound like a chainsaw. Then, the water ball rushed to the point determined in his mind like a bullet. The violent impact made the water suddenly disperse, at the point of the water drill impact, It has become a small hole eight inches deep and one foot wide.

"The power is so great", Lin Quan himself was also shocked. For the first time, he experienced a sense of control. This feeling is different from any achievement in society. It seems to give Lin Quan a glimmer of hope. Yes, it is hope. That kind of life is only controlled by himself, and there is no need to sigh about anything. There is no ancient person, and there is no need to say the hope of "the deceased is like this" to the rolling Yellow River. The hope that only needs to move with your heart and your fate is determined by yourself. "Is this the feeling of practice?" His heart beat violently. Then let me see how much energy I have!"

He turned around, faced the sea, roared suddenly, and used his greatest strength. Using the method just now, suddenly, a several-meter-high, one-thick water wall ran directly out of the sea, turned into a huge water ball, gathered above his head, slowly Slowly accelerated and rotate until the speed was so fast that it made a harsh sound, and Lin Quan's strong body was about to be blown unsteady by the afterg wind. He suddenly controlled the water ball to hit the point just now, and only heard a "bang" sound, as if there was a huge explosion, and there was a smoke-like mist everywhere.

"Poof, poof..." Lin Quan turned out of a pile of soil, spit out his mouth full of soil, and walked to the point of the explosion. There was a large hole nearly ten meters wide and three or four meters high, and some rocks also exploded and shattered. Obviously, the rock blocked the downward offensive, otherwise I'm afraid the hole would be drilled seven or eight meters. Deep. Lin Quan jumped down and looked carefully. After this tossing, he looked very tired and saw that he still didn't find anything. There was a physically and mental fatigue expression on his face. He lay motionless on the stone and unconsciously fell asleep.

Lin Quan woke up in the middle of the night, as if a mist had hit his face, making him think that there was a drizzle. He opened his eyes and saw a vast starry sky. The moon was full at this time. On the island on the sea, the sky became extremely wide. I don't know how to describe this kind of waking up in the middle of the night, and his heart was extremely flat. When I was quiet, I suddenly saw this beautiful scenery.

However, a trace of white hair suddenly appeared in front of him and destroyed the beautiful scenery in front of him. Lin Quan's eyes looked along the hair and his face was as pale. Under the moonlight, an old woman with white hair's face was as ferocious as a ghost. "Ghost!" He shouted, "Don't hurt me!" While covering his face, he dared not look again.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a ghost," Mu Ruomin smiled, "However, we will soon become ghosts."

Hearing the voice that seemed to be popular, Lin Quan slowly opened her hands and carefully looked at the old man in front of her. She looked very haggard, her eyes were full of wrinkles, and her face was very white, so she shocked Lin Quan in the moonlight, but her words were not comforting at all.