Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 101 Sudden destruction of the original meaning, double foxes receive and make a living

"Is this?" The spirit beast with sharp pupils saw that Lin Quan took out a three-foot sword and emitted a faint heat wave. Although its vitality was thin, it was extremely precious and pure. I don't know where it came from.

Lin Quan did not speak. With a wave of his hand, a stream of vitality burst out and disappeared into the root of a big tree in the distance. A strong wind happened to blow in. The tree was blown and suddenly fell down. At this time, its roots had disappeared and returned to dust!

"I don't cast spells to show off. I'm not qualified to show off in front of you!" Lin Quan stood up and looked carefully at the distance. The firelight jumped into his eyes, as if it were shining with profound wisdom.

"This evil wind reflects the waves, with the vitality of the mountains as the root, and the acquired spirit and wind as the source. The root is the root, and it is broken silently. Once the movement comes, it will naturally fall down!" Lin Quan said that the acquired spirit and wind is also evolved from the origin of the five elements, and its power is no less than that of the origin of the five elements. For example, the sword meaning sect wind and fire elder sword is full of dust, and the wood fire mixed with spiritual body. In another sentence, it can also be said that it is also a wind spirit body. It is also a spirit body, but you don't have to care too much about the name.

"The vitality of the mountain can only be emitted by adhering to the roots of the mountain. The art of gathering must be as solid as golden soup, and the wind and vitality are endless, all over thousands of worlds. How can it be eradicated?" This eyes are full of doubts and don't attack. It sounds good, but it also needs a method, doesn't it?

Lin Quan heard the spirit beast's doubts, smiled, looked at the two beautiful women around him, turned his head and stared into his eyes and said, "Have you forgotten?"

"Oh?" Hearing this, he immediately understood and nodded, but his heart kept beating drums, and it was not easy to speak to face. He just arched his hand and said, "When we leave tomorrow and arrive at the Red Camel Mountain, and then talk to the general in detail. Before we go there, ask the general to do a good job. Today we will go back to the camp and wait for the general's order tomorrow!" After saying that, he didn't care about the three unconvinced men and went out first.

Those unconvinced spirit beasts saw that the eldest brother had left, and they couldn't say anything more. They also got up one after another and left Lin Quan. At this time, there were only two beautiful little foxes, Lin Quan and Xiaoxiang Xiaoxue, left in front of the whole fire.

That Xiaoxiang and that Xiaoxue didn't say a word. Although she was forced by Lin Quan to go west together, she was not willing to make any effort to find an opportunity. It was the right thing to secretly calculate Lin Quan's knife behind her back.

Lin Quan knew what they were thinking and didn't say anything. With a wave of his hand, it was the green ball and the yellow ball, and even Xiaobai were summoned by him.

As soon as these little guys came out, they were suddenly very excited and jumped around Lin Quan, as if they were cheering him up. The two little foxes were also a little surprised to see this scene. Unexpectedly, Lin Quan, a treacherous person, raised such a cute pet.

"These two balls, one is called the green ball and the other is called the yellow ball, which have some incredible therapeutic effects. They are as miserable and even more serious as you. They are only two left in their whole family now, but they are different from you. Although their extermination is related to me, they not only hate me. , and follow me through this boundless world!" Lin Quan looked at the two people in front of him in a light tone and no expression, as if he were just telling a story that had nothing to do with him.

"Are you afraid that we will stab you in the back?" This little fragrance snorted coldly and looked disdainful.

"If you really stabbed me, it's my fault!" Lin Quan sighed, "I was originally a spiritual beast in the egg of a natural god. I was born with great wisdom, just for the game world. Which day is life or death, but I can't care so much. Anyway, isn't it also death after all?"

"It's good to think of this. Don't blame our ruthlessness at that time!" Xiaoxiang snorted coldly again. On this childlike face and breasts, instead of looking ugly, there was a trace of charm floating on her face.

"When do you think you have the ability to deal with the black smoke? I don't want to care about stabbing me, but this time you must help me capture the red camel mountain, occupy this mountain, and go deep into the western mountains. The situation is extremely complicated, but the king has no request, and my task is basically completed. The king gave me black smoke, Ben It is to prepare for my Western Expedition. When I finish my Western Expedition, I will also take back the black smoke. How about we die again? Lin Quan talked, but told a lie.

"Well, how can we know the secret between you and the ugly king? Do you think we will be easily fooled by you?" But Xiaoxue, who has been talking very little, finally couldn't help saying. This Xiaoxue, worthy of being named Xiaoxue's second son, is as beautiful as snow, white and flawless. How can people who don't know connect her with the fox spirit?

"Although I am treacherous, I dare to do it. Otherwise, why should I admit in public that I killed your king and aroused your hatred for no reason? Isn't it better to weave a lie casually?"

Lin Quanjing said that he was still unsure and couldn't help saying, "With your fossil qualification, how long will it take to defeat this black smoke? To tell you the truth, I am a natural wood, fire, gold and three-color mixed spirit body. My qualifications are much higher than yours. I really have to wait for a long time. At that time, I'm afraid that you will never have any chance. Otherwise, why does the king of Xishan be so valued me?

"How can it be a three-color hybrid spirit?" Hearing this little fragrance, she was shocked. How can there be a three-color mixed spirit in the world? However, there must be a reason why the king valued him so much.

"I only tell you two about this!" Lin Quan stroked the littlebai slightly. At this time, the two ball clans had jumped out and only played and jumped with the tops of the trees. This is your only chance. When you step down the Red Camel Mountain, it is also the moment of your revenge. Think about it yourself!"

After Lin Quan finished speaking, he stood up and walked to his tent. Before leaving, there were still bursts of voices: "If you think about it tomorrow, we will set out!" After saying that, the people disappeared and fell into the army of a million, and the night was heavy.

Looking at the distant back, Xiaoxiang has an ironic feeling in her heart. Now she is talking to her enemies face to face about how to revenge. How does this start?

"Hum, Sister Xiaoxue, it's too late for us to pretend to help him first. If there is a chance, it's not too late to stab him in the back!" After thinking about it, she found that there was really no better way. Xiaoxiang made up her mind and a cold conspiracy rose in her heart.

The next day, the morning light first appeared and the cool breeze brushed on my body. Although the winter in the world was not too cold, Lin Quan could still feel the coolness.

When I opened the door of the camp, I saw two beautiful women standing in front of the door, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

"You guys agreed?" Lin Quan frowned slightly, but knew that the two women would not help him sincerely, but now he had to make contributions in front of the king of Xishan.

"Let's listen to your plan. Humph, we will kill you another day!" Xiaoxiang snorted coldly and walked into the tent. Whether Lin Quan agreed or not, he sat at the table with Xiaoxue.

Seeing this, Lin Quan also walked over and said, "Time is tight. We have to rush to the Red Camel Mountain before sunset. How about we talk about it in detail on the road?"

"Hmm!" Hearing Lin Quan's words, Xiaoxiang had to stand up and walk to her mount. She sat up first and waited for Lin Quan to come.

"Good!" Lin Quan nodded slightly. At this time, the four generals just rushed over and gave an order. The army quickly gathered, and soon returned to the long migration formation. Millions of troops said that it was a terrible number. With such a well-trained training, I really couldn't imagine that most of them were fierce beasts.

"General, have you made a plan?" The eyes came over, blinking slightly, and there was a black light, as if they had eyes in their eyes.

"I'll tell these two women later that we'll just answer later!" Lin Quan showed that it had been done with one look. Under another order, millions of troops rushed away. He looked fierce and unstoppable, and he didn't know that he could not complete the task.

The red camel mountain thousands of miles away is really like a red-haired hump. The whole mountain is actually a bare stone mountain with a height of eight or nine kilometers. It is said to be a mountain, but it is like two mountains pulling each other, one high and one low, just like the shocking camel crawling on the ground, with a special power in it.

And at the top of that peak, there is another 100-meter boulder, like a huge finger, to break through the sky. At the upper end of the boulder, there stands a scary chicken-like animal on one leg. The animal is ten feet tall, with purple feathers all over its body, and a chicken's body. In addition to the mouth, its face is more like a human. The eyes are as big as a cow drum and very asymmetrical with the face.

When the first ray of sunshine came, his eyes suddenly opened, as if at the same time, his eyes and light appeared at the same time, and there was no problem.

At this time, he looked fixedly ahead, expressionless, and suddenly spread huge wings, which was the direction that Lin Quan and the others came.

Originally, when he returned at sunrise and night, he traveled more than 100,000 miles a day, which was born from hereditary income. His mission was sent from the heart and was uncontrollable. That is to say, if there are no special circumstances, he must explore the surrounding situation in the most dangerous direction every day, which may also be a long-term habit.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that there is no creaking nest under his wings. Instead, there are two horrible yellow and black eyes constantly blinking, as if they are constantly exploring the slightest movement around, and as if they are observing the essence of the hidden abyss through the phenomenon!

No one can know why this magical species exists, and even how they were born. It seems that their lives are flying, going home, practicing, and how they reproduce and inherit is also a mystery. I'm afraid even their own parents don't know it, and it's really a strange story!

This is the mountain king of Red Camel Mountain, the ancient alien beast flying chicken!

This is also an extremely lustful but infertile species!