Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 95 The amazing flame melts into the body, and the harem 800 is not true

Linquan's palace is also dark and gloomy, which is much shorter than the demon king palace. The main hall is 100 meters high, but nevertheless, if it is placed on the earth, it will definitely be a huge palace.

At this time, Lin Quan stood quietly between the fence in the main hall and looked at the pouring rain in the courtyard, and his heart was full of mixed tastes. Just now, in order not to reveal the truth, he not only did he not take a trace of action for the death of the fox king, but also personally killed an innocent fox clan. Now he has had nothing to do with the fox clan. Dai Tian's revenge was not his original intention, but now, what can he do?

"Anyway, I killed the little fox just now, and I have an unforgivable crime!" Lin Quan was secretly ashamed and remembered the huge body of the bull's head. "In this case, he should die. I must let him taste the evil fruits he planted!" Lin Quan's eyes flashed suddenly and returned to the palace. Now that he knows the refining method of his own sword, he just needs to quietly refine his own magic weapon.

"Everything is knowledge, knowledge of all laws, and knowledge of all laws!" Lin Quan closed his eyes and somehow had such a formula suddenly appeared in his mind. His heart only felt extremely transparent, as if everything could be seen clearly. According to the method of the refinery formula, first of all, he had to open a chaos in his body. To be honest, understanding the method is one thing, and whether he can do it is another matter.

Originally, Lin Quan closed his eyes and didn't know how to do it at all. It was not until his heart moved and this formula came out that he suddenly had a sense of enlightenment. At this time, although he closed his eyes, he had a feeling that he could see his body, and he didn't know whether it was hallucination or reality.

"Since everything is knowledge, and knowledge is born with all the laws, and each other knows all the laws, all of this is just a ring, a perfect ring!" Lin Quan's mind suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment, and a vague inner vision of his Dantian was formed in his heart, and the corners of his eyebrows were slightly hot, as if he was also cheering for this sudden feeling.

Lin Quan suddenly shouted, his whole body was full of vitality, and suddenly walked to Dantian in a wonderful order. The number of these vitality was huge, and he had to walk his limbs to bear it, but now Lin Quan rushed to the Dantian. If anyone saw such a situation, he must think that he was a madman.

Lin Quan only felt Dantian for a while**, as if the meat grinder was torn and flipped in the body, and the pain was too painful to be added. In fact, his body did not change. This method of opening up chaos in Dantian's inner view was only opened up as a bridge for no reason.

In the position of Dantian under Linquan, a stream of vitality erupted and rampaged, giving Lin Quan an extremely painful feeling without destroying his body, which is really a spectacle.

"Okay, just wait for this moment!" Lin Quan suddenly opened his eyes, and the kneaded vitality suddenly swam back to the meridians in a wonderful order, distributed all over the body, as if nothing had happened. However, a small and unpredictable change completely changed Lin Quan's view of cultivation.

In the middle of Dantian, there is a small cloud-shaped whirlpool floating in it. This whirlpool is only as big as the tip of the little finger, and it looks like a reduced version of the Milky Way. It is very beautiful. Although Lin Quan can't see it directly, there is an idea in his mind for no reason. This idea is like an x-ray. It can vaguely show the situation in Dantian.

"Although this whirlpool seems to rotate clockwise at first, it looks like rotating counterclockwise. Looking carefully, it seems to have changed its direction. Moreover, after looking at it for a long time, it seems that it is not a cloud the size of a little finger, but more like a galaxy, as if it is not It's a disk, but it turns into a ring. The information contained in it is huge. It deserves to be called chaos. I can't figure out what the state is!"

Lin Quan shook his head and was about to stand up. Suddenly, the universe bag around his waist shook, as if something was about to rush out. It was the universe bag given to him by the Xishan king to hold the magic flame.

Huh? Does the king of Xishan want to control this vitality remotely? Do you want to harm me?" Lin Quan frowned and found that this vitality came directly out of the universe bag without his own control, as if he had spirituality, and rushed directly to the chaos that Lin Quan had just broken.

"It's not good!" Lin Quan couldn't help shouting and quickly used his whole body to resist it, afraid that the black vitality would suddenly enter his body and cause damage.

However, this black magic flame regarded Lin Quan's vitality as nothing. With just a drill, it silently entered the whirlpool of Dantian.

"Bang!" It's like throwing a thunder in the water, but this time Lin Quan's body is water and the magic flame is thunder.

Lin Quan only felt that his whole body was almost shaken up. Dantian seemed to have broken a big hole, as if he could still feel the coolness brought by the wind through his body.

Just as Lin Quan was extremely worried and thought he was going to be killed, the chaos of the little finger suddenly rotated violently. Although Lin Quan couldn't figure out which direction it was spinning, the speed was absolutely dozens of times faster. Lin Quan felt that his intestines were about to be stirred up.

And this black smoke was stirred by the whirlpool and was immediately sucked in directly as if it really fell into the fan.

With a sound, the originally white cloud-shaped nebula swallowed this little black, and the color immediately faded a little. Although it did not become obvious, Lin Quan still knew a terrible answer to his accurate perception of chaos in his body - his chaos was polluted!

"What can I do? If I can't practice my own magic weapon, Dantian has an evil thing, wouldn't I be very dangerous?" Seeing that the restlessness subsided, Lin Quan tried to use the magic flame that integrated into chaos in his body, but there was no response at all.

"Damn, if you go out this time and are met by that group of fox demons, it's really reasonable and retribution!" Lin Quan felt cold, but before he recovered, he heard a trace of movement outside, and a loud voice came in:

"General Zhenxi, the last general has sent a total of 872 foxes, a total of 1,252 servants, and 209 guards. Please come out and settle them!"

"It's true that Cao Cao will arrive!" Lin Quan sighed, but he was originally owed to others, and he was not afraid that he would die at his hands. He simply became a living horse doctor, stepped out of the main hall and walked to the outer hall.

At this time, the general had introduced all the people into the outer courtyard side fence. Because of the use of spells, these people were not wet on the road. They just stood in it, with a clear face. More than 2,000 people crowded together, which was quite spectacular.

"Xiaoxiang, you and another leader lead my side hall, and the others are all settled by the guide general!" Lin Quan's face was natural at this time, and he was not afraid of losing his support. He looked at the little fragrance with a resentful face.

"The last general is ordered!" As soon as the general arched his hand, he quickly ordered the guards to arrange it. They were experienced but well-organized, and Lin Quan was not worried at all.

"You two come with me, I have something to say!" Lin Quan approached the little fragrance and looked into her eyes.

"Well, if you want to force us, we would rather die than you want!" At this time, Xiaoxiang's face, which looked a little childish, seemed very resolute, and so did the other leader, with a completely unyielding expression.

"I don't force you, and I don't want you. I just want to say that if you still want revenge, you can stay in my side hall. One day you feel capable of killing me, and you will take revenge!" Seeing this, Lin Quan didn't care. After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hmm!" When Xiaoxiang saw Lin Quan leaving, she didn't know what the hell he was thinking about. She thought about it carefully and finally made up her mind, "Xiao Xue, let's go. Since he dares not to eradicate it, he must kill him in the future!" After saying that, they walked to the side hall first. The leader of the fox clan, known as Xiaoxue, followed after hearing this. At this time, they were afraid of the magic flame on Lin Quan's body and wanted to kill Lin Quan, but they had to think about it in the long run.

Lin Quan returned to the main hall, but he did not dare to continue the practice of refining formulas. He thought that according to this formula, the next step was to take life as the hostage and kill his own spirit to nourish himself in chaos, but he wanted to lower his weak strength a step further. Before reaching the perfect water quenching of the five elements, it was really A little afraid of leaving the back roots is not conducive to your own practice.

"In the realm of gold quenching, the vitality is the most explosive. In addition to quenching the body every day, it must also condense every day to deepen the vitality and gather in the governor's vein and not diverge at will. Once you relax your mind, you will lose all your previous achievements. You can't advance. If it is serious, you will be able to break the body of vitality and die. Can't you sleep in the future?" Lin Quan remembered what was said in the practice method, and he couldn't help but wonder and dared not practice at will.

According to the Demon Palace Order, each palace above the general level has an independent place of practice, but the whole palace community gathers and distributes the vitality of the Xishan Mountains according to a special array, and the quality of the large palace is much better than other places of practice. Speaking of which, I don't know this yet. What's the difference between the five elements of vitality washed by the vitality of the mountains!"

Lin Quan nodded, took a step, and walked to the place of practice according to the guidance of the demon palace order. I don't know what is the difference between the place of practice arranged by the demon king and the sword sect.

After walking about 500 steps, a dark and short room appeared in front of Lin Quan. This room was like a reduced version of the palace, as if it was copied and imitated by his main hall. It was only more than ten meters high. The two powerful bronze lions at the door also made Lin Quan feel strange. There are so many fierce beasts in the world, but the lion The son is regarded as a watchman.

"I'm going to see what's the difference between the practice of goblins and human beings!"

Lin Quan nodded, pushed open the door and strode in.