Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 99 The brave meet on the narrow road, and the evil spirits rush to the sky

Cui Yuan seemed to finally see his hope. After a while, he calmed down. He waved his hand and put the swallowing bag into his bag. He was not as fast as when he came. Instead, he restrained his breath and flew in the direction of the Xuanchun Fairy Mansion with an extremely slow and extremely careful attitude. When he got there, he turned around and passed the sky carefully. The mountain territory will really return to its nest and no longer have to worry about being found until the day when the opportunity comes!

"Hmm?" Just as Cui Yuan was on his way, he suddenly felt an evil breath coming from the south and was heading towards him. This breath was extremely domineering and did not hide it at all, which almost made his own magic energy shorter.

"Which fellow path is it? It seems to be an overseas spirit beast, and it is a magic skill at first glance. Isn't he afraid that righteous people will find that they will rise up and attack?" Cui Yuan frowned and was curious. He held the magic wand in his hand, used the supreme fantasy, and carefully explored it.

When he approached carefully, he found a young man in a red robe with a red face. At this time, his skin had turned earthy red, and his eyes also emitted a slight red light, like Shura from an endless sea of blood, exuding blood and brutality all over his body.

"When did I have such a master in He Xuan mainland?" Cui Yuan had a burst of doubts and carefully recalled all kinds of things. Although he had not been born for 2,000 years, judging from the news of his disciples and grandchildren, when did such a person appear? This person's breath is comparable to his own, and he is actually a strong man in the ** realm.

"Who dares to peep at this seat!" Cui Yuanben was still speculating carefully. He didn't think that the celebrity in front of him would know that someone was peeping at him without looking at him. As soon as he turned around, he was facing his direction. His eyes were miserable and there was no human breath.

Seeing that he was exposed, Cui Yuan relied on his cultivation to be no less than the other party, and he also had a magic wand. Although he could not use the swallowing bag for the time being, he was not afraid at all. He simply appeared and stared at the figure in front of him fixedly: "I am the endless demon king, the leader of the endless magic palace. Who are you?"

"Endless Demon King?" Xiao Jiangbo heard this and smiled contemptuously, "I thought it was someone. It turned out that he was just a coward who hid under the ground and dared not be born!"

"Humph, which junior are you? How dare you be so arrogant!" When Cui Yuan heard this, his anger broke out, but he still resisted not to do it. One was to beware of the right siege, and the other was that this person's skills were unfathomable to his own, and he was not willing to fight desperately for the time being.

"Where is it your turn to ask about my identity?" Xiao Jiangbo snorted coldly, and his eyes suddenly turned red. Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to launch an attack.

Cui Yuan only felt that his mind was about to sink into the endless sea of blood. He couldn't help sighing, and on the other hand, he was so disrespectful and annoyed by this man. With a wave of the magic stick, the red light and black smoke were suddenly consumed.

"The younger generation dares!" Cui Yuan was stimulated by this and no longer had to disguise his magic wand. He suddenly rushed up a hundred meters high, with dark clouds rolling above his head, like the mixed demon god, in Xiao Jiangbo's eyes, as if there was only this demon god left in heaven and earth.

"I didn't expect that you broke through the realm of **. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant!" Xiao Jiangbo was also a little depressed by this momentum. He couldn't help frowning, and his whole body was scattered by thousands of pieces. Suddenly, he turned into a piece of blood fog of the same size, with an unparalleled fishy smell and went away.

"It's really a master!" As soon as Cui Yuan saw that the other party's body turned into blood fog, he knew that it was not easy to deal with. With a wave of his hand, the magic clouds around him were suddenly condensed, wrapped around his magic staff, and a huge whirlpool swept away all the way. Because the speed was too fast, the air around suddenly burst into a tornado, and the wind sounded, a little The tiny trees were directly uprooted by the wind, covered with dust, mixed with stones and trees, and the magic was hidden in it. The red cloud was torn by the strong wind, as if it would be refined by the magic wand at any time.

Although this magic wand is only a preliminary condensation and cannot reach the point of turning everything into demons, if Xiao Jiangbo is really involved at this time, I'm afraid it is indeed a lot of bad luck.

Xiao Jiangbo incarnates thousands of times at this time. Every red cloud is a part of his body. I don't know what the black smoke is. A part of himself has just been involved in it and is suddenly refined into the source of vitality. It's really vicious. I just wanted to break through from one direction, but this smoke seems to be spiritual. It seems that it has changed with his changes, which makes him unable to escape!

"What kind of magic weapon is this? Does it feel that there is a magic weapon?" Xiao Jiangbo was shocked and no longer dared to despise him. Unexpectedly, he had just succeeded in showing his power and encountered a hard point.

"In a moment, I changed for Lancang. Look at my blood and soul melted into my body and kill the red devil!" Xiao Jiangbo shouted loudly and spit out his magic skills. The originally scattered red cloud was suddenly condensed into a stream. This red cloud was a hundred times stronger than before, and the smell was even more strange and smelly. However, it seemed that when he reached the ** realm, his skills also entered a higher layer. At this time, the red devil was no longer a red fog, and It's a red shadow! A red shadow condensed by blood mist! The devil's head has two big horns, his eyes are in the shape of a swirl, and his mouth is extremely large. He is really a supreme demon who wants to devour thousands of worlds.

Cui Yuan saw that he was already in the upper hand. He didn't think that this person's body had changed a lot and was born into a red blood demon. His bloody and tragic breath was a hundred times stronger than his own magic spirit. His magic wand seemed to tremble slightly, as if he had seen extremely horrible things.

"How can there be such a skill in the world? Do you even feel horrible about my evil magic wand? Cui Yuan was full of doubts at this time. What he didn't know was that if Xiao Jiangbo had just been promoted to ** and his skills were not solidified enough, he was afraid that his magic wand would have withered directly at this time! Now, at least there is still the power of a war.

"Drink! What about the Red Devils? Now I'm about to kill demons and return to the sect with tens of thousands of demons!" Cui Yuan shouted loudly, and the magic wand in his hand seemed to be stimulated and excited. Suddenly, it seemed that his fighting spirit was strengthened a hundred times. Cui Yuan's eyes were shining black. His funny face was not funny at all at this time. Every pore of his skin emitted black smoke. Looking carefully, these black smoke actually became One by one, these figures look like human beings, but their faces are all empty and terrible, just like demons.

"All demons return to the sect! Unexpectedly, he practiced to the point where the demon came out of the body!" Xiao Jiangbo was shocked and didn't expect that the endless demon king's cultivation could be so refined, but he was not afraid. He hit the wand with several times more powerful, but he wanted to harden it to see what his spiritual magic weapon could do.

"Boom!" There was a Thunderbolt on the flat ground, and the surrounding trees of 1,000 meters were shaken by this shock one after another. After a while, they all turned into ashes and landed more than three feet, white and black, as if they were a dream.

These trees are directly shaken into gray!

At this time, Xiao Jiangbo turned into a human form and looked at the demon king in front of him. The red color on his body was obviously going to fade. Obviously, there was a lot of vitality damage just now.

Cui Yuan's palm trembled slightly, and Qi Yun's suicide in front hand was damaged. Now a pair of fights, the loss seems to be bigger.

"Well, now you and I are so angry that the masses will be buried here. I won't care about you first. In the future, I must pay the price for today's disrespect!" Cui Yuan snorted coldly and thought that the big thing was the most important thing. It was not worth fighting for Cheng Yaojin, who was killed halfway, so he had no intention to fight again. With a wave of his hand, a black smoke surrounded him, and soon became one with the surrounding environment and walked silently to the side.

Xiao Jiangbo saw this and did not pursue him. This person's strength was still stronger than himself. Besides, what he just said was true. He still avoided the limelight first. Although he acted arrogantly, he still had a sense of proportion.

At this time, Cui Yuan quietly walked through the woods and secretly vigilant against the pursuit of the characters behind him. After waiting for more than ten miles, he found that there was no trace behind him, so he slowly relieved his heart. Just as he relaxed, he saw a white light in front of him, and the magic wand in his hand had taken off his hand and flew out.

Just listen to "Dang!" With a sound, the wand seemed to have been greatly injured, and the huge force shook back. Cui Yuan only felt as if a magic wand could not control such a huge energy for a moment. He suddenly counterattacked and hit the sternum, which was more powerful than the broken stone in his chest?

"Who dares to plot me!" Cui Yuan's face turned pale and was alert. The magic wand was seriously damaged because he did not have his own host. I don't know how long it will take to repair it. If it hadn't been for the automatic savior of the magic wand just now, he would have been at least seriously injured, and even plotted to death. What he just attacked should be a sword weapon, Jane Silently to the extreme, and the swordsmanship is even more mysterious. At the top, I only have time to see a white light, and I don't even know who is here and where!

"What?" A surprise suddenly came from the top of the tree not far away, as if a sword was dodged by the other party. You know, I just saw the devil rushing to the sky and came to check the situation, but it was a demon head war that had not been seen for thousands of years. Such a good opportunity, if you don't take the opportunity to ambush and kill the demon head of the endless demon king, when will it take?

Cui Yuan looked up along his voice and saw a golden dress. The man with a purple and gold crown was facing him with a doubtful expression. He was not the head of the mountain school that day, but Xi Siming, who was known as a drop of sword back then?

"No wonder he was almost killed by plotting just now. Once Xi Siming locked the enemy's breath, he would take action first, known as a drop of sword, killing only shed a drop of blood. Today, he is really lucky to die!" As soon as Cui Yuan saw it, he understood eight points in his heart. He was still afraid that he had almost suffered a secret plot just now. The sword just now was really hidden to the extreme and plotted murder. Even if the two sides of strength are equal, it is still careless, not to mention Xi Siming, who is famous for killing with one blow? But thanks to this psychic wand!

"Well, I won't argue with you today. I will kill Tianshan Mountain and slaughter thousands of lives another day!" The demon king shouted, but it had a little shocking effect. Xi Siming was shocked and slightly distracted. Cui Yuan stepped on the wand and galloped away quickly. The speed was much faster than the Qingyun Sword!

Xi Siming knew that the demon king had a peerless magic weapon, and he would not kill him for a while and no longer pursue him. He just looked at the bloody atmosphere in the distance, and also saw the wind and clouds surging in the direction of Linshui Zhifen and Jianyi Sect. I'm afraid that the news that the devil's road re-ems return to the magic palace is no longer a secret. It is really too eye-catching to say that the bloody spirit of the demon is far away. Millions of miles can also make people feel it immediately, otherwise Xi Siming would not come to plot from the vicinity of Tianshan immediately.

"Presumably, all the heroes will gather to discuss the attack of the magic road, and the ambition of Jianyizong is even more unfathomable. I will go to Tianshan Mountain to boil wine and talk about it. If they all agree to fight for the endless magic palace, they will be in my arms and give up the trouble of my confidants!" Xi Siming smiled, and he flashed away and galloped towards Tianshan.