Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 3 Fish and Stone

Mu Ruomin looked at the two big words a hundred years apart, and her eyes were a little wet for a moment. I don't know how the master is doing? I don't know if Xiaobai is still there? In those years, my cultivation was the best among my peers, and now it should be the worst.

"Who is coming?" The two disciples guarding the mountain saw a sudden artificial visit and quickly came out to verify their identity.

Mu Ruomin took a look and found that they were two new disciples, who were only fourteen or fifteen years old, so she came forward and said, "I'm your sister Mu. I've been trapped for more than a hundred years. If you don't know, you can inform your sister Ren Jianghong first and ask her to pick us up. This is a heavenly order." She took out a waist card engraved with the word "Tianxing".

"It turned out to be Sister Mu Ruomin." After hearing this, the two disciples bowed and said, "The head teacher has been ordered for a long time. Congratulations on your safe return. I will inform Senior Sister Ren. Sister Mu can go up the mountain first now." The disciple Shoushan walked to a big stone and said to the big stone, "Fengqiu, go and tell Sister Ren that Sister Mu is back."

"That's a sound transmission stone, which has the effect of sound transmission within a certain distance." Looking at Lin Quan's puzzled appearance, Mu Ruomin explained.

"Phone?" He muttered and looked in front of him, and saw a long stone step appear in front of him, "Why didn't we fly directly just now?"

"This is the rule set by the ancestor. All disciples or visitors of this school need to walk 999 steps on the stone steps in the mountain. If they break through, they will touch the ban in the air, which is also to prevent the magic road from attacking the mountain gate."

"Oh, there are a lot of famous people." Lin Quan smiled and said, "But you have disappeared for more than a hundred years. Why do they still know you?"

"Maybe it's the order of the teacher, but I don't know so much." Mu Ruomin left in a hurry at this time. Her weak body had a strong explosive power, and Lin Quan couldn't catch up with her. However, at this time, Lin Quan's heart was full of doubts: "These people all look polite and don't look like demons and monsters? They also said that they would prevent the devil from attacking the mountain gate. Are they immortals? But is Mu Ruomin's skill really like a demon?

He finally walked the 99 stone steps to the top. Lin Quan finally had time to take a closer look at the so-called Tianshan Mountain. They didn't seem to reach the top of the mountain at all, but only at the mountainside. When he flew in, he hugged the body of the big bird fiercely and did not dare to look around. Now he looked carefully and found that this The mountain wall is cut like a knife, and it actually goes down vertically. The mountains and the mountains are surrounded by clouds. I don't know how deep it is at a glance. If it falls, it is really unimaginable.

In the direction he walked, there was an open space. Some scattered disciples were practicing some unknown spells. This open space was like a sword cut directly from the mountainside. As soon as Lin Quan looked up, the mountain towered into the clouds. I don't know how high it was. A cool wind blew, and Lin Quan actually hit it. A chill.

When he was swimming in the sea that day, he didn't know how rag his coat was. He knew that he might go ashore, so he held his boxers in his hand early. Later, he put them on when he went to the island of disappointment. He used to be hundreds of meters deep in the sea, and it was not as cold as he is now, but now he is dressed as a wild man in the mountains. Compared with the peerless beauty around him, if he hadn't looked a little elegant, I'm afraid that the first one would make people think of beautiful women and beasts.

Suddenly, he saw a pool in front of him. The pool was several mu round, with a trace of heat and transparent to the bottom. It looked like a hot spring. Lin Quan, which had not been in the water for a long time, was excited. Before Mu Ruomin could explain, he jumped down and swam comfortably.

Originally, Mu Ruomin wanted to ask him to come out immediately, but as soon as he entered the water, his breath of freedom rippled, which made her extremely comfortable and happy. After a while, the water around him slowly formed some beautiful transparent water snakes around him and rotated around him. These water snakes turned faster and faster, and finally he The whole person turned into a grass-blue fish. Seeing this scene, Mu Ruomin was surprised to see that the big fish swam faster and faster, and his body was extremely flexible. Where he swam, there would be small whirlpools behind him, but strangely, his speed was so fast that he did not make a sound.

The water temperature here is very comfortable, and Lin Quan feels very comfortable! After swimming for a while, he suddenly saw a human stone carving in the middle of the pool, which was very realistic. At this time, an ancient psychological theory reflected its role. Lin Quan naturally wanted to swim in the pool, which was empty except for this stone carving.

However, it was strange that the closer he swam, the greater the resistance, but he seemed unwilling and suddenly exerted his strength to reach the stone carving. Suddenly, a greater force blocked him. He was originally using his cheeks to absorb water. By this obstruction, the water did not come out of his cheeks, but he spit out of his mouth and directly Spraying on the face of the stone carving and looking at it no longer, Lin Quan sighed, "What a strange world, even the stone carvings."

Mu Ruomin didn't know his experience at this time. She only saw that Lin Quan was originally very fast. Suddenly, he braked and even his feet lifted out of the water, as if his chest had hit something. She thought he was playing with his water skills and couldn't help laughing. Those disciples who were honing spells with each other were attracted by this smile. When he came over, he saw a stunning beauty laughing in the faint sunshine. She forgot to resist the magic and suddenly hurt each other. What a disaster.

"Sister Mu!" Suddenly, an excited cry came. Mu Ruomin looked back and saw a girl with high braids, red hair, and even a red face looking at herself with a smile. Isn't it Ren Jianghong or someone? At this moment, she cried with joy and ran over and took her hand: "Sister Ren, long time no see."