Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 105 Black Horn Red Blood White Impermanence, Cold Pine Battle Cow Red Sword Injury

Lin Quan turned back and saw that it was a little fragrance with an extremely nervous expression. At this time, she was also extremely shocked by the murderous spirit revealed by Lin Quan, but just now, it was an excellent opportunity for her to kill Lin Quan. How could she let it go?

"Roar!" Lin Quan roared, and the long sword was actually forced out of the body and returned. His eyes were red and his long hair was flying, like a tiger seeing a sheep and looking at the little fragrance in front of him. At this time, where is it like a small spirit beast that has reached the realm of Jin quenching? It's a hell demon that kills countless times!

The little fragrance and the little snow not far away were suddenly shocked by Lin Quan. He immediately stepped back and looked at Lin Quan nervously and was on guard.

"Well, I should have suffered this sword!" Lin Quan's eyes turned red and white. After a while, he slowly recovered. At this time, his chest kept bleeding, and his face was as white and impermanent, which was really a little horrible.

However, there is no momentum to kill everything just now. Although it is a little more murderous than the previous Lin Quan, it is not a devil after all.

But his horns have turned black!

"Haha, your heart is penetrating now, how can you survive?" This little fragrance saw a terrible hole in Lin Quan's chest. His blood flowed, his face became paler and pale, and his lips trembled slightly. He couldn't help laughing. After a while, she hissed and shouted, "Wang, I finally avenge our fox clan!"

"Sister Xiang!" However, Xiaoxue saw Xiaoxiang laughing crazily. At this time, her mind was still a little simple. She couldn't see that her usually gentle sister suddenly went crazy and couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

"Drink, dare to hurt the general of the west of my town!" Just as Lin Quan felt extremely weak and was about to faint, he saw a violent shout on the flat ground, and his voice resounded through the sky and shocked his heart!

It was the king of Xishan who came curiously when he saw the shocking war.

"Your Majesty!" Although Lin Quan had already expected that such a battle would attract the king, he still pretended to be an innocent person who suddenly saw the savior.

However, the injury to the heart was true. With two words, it seemed to exhale his last breath. Lin Quan fell to the ground and stopped inhaling.

Huh? Wanlingzhu hasn't appeared yet. You can't die now!" At a glance, a rhinoceros spirit suddenly raised Lin Quan, returned to his side, and looked at Lin Quan's wound carefully. He found that his heart was pierced, and the sword was even more energetic. As a result, the wound not only did not decrease, but the wound continued to expand. Now it has the size of a bowl mouth, and the whole heart only has a layer of shell, which is really Shocking!

"Okay, God help me, just to deepen the control!" As soon as the rhinoceros saw a big hole in Lin Quan's heart, he couldn't help but be secretly happy and just performed magical power to control it under his command.

I saw him wave his hand, and the faint fluorescence emitted, and the surrounding vitality was grabbed by him. I don't know what method he used. The vitality gathered more and more in the heart. Slowly, a heart was born out of thin air!

It is the supreme magic of the realm of **. Everything evolved from five elements, and naturally there is a way to recreate it!

However, when he repaired Lin Quan's heart, he crossed into the silky black smoke. In the future, I'm afraid that Lin Quan can kill him at any time without any effort.

It's really a vicious rhinoceros spirit. It just came out of prison and entered my heart.

But I don't know how Lin Quan should solve it later.

However, just as the rhinoceros saw Lin Quan slowly wake up and turned around to deal with the little fragrance and Xiaoxue, his back was cold and his soul suddenly flew out of the sky.

"The head of Jianyi Sect is known as the first in the world, and he used such a despicable means!" The rhinoceros spirit shouted loudly, and there was an extra bloody sword in his hand. He turned back to the block. Suddenly, the mountain under his feet broke and directly submerged his body in half. I don't know how powerful the gentle blow just now was!

Lin Quan's eyes suddenly opened, and he saw the man hanging in the air with a calm face like water, not Jianlei Hansong or who?

"Your Majesty, the two foxes and I retreat first!" Lin Quan suddenly shouted loudly, which was simply too loud. Although the rhinoceros essence was high, after all, there was no need to suddenly drink so loudly beside him.

However, at the moment when the rhinoceros spirit was stunned, Lin Quan flashed sideways and just reached the middle of the two women, but a drop of colorless water in his hand had fallen, right in the bloody sword!

"Go!" Lin Quan saw that the two women were still in a daze. With their hands together, a rune floated behind him, and a drop of Lin Quan's blood on it suddenly flew to the figure of the head of Jianyi Sect.

"Roar!" When the big rhinoceros saw Lin Quan's sudden mutiny, he seemed to understand something. He roared and his eyes were like bull drums, "Hahaha, how dare you send an undercover agent to explore my Xishan? Do you really think I'm so easy to deal with?"

As soon as the words fell, the sword waved, and the faint dark shadow condensed on the blade. It seemed simple and unpretentious, but in fact it was fierce!

"Bang!" However, the golden light of the rune flashed, and a huge and unparalleled vitality suddenly broke out. When the rhinoceros spirit saw that the rune was so powerful, he couldn't help but be shocked. He looked at Lei Hansong like a ghost and shouted, "It's actually a life-threatening charm. Did you actually get the refining method of life-threatening charm? Is it..."

However, the sound was not fully emitted, and a earth-shaking sound came from the top of the mountain. The stones flew and the earth shook, and the whole mountain was blown flat.

When the dust falls and the clouds and smoke float away, the whole mountain is left to look at the rolling water at the bottom of the mountain.

Several people in the air have already disappeared. Around the whole Red Camel Mountain, the big trees turned into ashes, and the land turned up out of thin air, leaving only countless corpses and blood, and the fishy smell was soaring to the sky. This is simply unbearable pain.

"Well, who on earth has such a shocking power? Who did the war just now? The big rhinoceros snorted coldly and moved his big ears, but found that the generals in the fossil world still had breath. He couldn't help laughing: "Anyway, the spirit beast is still under my control. These generals are not dead, but those monsters are nothing. Jian Lei Han Song, I think you are really naive and cute. If I have a brother with five elements of spiritual bodies Son, where will he run out? It's really sent to my mouth, I have to suffer, hahahaha..."

After laughing, as soon as he grabbed his big hand, he flew to his palace. It was incredibly fast and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Quan quietly looked at the head of Jianyizong in front of him, but he was a little uneasy. On the one hand, he didn't know what the two foxes would do. On the other hand, he was melted into his body by the broken black sword. I don't know what would happen. More importantly, how could he not know that the rhinoceros was like black gas in his heart just now?

"Can you tell me what happened to the shocking war between me and the rhinoceros before coming?" Jianlei Hansong stood in the air at this time, and Lin Quan and others were also raised by their vitality. The wind around them roared by, and the world was white, as if there were only four of them left in the world.

"Uncle, we were going to successfully attack the Red Camel Mountain, but a big bird appeared out of thin air. The bird's wings were afraid of hundreds of meters, and a young man sat on it, who was called the king of the Red Camel Mountain king of the Red Phoenix clan. He made such a big move!" Lin Quan arched his hand and told the truth.

"Hmm?" Jian Leihan frowned and looked into the distance. After a moment of meditation, his eyes floated back, as if he could still see clearly. He stared at Lin Quan and said, "The king of the Red Phoenix clan was in the same realm as me in those years. Now it seems that he has surpassed me a lot. Has he reached the triple realm of **?"

After thinking carefully for a while, his eyes flashed: "If the red phoenix king wants to kill a general like you, why are you still living here?"

"Master, I don't know much about this. I was fainting at that time. When I woke up, I found black smoke covering the sky, and I saw a black bird several times bigger than before shouting: 'Is it actually you? Dare to stop me! After that, there was a huge wave of air fluctuations, the mountain shattered, and the river burst out. What happened behind was what the head uncle saw!" Lin Quan answered half of the truth, but the black sword melted into his body did not say anything.

"Well!" Lei Hansong nodded. Although his eyebrows were still wrinkled and puzzled, he was not doubting Lin Quan. He remembered the scene of seeing a rhinoceros treating Lin Quan just now. He couldn't help asking, "Just now, your heart seems to have been pierced and almost dying. I don't know who did it?" It turned out that this wound could never have been caused by the Red Phoenix King, otherwise Lin Quan would have died more than 10,000 times.

Although the fox standing on both sides was surprised by the sudden change in the identity of the spirit beast in front of him, he couldn't interrupt at all. Jianlei Hansong ignored them. Suddenly, when he opened his mouth and asked, he suddenly became nervous and asked the dog to jump the wall and fight desperately.

"Uncle, my wound was accidentally injured by his vitality when fighting with the king of the red camel mountain. Speaking of which, if the rhinoceros spirit hadn't been saved in time, I would have really died here!" As soon as Lin Quan heard this, he quickly opened his mouth to explain and told another lie.

"Well, that's it!" Jianlei Hansong nodded, frowned and smiled slightly. Although there are many doubts, Cheng Song has also achieved his mission. Although he can defeat the rhinoceros spirit, he will not kill him at all. He may also force him to jump off the wall and do something out of the mark. This is the reason why he did not chase the rhinoceros just now. Without full certainty, he is absolutely unwilling to take risks.

looked at the two women beside Lin Quan and couldn't help smiling and said, "I didn't expect you to make two fox spirit friends. Moreover, these two fox spirits don't seem to be simple, and the fossil world has a human body. Although the demon spirit is still there, it is still a great skill!"

Xiaoxiang and Xiaoxue originally planned to fight to the death, but suddenly they were rescued by Lin Quan. They didn't know what it was like in their hearts. Seeing the sword, Lei Han Song talking, they didn't make a sound and didn't know how to answer.

"Hmm! The two women originally lived in the Qingqiu Valley, but were later caught by the rhinoceros. This time I got out and just rescued them together!" Lin Quan nodded and sighed, "Unfortunately, their king was killed to death. If I hadn't been alert at the beginning, I'm afraid I would have been poisoned!"

"You don't have to sigh. Now that the mission has been completed, the rhinoceros is no longer afraid. Let's go back to the mountain for the time being. After you rest for a few days, I will talk to you in detail!"

Hearing this, Jianlei Hansong's voice was bright, but he also knew that the spirit beast in the sea did experience the situation of life and death, and his mood must not be calm and he could not face it very calmly.

didn't care. I saw a vitality crossing over the sword, and lightning crossed over it. It was flying quickly in the direction of Jianyi Mountain, and disappeared in an instant!