Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 76 Security breakthrough is enviable, and a smile to make a living

"I don't know what it feels like to break through the realm of fire quenching!" Lin Quan thought about it and became a little excited. He took out the pass order, but did not walk to the inner mountain, but walked to the flame hole. Because the vitality in the flame hole seemed to have a good impression on him, he was afraid that entering the practice place inside Jianyizong would bring him changes.

"It's here," Lin Quan looked at the sky. He was afraid that it would be dark in two hours, so he quickly stepped in.

Na Xi Ruoshui is still practicing hard in it, soaked in sweat and fighting with his hands and feet. For them, every practice is like experiencing a sea of knives and fire. I don't know what supported them to step into the road of practice, and I don't know if she passed this swords preliminary competition. She went late that day. Maybe she was early. I went back after the competition.

"I think this road of practice is like breaking a cocoon and turning into a butterfly, just to find a moment of sublimation of life!" Lin Quan vaguely guessed in his heart and sat down cross-legged, "However, why is there a limit to refining the body every day? Why did they concentrate in the body first and then break through at one time, but I condensed my body again and again until the moment of Dacheng? What is the difference between the ubiquitous vitality of heaven and earth and the vitality dedicated to practice? Why are there still some strange spirits other than the five elements in this world? Too many problems can't figure out, and Lin Quan no longer thinks too much and practices wholeheartedly.

In a few meters around the flame hole, there was a young man in a blue robe with a smile, and the fire vitality around him hovered around his body, as if cheering for his practice. Not long after, the young man's eyes emitted a trace of vitality like flame, but the fire vitality really penetrated. He came out, and then he stood up and stretched himself, as if it was just a lunch break.

"This is the feeling of the realm of fire quenching!" Lin Quan stood up slowly, and there was no sense of weakness brought by the breakthrough at all. Xi Ruoshui, who happened to see this scene, saw Lin Quan stand up and his temperament changed all over. He was so surprised that he could not speak. "Since the monaste of Taoism, the life-and-death struggle brought by the breakthrough is extremely frightening. How can there be a young man in front of him, just like sleeping?"

Lin Quan turned around and found Xi Ruoshui's eyes. It turned out that she had practiced to the extreme. At this time, she couldn't stand it, but she was about to go out immediately.

"Why don't I try this little corner that burns the eyebrows?" Lin Quan's heart moved, remembered the small corner that had been motionless these days, and controlled the fire and vitality in his body to burn into the small corner.

"Damn, it's so fierce!" Lin Quan's small corner suddenly glowed with a trace of yellow light, and then it was like a firewood. The open fire suddenly expanded and surrounded Lin Quan's whole body. A burst of heat wave made Xi Ruoshui, who was far away, tremble.

"No wonder it was so nothing just now. It turns out that this is the real disaster!" Xi Ruoshui was also very anxious when he saw it. He wanted to use his vitality to help Lin Quan put out the fire, but the vitality did not hit Lin Quan and was blocked by the formation. Instead, he bounced back.

"Now that he is in the inner layer, what should he do!" Xi Ruoshui was worried, but at this time, there was only Lin Quan in the inner layer. How could anyone save him? Is he really going to die here? Thinking of this, Xi Ruoshui seemed to be unable to watch it. She stepped into the hole, but wanted to enter the innermost layer from the other side and drag Lin Quan out first. She has been on the second floor for a while now, and there must be no problem persisting there for a few days.

"Oh, I didn't expect that this corner still has this effect, and I don't know what's going on!" Shortly after the Xi Ruoshui stepped out of the transmission array, the fire around Lin Quan suddenly condensed into Lin Quan's body. Lin Quan only felt that his vitality was suddenly enriched several times. Originally, the foundation of the quenching was unstable, but at this time it felt like the fire quenched body that had been condensed for a long time. Moreover, the vitality seemed to be better than that of the flame hole. The vitality is much more pure, just like Mu Ruomin absorbed the essence on Lin Quanjiao that day.

"I'll go back to see them first, so as to prepare for going up the mountain!" After thinking about it, he stepped into the transmission array and went straight out of the hole.

"Ah!" As soon as Lin Quan got outside the cave, there was a sudden scream, which almost scared him up. It turned out that Ze Xiruo said that he was about to enter the hole here, and he was shocked by Lin Quan who suddenly came out. This scare was really scary and scared to death.

"What are you?" Lin Quan calmed down and looked at the Xiruo Waterway that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Aren't you about to be burned to death? Why are you doing well again? Xi Ruoshui is also strange. Cheng Song does seem to be about to be burned to death by fire. How can it be fine at once?

"Haha," Lin Quan was stunned at first, and then thought of his own scene just now. He laughed and looked at Xi Ruoshui: "I, Cheng Song, how can I die so easily? Let's go to my room. I'm happy today, just to try my ability to control my fire vitality!"

Xi Ruoshui was stunned. Seeing that Lin Quan walked to the house happily, he had to quickly follow and looked at Lin Quan and said, "What's going on with you? Every time I'm about to be burned to death, but I can't die!"

"Do you want me to burn to death?" Lin Quan turned around and stared at Xi Ruoshui with a smile, thinking that she might have wanted to save herself just now. She couldn't help but raise a sense of gratitude: "Speaking of which, I'm already on the same side with you. Why do you want to save me again and again?"

"I save you because you need to save you. If it were any person, I would do it!" Hearing this, Xi Ruoshui hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, stared at the front and asked, "But what I don't understand is that you don't look bad. Why are you so bad to Xueyan's sister?"

"She," Lin Quan smiled thoughtfully. "She is the daughter of the prince and has a noble status, so it is difficult to understand the equality of people. I am also entrusted by the prince to have the obligation to educate her. If she does not stand up, follow her temper. In case one day her painstaking efforts**, how can I stop her?"

"Heartfelt**? Stop it? Xi Ruoshui was surprised when he heard these two words and asked, "What are you afraid of Xueyan's painstaking efforts**? What are you going to do to stop her?"

"Oh, I accidentally spilled the beans!" Lin Quan felt a burst of regret and had to hide it and said, "It's nothing, just don't let her cause trouble everywhere!" Eh? Look, there's a rabbit!"

"Eh?" Xi Ruoshui looked at Lin Quan's finger, and there was really a big white rabbit. He couldn't help but say happily, "You catch this rabbit back and give it to Sister Xue Yan. I'm sure she will never have a grudge against you again!"

"What?" Lin Quan saw Xueyan's idea, his heart moved, smiled darkly, and calculated. As soon as he took action, his vitality burst out. The rabbit was taken into his hand. Looking at the snow-white rabbit, Lin Quan laughed and said, "You're right, I'll go back and give her a surprise!"

"How did he give me a strange feeling when he said that?" Wang Xueyan looked at Lin Quan's fast-moving steps and had a burst of doubt in his heart.

The water of this small river is not very deep. It is as clear as the gurgling stream. It is really a vision. At this time, Wang Xueyan took a bamboo pole, but it was really boring and caught a fish. "Oh, that boy still wants to enter the preliminary competition, but I'm afraid he will be broken!" Thinking of this, she, who was a little bored, couldn't help laughing. On the sparkling water, there was a different kind of touching.

Unfortunately, there is no beauty in Lin Quan's heart? What an ignorant boy who won't pity Xiang Xiyu. I saw him look in front of him and shout, "Haha, for the first time, the water flows backwards, Xueyan fishing earthworms are sad!"

When Wang Xueyan heard this sound, he didn't know him, but he was too lazy to go back and just went fishing by himself.

"Sister Xueyan, don't be angry. Cheng Song has made a mistake and specially sent you a lovely rabbit to apologize!" But Xi Ruoshui has been walking recently and whispered.

"Well, he will apologize. I'm afraid it's really like peeled bamboo, and there is nothing left in his heart!" Wang Xueyan heard it, but he didn't believe it at all, but when he saw the rabbit in Xiruo's waterman, his heart was moved: "Does Cheng Song really know what's wrong? If this is the case, he must teach him a good lesson. It's better to give him a slap. No, two, ten, a hundred!"

"Haha, Wang Xueyan, if Shui is right, I really know what's wrong. How about I make a banquet for you tonight?" Lin Quan smiled and no longer cares about her expression. He turned around and walked to the hut. Wang Xueyan saw that he picked a lot of vegetables in his hand and was actually cooking! Do you really want to apologize for the first time?

"Well, it happened that it took his father Wang to shut him for decades to relieve his anger, but now he apologizes and can't make him feel better!" Wang Xueyan looked at it and suddenly became proud. She took the rabbit in Xi Ruoshui's hand. She stayed in the city since she was a child, but she really liked this cute animal.

"Hey, you'll know later!" Lin Quan saw this in front of the window, but his heart was very happy, and his hands were busy. If he looked from the outside, he was really a good head man.

"Huh? Don't run, don't run?" Wang Xueyan was playing happily with the white rabbit at this time. Unexpectedly, the white rabbit suddenly went crazy and ran out at a high speed. She had never practiced and couldn't catch it for a moment. She couldn't help but be anxious until the white rabbit ran into the age of the tree and disappeared. Wang Xueyan was depressed and was almost strange. Come to Lin Quan, "Well, it must be Cheng Song who deliberately didn't let me get it!"

"Huh? Sister Xueyan, where's your rabbit? However, Xi Ruoshui responded to Lin Quan's appointment and ran over from his room at night to have dinner together.

"Hmm!" Hearing this, Wang Xueyan looked at the surface of the water and stopped talking, as if he was still angry.

"Well, at this time, the moon is hanging high and the silver light enters the water. It's really a good scenery. When will the two girls wait if they don't have dinner together now?" But after a while, Lin Quan put the table out, looked at the two beautiful women in front of him, and invited them with a smile.

"Xueyan, let's go to dinner first. Although the rabbit is lost, I don't think he will blame it!" Xi Ruoshui saw that Wang Xueyan still didn't move, so he had to pull her over.

"This is the delicacy that I carefully barbecued with fire vitality. Every trace of it is fragrant into the bone marrow. You must eat it happily. Come on, this is the wine I borrowed from Brother Jian Qirong. I won't get drunk today!" When Lin Quan saw the two coming, he didn't look at Wang Xueyan's expression. He put the dishes on the wooden table and poured them all full of wine. He looked at the two of them looking forward to it.

To know what Lin Quan wants to do, please take a look at the next decomposition!