Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 53 The Unguidity of Water Flow

In this seemingly ordinary reed marsh, if you can observe it carefully, you will find that these small water flows are not so ordinary. These water flows in the same direction on a very gentle slope, and the end of all these streams is the center of the whole reed marsh layer, although each water flow seems to be very Small, but this reed marsh is 30,000 miles wide, and the combined water volume is extremely scary. I don't know where these water flows eventually flowed, but the most surprising thing is that these water flows together and flow to a small hole. The water around this small hole is not as deep as high as the knees, which makes people feel that these water flow is just like an illusion. Jue!

Lin Quan and Tianlong's running speed is much slower than the previous period, not only because they are worried about running into some "bottomless hole" in the grass, but the bigger the reason is that the closer they get to the center, the greater the resistance, so big that even the king of the horse faintly feels chest tightness.

"I don't know what's going on with such a big resistance!" Lin Quan was also very surprised. He knew the strength of the dragon, but the swamp seemed to prohibit the existence of fast species. The more he wanted to run, the greater the resistance he received. Even the birds that occasionally flew from the grass made people feel extremely slow. This is simply a slow world!

"It's getting slower and slower. It's about to go to the center, but the speed is like walking. How can there be such a strange thing!" Lin Quan frowned and simply jumped off the horse. Anyway, it is no different from ordinary walking now. As soon as he got off the horse, he stepped into the water and immediately found the difference between the water flow.

"This water seems to flow out, but why does it feel like it flows to the center?" The more he thought about it, the more strange it became. Lin Quan led Tianlong along the water he felt.

When Lin Quan was in doubt, an extremely small water flow in the center of the swamp not far away suddenly rose to the sky. The water flow was only the size of a thumb, but the speed was unknown. Many water flow at the edge evaporated into water vapor due to the friction of the hole, but a stream of water in the center was really spectacular. I saw its speed. It was as fast as thunder and lightning. It rushed into the clouds in an instant and didn't see the end. I don't know how long it took. The white clouds that the water column rushed into suddenly slowly expanded, and then it became dark again. Originally, the sunny weather was turned into thunder and clouds by this small water column, and I didn't know that the extremely small water column I don't know how much water it contains and how many pieces the impact speed is.

"What's going on? Look at the speed of the water column, I'm afraid it can directly pass me through!"

Lin Quan was stunned when he looked at it. The high-pressure water column was already scary enough. I really don't know how big the pressure of this small water column should be. It's still not there!" Lin Quan thought about it and walked forward around the water column. However, at this time, lightning and thundered, and it rained heavily in an instant, but Lin Quan was not afraid of rain. The rain was three meters away from Lin Quan, like a transparent light curtain, which was blocked one after another. You know, Lin Quan is a water control master. This little rain The water can't do anything to him, but Lin Quan's speed is like that of a snail at this time, and he is already tired and out of breath.

Lin Quan walked a distance of less than two kilometers for more than two hours!

"Finally, I have arrived at this strange place. I will definitely come again when I have a chance." Lin Quan looked at the small hole that had stopped spraying water 100 meters next to him, but he didn't dare to go in and check it carefully. Instead, he stepped towards the target and stepped over!

"Is there any mistake? Isn't this a trick?" Lin Quan suddenly shouted loudly and raised his hair back. The same was true for the white horse Tianlong, with an incredible face.

It turned out that Lin Quan and Baima passed through the center side by side and suddenly accelerated. This acceleration was not what they wanted, and it was too fast. Lin Quan couldn't control himself for a moment and almost flew up!

"No, I think it's better to hold Tianlong!" Lin Quan felt that his body was getting more and more erratic, and he was about to fly. He couldn't help but be more nervous. If he flew to the sky and then fell down, he would not fall to death directly?

He suddenly jumped sideways, and with the help of his lighter body, he sat directly back on Tianlong's back, hugged him tightly, and never dared to let go.

Looking down from the sky, you can faintly see a wave like hot air rolling in front of the small hole in the center, as if brewing a shocking explosion, and Lin Quan, dressed in white, was really like the king of the white horse, with wings. The speed was getting faster and faster, making Lin Quan's cheeks more and more painful. It seems that the skin is about to fall off - this is still when they don't run with any strength!

"Wow, hoo, Tianlong, that's fine. We can quickly pass through this monotonous swamp!" Lin Quan slowly adapted to this extremely fast speed, and Lei Yun had passed. Instead, he became optimistic. However, if he knew that there was a very close mangrove in front of him, and it was impossible to stop the car at their speed, he would not be so optimistic.

"Hahaha, Dayan Empire, I, Duan Linquan, finally made a strong debut!" Lin Quan felt the sound of the wind that pierced his ears and remembered that he would really start his undercover journey through this swamp. The more excited he became, and even the dragon was adjusted by his emotions. Not only did he resist the faster and faster speed, he actually began to speed up!

This is really: Lin Quan was ecstatic, and the white horse jumped and was dizzy. Death is right in front of us, and the impermanent disdains the new soul.

To be honest, if I were white and impermanent, I would not accept these two idiotic souls.

A quarter of an hour later...

"God, what kind of shit tree is this? It's so short and thick, and the branches and leaves are so developed that it completely stops my sight. How can I hide!" Lin Quan sat on a three-meter-high horse, and the red leaves in his eyes went deep into his mind. These mangroves were generally only two and a half meters high, connected, as if they were just a tree. He didn't know where to cross. The speed of this fast super sound, coupled with the faint thrust behind it, could not be done at once. Subtracted.

"Isn't it impossible? I, Lin Quan, will be killed here today?" Lin Quan's heart moved slightly and felt a little incredible. Unexpectedly, he was not very nervous, as if the upcoming violent impact was fake!


Poor the innocent little mangrove they hit, and I don't know what evil they have done. Today, they will suffer this heavy blow. I saw the two sudden white creatures colliding. I don't know how many branches they broke. When they finally hit the trunk, they saw a trembling all over, which was obviously very big. The injury, the painful shaking of the whole body!

(please collect red tickets)