Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 29 Rushing Out of the Ghost Forest

I don't know how long it took, maybe one hour, maybe two, or maybe more, but Lin Quan's originally godless eyes suddenly opened: "Huh? Isn't it right? Isn't Mu Ruomin not dead yet? Thinking of this, Lin Quan finally understood something and gently put the seven * lotus into his universe bag, jumped on the horse, and galloped quickly to the northeast.

The layers of fog were broken by Lin Quan's fast horse. At this time, Lin Quan's heart was extremely clear, and he walked unimped in the fog. The sweaty BMW seemed to be affected by him. From time to time, a long hiss spontaneously came out, which seemed particularly vivid in this ghost forest. At this time, Lin Quan's heart has actually changed a little silently, just like the colorful lotus, with an open mind, and the floating heart finally has a trace of firmness.

Through layers of fog, he stayed for another night. It was almost noon the next day that Lin Quan finally saw a special light, which was very similar to the light he saw when he was confused in front of Lin Quan. Lin Quan shouted, "Sister, I'm coming!" After saying that, the horse had rushed into the light. Lin Quan took the rein of his horse. The horse suddenly stopped in the rush. His hoof was raised and hissed. Lin Quan saw an unforgettable scene for the rest of his life.

In front of him is an extremely open hillside. The slope is very slow. Among the flowers and trees, the whole sky is pink. From time to time, a group of cranes fly up and walk through the world. However, Lin Quan's first thing to see is a pair of people holding hands with each other. The woman's flower and moon beauty is wearing colorful clothes. , shocked by Lin Quan's voice, he turned around as if he had seen a ghost and couldn't close his mouth. Who was Mu Ruomin? And the man was dressed in purple, lined with a blue underwear, with a small white horn in his eyebrows and earthy skin. Who is Lin Quan?

"Senior sister!" Lin Quan called, but Mu Ruomin did not agree immediately. Seeing that the "Lin Quan" beside her seemed to know something, he no longer looked at Lin Quan, turned his head, looked at Mu Ruomin carefully, stretched out his right hand, as if he wanted to touch her face. Just as he was about to touch Mu Ruomin, the hand suddenly In a trance, it turned into smoke and dust and dispersed with the wind. Then, the magical beauty suddenly disappeared. Mu Ruomin saw the sudden disappearance of "Lin Quan" and didn't know what was going on. She only knew that the Linquan suddenly disappeared, which made her heart sad and painful. A tear unconsciously flowed out and had not recovered for a moment.

Lin Quan walked over slowly, looked at Mu Ruomin, and laughed, "It turns out that senior sister can also shed tears for Lin Quan!"

"Who are you?" Mu Ruomin turned around and stared at Lin Quan with a trace of anger.

"Sister, I'm the real me!" Lin Quan quickly explained that he clearly expressed what he had experienced one by one, but naturally it was processed and could hide his mind. He didn't want Mu Ruomin to know that he actually liked her.

"So that's it!" After listening to this, Mu Ruomin did not become happy. He jumped on the horse, looked at Lin Quan, and said blankly, "I didn't expect you to be blessed by misfortune and reach the success of Mu quenching. In the next practice, there will be your suffering." After saying that, he patted the horse and galloped towards the southeast.

Lin Quan saw that Mu Ruomin was broken into the fantasy, not only was not happy at all, but also a little angry. He was also helpless, so he had to jump on the horse and shouted while running, "Sister, wait for me, isn't it just breaking your fantasy? Is it necessary to do this?"

The sweaty BMW is as fast as an airplane. Although there are trees in the woods, it is also fast and scary. Lin Quan and others suddenly disappeared in the thick fog, as if they had never stayed here. Shortly after they passed, a little old voice came: "The fog is vast, and the world is afraid of the ghost forest. Thousands of yuan are rare, just because of the world's personal feelings. The sound seems loud, but there is a feeling of moaning without illness. If there is a sound locator in the world, you will find that the old voice actually comes from the ground. If you observe more carefully, you will find that it is the one who has been caught by Mu Ruomin that makes this sound - Xiang Tianchong. This lovely skyworm is crawling extremely slowly at this time, and that direction is the direction of Linquan and others, southeast!

Lin Quan and others naturally didn't know this. They thought that Xiang Tianchong was just an illusion. Along the way, Mu Ruomin's mood finally became much better, but Lin Quan always felt that Mu Ruomin looked at him and felt a little strange. Coupled with what he saw that day, Lin Quan already had a vague guess in his heart, but he But I dare not say it, and I don't know what I'm afraid of.

Since they met that extremely real fantasy, Lin Quan and others have not encountered any difficulties. They just keep running in this fog. At night, they either sleep or practice, but they are also free and fearless. After running for more than a week, Lin Quan and others finally saw a glimmer of light through the heavy clouds.

"Senior sister, according to the map, it should be time to go to Baigong River!"

"Well, but if it's really a river, we only have sweaty BMW, but we don't know how to get there!" Mu Ruomin frowned.

"That's easy. I'll carry you on my back!" Lin Quan laughed again, but this time, not to mention, there is really such a possibility! You know, Lin Quan is in the water, and it's really a fish swimming in the water. Among his triple changes, Lu Hu will enhance his fighting and recovery ability, and the swimming fish and the big eagle seem to be prepared for him to escape. For example, if Mu Ruomin hadn't just practiced the unique magic power, with the power of Qianyuan, Mu Ruomin could not have directly hit dozens of meters in the air. If a person who has not yet stepped into the quenching realm of fire runs out from the peak of the earth quenching of a water spirit body, it is simply a fantasy. You should know that the water soft body is the head of the five spirit body. Few people in the world can have it. Not only is the speed of practice extremely fast, but also the rich purity of the essence is not ordinary people.

"Fuck you!" Mu Ruomin looked at Lin Quan with contempt and waved his hand. It was the green silk bamboo given by the leader. Mu Ruomin slowly injected magic power and suddenly understood all kinds of usages. He smiled at Lin Quan: "This green silk bamboo is also a rare magic weapon. I have now reached the golden quenching state and can exert most of its power. This bamboo , not only the attack is fierce, but also has some incidental functions!"

"What are the attached functions? Is it as good as my green wood fan? As soon as Lin Quan heard this, he became curious again and quickly asked.

"The head teacher has long expected that we would pass through the Baigong River. No wonder he gave me the green silk bamboo. Let me tell you that this green silk bamboo has the power of change and can become bigger and smaller. When it is big, it is like a giant tree, and when we are like a fine bamboo when we are young, we just standing on the giant tree and passing through the river!" After saying that, Mu Ruomin patted the horse and quickly ran to the light.

Lin Quan did not hesitate and quickly chased after him.