Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 141 Search for the soul to find the law, Jinshan turns into eight gods

When Yuan Ren saw this person suddenly shouting, he thought that the other party was going to strike desperately. However, this person was trapped in the three people's array and was not afraid of any action of this person. Just as he wanted to sneer, suddenly the universe bag made a soft tearing sound. His back was cool, and the remaining light caught a glimpse of the black light flash. He subconsciously hid his head and waited carefully. When I looked at it, I saw two brothers on both sides actually landing their heads at the same time, and their blood spread in all directions!

"Ah! Yuanxin, Yuanhou!" Yuan Ren shouted loudly, but still couldn't believe how the complete victory just now changed the situation in an instant, but the two were dead, the Buddha beads on their heads broke and scattered one after another, and the bodies also fell to the ground from the suspended state. Even Yuanren lost his position and fell to the ground. At this time, he looked carefully at Lin Quan in front of him, and his breath was like hearing ghosts crying and howling!

At this time, I saw three black gas slowly condensed into a three-dimensional figure. Unexpectedly, I quickly rolled up the bodies of the two people, opened my mouths, and chewed them hard!

"Brother..." As soon as Yuan Ren saw that his two brothers could not even die, the Buddha's heart, which had been motionless for a long time, trembled slightly, and his face suddenly turned pale. When he looked at Lin Quan, he really couldn't imagine that there was such a demon in the world. Although he was the enemy of the Xinling faction, there was also a conflict of interest. He just killed people, just like the three of them plotted the person in front of them and took his strange sword, but they didn't expect that the sword had reached their hands. How could they suddenly kill people?

"Since ancient times, there have been many fake Buddhas. I killed you, which is also a contribution to the purity of Buddhism!" Lin Quan seemed to be very surprised when he saw the monk in front of him, and his tone was very relaxed, as if he had just killed not two people, but two ants and dragonflies.

"Who the hell are you? What happened to my Ryukyu Island? Yuan Ren finally saw that this person was extremely not simple. I'm afraid it was far from his initial guess, but he still had such a fluke in his heart, hoping to escape from life.

"I just wanted to subdue you on Ryukyu Island, but I didn't want you to find your own death, and I can't help it!" Lin Quan shook his head and continued, "Naturally, I have a way to know where the little girl and the white sheep are hiding. I asked you to give you a way to live, but I didn't think you were smart. It's really reasonable and retribution!" After saying that, with a move, the dark shadow that was still chewing the corpse suddenly turned into a dark sword and returned to Lin Quan's hand, but a trace of red blood kept flowing from the tip of the sword, adding a ferociousness to it.

"Hahahaha... I remember you. Do you think I only have such a little means?" However, when Yuan Ren saw that the sword seemed to be spiritual, he finally remembered something. There was no longer any intention to kill Lin Quan here, but suddenly laughed, and the person disappeared out of thin air, leaving no breath!

"Jinshan Huashen has been completely successful. Do you want to come early?" Seeing this, Lin Quan seemed to have been prepared for a long time. In a flash, he actually disappeared out of thin air. However, if there are tall people here, you will find that the two have not disappeared in place, but just stepped into a fantasy.

The whole Jinshan Mountains seem to be about to completely succeed and achieve spiritual life. Obviously, a certain mechanism has accelerated its liberation. I don't know whether it is Yuanren monk or other reasons. However, with the power of rotation of divine power, Lin Quan is not afraid at all and is faintly excited. If he takes advantage of this spiritual life to be fragile, he will be captured in one fell swoop. Integrating into the eight golden bodies will immediately bring unimaginable benefits to yourself. Of course, even when Jinshan Huashen is fragile, it is definitely not so easy to deal with. According to the method of condensing the eight golden bodies, the more powerful the gods and gods, the more powerful they have a stronger effect on the eight golden bodies. Now Lin Quan's top priority is not the Yuanren monk, but the Jinshan gods.

In the moment of invisibility, it seems that after countless vicissitudes, Lin Quan's eyes and consciousness seem to see the ups and downs of countless worlds, and countless creatures are born and destroyed. It is said that when the invincible natural gods turn into spiritual life, countless people around him will reappear now. Although all kinds of things do not have to be very real, the spectacular scenery is better than that, and Lin Quan happened to be in the Jinshan Mountains at this moment, and he actually saw this extremely spectacular scene!

"The love of a thousand years, the scene of hundreds of millions of years can only be seen in a moment. Time, more, less, long or short, once the idea moves, can cross thousands of time and space, and the thoughts do not move. Even after the vicissitudes of life, it is still like silence!" Lin Quan's time travel at this moment unexpectedly entered a state of enlightenment. For a while, it seemed that after ten thousand years, and it seemed that there was only a moment, Lin Quan's eyes suddenly flashed a flexible light. The black sword in his hand became darker and darker. With a loud voice, it actually shook the echo of the whole mountain, and the triangular black line in the palm of his right hand, However, it instantly turned into two triangles, intersecting, shining with the strange light of the six-pointed star.

"I, Lin Quan, created my own ten thousand solutions of swordsmanship. I always thought that there were only three styles, but I didn't know that my swordsmanship left everything in a moment. Although it only lasts for one second, the changes are endless. Although it is three styles, but three lifetimes of all things are not enough to exhaust!" Lin Quan laughed, and his whole body turned into a monster with eight arms and three heads, but the tiger pattern on his body actually shone a little. The monster-like man roared and shook the mountain. His eyes seemed to pass through a lot of illusions and saw through Yuanren, who was hiding in a corner of tension and alert.

"Hahaha, Yuanren, I will let you try the time style of my new swordsmanship!" After saying that, the black sword in his hand instantly turned into smoke, rolled and expanded ten thousand times, sweeping away to Yuanren, like a river out of thin air, completely violating the physical rules, and leaping into the sky between the two. The river seemed to be illusory, like a rotating drill, and like a calm flowing ordinary liquid. It was actually a river of time. !

The river broke through thousands of fantasy barriers in an instant and completely submerged it in Yuanren's extremely frightened eyes. Only bursts of shouts came from a black smoke chaos, like a ghost crying and howling.

When the black smoke finally dissipated and turned into a black sword hanging in front of Lin Quan, the surrounding fantasy had all been broken. At this time, Yuanren, who was still energetic in front of him, was actually full of wrinkles, old-fashioned dragon bells, and his eyes were even more vicissitudes. He lost any fighting spirit. How could he have a trace of strength? I'm afraid that for a moment, the soul will return to another place and will never exist.

There are ten thousand solutions of swordsmanship, and the river of time is endless. What power can resist time in the world?

"" Yuan Ren coughed twice and wanted to say something, but he felt gasping, extremely weak, and even difficult to speak. How could he have the temperament of the day?

"Don't say much, I'll send you back to the Western Bliss!" Lin Quan sneered, jumped to bully his body and approached, grabbed Yuanren's spiritual cover in his hand, and suddenly used his luck. Black smoke came out of his mind, and a trace of blood overflowed his skin, which was even more ferocious. After a while, he saw that the person in front of him really went to the west, and the black six-pointed star in Lin Quan's right hand became more and more shiny, as if there was a faint explosive power hidden in it.

"Fahua Temple, haha, what a Fahua Temple, it's just a wonderful place!" Lin Quan smiled and turned his head. Through the layers of illusion that have been repaired, he suddenly shouted, "Beast, why don't you come back quickly? Do you really want to suffer a little?"

Lin Quan's roar is like a stone killing the water of the pool, which looks a little strange in the golden passage that seems extremely empty and quiet now. After all, Lin Quan is the only one in this place now. People who don't know will think that this person is nervous and roaring at the air.

"Humble human beings, I am a natural spirit. How can I tolerate your drive? Get out of my territory quickly, and I will spare your life, or it will be too late to repent!" After a while, I saw a voice echoing extremely loudly between the passages, which seemed to be born with a majestic luxury, and: innocence!

Yes, Jinshan Huashen is the top aura of the Jinshan Mountains. It is nourished by the sun and the moon. It is a supreme spirit that can be formed in hundreds of millions of years. It has an innately noble atmosphere. With a slight movement, Lin Quan understands the time style of swordsmanship. You can imagine the mystery of heaven and earth and infinite vitality contained in it. . However, the Jinshan God was obviously summoned out in advance by Yuan Ren who did not know what secret method he used. He had a great affection for Yuanren, so he helped him use his natural skills to hide. However, Yuanren was killed by Lin Quan's destruction of the illusion array. It is strange that this natural spirit will have a good impression on Lin Quan. However, it is gratifying that after all, he has just been born. There are two most effective methods for this kind of creature. One is Yuan Ren's candy, and the other is Lin Quan's knife and gun!

"Well, don't be afraid of yourself. If you come out obediently, I can consider spare your life, not directly decompose you into the eight golden bodies, and give you eight stronger bodies. Do you really think I dare not kill you now?" Lin Quan threatened loudly, but he had long known that this Jinshan god was forced to calm down, not to mention that the initial spiritual life was already extremely weak. At this time, he was even more advanced, which was much more fragile than the ordinary time Jinshan. Speaking of which, the earth and petrochemical god has always been a legendary thing. At the beginning, Lin Quan and Mu Ruomin talked about many such issues all the way. At that time, Lin Quan did not think so, but now he really finds that there is such a creature in the world.

"The earth and stone mountains can be turned into gods. This Ryukyu Island is a corner of the Jinshan Mountains that can be turned into creatures. What if the Jinshan Mountains are a corner of a larger mountain range? And something bigger?" Lin Quan vaguely guessed something, but he couldn't believe it more and more: "No, how can it be? I must have been wrong. How can this world be a life?" Lin Quan shook his head and still felt incredible about what he had just thought.

However, the little life that hid in the fantasy not far away and trembled but still pretended to be strong still made Lin Quan feel a little ridiculous, and lost his anger for a moment. He just jumped through the illusion and quietly looked at the big ball with high knees in front of him.

This big ball is actually the god of Jinshan! It's actually a natural spirit!

"I come to your side now. Although you can mobilize the power of the body a little, it is a pity that you have become my fish first. Do you need to think much about where you are going now? Either melted by me or attached to me, and I will give you eight supreme bodies!" As Lin Quan opened his mouth to persuade, his whole body suddenly burned, and his voice seemed to have the reverberation of the devil, shocking the weak heart of this newborn little spiritual life.

"Humble human beings, I will not be coerced by you!" The big ball heard Lin Quan's horrible voice. Although his body trembled and unconsciously rolled half a foot, it still made a sound that seemed to be very resolute.

"Well, in this case..." Lin Quan suddenly extinguished the burning flame on his body. When his mind moved, he saw a black light flash on his body, and a dark sword hung in front of Lin Quan. At this time, he seemed to be shaking slightly, as if he had beaten chicken blood, and he was very excited.

"Lin soul, Lin soul, the sword soul belongs to my Lin Quan, haha, how do you think you should teach this big ball a lesson, do it to your heart's content!" Lin Quan smiled. As soon as the words fell, Lin Hunjian left Lin Quan in an instant and suspended above the head of the big ball. After a while, he rotated around the big ball, as if he was very curious and carefully observing something.

"How can humble spiritual life know the nobility of my natural gods?" He didn't think that the black sword did not act, but the big ball was bold and opened his mouth to scold Lin Soul Sword.

" hiss!" The long sword seemed to understand the words of the big ball, and the tip of the sword trembled and made a snake-like hiss, as if scolding the big ball in front of him.

"Well, although we are both dead and gods, how do you know my nobility?" Seeing that the sword has been around for a long time, the big ball still did not move, and taught more and more lessons.

"Ban!" This time, the long sword suddenly trembled and made a sound of gold and iron fighting, as if it was extremely angry. It suddenly drilled down and completely acquiesced to the inside of the big ball, but there was no sound.

"Ah, ah... don't, don't..." paused for half a sound, and suddenly saw the big ball coming up and down fiercely, hitting the golden wall. The whole golden channel screamed bitterly, like a hundred generations of resentment broke out overnight, and it seemed to be extinct in a thousand days. It was really miserable. Lin Quan, who only heard him become a demon, couldn't help trembling slightly and sweating coldly. He couldn't help frowning and said, "Forget it, come back first!"

"Hum!" A vibration sounded, and a black smoke came out of the inside of the big ball. In an instant, it disappeared into Linquan Tianling, without any sound, as if it had never existed.

"How do you feel now?" Lin Quan approached, smiled and asked.

"Although my life is noble, it is also a high-level spiritual life according to what my Taoist friends have just done. Please don't kill each other. Why should we be ordered by this humble spiritual order?" I didn't think that Daqiu not only did not answer Lin Quan's question, but also asked Lin Quan's soul sword in Lin Quan's body.

"Well, toast, don't eat punishment, okay? Although your life is expensive, you haven't grown up after all, and you are not qualified enough for me to spend more time!" After listening to this, Lin Quan's eyes were as cold as frost in an instant. He turned his back and heard a sudden extremely sad scream, and there was no sound in the channel.

At this time, if someone carefully observes the movement in Lin Quan's body, he will find that a dark and very magical spiritual sword actually trembles. This scream is obviously more unbearable than the scream of Lin Quan's tortured by the big ball just now, which is simply unbearable! Lin Quan, who had just been in a stable state and wanted to subdue the divine life, unexpectedly became an extremely cold killer, which just confirmed Lin Quan's demon nature.

"Humph!" Lin Quan looked at the completely melted golden water in front of him, waved his hand slightly and brought it all up. The fire on his body still maintained the melting state of golden water. He quickly ran to the eight golden bodies he had been to before. Along the way, the ball-shaped golden water slowly turned golden red and turned into The blood-red color, finally, in the continuous barbecue of the flame, turned into a faint pink color - this is the essence of the mountain god of Ryukyu Island. As long as it is completely integrated into the golden statue, its unique formation will be fully revived. At that time, Lin Quan will really have eight invincible golden generals that can't be killed! There is also an almost infinable mountain vitality!

Lin Quan's original intention is to make Jinshan Huashen the master of the golden body, so that his eight men have the real potential to follow him all the time. Unfortunately, he killed him in anger just now, and he can only get these eight temporarily powerful golden bodies, but since he became a demon, he has never done anything for himself. I have a little regret about this. Now although the power has been reduced, it is still an extremely terrible war machine. According to the eight condensed determination, when the eight golden bodies are fully condensed and successful, they can be turned into the size of fingers. It is really a rare treasure in the world!

"Lin Soul, do you want to eat them?" Lin Quan felt the throbbing of the sword in his body. How could he not know what he was thinking? I couldn't help asking.

Seeing a slight shaking in his chest, Lin Quan immediately understood the meaning of his own magic weapon, but nodded slightly and said, "Well, I will let you get it sooner or later, but now these eight golden bodies still have a great effect, and with your current qualifications, you can't digest it even if you swallow it, and you don't have to worry!"

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, the pink water ball spread out and instantly blended evenly into the eight huge golden bodies. The pink water ball touched the runes in the huge statue, as if it suddenly had life. Unexpectedly, it took the initiative to spread all over the golden elephant's body in a strange and very order. After a moment, it slowly stopped flowing and suddenly The flash suddenly disappeared into the depths of the statue and disappeared.

"Boom..." Eight huge statues opened their eyes at the same time and looked at Xiao Xiaolinquan in front of them. A huge statue in front of them suddenly shouted: "Welcome back to the master. I'll be waiting for you!" After saying that, the eight statues actually sat down cross-legged, meditated, and closed their eyes. They didn't know what they were doing.

"Hmm!" Lin Quan nodded and looked at the faceless female statue broken into two pieces. He didn't think much about it. He looked at the endless height above his head. If he could see through the endless void, he nodded for a long time and smiled, "Sure enough, it was not unexpected. You shouldn't be an ordinary person!" After laughing, a gust of wind echoed between the golden tunnels, and Lin Quan, a rapid speed, was a little faster than the first time he went out. In a short time, he reached dozens of meters deep at the bottom of the well, jumped out of the well and came to the place where he had just entered!