Mechanical Soul

Chapter 4 Graduation Assessment

"Ps. Shen Feng, why don't you go in for the assessment?" The speaker is a young and energetic girl, who looks a little older than Shen Feng. She looks very lively and energetic. At this time, the girl looked at Shen Feng with a smile and seemed to be curious about why Shen Feng did not enter the examination.

Shen Feng is also a famous person in the college. After all, people with excellent grades are also good-looking, and the most important thing is that he is often punished for fighting. Moreover, Shen Feng is very talkative, and his speech is also slightly gentle, which is easy to make people feel good. However, no matter how good these advantages are, they don't seem to change the fact that Shen Feng has no money.

For the girl's curiosity, Shen Feng just shook his head apologetically and did not answer. Just as Shen Feng shook his head, three familiar figures of Shen Feng came out of the door of the examination room. One of the mature and beautiful women adjusted her breathing, suppressed her anger, and said slightly harshly, "Shen Feng, what are you doing? Why don't you go in quickly for the assessment?

This mature and beautiful woman is Shen Feng's head teacher, named Yu Qiuyu, who is often so angry that she has nothing to say. Shen Feng either doesn't come for a few days, or doesn't come for months, or fights when she comes, which simply doesn't make her feel better all day. Today, she was almost angry that she couldn't get in touch with Shen Feng on the day of the graduation examination. If Shen Feng is an ordinary student, it's okay, but Shen Feng is the pride of Cloud Blue Star.

Without waiting for Shen Feng to say anything, Yu Qiuyu said, "Shen Feng, the high school graduation assessment is one of the most important things in life, which almost determines a person's life. How can you be late?"

After Yu Qiuyu finished speaking, the monitor behind him said eagerly, "Yes, how can you be worthy of the teacher's concern, how can you be worthy of our class, how can you be worthy of our college, how can you be worthy of the expectations of the people of Yunlanxing, and how can you be worthy of the hope of the human alliance..."

The girl behind Yu Qiuyu raised her arrogant head, buried her disgust in her mind, and said coldly, "Shen Feng, go in quickly for the assessment. Your late college will deal with it. Aren't you the first in the Cloud Blue Star? Why are you still afraid of the graduation examination?

Yu Qiuyu's words are okay, but Shen Feng is uncomfortable after listening to the other two people's words. The man's name is Kailas, hypocritical to death. The woman's name is Beidi, arrogant to death. If it weren't for Yu Qiuyu, Shen Feng would have turned a blind eye and left directly.

Shen Feng looked at Yu Qiuyu and silently walked into the door of the examination room. Yu Qiuyu shook his head slightly and followed Shen Feng closely, as if he was afraid that Shen Feng would escape. Kailas and Bedi buried their eyes of contempt and disgust deeply and followed Yu Qiuyu.

The girl who greeted Shen Feng before smiled gently and whispered, "It seems that the senior's interpersonal relationship is not so good."

Shen Yun's heart was not so calm. She pouted and said, "It's just that there is no money and power. Be careful that I will trample you to death in the future. What's so great about the children of a big family? They are far from my brother.

Not long after Shen Feng entered the examination room, a young man as thin as a monkey ran over, his face was pale, and he said extremely excitedly, "Madman, you finally came. I thought you were lost in the suburbs. This assessment is really exciting, especially air warfare and space warfare.

Shen Feng smiled and said nothing. This person, Ke Hou, is one of Shen Feng's best friends and is afraid of heights. Ke Hou refused to participate in air combat at the beginning. Later, he liked a girl who applied for the air force and began air combat training in such a confused way. Every time he drove the fighter plane, his face was pale.

Yunlan Star Academy is a military academy. There is no written examination, only a real combat assessment. There are many arms now, and the assessment is for the respective arms reported. For example, Kehou reported to the air force and only assessed the standards of the air force. Originally, I was afraid of heights and couldn't participate in the air force, and I didn't know how to let Ke Hou pass the physical examination.

Every assessment is relatively cumbersome. Shen Feng patted Ke Hou on the shoulder and said, "Monkey, stick to it."

Ke Hou nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry, my physical fitness is not as good as yours, but I can definitely stick to the end. Well, I'm going to participate in the next assessment of air emergency handling. If you can do it, I won't talk nonsense.

After Ke Hou finished speaking, his footsteps ran away mysteriously. Shen Feng looked at Ke Hou's resolute back, and his eyes gradually became firm. It is impossible to cheat in a physical examination. After all, it is life-threatening. Those who are afraid of heights can pass the air force's physical examination and adhere to air force training, which is really rare.

The hurried figure passed in front of him. Shen Feng stopped for a moment and then walked to the place he wanted to assess. Anyway, I have been working hard for more than ten years, not for today's glory. If you pass, you can choose not to go to the Federal Military Academy. If there is an accident, it doesn't matter.

Yu Qiuyu felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Shen Feng today, but he still said encouragingly, "Shen Feng, come on!"

Shen Feng turned around and gave Yu Qiuyu a reassuring smile and quickly walked to his first examination room. The arms reported by Shen Feng are mecha soldiers, plus all-round special forces. In today's era when warships are full of space, it is particularly important to be able to control mecha battles. No matter how powerful the warship is, it is impossible to land on the planet to fight, and the resources consumed by the warship are horrible. In the era of resource constraints and the development of new planets, there are more battles on the planet than cosmic warfare.

There are two modes for graduation assessment, one is virtual mode and the other is real mode. Virtual mode is to scan 100% of people's data onto the cosmic network, so that people can enter a 100% real virtual world for assessment. The real mode is the assessment of live ammunition, and there may be casualties.

"Student Shen Feng, please conduct the martial arts assessment!"

When he came to the first assessment site, the robot, which was no different from human appearance, said to Shen Feng. Shen Feng nodded and followed the robot into a room.

"The first item, strength test! Ask Shen Feng, a student, to attack the strength tester in front of him.

Shen Feng did not test his strength for the first time. He took a breath and punched straight at lightning speed. At the moment when Shen Feng punched, you can see Shen Feng's right hand blue veins bulging, muscles tightening, and subtle movements in his waist and legs.

"Bum..." With a muffled sound, the light curtain on the tester aroused a ripple, and then quickly showed a data. The tester is actually a square energy screen, which can withstand huge forces and has the ability to scan and analyze.

"Basic strength 88 points, 92 points, punching speed 95 points, resulting in 94 points, comprehensively rated as S-level."

The sweet sound synthesized reported Shen Feng's achievements. This achievement is set according to the peak ability of the two-star warrior, which shows that Shen Feng is still excellent among the two-star warriors. However, the highest rating is SSS, and Shen Fengyuan did not reach the peak of the two-star warrior. If you don't become a two-star warrior, you will definitely fail.

People who cultivate the power of cosmic qi and blood crystals are called warriors. The strength of the warrior is divided into nine stars, the lowest one star and the highest nine stars. When the warrior reaches nine stars, another level is called Wusheng. There is also a god of war above the martial saint. Legend has it that the god of war has reached the realm of the god of war.

Shen Feng is still satisfied with this result, and his physical strength alone has reached the excellent level of two stars. If the power of blood crystals is used, this test is not difficult. Of course, this is not difficult, just for Shen Feng. Ordinary people are 15 years old when they cultivate the source power, and people who can really master the power of blood crystals are basically over 18 years old.

"Next is the speed test. Please run through the road ahead of you as fast as possible."

The synthesized voice spoke slowly, and a light road suddenly appeared in front of Shen Feng. This kind of road can accurately analyze the speed of Shen Feng and calculate the time taken by Shen Feng. Although this room is not as wide as 100 meters, this road can test the infinite distance. Of course, these journeys are simulated.

Shen Feng took a breath, his toes violently, and his figure turned into a streamer and ran towards the light road. The moment he stepped on the light road, Shen Feng knew that the timing had begun. A total distance of 1,000 meters, you can see the illusions under Shen Feng's feet on the light road. It took less than five seconds for Shen Feng to finish the journey.

"The initial speed is 99 minutes, the outbreak is 99 minutes, the limit is 99 minutes, the time taken is 4 seconds 53, and the comprehensive evaluation of SSS."

After the speed test, Shen Feng quietly waited for the next test. There are three warrior tests, strength, speed and reaction, and the test items of reaction are actual combat.

The last item of the martial arts test, the actual reaction test! Please defeat the enemy in front of you as soon as possible.

As soon as the synthesized sound ended, ten combat robots appeared around Shen Feng. Each combat robot wore a black suit and looked cold and handsome. Ultra-high intelligence enables them to respond quickly to various attacks and make various attacks quickly. These combat robots also have various virtual weapons in their hands, which are not lethal, but are judged dead when hit. These ten combat robots only have the strength of two-star warriors and will not be very abnormal, and they are also set up with deadly places. As long as the attack is strong enough, they can stop the combat robots.


As soon as the synthesized sound sounded, ten combat robots launched different movements. Four rushed to Shen Feng, and six quickly pulled out their guns. At the beginning, Shen Feng was surrounded by ten combat robots, and the situation was not optimistic.

At the first time, Shen Feng raised his speed to the limit and rushed straight ahead. This room was not big. In a few seconds, Shen Feng came into contact with the combat robot in front of him. The speed of the combat robot equivalent to the two-star warrior is far from that of Shen Feng. As soon as the combat robot moves, Shen Feng's speed is faster. Face to face, the combat robot was choked by Shen Feng, judged dead, and stopped all actions.

This moment is very short. The combat robot with a gun has buckled the board machine, and white light appeared from the muzzle of the gun and shot at a near-light speed to Shen Feng. Now, the era of metal bullets is almost over, and most of them use energy guns.

It is a little unrealistic for Shen Feng to avoid the speed of light, but the speed of the energy gun has not reached the speed of light, and there is also a period of energy gathering time when shooting. Although it is less than a few seconds, it is enough to make some reactions.

Six rays of light came from six directions. At the moment when the six combat robots pull the board machine, Shen Feng has made a direction judgment. When the muzzle of the gun glowed, Shen Feng began to dodge.

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