Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 156 Light and shadow enter the gold and kill the sky, and chase the dead together

"Try to solve this?" As soon as Yuan Dongyong heard the meaning in the clouds, he couldn't help asking, "Brother Lin Quan, what do you mean?"

"I swallowed the greenwood flowers that day and closed my eyes for a hundred years. Outside, I encountered a bottleneck, which is also two major reasons. I have never dared to make up my mind. Now it seems that only such a try can I achieve my heart's wish!" Lin Quan's eyes flashed and made up his mind. Suddenly, he stretched out his head, looked like a lamb, and replied, "Brother Ape, you have also been wondering about my little horn. Why am I not like that? Now I have just helped me with this wish. Please don't show mercy!"

"Do you... really want to do this?" Yuan Dongyong looked at it, but his heart was very strange, but Lin Quan's eyes were extremely resolute. It was definitely not like the temporary determination, but he was not a gossip person. He just nod and said, "Brother Lin Quan, I, Yuan Dongyong, have always been strange for you. You don't want to say more. There must be your own reason. I'm silent. The magic power works, but there is no pain. Suffer it!" As soon as the words fell, the dark shadow in his hand flashed. Without waiting for Lin Quan to react, he fell straight to the ground without any consciousness.

However, the ape Dongyong, who had just waved the big stick, looked at the little horn he had just struggled to cut. Not only was the little horn cut off by his own stick, but it didn't even shake, as if his hard blow was mud into the sea and could not make any waves. On the contrary, Lin Quan was hit by this book. Instead of aiming at his own blow, he fell into a coma without any movement.

"What's the truth? When did my silent magic power become so unsightly? Did I even aim wrong just now and cut Lin Quan with one blow? This is amazing!" Yuan Dongyong was frowning and was about to rush over to carefully explore Lin Quan's physical condition. Suddenly, he saw a faint white light from the corners of his eyebrows, and there was a virtual shadow hidden in the white light. The white light was like a small grass. The grass had six leaves, one leaf square, one leaf diamond-shaped, one leaf round, one oval, one rectangular leaf rectangular, but one leaf It's a triangle. As soon as the grass appeared, it immediately shocked the ape Dongyong: "Six petals to the heart grass!"

However, before he acted too much, the shadow-like grass quickly hid into Lin Quan's eyebrows and spread all over his body in an instant, and could no longer find any breath.

"Who!" Just as Yuan Dongyong was still worried about Lin Quan's state and didn't dare to check it, he suddenly saw a little golden light in the sky. This golden light was obviously a figure, which seemed to give him an extremely familiar feeling, but he had undoubtedly not seen it in his heart. Most importantly, an extremely strong good thing surged in Yu Yuan Dongyong's heart. Qixinlai, this curiosity made him unbearable. He looked at Lin Quan, who was still fainting, resolutely chased the sky and shouted, "Who is the master who peeping at me? Why don't you dare to see me?"

But every time I have to catch up with this golden figure, this figure is as if it has been prepared for a long time, which can be thousands of miles away. No matter how Yuan Dongyong rises up and chases, he can't really catch up. As soon as these two light and shadows chased and escapes, they chased hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant and chased to a place that Yuan Dongyong himself, as if Finally, sensing something, Yuan Dongyong's expression condensed, stopped flying, and began to carefully look at the surrounding environment.

"Gold Kills Kong!" After observing the surrounding environment clearly, Yuan Dongyong only felt that the hair on his whole back stood upright! Jin Killingkong has been famous for Jinyuan's killing since ancient times. Even if it is ** triple realm, it will never dare to get involved. It is precisely because the degree of Jinyuan's gas bursting completely breaks through the limit of the human body. If you don't reach the situation of breaking the journey, you can avoid the attack at will, and you will never escape the attack of hundreds of hundreds of millions of golden swords. Even if you reach ** triple, your body is completely Without human form, it is still difficult to die with ten thousand swords piercing the heart, but it still can't resist the damage caused by the tearing of hundreds of millions of golden swords. When it really comes to this, there is no way to escape, and the key is that Yuan Dongyong is only ** double now. If a billions of flying swords really attack, as long as one or two flying swords penetrate its head There is no doubt that you will die. There is no need to spend too much effort.

"Hurry up and say, I don't know who wants to seduce me!" As soon as Yuan Dongyong saw it, he was willing to stay more. When someone wanted to ambush himself, he quickly turned back and retreated. He was really afraid that this strange golden killing air would suddenly give birth to a billion-dollar golden sword in front of his eyes. Then how could he still live to enjoy this good time?

"If it comes, it will be safe. Why are you in such a hurry to go back?" As soon as Yuan Dongyong flew a few steps, a majestic and deep voice came from his ears, but the voice was soft and gentle, not irritable at all, and did not look like ambush him.

"What a master, why do you pretend to be a ghost, dare not see each other, and design to introduce me to this infinite killing world!" Yuan Dongyong turned around and glanced around. He didn't see anyone. He couldn't help saying coldly.

"You must be worried about the reason why you heard that this gold is empty, claiming that the non-** quadruple can't survive!" The voice smiled faintly again, as if everything was clear, and continued to say, "But you are too worried. Jin Kill Kong is indeed extremely dangerous, but only for you, there is not only no harm, but also countless benefits. Only by practicing on this can you really show the advantages of your silent spirit!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a golden figure staying 100 meters away from Yuan Dongyong. The figure was very vague and not real. He seemed to be as tall as Lin Quan. But in Yuan Dongyong's eyes, this person seemed to be many times taller than the whole Tianshan Mountain, which was simply inhuman. This is a momentum of completely detached from this world!

"What did you mean when I saw you peeping at me and the Lin Quan brothers just now?" Seeing that this man was still pretending to be a ghost, Yuan Dongyong frowned and asked.

"Hahaha, don't be wary of the golden killing around you. Even if hundreds of millions of golden swords are coming, it's beneficial and harmless to you. It doesn't matter who I am. I'm here to give you something, a thing that belongs to you!" The voice smiled again. Yuan Dongyong only felt that his eyes were blurred and he didn't understand what was going on. He saw an extra unicorn-like red jade in his hand, and he didn't understand what was going on. When he looked carefully, the golden shadow in front of him just now was completely gone. He couldn't help but be angry and shouted, "Master Yuan I am born with a spiritual life. Who on earth are you? How dare you to tease me, let alone show your true face? One day I will capture you in your hand and make you kneel down!"

"Hahaha, there is no natural destiny in the world, your background, but unfortunately you don't know it at all. If you want to see me, follow the man lying on the ground below. When you really see me one day, you will regret what you said today!" I only heard an empty and loud voice around, but there was still some jokes, as if Yuan Dongyong was not an enemy or a friend in his hands, but just a funny child!

"Damn it!" How can Yuan Dongyong not be angry, but there is nothing he can do. He can't catch the enemy's shadow, how can he fight against the enemy? He looked carefully at the red jade in his hand. The jade body was warm and beautiful, not as natural, but like an extremely perverted master carefully polished. He also felt that the shape of the jade was very familiar. After thinking about it, he suddenly remembered something. With a wave of his hand, a dark stick 300 feet long appeared. If you look carefully, you will feel that it is 3,000 meters long. , more than 30,000 meters, it's really a little strange. It's the magic weapon of life: evil incense to stimulate the soul stick!

"Sure enough!" Yuan Dongyong took a closer look and saw a small depression in the stick. Compared with the red jade, it happened to match. It was seamless. Has this red jade always been part of his magic weapon? Thinking of this, Yuan Dongyong had a faint guess in his heart, resisted the stag and a little excitement in his heart, and slowly pasted the red jade into the depression.

"Master, I haven't reached my own spirit, and I have always understood that I am missing. Now that I can find myself, it should be a real spiritual weapon. Director Xie gave me spirituality!" Unexpectedly, as soon as Yuan Dongyong put Hongyu into it, he saw the evil fragrance and soul-promoting stick tremble, and then he actually spit out words, and escaped from Lin Quan's hands. He flew over this lightless airspace and ran around for a moment. He looked really excited and encountered a great happy event!

"So strange, is this red jade one of my magic weapons from the beginning? How could it be in the hands of the mysterious person just now? I am born with a spiritual life. Why did he say that there is no such thing as a natural spiritual life in the world? If what he said is true, then..." Thinking of this, he looked at the surrounding environment, and thinking about Lin Quan, who was still unconscious just now. There was a thrill all over his body. Yuan Dongyong shouted, "Bang, follow me to withdraw from the golden sky!" With one hand grasp, he galloped down the airspace at a high speed.

"No, why are you so lucky? I have been brave for thousands of years, and I'm going to die here confusedly today?" However, hundreds of millions of golden swords suddenly appeared in front of Yuan Dongyong's eyes. These golden swords appeared in less than five meters in front of Yuan Dongyong without any warning. As soon as the momentum and power emitted, Yuan Dongyong was deeply shocked. He only had time to make this sigh in his heart and watched countless flying swords directly penetrated through his body. But there is no sound!

"Oh, why don't these swordsmanships tear me into thousands of pieces as I thought? Has I been dead for so long?" Yuan Dongyong had seen that there were too many flying swords in front of him, and he had not broken the four-fold supreme realm. There was no ability to rotate and hide in the void! I just run my whole body's vitality to the extreme, hoping to resist it for a moment. This golden flying sword will quickly disappear by itself, and I'm ready to die. However, nearly half a moment later, I'm still sensitive and don't see any injury at all. I feel that Dantian's eyebrows are full of heat waves rising. It's not more like a dying person, more like a hard practice pervert. It's just a practice of skill and vitality to the extreme.

"No, no, why did this billion golden sword suddenly stand still!" Yuan Dongyong opened his eyes and looked carefully and found that the countless stars around him were completely still. He seemed to feel his existence. As soon as he opened his eyes, he rotated around himself crazily. While making a sonorous sound of gold and iron, he slowly condensed and suddenly turned into an endless golden whirlpool. The whirlpool rotated for a while, as if it was finally tired of it. Suddenly, it drilled into Yuandong bravely, and the speed was incredible.

"Ah, why is this golden vitality still spiritual? Awesome, help me break this supreme murder!" At first sight of Yuan Dongyong, where is there any reason not to worry about being on guard? Only his eyes were red, and the quiet magic power was running. The stick was stimulated by this, as if it had also eaten stimulants. It flew up and down at a high speed. Each stick seemed to have the breath of ape Dongyong's unique skills. It seemed that it was really integrated with ape Dongyong, and the tacit understanding was so that it could not be added, and the whole four directions were waded up and down. Through the wind, hundreds of millions of golden swords can't penetrate for a while. Every time they break through the defense line, they are still for a moment and are cut out by sticks. Looking from the periphery to the center, countless golden light spots are scattered everywhere, which is really spectacular.

"Master, the golden sword suddenly has a great power, and I can't stand it!" After waiting for a moment, I saw the evil incense and soul-promoting stick tremble and almost flew away from Yuan Dongyong's hand. Obviously, it ran to the limit and could no longer resist it. However, countless golden swords around one person and one stick were different from them. The vitality and energy seemed to be endless. Seeing Yuan Dongyong's weakness, he suddenly intensified his speed every second. Zhong, isn't there a hundred thousand swords of Jinyuan who hit the evil incense and soul-suppressing stick? It's really harmful to talk about it. If you really want to pass through Yuan Dongyong's body, there is no reason not to be broken by thousands of swords!

"It's really stupid. I've told you that this golden killing is not harmful to you, and you have to fight hard!" However, listening to a faint human voice suddenly came from the void, Yuan Dongyong was stimulated by this sound. He suddenly felt that the thirty-six veins were weak, and even his magic weapon was completely softened. The countless golden swords around seemed to see the fatigue of the man, immediately converged into a stream, and instantly penetrated into the center of Yuan Dongyong's eyebrows!

Billions of vitality golden swords actually penetrated into the eyebrows of Yuan Dongyong in an instant!

Whether this vitality is good or bad, how much pressure should he put on his body?

"Ah..." I saw Yuan Dongyong open his fangs and huge mouth, and his whole body was in great pain. The six holes gave birth to dark smoke, his nails and teeth were slightly red, and even his fur curled up. He really looked like a burning beast. As long as he saw this scene, he was afraid that he would be deeply distressed by the ferocious pain on his face. Shock, never forget!

This scene lasted for a moment before I saw that Yuan Dongyong finally calmed down, but his fur was slightly red and yellow, and the big stick in his hand was so docile that he no longer trembled, but the temperament of the whole person was very different from a moment ago, as if it had broken a certain layer of body barrier!

"**Triple! It's actually ** triple, but why can't I still turn into a human form? The bottleneck that has been bothering me all the time, how did you break it just now? Hearing Yuan Dongyong mutter to himself, he was afraid of the pain just now, and full of doubts about the strange sound. The golden sword spirit of Jin Killing Kong has always made all masters afraid and frightened. How did it come to himself and have such a huge benefit?

"Never mind, go back and see the Lin Quan brothers first!" Yuan Dongyong thought slightly and found that he really couldn't see the reason. The mysterious figure was invisible. With his current cultivation, he couldn't catch any clues at all, so he had to turn around and fly to the direction quickly. This speed was several times happier than ** double. In a moment, he came to Lin Quan and looked at the two open. Lin Quan had an explanation in his heart, but he was afraid that Lin Quan would misunderstand that he had just plotted on him.

"Brother Ape, as I guessed, you really can't remove my little horn, but completely stimulate the medicinal power of six petals of heart grass. Now I've been **, but I don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse!" Lin Quan didn't know where Yuan Dongyong had just gone and why the change in his body was caused, but his change had made him sigh.

"What? Have you broken the double situation?" Yuan Dongyong was incomparably surprised when he heard it, which was even more surprised than the mysterious figure he had just seen: "From ancient times to the present, high-level masters can directly see through the cultivation of low-level masters. Why can't I find your cultivation? Are you sure you have reached the ** double realm?"

"My bones and organs are all broken, but my brain is still a fossil body. How can I not know that I have reached the ** double state?" When Lin Quan was asked this question, he wondered about the ape Dongyong in front of him and asked, "Brother Ape, what did you do just now? Why did the skin and hair change color when you came back?

"Hahaha, Brother Lin Quan, I have now completely broken through the bottleneck of this world and reached the highest level that this world can enter since the accident: ** triple! If you really break the double realm and play a greater power, won't God help us get rid of demons and get rid of the right path. After arriving at Tianshan Mountain, we will be free in thousands of worlds?

"That's right. I don't know where Brother Ape went just now. If he really has a triple realm, why don't you change your body quickly?" Although Lin Quan was still vaguely uneasy in his heart, he didn't want to say it to sweep away the interest of the two people. He just opened his mouth and asked himself doubts.

"I just tracked a mysterious golden man, but I don't know how to help me break through this triple situation. Brother Lin, you help me regain the magic weapon first. Today's promotion realm has nothing to do with you. Now I will follow you to fight. Where are we going next? Should we go straight to Tianshan to kill the real demon?"

"It shouldn't be like this. The real demon of Tianshan will be eliminated sooner or later, but the gun is easy to hide, and the hidden arrow is difficult to prevent. Let's go to the Baigong River first and settle a grudge, so that we can let go of our hands and feet to go to Tianshan Mountain!" Although Lin Quan was vaguely worried, he was still very happy for the promotion of the two at the same time. Thinking of the unresolved enmity in those years, he made up his mind and went away with a "sudden" sound.

"Brother Linquan, I'll go without your mind, but you forgot that there are two other things that haven't come out except for this thing in your heart!" Yuan Dongyong smiled and followed quickly. When he remembered all kinds of things, he opened his mouth to remind Lin Quan.